Search: "baby gear"

Baby Gear we Love: 6 Months

Newborn Baby Gear We Love (Claire Edition) Newborn Baby Gear We Love (Henry Edition) 4.5 Months: Baby Gear We Love (Henry Edition) 8.5 Months: Baby Gear We Love (Henry Edition)   Here are the toys and gear that our little Claire loves at the half-year mark!   The IKEA High Chair Seriously, the IKEA high [...]


Newborn Baby Gear

One thing I’ve noticed about Round 2 – we use a lot less stuff.  Maybe Claire is just an ‘easier’ baby (true) or maybe we’re just more low-maintenance in general (definitely true, too).  But there are some things that I can’t imagine getting through each day without.  Here’s a list of the gear we love! [...]


8.5 Months Old: Baby Gear We Love

Other Baby Gear Posts:  Newborn Baby Gear and 4.5 Month Old Baby Gear Toys and Books -  Henry loves to play, so I’m always looking for fresh ways to keep his mind engaged. We do a lot of games like peek-a-boo and “I’m gonna get you.” We make forts out of pillows, and I set [...]


4.5 Months Old: Baby Gear We Love

This is a follow-up to my first post in the Baby Gear series:  Newborn Baby Gear.  Here’s what Henry (and I) are obsessed with as of 4.5 months.   Rainforest Jumperoo:  Henry LOVES his jumper.  When I walk by it with him in my arms, he makes motions like, “Put me in! Put me in!”  [...]


Everyone talks about how mommas-to-be experience an urge to ‘nest’ right before their baby comes – and part of this nesting phenomenon is buying baby gear.  I know that I really worried about buying all the right gadgets and gizmos – as well as the right necessities, too.  Being stocked up and supplied makes you [...]


Spring Cleaning + a Claire Update

Our yard was dead and barren all winter, and then – all the sudden – it’s exploding with weeds.  Wish we had planted some tulip bulbs or something pretty.  But no – just weeds. So I’ve been trying to clean up our front garden for a few days. The process is taking forever because I [...]


Getting Ready for Baby

Just poppin’ in on a Sunday to say hello and share some thoughts from my weekend! The theme of this weekend has been “getting ready.”  Countdown to Little One is ON.  When I found out I was pregnant in the spring, I thought forward to autumn and the holiday season and felt like it was [...]


Little One: 30 Weeks

30 weeks.  Holy hell!  I gave birth to Henry in Week 39.  Assuming I follow the same pattern, that means that we’re in single digit week countdown mode.  <—If you could see my face right now, it’d be an combination of sheer panic and utter joy. I feel the blog has been rather baby and [...]


Little One: 22 (and a Half) Weeks

Way more than halfway there.  Time is flying.  FLYING! Here’s what I looked like with Henry at 22 weeks v. what I look like carrying Little One.  It’s fun for me to read the old Henry recaps so I can compare what I was thinking and doing then to what I’m focusing on now.  At [...]


I Had A Garage Sale

And I actually made a lot of money! So, a few week ago, I came to Kristien and said, “I think we should have a garage sale!” We had both been complaining about clutter – especially in the garage and kitchen – for a month or so.  I was also sick of opening closets and [...]


Scrambled Tofu ‘Eggs’

This weekend, the entire family (minus the cat) traveled to Tennessee to visit my mom. We had a great time! I don’t know about you, but I’m terrible at packing the car. It’s so hard to jigsaw-puzzle all of our gear into the trunk. My brain just doesn’t work that way. I end up tossing [...]


Carmo at New Orleans

Unfortunately, the New Orleans weather took a turn for the winter worse today. It’s cold and dreary, and we simply aren’t prepared with the right clothes and baby gear (the forecast called for better weather, I swear). And the museums we wanted to check out are closed on Mondays!  So our day has turned into [...]


Waiting to Find Out: Boy or Girl?

I have always known that I wouldn’t want to find out my baby’s sex while pregnant.  Even when I was a teenager, I knew I wanted to be surprised.   There were multiple reasons for waiting:  I liked the mystery of waiting; I thought waiting would be a good motivator during labor; and, to a [...]


Whoa, Sunday

First things first: let’s talk about The Pioneer Woman’s Crash Hot Potatoes. So ridiculously good.  And so ridiculously easy.  It was a nice change from the ‘usual’ baked potato or even mashed potatoes – somewhere in the middle.   A Southern-style feast for a Southern-style side dish: Stir-fry tempeh with BBQ Sauce Crash hot potatoes [...]

Healthy Tipping Point