November 2010

Oh, My Pounding Head…

Thanks so much for your feedback on my very exciting announcement!  It really amped me up, and I cannot wait to start writing.   I was planning to go the Superflow yoga class this morning, but I got a terrible headache.  One of my current non-running related fitness goals is to get through en entire [...]


Some Very Exciting News…

Signs of winter are everywhere!  It’s freezing outside.  I hope it snows soon. :) Cold breakfast for a chilly morning: In the mix:   Vanilla Greek Yogurt Canned pumpkin Way too much cinnamon 1/2 cup oatmeal Pecans   Some Very Exciting News!   You might already know about this (because I’m a very bad secret [...]


The Cross Your Fingers Casserole

Recently, someone told me that casseroles were old fashioned and out of style.  I begged to differ.  After all, if casseroles are wrong, I don’t want to be right!    Right?! Why do I call this the Cross Your Fingers Casserole?  Well, I literally tossed random ingredients in a dish and crossed my fingers.  I [...]


Pack Your Lunch

Moonlighting as the Husband’s secretary at the clinic is forcing me to re-discovering my lunch packin’ roots.  You see, when I was first figuring out how to be an adult/work in the ‘real world’/be healthy/stop spending wads of cash at Panera, I had to learn how to pack meals.  I worked in an office that [...]


Ebb and Flow

Morning! :) Regular blogging shall now resume.  The holiday weekend was lovely, but I’m sure you’re like me and have a TON of catching up to do at work now!   Let’s get to it, shall we?   For breakfast, I made a double serving of oatmeal and drove the dish over to my Dad’s [...]


Taking the Day Off

I literally have not moved from the couch the entire day.   Are you being lazy today, too?  Or did you make the most of the last day of the holiday weekend?


Mommy and Me

Howdy!  Mom and I spent the morning window shopping.  Well, mostly we window shopped.  ;)  I couldn’t help but snag these $1.95 placemats at West Elm.  You know you’re a food blogger when you buy placemats in singles.   Expect to see dinner with new backdrops soon.  :)   Mom bought me this comfy throw, [...]


Three is the Magic Number

Last night, we ended up making Christmas sugar cookies instead of Dough Balls.  Since this recipe has over 2,000 positive reviews, I figured I couldn’t go wrong – and I was right.  The cookies were chewy and dense, just the way I like sugar cookies! I am definitely adding this to my holiday arsenal of [...]


New Traditions

This year, the Husband and I are trying to create new traditions.   New city, new way of celebrating the holidays. This was actually the Husband’s idea – he suggested we go to a tree farm to cut our own tree instead of just buying one from the store.   I found a place called Pentland [...]


Worth It

Getting up at 6 AM on my day off was totally worth it.  Look at my cute new winter jacket!  And… It was originally $120 - I got it for $39.  :)   Last night, we ended up watching Notting Hill, which is totally NOT Elf a Christmas movie, but it was a compromise.  I [...]


Gratitude and Good Food

Today was the quintessential fall day!  Foggy and rainy and oh so colorful.  The perfect backdrop for our first Thanksgiving in Charlotte. I had a bowl of banana oatmeal with lots of cinnamon for breakfast. I ran a quick 3 miles through my neighborhood, woke up the Husband, and then we drove to a state [...]


Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful I live in a secure democracy and that so many people believe in equality.   I am thankful for my lovely family and my friends (real and electronic).   I am thankful I can choose to have a vegetarian Thanksgiving.  I am very thankful for the food on my plate, today and [...]


Just Do It

The famous Nike slogan applies to all aspects of life.  Especially cleaning.  Sometimes, you just have to doooooo it. …The lazy person’s mopping alternative! So proud of myself for buckling down and cleaning my house tonight.  I was NOT in the mood, but it was trashed and we do have guests coming for the holiday.  [...]


Thanksgiving Eve

Thank you for your Black Friday tips!  The Husband was a little terrified when I explained that we’d have to leave the house at like, 4 AM, but I think I’ve got him convinced.  :)   Here are your best Black Friday tips, summarized:   Decide what you’re going to buy before going or you’ll [...]

Healthy Tipping Point