May 2009

New Moon!

THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON trailer No words! I literally just screamed hysterically and ruptured the Husband's eardrum.


Ice Cream for Dinner

This is going to be a quickie -- I'm watching the MTV Movie Awards (for the first time in like a decade).  You know you're getting hold when you do not recognize 75% of the actors/actresses in the audience! :)  But the New Moon trailer is premiering so that's enough to old my attention.   [...]


40 Miles!

The last long bike ride before my Metric Century was a success!  :) Kelly and I drove about 45 miles southwest of Orlando to the Van Fleet State Trail, which is about 30-miles long in total. It was an amazing trail -- long, straight, shaded, and flat.  It's in a rural area so there were [...]


Carb Loading :)

Morning!  I'm going on a 40-mile bike ride with Kelly, Meghann's sister.   We're traveling to the General James A. Van Fleet State Trail, a 30-mile rail-trail west of Orlando.  A rail-trail is a former railroad that has been converted to a trail. This rail-trail is one of Florida’s most rural. It runs through the [...]


Not as Easy as It Looks

Two and a half hours later, several blisters, and one popped tube.... I changed both of the tubes and one of the tires on my bike!   I watched this video and I read this article before I started. Replacing the front tire and tube was really easy (well, it took me about 30 minutes).  [...]


Biking Peer Pressure

Afternoon!  Sorry I've been away so long -- its been a wild and crazy Saturday, as usual.    I worked from 8 am to 2:00 PM.  I packed my lunch per my usual MO: The star of my lunch was an AWESOME Kettle Corn Pro Bar.  It had REAL chunks of toasted corn in it! [...]


Smashed Banana Waffles

Good morning! I feel a little better today, but just a little tired.  Although that could be from waking up at 6 for work....   Breakfast was a nice pick-me-upper: From the freezer, I unearthed two Hodsgon's Mills Insta Bake waffles I had made earlier in the week and froze.  After toasting them, I topped [...]


Beer and Pizza Make Me Feel Better

I feel a lot better - maybe I just needed some R&R?   Mid-afternoon snack was Kashi Heart to Heart: And for dinner, I finally took the suggestion off the back of the Flat Out Wrap package and made myself a pizza. My Flat Out Pizza runneth over! I was super impressed with the Flat [...]


More New Moon Updates

I'm sure the vast majority of my readers think I'm behaving like a 12-year old for being so obsessed with Twilight, but at the same time -- I know a LOT of you are JUST AS OBSESSED!   Did you know the New Moon trailer is debuting on Sunday on the MTV Movie Awards?   [...]


Bicycling Etiquette

I worked for about an hour this AM and called off sick.  I feel terrible!   Not terrible enough to skip lunch though, of course. :) I had 1/2 cup Roasted Red Pepper soup, a whole wheat English muffin with melted cheese, and broc.  It was a nice lunch for a lady with a sick [...]



My sleepover with Meghann was so fun!  We watched So You Think You Can Dance and talked about the marathon she's running on Sunday.  We discussed fueling options and how I secretly think she's going to qualify for Boston.  :)   We woke up at 5:50 AM so I could take her to the airport [...]


Ginger and Brazil Nut Tofu

I loved hearing your feedback on the Good, Bad, and Ugly of food blogs.  Keep those comments coming; I know other people like to read them, too.   Lunch was something to celebrate! I haven't eaten tofu in DAYS and was really looking forward to a tofu-centric meal!   The star ingredient was.... I based [...]


I am so excited! I woke up to an e-mail from Ryan at Chasing Daylight letting me know she was moving into an apartment that is LITERALLY 2.0 miles from my house!  Ryan is a really sweet girl, and I'm super pumped to have a new neighbor!   It made my morning!   So did [...]


Dinner on the Go

My mid-afternoon snacks were pretty typical.  Yogurt and cereal: And an orange: Dinner was eaten on the go -- literally!  I had a few handfuls of cereal plus.... I threw together a Flat Out Wrap, Sabra Hummus, and cucumber and ate it in the car: It was good! (There was a LOT of hummus. I [...]

Healthy Tipping Point