Boot Camp

Modified Boot Camp

The start to every single road trip that I’ve ever been on with the Husband starts like this:  We agree to leave at a certain time, but it’s actually a fake time, because we know we won’t REALLY leave until at least an hour after the real time.  So we say 1:00 but we mean [...]


Day 2 of Boot Camp, done! Today’s Boot Camp actually seemed a lot easier than Day 1 because I knew the moves and what modifications I needed to do.  My muscles feel stronger already! :)   The Husband did Boot Camp with Nicole and I.  He regularly strength trains and said it was challenging, but [...]


Day 1 of Bootcamp

Terrieha from RYP Performance (she’s also on Twitter) recently offered to develop a virtual boot camp program for me.  I jumped at the chance because:   I’ve always wanted to do a real-life boot camp but it’s so expensive.  (Terrieha, who is based out of Auburn, does $5 drop-in boot camp classes.  How awesome is [...]

Healthy Tipping Point