Sponsored Posts, Giveaways, and Reviews

This post is sponsored by Gallery Direct. So a few months ago, I saw a post on Kath Eats about Gallery Direct, which makes beautiful canvas prints right from your photos.  I immediately hopped on over to the site to order a ‘test’ print of Claire. You see, I had been desperately wanting to transform [...]


Oh, I am so excited about this post and giveaway.  My absolute favorite leggings are from White Plum – I have waxed poetic about them numerous times.  Seriously, they are so soft, cozy, and comfortable – and CUTE.  So many adorable styles. The solid color fleece-lined ones are an excellent choice for Fall/Winter.  They are [...]


Rosie Fit N Flare Tunic Solid Fleece-Lined Leggings   After hearing about the Capsule Wardrobe concept for months and months, I decided to bite the bullet and do it.  What is Capsule Wardrobe?  This post is a great explanation (although a bit long-winded), but it boils down to this:  You select 37 items (including shoes) [...]


Seriously - where did the summer go?!  It was SUCH a good one.  I’m sad to turn my calendar over to ‘September’ and say farewell to our summer fun.  I think of all the great things that we did as a family this summer, the Fourth of July race + kids’ race with our friends [...]


Here’s what works for me – my snacks *must* contain protein in it.  If not, I’m going to just end up cranky and hungry.  But if my munchie contains a decent amount of protein (and fat, too), then I feel satisfied for much longer.  Do you know the word “hangry?”  It’s a combination of hungry [...]


This weekend was the big RACE WEEKEND for Brandi and me!  After training and planning for months and months, we were super excited to tackle the International triathlon distance (1 mile swim, 24 mile bike, and a 10K/6.2 mile run).  The race was in beautiful Asheville, which is about 2.5 hours west of Charlotte.  I [...]


Maggie seems so old lately.  She turns 11 in just a few days, and you can see every year on her gray little face.  James still has a bit more pep in his step (he’s turning 10 in January), but he’s gotten slower on our walks and sometimes turns to go back home before I’m [...]


I’ve been bouncing around grocery stores lately, trying to figure out what combination of the four nearby (ALDI, Costco, Harris Teeter and Trader Joe’s) that I regularly shop out has the best deals.  I’ve been going a bit further to shop at a newer ALDI, and I’m always pleasantly surprised when I walk in.  If [...]


So I’m clearly all about the fun caffeine lately!  I’ve been dying to tell you guys about the Dirty Chai since October.  Do you remember when I went on a tour of the Celestial Seasonings factory in Boulder, Colorado?  (By the way, if you’re in that area, you should totally go on this free tour [...]


I love cupcakes… I love color… And what I really love is making colorful icing without artificial colors and with fruit and veggie juices!  Does the spinach juice outweigh the sugar?  Probably not… But less artificial stuff is always something to celebrate, right? I was inspired to do this by the roll-out of the new [...]


This past weekend, we had the Husband’s high school friends and their children visit us for four days of fun.  They have an almost one year old girl and a 9 year old boy, so the dynamic between our kiddos was super fun.  Claire had a little friend to play with, and Henry had a [...]


One last post about the epic The North Face Mountain Athletics app! I originally wrote my review of the app here --> Need Strength Training Direction?  But I wanted to pop in one more time and share some of the best moves from the free app. Download the Mountain Athletics App - it’s free for [...]


Fun vitamin review and a chance for you + a friend to win a trip to a day spa! I always forget to take my vitamins – unless the Husband physically hands them to me (which he does, more often than not <—what a guy!).  That’s why I was so excited to try these Olly [...]


I was recently challenged to try something outside of my fitness comfort zone.  That same week, my friend Jen asked a group of momma friends if they’d be interested in joining her Warrior Dash team.  It was a perfect fit – obstacle mud runs are definitely outside of my norm!    Switch It Up, brought [...]

Healthy Tipping Point