September 2015

No Excuses

In the vein of my “Add, Not Subtract” mentality of healthier living (a no-stress way to focus on the positives, not the negatives, especially when it coming to healthy eating), this week I am doing a NO EXCUSES shift when it comes to exercise.   Step 1:  Kick off my “Return to Fitness” with a [...]


Indiana State University Trip

In and out of ISU in less than 24 hours! I flew into town for an Operation Beautiful event – my first of the 2015 Fall season!  I’m going to Tufts University next (in October).  If you’ve been reading for a while, you may remember that I use to jam in a lot of events, [...]


Cane Creek Sprint Triathlon Race Recap

This race had long been Brandi’s end-of-season race – mine was supposed to be Lake Logan International, which was about 7 weeks ago.  Since then, I’ve been taking it easy.  But I was motivated to sign up for the race when Brandi encouraged me – I figured I could take it easy and it would [...]



The disease is real.  It makes you do all sorts of crazy things.  Like… I decided two days ago that I was going to do a triathlon on Saturday.  And all joking aside, this spontaneous decision has me really excited! I did an biiiiig triathlon in early August – it was called Lake Logan International.  [...]


Pumpkin Spice Coconut Oil Chocolate

PUMPKIN SEASON. Yes, I stereotypically love pumpkins and am not ashamed to admit it.  Call me basic, call me mainstream – whatever.  BRING ON THE PUMPKIN.  Seriously.  Bring it on.  I had my first Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season this weekend and it was better than ever (thanks to the addition of actual [...]


Best House Ever

Good day!  This awesome breakfast took me just a few minutes to throw together thanks to meal planning and cooking ahead.  Wahoo.  I knew there was a good reason that I was cooking until 9:30 PM on Sunday! Speaking of the weekend, people keep asking me what I did and I’m not really sure – [...]


Are You “Done”?

You have one baby, and the question everyone asks is, “When will you have the next one?”  You have your second, and the question everyone asks you is, “Are you done?”  I would be curious to know what the questions are after #3 or #4 (I’m betting, “Aren’t you done yet?” Hmph). Before I had [...]


Candy Cane Lane Granola

Race to the weekend! Is it Friday yet?  Seriously – I can’t wait for the weekend.  Yay!  Lots of fun things planned. But until then, I have this yummy granola recipe to tide me over.   This granola is CANDY CANE LANE granola.  Last year, I learned that you can actually bake with herbal tea [...]


Garage Gym

I’ve been struggling to make it to the gym lately.  I really miss my boot camp classes but can’t seem to make my work schedule and the kids’ sleeping/napping schedules align so I can go to classes.  And when I do work out, I really want to be outside since it’s so lovely out.  So [...]


Backyard Bliss

It’s funny – you would think we spent the entire summer in our backyard, but we actually avoided the deck and grass at all costs through the months of June, July, August, and most of September.  It was TOO HOT.  But now that it’s cooling off, we’re actually getting back outside as a family.  Hoorah! [...]


The Freakin Weekend

All of the sudden, fall swept its way into Charlotte.  I’m sure we will have a few more 95+ degree days, but this weekend – oh, the weather was blissful.  It was so wonderful to be outside. I got outside for a 3 miles stroller run.  I haven’t pushed a stroller on a jog in [...]


That Sugar Film

Last night, we watched a really great documentary called That Sugar Film.  Have you seen it?     I’ve been following them on Instagram for a while and finally pulled the trigger on renting the movie – I was glad I did.  Pretty eye-opening. For more…   9 Intriguing Food Philosophy Books (this list is [...]


HIIT Stairclimber

Rocked out an awesome stairclimber workout yesterday! I had to get dressed and put on “real person” clothes (AKA not yoga pants) for a meeting yesterday, so I did my old favorite stay-at-home trick… Headed to the gym so I could shower and blow dry my hair in peace.  Look, I’ve got two mobile kiddos [...]


Tuesday So Far

My effort to “Add, Not Subtract” and be healthier overall is going well!  It’s really easy to make small changes in this mindset because the small changes seem to add up fast.  Last night, I went on a 3 mile run with Brandi!  And did 150 ab moves in front of the TV later.  I [...]

Healthy Tipping Point