Mushrooms Over Everything {Crockpot Recipe}

I’ve dusted off the old crockpot to create some tasty (vegetarian!) recipes.  Here’s the first one I made, which I will lovingly refer to as Mushrooms Over Everything because, well, you can put this mushroom dish over anything.  Rice, pasta, quinoa, a bed of warm kale.  Or just eat it plain! And it’s super easy, [...]


Next Race, Great Links

I WENT ON A RUN. I haven’t run a single step or lifted anything heavier than Henry since last Sunday.  No action.  Nada.  I’m finally 100% better, which means that TODAY IS THE BEGINNING of a better week.  Healthy food, productive time on the computer, and EXERCISE.  I set out to do 4.0 miles but [...]


Belated Thanksgiving 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!   Because of the stomach flu, we had to push back our celebration a day.  Side note:  getting the stomach flu is always terrible, but to get it on Thanksgiving feels like a cruel, cruel joke.  I couldn’t even eat pie!  But we still had a nice time. My family really pitched in and [...]


Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope your day is filled with peace and happiness.   I’m sure no one saw this coming (hah!), but… I caught Henry’s stomach flu.  And then Kristien started to feel under the weather, too.  A whole house full of sick.  There was nothing left to do but reschedule our holiday meal.  Our [...]


Buy a Shirt, Help Change a Life

A few weeks ago, I was chatting with some of my blogger friends (Kath, Tina, Emily, Meghann, Theodora, Monica, Gina, Julie, Anne, and Janae), and the group struck upon a great idea.  How about we design a beautiful shirt and donate all the profits to a fabulous organization that supports women?   If you’ve been reading [...]


Sugared Brussel Sprouts

Lunch.   Oh man. It’s one of those Monday. Henry has a stomach virus. I feel so bad for the little man. It is terrible to watch a toddler puke.  He has no idea what is happening (although he calls it “poopy,” which makes us both kind of smile in the worst moments).  Our doctor [...]


Run, Weekend Run!

I feel like we’ve done nothing but run around all weekend.  Both literally and figuratively!  We’ve had a lot of fun family activities, and in between, I did 4.0 miles on Saturday and 5.0 this morning.  That’s the furthest that I’ve ran over the course of two days since my Half Ironman.  I ran on [...]


My mom and I live four hours away from each other, but right in the middle is the incredible town of Asheville, North Carolina.  A few days ago, we spontaneously made plans to meet up in the city for lunch. Henry and I were excited to see Grandma, and Grandma was excited to see us!  [...]


Wahoo! No Work Day!

It’s Wednesday, but I’m all caught up on my projects, I have zero deadlines, and have no paperwork or invoicing to catch up on, and thus I am “off.”  Hell, I’ve even gotten a jump on my 2013 taxes.  So, I decided to garden.  Our pretty DIY blue clay pots (here’s the tutorial) were looking [...]


We’ve gotten to the age where Henry eats pretty much the same things that we do.  Three cheers for lots of teeth!  When I have a peanut butter sandwich, he has a peanut butter sandwich.  When I have rice and beans, he has rice and beans.  We still have to be careful about choking hazards, [...]


Revenge Bingo + The Walking Dead Bingo

Kristien and I have taken to playing Bingo while watching our favorite TV shows.  How does this work?  Well, you create a Bingo sheet, and as the items or scenes appear onscreen, you check off the appropriate box. Whoever wins gets out of chores or gets a back massage.   We’re currently playing Bingo for [...]


Green Cleaning with Baking Soda

Another post on how we’re cleaning up our cleaning products! This one is all about baking soda.  Baking soda is one of those oh-so-versatile products that can be used throughout the house – not just when making bread. One of my favorite ‘conventional’ cleaning products is Comet.  You know, the greenish/blueish powder that scrubs, whitens, [...]


Lace It Up

Good morning! Happy Monday! How was your weekend?  Mine was great, if busy.  I spent Saturday in Miami, speaking at a Women’s Leadership Symposium at the University of Miami.  After, I met back up with my friends Lisette and Danny, and we had an excellent meal at one of my old favorite restaurants, and then [...]


This post and giveaway is sponsored by Minted.com. Can you believe the holidays are right around the corner? Wahoo!  I’ve always been good about sending out holiday cards, but I really wanted to be the type of person who did photo cards. It’s so nice to open your mailbox and find a card filled with [...]

Healthy Tipping Point