October 2012

Drip Dry

Poor Kristien didn’t get home until very late.  I felt a little bad doing it, but I did the old hello-kiss, here’s-the-baby-monitor-handoff and immediately headed out the door.  I was planning to run; however, it was far too dark and cold for me!  So to the heated pool I drove. Dang, pool.  I haven’t seen [...]


Hearty Lunch

I just got some blood work done, and survey says that I need to cut back on the sugar, eat more regularly, snack in between meals, and consume more protein (basically, my blood sugar sucks).  You know, eating like I should’ve been doing anyway… Ah well.  At least now I have motivation in black-and-white.  It’s [...]


Put a Bow On It {Giveaway}

Thanks so much for all your feedback on my Life-Work Balance post.  So many thoughtful and engaging responses… Every comment really made me think.  And since SO many people mentioned it, I am purchasing 168 Hours: You Have More Time Than You Think TODAY. That being said, I had a pretty good night.  I decided [...]


Life-Work Balance

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the elusive life-work balance. I am sure this is not a surprise to anyone who regularly reads my blog, but I am highly goal oriented.  Love, love, love to set and achieve goals.  I have always been like this and probably always will be.  Being so Type A [...]


Bowl of Fall

Might be my favorite version of oatmeal, ever.  And that’s saying something. Warm cinnamon oatmeal with Baked Apples (<—recipe) on top.  OMGCOFFEE to the face. It gives me wiiiings.  And superpowers.   On the agenda:   Henry.Henry.Henry. Buy wet vac for the carpet. Those stains have got to go.  Any recommendations? … Annnnd that it.  [...]



Come to order!  It’s time for a Girls on the Run brainstorming session. The Husband (also a former GOTR coach) and I sat in on a brainstorming meeting with some GOTR Charlotte board members this afternoon.  We’re trying to think of ways to improve GOTR and make the experience even better (if that is possible!) [...]


Giant Goals

I bet that many of you are playing a similar game this Monday… So much to do, not enough time (but always time for a blog-reading break, right?!).  I’ve got two hours to complete about four hours’ worth of work before I have to leave the house for a meeting.  But I really need to [...]


Pumped Up

This blog post is brought to you by… my foyer, which is where I am currently typing. On Saturday, we returned the pretty rug in the office because it was falling apart and fuzzing everywhere.  And we just haven’t bothered to put the desk back in its place.  Any bets on how long the desk [...]


Date Night

A-mazzzz-ing. So amazing to go out (sans baby), but just as amazing to come home (to baby).  That’s pretty nice.


Sleep, Perchance to Stare at You

Cup of coffee, anyone? I spotted this Pumpkin Spice coffee at Trader Joe’s and immediately tossed it into my cart.  It’s no Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks (of course) but it tastes pretty darn delicious.  Although anything in coffee form tastes good after the night that I had… I’m sleeping on a mattress on the [...]


Back At It

After a pretty stressful week, I finally, FINALLY found the time to lace up my sneakers and go for a run.  A solo sweat session never felt so sweet. I really fell off track this week.  Happens to all of us, right?  I was following a 10K training plan from Another Mother Runner, but I’ve [...]


My big boy is lookin’ so smashing! The strangest thing about little babies is how FAST they grow – and you don’t even realize that it’s happening until you look at pictures.  Just check out this comparison.      My other updates are right here.   Alright – I will be the first to admit.  [...]


Whoops, I Did It (Again)

Funny story. I am in a mad rush to leave my house (still am, actually).  I put the ingredients for two smoothies together – one for me, one for Kristien – but then cannot find the top to the blender. “Oh, screw it,” I think.  I grab a paper towel and cover the top.  I [...]


{Reader Q&A} Vegetarian Moms and Babies

Allison wrote, “I am a vegetarian. I originally went strict vegan after reading Skinny Bitch in 2008. I was vegan for about a year and a half, and while I felt amazing when I was doing it, I eventually transitioned into a vegetarian and have been one ever since. Since you have been a vegetarian [...]

Healthy Tipping Point