July 2012

Promises, Promises

My dogs don’t know a lot of tricks (unless licking your face counts…), but they do know one thing:  the word “walk.” I’m committed now.  I can’t make a promise to that puppy face and back down!   So – I’m off to do a post-dinner walk.  But first: the meal itself. My friend Catherine [...]


Up Next

More tag team action at the gym.  This time with the Husband, who has the day off from work (wahoo!). It’s pretty cool that my gym encourages strollers on the indoor track, but I haven’t seen any other parents making use of it.  It’s too bad because it would be neat to meet another mom [...]


In my quest to make more prep-ahead breakfasts, today I tried my hand at Baked Oatmeal. I could’ve baked this breakfast yesterday, and then all I would’ve had to do was reheat, but time got away from me last night.  So I pre-measured the dry and wet ingredients into separate bowls before going to bed.  [...]



Today was Week 3, Day 1 of Couch to 5K (I skipped forward a week).  This workout was challenging because it included 3 minute run intervals.  Whew.  I really love how the app has a countdown so I can look down and see how long I have left.  I would’ve never made it through the [...]


Very often, the media makes something seem like a bigger deal than it actually is.  And sometimes, because the media makes something seem important, it actually becomes a real-life battle.  Quite the vicious cycle.  In my eyes, that’s how the so-called Mommy Wars exploded into the disaster that it is today. It’s my understanding that [...]


Get Out

Every day, there is a long list of priorities.  Must do’s, if you will.  Around 4:30, I realized that all of my priorities were taken care of.  Fed and happy baby?  Check (well, at least for the time being…).  Well rested?  Check (well, relatively).  Work completed?  Check.  Showered?  Check.  All of that mean that, if [...]


Tracking, Reading, and Nicknaming

Woah.  Monday is flying by.  How is it already time for lunch? The Husband went on a grocery shopping extravaganza that included a trip to Costco, where he picked up a super pack of stuffed grape leaves – my favorite! Dr. Praeger veggie burger Grape leaves Qiunoa and veggies (leftovers!) Weekly Workout Roundup   I’m [...]


Prep-Ahead Breakfasts

This weekend was full of running – running errands, running the vacuum, and a bit of literal running, too.  By Sunday, I was burnt out.  So yesterday afternoon, I locked Henry and myself in our TV room, turned off nearly all the lights, and spent a good five hours cuddling, kissing, playing, and staring at [...]


Scenes from the Weekend

Saturday morning:  Another mom, dad, and baby meet-up at the golf course. With our friends Sean, Heather, and baby Mirabelle and Jen, Jeff, and Wyatt. It’s back to being incredibly warm outside! Afterwards: lunch at Earthfare’s hot bar. Followed by a shopping trip that resulted in this purchase.  Outdoor furniture is 50% off nearly everywhere!  [...]



This is my recipe for a perfect breakfast smoothie. 1.5 cups unsweet soy milk 3/4 cup frozen raspberries 1 ripe banana (not frozen) 1 cup loosely packed spinach 2 tablespoons sunflower butter 1/2 cup raw oatmeal   Protein, fruit, veggies, fat, and carbs.  Literally, breakfast in a glass.  I promise you can’t taste the spinach, [...]


More of the Same

You know what knocks Henry out, besides swaddling?  Celine Dion.  But only when the Husband sings ‘My Heart Will Go On’ as loudly as possibly.   Obviously… it’s hard to concentrate on work today. Lunch was more of the same.  A stir-fry with:   Brown rice Mixed veggies Broccoli slaw Dark red kidney beans Balsamic [...]


Breakfast Burrito

Per your advice, we finally tried swaddling Henry last night.  And it worked… like a dream. We have fabric swaddles but Henry easily escapes them, so I wanted to try a Velcro one (AKA a baby straight jacket) for night time.  I got this one for $10 from Wal-Mart; I was afraid to buy a [...]



Will walk/run for Starbucks! Nicole and I spent the afternoon together because she had the day off.  Henry and I drove to her place, and we did Day 2 of the Couch to 5K plan along our old running route (Rerun #1).  It was… challenging, considering there were so many hills, and I was jogging [...]


The C25K App

On Monday, I started Day 1 of the Couch to 5K program.  There are so many walk/run 5K programs out there, but C25K is the original.  The idea is that you complete walk/run intervals, beginning with longer walk intervals.  Eventually, you extend the time you spend running until you are mostly running the entire 5K [...]

Healthy Tipping Point