June 2012

Pink Cap

My dad asked if I had any extra swim caps around, and I replied, “Sure… but I think it’s hot pink.”  He said he didn’t care.  Lookin’ good, Dad. It’s actually a race cap from a triathlon I did last year – they color-code the age and sex groups by swim caps.  In all the [...]



Do you ever look up dream interpretations?  The Husband and I always do.  Last night, he dreamt that he was attacked by a black widow spider; apparently, this means that he is dealing with an overbearing female figure (um, not me, hopefully!).  I think he dreamt about a black widow because he’s scurred of spiders, [...]


Perfect Picnic

We were in the mood to do something special and couple-y today, but I didn’t want to: 1) spend any money or 2) go anywhere.  Hah.  What can I say, it’s one of those days.  So we decided to have a picnic in the backyard.  And it was so, so nice. Remember a few weeks [...]



Who wants to play?  It’s SATURDAY. We don’t have any grand plans for the weekend… in fact, all of our grand planning has pretty much ceased, as we both kind of feel like it’s pointless with the due date approaching.  My not-so-grand plans for the day include: going for a walk, cleaning the floors, writing [...]


Ode to Swimming

Hey, hey.  How’s your Friday going? I MADE IT TO THE POOL.  My buddy was not very thrilled that I dragged him to the gym. Sorry, Dad.  But we made it, and we swam about 650 yards.  I think 650 is my new current ‘normal’ – 900 yards is just too far these days.  I’m [...]


Friday Reads

I asked the Husband what he wanted for breakfast and he said, “Something nutritious and delicious.” Hmmm. I ended up making eggs, hash browns (from a frozen package) with broccoli, and fruit.  The hash browns didn’t cook too well – it ended up being a hash mash.  Still tasty though. For Your Reading Pleasure   [...]



The mural in the nursery is done! You can see the complete nursery tour here; when I posted the pictures three weeks ago, my mother-in-law was still working on the mural.  She put in so much effort; it looks amazing.  In the end, she decided it needed a little color and added yellow leaves and [...]


Home for Lunch

Look who I got to eat lunch with.  Yay! Stylin’.   The Husband normally ‘forgets’ to take a real lunch break while at the clinic; he’s either spending extra time with a patient or filling orders or answering emails.  I finally started to build in lunch appointments to his calendar (I know, I know – [...]


Thursday Already

Morning.  Can you believe it’s Thursday?  I feel like this week has flown by. Are you a pancake person or a waffle person?  I am definitely a pancake person, but they seem so much more involved and messy than waffles.  So I usually end up making waffles.  Not that waffles are something to complain about… [...]


BabyHTP: 39 Weeks

On one of my biggest parenting concerns…   My, my.  How things have changed.   Today marks Week 39 of my pregnancy.  I’m due in a week.  This, of course, means nothing.  Did you know that only 5% of babies are born on their actual due date?  For what it’s worth, I was one of [...]


How Natural Deodorant Works

When I was doing The Naked Face Project (my 60-day experiment to give up all beauty products), the question I was asked most frequently was, without a doubt, “HOW are you giving up deodorant?”  People thought it was weird, unhygienic, and gross that I would go without deo.  The reality was that the Project started [...]


Exercise Buds

Thank goodness for exercise buddies – both the furry and human kind. I’m experiencing signs that labor could be imminent (but my due date is a week away, and such signs can also indicate I’ve still got days or weeks to go, so who knows….).  I’ve made it my personal mission to move as much [...]


A few weeks ago, I posted this picture on the blog: It’s of Molly Barker, the founder of Girls on the Run, and the group of girls who were part of the first ever GOTR team.  While out on a run, Molly had the idea for GOTR , and she worked tirelessly to write a [...]


Rain and Ritz

Dreary day out there…   But that’s okay because I love rainy weather.  By far the best type!   Especially when you wake up before the alarm and get to spend a few minutes awake in bed… with tea… and toast… on a weekday.  Trying to soak this laziness up as much as I can [...]

Healthy Tipping Point