Search: feed

I thought I'd share a breastfeeding update because, well, I get asked all the time about it!  And I think about it all the time because I do it, like, seven times a day.  I was pretty open about my journey (and struggles) with Henry, so I think it's natural that people are curious about [...]


Looking Back: Breastfeeding

My little baby is now a big boy.  It makes me so happy – and a little nostalgic and sad, too.  The first year of his life was such a beautiful blur, and it’s only now that I have really begun to process all the changes and growth that my little family experienced.   I’ve [...]


Being away from my baby is emotionally challenging.  I miss his cute little faces and his funny noises; I miss his snuggles and his drool smiles.  But being away is physically challenging, too, because I breastfeed.  Here’s what has worked for me so far (I’ve been away overnight twice, so I’m still trying to figure [...]


Finding a Running Buddy {Feedback}

Thanks so much for all your suggestions on how I can find a new running buddy! I loved the ideas. I set off on my search to find a buddy this past weekend (more details if anything actually pans out). Fingers crossed! My current buddy isn’t very good at running...   Here’s a summary of [...]


The Dream Feed

Imagine that I snuck up on you in the middle of the night, shoved a big bowl of pasta under your nose, and fed it to you… and you slept through the entire thing.  Yup.  That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing with Henry.  But with milk, of course.  Let me explain… We are beginning [...]


Pacing Alternatives {Feedback}

A few days ago, I asked for advice on pacing.  Should I run by a GPS watch that reveals my exact pace per mile – which can screw with my head a bit – or not?  There was some awesome feedback to my question, and I wanted to share the advice with you.  Here we [...]


Positive Feedback

Want to know something awesome about healthy living?  The more you do it, the easier it becomes.  It’s kind of a positive feedback cycle.  You decide you want to be healthier, so you begin to make a few small changes, and you feel awesome due to those changes, which makes it easier to stick with [...]


Feed Me!

Before I get into the rest of the day's post-Half Marathon eats, can I just say how totally awesome the blogging community is?  Really! Your kind words of encouragement definitely kept me going during the race, and it's so nice to hear that my experiences motivate you--because I read YOUR blogs (if you have one!) [...]


My Favorite Pregnancy, Baby, + Toddler Posts

How I Stop Temper Tantrums (this trick still works very, very often!) Post-Birth Review of Bradley Method Natural Birth Classes The Case for Waiting (to find out the baby's sex) Henry’s Birth Story, Part I and Part II Claire’s Birth Story Why I’m Stopping Breastfeeding Henry, Stopping Exclusively Pumping, Part I, and Stopping EP, Part II Breastfeeding Claire [...]


I’m making a real effort to get back on track in all areas of my life.  Healthy eating – CHECK.  Sleep – CHECK.  Fitness – CHECK.  Catching up on Fear the Walking Dead – CHECK (and AHHH! So good).  And last, but not least, Book a Week!  When I was about 15 books into my [...]


So Many Books A Week!

How’s your “Add, Not Subtract” Week going?  I love that so many of you are participating in this philosophy this week – it’s all about adding healthy things in, not worrying so much about taking unhealthy habits out. So far, so good.  I feel like this mindset is so positive that it never feels like [...]


3 Fitness Questions I’ve Gotten Recently

But first… I wrote an article called “10 Things I Learned After 1000 Days of Parenting” and I’d love for you guys to check it out!  It’s all about how the Husband and I parent together without wanting to kill each other.  Hah.  All joking aside, you probably know what I’m talking about…   Now, [...]


What I’m Into

Fresh flowers.  I have started buying myself flowers every week.  I keep a mini-bouquet near my computer and another on my bedside table.  Makes me so happy! Humans of New York.  Hands down, the best Facebook page (and Facebook comments section).  Mustard.  Dude, I am obsessed with mustard lately.  On eggs, on potatoes, on stir-fries… [...]


Off to Chicago

As you read this, I am off on a jet plane to Chicago.  I haven’t been to Chicago (except through the airport) for five years, and I’m excited to go back!  Do you remember the Healthy Living Summit? It was a fun blog conference, and the year we held it in Chicago was my favorite [...]

Healthy Tipping Point