August 2009

Truckin’ On Like a Champ

The Husband and I took James on a 2.8-mile walk along a nature preserve this morning -- Maggie got left at home because there is no way her little leggies can go that far. I can't believe my in-laws have been next door to this trail for 4 years and we didn't know about it. [...]


Rewards of Hard Work

The winner of the Operation Beautiful necklace is... emilyrena said... Wow! That's such a thoughtful gesture. I think one of best qualities are that I`m really caring about my friends and family. More often than not, I put them first, before myself.  I'm having a lovely time house-sitting for my in-laws.  Everyday I wake up [...]


Blogging from Paradise

The in-laws asked if we'd like to house- and dog-sit for them this weekend, and we practically jumped at the chance.  After all, their house is my version of Florida paradise!   The Husband and I spent a good hour snuggled up on this recliner, drinking wine: Then the Husband made dinner!  I was starving.  [...]


Two back-to-back runs have jacked up my appetite beyond belief.  Not that I mind the excessive carb munching.  :)  I just can barely keep up!   Mid-morning snack was a blueberry yogurt muffin: Lunch was rice, a veggie burger, and broc: The rice was actually this "heat and serve" pack from Annie Chun's.  I've never [...]


Give back. The Husband and I don't have a lot of spare time.  I'd love to do volunteer work in my own community, but that just isn't feasible with my schedule.    Also -- we're not rich.  My Husband is in medical school, and we both work hard to pay the bills and afford some [...]


Sunrise 10K

I am SO glad I had Megan to motivate me to get my booty out of bed this morning!  We went on a lovely 10K run and watched the sun rise. Megan's neighborhood run is so much prettier than mine that I don't mind driving to her place in the morning.  Our route goes through [...]


Race Face

Today's task for Organization Week was prepare my Marathon Training Plan.  I'm running the Disney Marathon on January 10. It will be my first marathon. I've been putting off preparing my training plan because it makes me nervous!   I got my race face on by going for a speedy 5.0 mile run.  I finished [...]


Not Guacamole

On the way to Boston last weekend, I watched some Food Network on the airplane. I hardly ever watch the Food Network (although I like it), mostly because the recipes strike me as too complicated to remember off-hand.  However, Giada (Everyday Italian) had one quick and easy recipe that sounded interesting.   Introducing... Not Guac. [...]


Do everything with purpose. The busier my life becomes, the more I realize the importance of doing everything with purpose.  Life is too short to just be on autopilot.  The truly successful (in work, friendship, and love) do everything with a purpose.  Success in life doesn't just happen; you work for it.   Tips for [...]



The winner of the Flax Matters giveaway is Heather.  She won 3 one-pound bags of flax and pancake mix - yay!  Congrats, Heather!   Organization Week continues to amaze me!  There is something so powerful about declaring your goal and outlining your plan of attack.  Instead of saying, "I'm going to get organized this week," [...]


Pushed Back

Around 4 PM, I was suddenly struck with this overwhelming desire to go back to sleep.  The urge was so strong, it was almost crushing.  I couldn't think about anything but laying down.  So... I did.   I left work and was in bed by 5 PM.  James and I spooned and had fun with [...]


So Much to Say!

I feel like I have so much to say in this post!  :)  First of all:   No Meat Athlete has a great post that proves you can be an endurance athlete and a vegetarian.  Yay for veggies!  I love his blog -- he's trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon.   Secondly, here are [...]


I learned this trick from Meghann:  mix your muffin batter the night before and store overnight in the fridge. I used this recipe from Stonyfield to mix up the batter for Blueberry Yogurt Muffins.   This morning, I simply scooped the batter into my muffin tin and baked the muffins while I walked the dogs.   [...]


Something is Better than Nothing

 Meal Planning Day of Organization Week was quite a success! I loved having my recipe binder at the store!  It made shopping so much easier (and cheaper because I shopped with purpose).  And just putting a little bit more effort into my recipes is making be happy.   Dinner was a planned meal:  Lentil, Carrot, [...]

Healthy Tipping Point