August 2008

introducing…. future husband!

Since I challenged everyone to "Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow," I took my own advice and attended a kickbox cardio class. Now, I don't normally (i.e. EVER) take aerobic dance-y classes because I'm pretty uncoordinated, but I was feeling inspired.The verdict? Mehhh. It was a non-run day [...]


quick lunch

Sorry to dine and dash, but I've got a meeting to attend! :)For lunch I had chicken salad sandwich (made with plain yogurt instead of mayo) on WW bread with spinach. It's nice to have an alternative chicken salad sandwich that is a little bit healthier than the traditional version. And--it tastes the same! I'll [...]


Upside-down Pineapple Cake Oatmeal

We all know breakfast is key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, but did you also know that people who eat breakfast have a more balanced diet overall? The Breakfast Institute (yes, there is such a thing!) looked at data from population surveys and observational cohort studies and found that regular breakfast consumption is [...]

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sneaky vegetable rice and merlot beef

Future Husband was craving red meat for dinner. He's studying to be a Physician of Oriental Medicine and says that traditional Chinese practices believe that red meat helps "build" your blood. Plus, its loaded with iron, as well as vitamin B-12, which is needed for healthy nerves.I'm not a big meat eater anyways, but I'll [...]


an expensive wiener

I'm glad I had such a HUGE bowl of oatmeal after my 6 mile run, because we didn't get to lunch until 2:30 PM! I wasn't even that hungry, so the oatmeal lasted me about 4.5 hours. Considering I never make it more than 3, that's impressive!The vet went well, but WHOA--it was $492 for [...]


runner’s high

"Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The answer is usually: 'Yes'." ~Paul Tergat, Kenyan professional marathoner.I woke up REALLY motivated to RUN! I love days like this. I did an EASY 6 miles, and I felt like I could've gone on forever. Have you ever experienced runner's high? I think it kicked in around the [...]


sweet saturday

Future Husband gave me an acupuncture treatment and I took a four hour nap! I feel much better now. When I woke up, I had a platter dinner. Eating loads of little snacks is so much more satisfying to me than eating a single dish casserole. I had broc, carrots, spinach and mustard wrapped up [...]


egg-cellent pizza

Future Husband and I were STARVING by the time we got back from the gym. I'm not sure why because we both only did light cardio. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical and burned 200 calories. I also worked my biceps and did training for the 100 push challenge.We did some Olympic time trials, [...]


hits the spot

I woke up this morning with a screaming headache. I think it may have been the big glass of wine I drank while watching the Opening Ceremony (which, by the way, was freaking AMAZING!). Future Husband is going to give me acupuncture when we return from our morning errands and the gym. It works for [...]


ridiculously easy homemade minestrone

I love rainy summer nights! In Florida, there is nothing better than a BIG storm to cool everyone down. Even in the summertime, the sound of rain echoing on the rooftop makes me crave a big, warm bowl of soup.Ridiculously Easy Homemade Minestrone I call this soup ridiculously easy because I use a pre-made organic [...]


good bride!

My appointment with the florist was a success! We signed the contract and it's all paid for. She gave off a great energy.... plus, she was totally willing to work within my budget, which I love. Some vendors are really snotty or try to make you feel bad about asking for a discount. This florist [...]



Happy Opening Day of the Olympics! I am SO excited! I am pumped to watch all the track and field events! Future Husband and I are going to watch the Opening Ceremony tonight. He just called to tell me that it cost $40 BILLION and took 7 years to plan--wow!I usually do long runs on [...]


autumn shepherd’s pie

YAY! Happy almost-Friday everyone! Technically, my weekend begins NOW because I'm on a flex schedule at work and get alternating Fridays off. But, we're one day closer to the official weekend...I thought I'd make something special for dinner tonight because I had two guests--my Future Husband's best friend, Harry, and my neighbor, Michelle. After a [...]


savory turkey bacon egg white mini quiches

My lunch break is rapidly coming to a close, so I've got to make this snappy! I was craving some delicious PROTEIN for lunch, so I made one of my favorite recipes....Savory Turkey Bacon Egg White Mini QuichesThese gorgeous little suckers are easy to make, too! You could modify this recipe in so many ways [...]

Healthy Tipping Point