April 2015

Hoppy Spring!

Is it really only Wednesday? I feel like it should be Friday again!  I'm ready for the weekend for sure.  Maybe it's just that the past weekend was so much fun - I want to relive it all over again! It was, of course, Easter weekend. We spent Friday and Saturday in frantic "clean up [...]


I thought I'd share a breastfeeding update because, well, I get asked all the time about it!  And I think about it all the time because I do it, like, seven times a day.  I was pretty open about my journey (and struggles) with Henry, so I think it's natural that people are curious about [...]


We Joined Costco (Again)

After a few years off, we joined Costco again!  Walking around the warehouse made me feel like we were living in Orlando again, which is the last time we had a membership. We weren’t planning to join a bulk warehouse this weekend. We were actually scouting outdoor furniture – we went all over town. We [...]


Day In the Life

Normally, I do a day in the life, but this time, let’s do 24 hours in the life – starting at 3 PM on Wednesday to 3 PM on Thursday! 3 PM – We are finishing up a rousing round of Hide and Go Seek, which involves Henry asking me what room he should hide [...]


Workouts and Books

First things first… Oh, I had fun writing my April Fools post this year.  I hope it made you laugh. I know that Henry seriously loved wearing a body armor suit of diapers! If you’re new to HTP, I always do a fun April Fools Day post. Here are my past ones:   Ironman Australia [...]


Diapers – they aren’t just for catching baby’s pee and poop!  Since becoming a mom, I’ve realized how incredibly useful and versatile diapers are for everyday life.  Here are my 16 favorite ways to use diapers – beyond wrapping them around my kiddos’ butts.   To protect apples and bananas from bruising in my purse. [...]

Healthy Tipping Point