August 2012

Lake Norman YMCA Sprint Triathlon Race Recap

Hey, hey.  I survived my first post-pregnancy triathlon and lived to tell the tale. Last night, I was in bed, positively obsessing about the race.  For the first time, I felt really, really terrified.  I felt so out of practice – would I panic during the swim? Crash on the bike? Vomit on my shoes [...]


Date Night

  My creation – a coffee mug. Hah.


Back It Up

This is your friendly Friday reminder to back up your phone’s photos.  I was thinking last night that I would be devastated if I broke or lost my iPhone and never had access to all 1,073 (!!) photos and videos again (I don’t regularly plug it into my computer).  Henry’s first 10 weeks of life [...]


Five People

Happy Friday!  Bring on the weekend. I recently read an article about Jim Rohn, a motivational speaker who urges people to think carefully about who they spend their time with.    ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' Jim Rohn   It makes sense – people either drag [...]


Taper Time

You know how last night I discussed pathetic excuses v. legitimate excuses?  I forgot one really good legitimate excuse for dialing back on workouts:  the taper! A taper is a period of time in which you reduce intensity, volume, or intensity and volume of exercise immediately before a race.  There are no hard and fast [...]


I summed up Henry’s birth story with this thought:   Labor was, by far, the most emotionally and physically intense moment of my life.  But I look at Henry now and know it worth it.  The entire pregnancy, the labor – it was worth it.  I really believe that all women should be very proud [...]


Two Kinds of Excuses

I was going to get my run on tonight, come hell or high water. My brother-in-law Nick and I have been talking a lot about motivation.  We’re both trying to make major life improvements in certain areas and have been using each other as sounding boards.  One concept we were recently discussing is how there [...]


Errand Runner

The last 12 hours or so have been filled with lots of errands.  The most fun one?  Going to a massive consignment sale hosted by For Every Season; for local readers, I think the event lasts through the weekend.  I love the HECK out of these children’s consignment events (this is my second; I think [...]


Race Prep: T-Minus 3 Days

For more, check out:  Race Prep:  One Week Out Ah.  Three days to go.   I’m nervous.  Whenever I say, “I’m nervous,” my mom says, “Are you nervous or just excited?” and the answer is usually, “Oh, I’m actually excited.”  I am excited for this triathlon, but yes – I’m nervous, too.  It’s okay to [...]


Ripped Bebe

Jillian says to use challenging weights… a little baby counts, right? My quest to get Ripped in 30 with Jillian Michaels continues.  You know, I didn’t really used to understand the point of workout DVDs – they seemed boring and repetitive – but now, I tooootally get it.  DVDs are so great for those days [...]


Whoa Baby

The Hus occasionally sleeps in the guest room the night before he has a crazy work day, leaving me to do all the nighttime baby duty.  I realize some moms do night shift every night, but Kristien helps a lot, and I’m not used to handling the zombie-inducing insanity of a 10 week old baby [...]


Choose My Suit

When I was pregnant, I found that it was hard to locate a maternity fitness swimsuit – you know, one designed for swimming laps with a big ol’ bump.  So instead, I just bought a regular TYR suit two sizes larger than my pre-pregnancy size, and it fit all the way through from Month 5 [...]


Random Mixes

Get excited… One of the things I’m doing to motivate myself for my upcoming triathlon is this countdown on our refrigerator white board.   The reminder is motivating me to eat well and hydrate, too.  And it’s also causing me to practically pee my pants every time I walk into the kitchen – I am so [...]


Life To Do’s

It was a great weekend but, alas, all good things must come to an end.  Hello, Moan-day. Our fridge is (predictably) totally tapped out.  No time to do our normal Sunday grocery excursion because Lauren’s flight out wasn’t until 10 PM, which was really great.  So – put ‘grocery shopping’ on my list of things [...]

Healthy Tipping Point