April 2009

Disney Princess for a Day

I felt like a Disney Princess today! Disney lets you into the park for FREE on your birthday, plus you get a fun pin that says "It's My Birthday!" and all the cast members wish you a happy birthday.  :)  We got hooked up with fast entrances to all the rides as well, and we [...]


Breakfast in Bed

A better birthday cake: First Green Monster of the 25th Year!   The Husband has a traditional of making me breakfast in bed every year for my birthday. :)  Usually, I wake up first and am in charge of breakfast, so it's a really sweet change, and I appreciate the effort it takes: Two eggs [...]


One Last Day of Being 24

We went to the Relax Grille at downtown Orlando tonight.  The best part of the outside lakeside cafe is the awesome atmosphere. I had two of these Key West wheat beers (yea, I'm drogging (= drunk blogging). The table (me, Husband, our friend Harry, and my brother in law Nick) split these nachos: And my [...]


Shopping is My Cardio

I'm glad I gave 1/2 my lunch wrap to the Husband because not 10 minutes after I posted, there was a knock at the door and this was delivered: An edible bouquet from my BFF Sarah! She knows me SO well.  I had a few pieces of fruit and several of these chocolate strawberries: I [...]


Productive Saturday Morning

Good morning!  I've been up since 5 AM preparing for a series of meetings I had this morning about the holistic clinic and online shop.   I started with coffee (and Meghann's blog): And after about an hour of prep work, I ate a delightful breakfast: Including the same Green Monster as yesterday.... I'm in [...]


I pretty much put every fruit I could think of into the Excalibur Dehydrator this afternoon.  Below are strawberries, apples, pineapples, and plums. And here are kiwi slices and bananas.  Yum! It takes hours for stuff to dehydrate, so I'll check on everything in the morning.   In other news (man, I've been getting some [...]


Look how I found Maggie sleeping this afternoon: Haha! Her body was jammed into the crack of the couch.  Don't worry, I freed her!   Lunch was AMAZING today!  Of course, I had to dig into the special shipment of Amy's Kitchen products I received this morning.  Although all the products look tasty, I wanted [...]


Dehydrator Help!

Look what came in the mail for me today:   Squeeeeeeeeeeal!  An Excalibur Dehydrator! THANK YOU, Excalibur!  I know these babies are the top of the line dehydrators, and I cannot wait to try it out!   It even came with a "dehydrator cookbook!" I flipped through the book and it is filled with great [...]


Ditching Class

Evening! I am so relieved that its Thursday.  Aren't you? :)   Running Hiatus Workout #7   I decided to rush to a 6:45 spin class.  One of the things I miss about running is that sweaty, gross, smelly feeling.  Sweat = hard work in my mind! :)    I stayed for 45 minutes of [...]


Don't forget to take the Blogger Summit survey if you haven't done so already!  Click here to take the Blogger Summit survey.  Thanks so much. This will help us bring you the BEST Summit possible.   Work has been LOCO today!  I have so much to do, which is a good thing.  But it's still [...]


Blogger Summit UPDATE

As we announced to the blog world earlier in the week, six of your favorite foodie bloggers have been secretly working behind the scenes for months to organize a Blogger Summit.  Kath, Jenna, Tina, Meghann, Heather, and I envision this as a weekend of food, fun, friends, and fitness for other bloggers and readers.  We [...]


Running Hiatus Workout #6

My blog has been severely lacking in Maggie pictures lately - here you go! She loves that penguin toy! :)   Running Hiatus Workout #6   After work, the Husband and I headed to the gym for a workout.  The Husband requested that we make the workout "as quick as possible."  I replied, "Just give [...]


WINNER of the Mix My Granola Contest

Drumroll, please.... the WINNER of the Mix My Granola contest is:   Ari said... I would love the goji berries, dark chocoate covered espresso beans and pistachios. Yummy!   Congrats Ari! You have won a $20 Mix My Granola gift certificate!   If you didn't win, don't fret! Mix My Granola has created a special [...]


Thoughts on the Running Hiatus

I can sum up my feelings towards the running hiatus in 1 word:  adjustment.   The hiatus has forced me to re-think the way I exercise, eat, and look at my body, and although it hasn't been all bad, it certainly has been an adjustment.   The hardest part of the hiatus is truly accepting the [...]

Healthy Tipping Point