My Rebuttal to Marie Claire

in All Posts

Over the last two years, I have written 2,248 posts chronicling my experiences with living a healthy lifestyle.  I have received 131,985 comments – the vast majority of them are kind, helpful, or thoughtfully well-written opposing opinions.  A handful of these comments have been mean and hurtful – personal attacks on my character or life.  I accept this as a consequence for living my life in the “public eye,” although I do wish people would be nicer.  Because – you know – I’m a person with real feelings.


NEVER, EVER have I ever chosen to write a post in response to a mean or negative comment because I don’t believe in giving “energy vampires” the attention they want and do not deserve. 


Today… that all has to change.


When I was in 8th grade, I wasn’t very popular.  I had a few really close friends, but I didn’t mesh with the other students in my classes well and was locked out of the “cool kid” group.  That was OK with me because my friends and family were awesome.

(I’m on the left with my mom.)


Anyway, my close friends and I had a notebook that we would write letters to each other in.  Nothing scandalous (we were not scandalous 8th graders), but just stuff like, “How are you? I am fine. My Mom said I can come to your sleepover.” And whatnot.  We figured the book was easier to pass in class than a folded up sheet of paper, which the teacher would surely identify as a note.


In hindsight, this was a stupid idea, but we were all young and trusting of each other and other people.  I’m sure you can see how this story is going to end – one of the “cooler girls” stole the book, added P.S. at the end of each note, and wrote horrible things about other students in the book, making it appear that we had said them.  She then proceeded to show all the other students in my grade the book.


I’m not exaggerating to say it was one of the worst social experiences of my life.  I had never been bullied in this manner, and I was crushed.  Having my private notebook exposed was bad, but having everyone in my grade hate me (ME – the kind, keep-her-head-down-and-don’t-upset-anyone, un-popular girl) was terrible.


I was laying in bed last night in tears, remembering that awful two-week period (my parents were even called in to talk to the principal).  But something about the way it made me feel as a 13 year-old is similar to how I’m feeling right now.


If you haven’t already seen the Marie Claire article that was written about me and five other bloggers, here it is (I’d rather you read it for free than buy a copy of this magazine).  I feel that I have to respond to this character attack because it’s damaging, untrue, and tabloid-style reporting.  Every single quote attributed to me was taken seriously out of context to fit into the story’s slant.  I consider it to be libel.


I’m not going to go through the article and do a point-by-point analysis of why everything is untrue because honestly… reading it once was more than enough for me.  But I do want to say this:


  • I do not have an eating or exercise disorder.  I think that characterizing someone like me, who regularly eats 1,800 to 2,800 calories a day and has a BMI of 21.1 (in the middle of the healthy BMI range), as someone who has a disorder seriously devalues and minimizes what people who actually have a disorder go through.  I have always been so open and honest about my history with depression because I believe in eliminating the stigma of mental disease, and if I struggled with food or exercise issues, I would talk about it.


  • I am not “emaciated.”  I have actually GAINED seven pounds since I started writing this blog two years ago.  Why?  Because writing about healthy living and fueling myself properly has encouraged me to EAT MORE FOOD.  I love my body so much. 


  • I love how the reporter/magazine talks about me running 22.0 miles but fails to put it in context – that I was training for a marathon.  You know, a hobby that hundreds of thousands of healthy people across the nation engage in.  Did they mention that through this marathon, I raised $3,000 for cancer research with YOUR help? No.  Also, I did not engage in “a light day of eating” after running 22.0 miles.  As evidenced in this post, I ate nearly a loaf of French bread on the hood of my car after the run!  And then I had an entire box of pasta…. and that was just for lunch!


  • I exercise frequently but that is because I LIKE TO RUN RACES.  It is my hobby, as it is for millions of other people, including my own father, who instilled a sense of adventure in me from a young age.  I am not obsessed with exercise to burn calories.  I love exercise because it makes me feel alive.


  • This article cherry-picks quotes from my interview and blog and then takes them out of context to fulfill the slant they were searching to write about.   The reporter failed to write about my Healthy Tipping Point Success Stories series, which has chronicled people overcoming eating disorders, beating addictions, losing weight in a healthy way, or coming to terms with the body God gave them.  The reporter also failed to write about the hundreds of posts I’ve written about stopping restricting and embracing true balance, such as HTP Swaps and Additions, Setting Realistic Goals, and Getting Over Regrets.


  • My biggest issue with this article is that it is completely one-sided.  I sent the reporter so many e-mails from people who had either 1) lose a healthy amount of weight after reading my blog or 2) used healthy living blogs such as mine as a tool to help them BEAT an eating disorder or exercise disorder.   I introduced the reporter to several people at the Healthy Living Summit who talked about how our blog community helped their find friendship, balance, and support that they were missing in their real life.  She failed to write about any of these things.  She only wrote about things that fit into her slant. I’m not saying that food blogs such as mine have a 100% positive influence on everyone who ever reads it (because nothing does), but I KNOW that my blog, and Operation Beautiful, has had a positive impact on the vast majority of my readers.  I also love how the article completely glosses over the Operation Beautiful movement in it’s entirety.


In the end… I understand that there is freedom of speech, and people can write whatever they want – even if it is untrue.  I understand that by writing this blog, I have opened myself up to the mean girls in the classroom.  I also understand that life isn’t fair. 


I only write this rebuttal because I want YOU to know my side of the story since it was so obviously left out of the article.  Maybe you are a long-term reader who knows the picture painted of me as an emaciated, food-destroying exercise maniac was completely untrue.  Maybe you are reading this blog post now because you saw the article in Marie Claire and wanted to see for yourself.  But now you know the truth… don’t believe everything you read in magazines. 




  • Samantha Angela @ Bikini Birthday October 4, 2010, 9:52 am

    Thanks for sharing your point of view. I think the article was rather one-sided. While I do find that healthy living bloggers can occasionally make posts that may seem to advocate disordered exercising or eating it is entirely up to the reader to determine what is best for their bodies.

    • Janet October 11, 2010, 9:02 am

      I don’t really mean any larger commentary on this whole issue (I’m on the fence), but I just have to point this out about your last sentence: people with eating disorders are often not able to “determine what is best for their bodies.” Does that mean that bloggers like Caitlin are responsible for the actions of every reader who comes to their pages? No, but certainly it’s something to think about. Describing obsessive calorie counting, extreme exercise regiments, and food destruction can be triggers from ED sufferers (and I’m not saying that Caitlin has done any of this–I’m new here–but there are certainly blogs that do).

      I think it’s important to remember that we all come from different places on the issues of eating, weight, and exercise. I’ve never been overweight, but I have suffered briefly from an eating disorder. For me, I can see how reading about calorie counting, food destruction, etc. might trigger unhealthy behaviors in my own life. For someone who has struggled with being overweight, hearing similar stories and strategies might be helpful and inspiring. So, in the end, I’m not really sure what the answer is, but perhaps this whole situation will make bloggers and readers alike more aware of possible problems and problem behaviors. I hope that makes sense.

      • Caitlin October 11, 2010, 9:05 am

        Janet – I agree that the key is that EVERYONE needs to consume ALL media, not just blogs, more responsibly. Also, people who create media, not just blogs, need to make an effort to be considerate of their audience. I think that’s the big lesson I’ve taken from this experience.

    • Morgan October 16, 2010, 1:12 am

      I hadn’t heard of your blog until I read the Marie Claire article and I had to see for myself what you “Big Six” are like. The urge to do my own research came about because, while I enjoy the pieces in Marie Claire, “The Hunger Diaries” didn’t seem typical. The sentiment expressed this article evinces a common perception in America (one I’ve run against again and again) that it is ‘normal’ to eat a certain way and exercise to a certain extent and that if someone exceeds that mold (is too gung-ho about eating healthily and running for example) it is threatening to the lifestyle of others.

      What is often forgotten is that perfectly healthy people eat differently all over the world (Marie Claire did a great article on this subject interestingly enough) and while many of those eating habits seem questionable by American standards, they can be just as conducive to a good quality of life.

      As far as exercise goes, balance is key, but on the other hand the human physique is built to run. The relatively minimal amount of exercise incorporated in the average American lifestyle is what is abnormal.

      Your response doesn’t sound like you are anywhere near letting a narrow viewpoint restrict your passion. Keep it up girl 🙂 I’ll admit I haven’t read much of the blogs, but you and your fellow five have my support.

      • A New Reader April 16, 2011, 3:23 pm

        I checked in here after seeing an article on AOL about your transformation – and I second the sentiment above.

        People all over the world eat differently as a result of both cultural and health factors, yet it seems Americans are so quick to judge anything “different” than the standard American diet as threatening and overzealous.

        As a former vegan, a one-time marathoner, a gluten free eater out of a necessity, and now a paleo/primal eater (because I enjoy it and feel great!), I have faced criticism both in social settings and form my family… but the fact is I follow what my body needs and wants, and I find it shocking that if I were to throw back chili cheese fries on a daily basis I probably wouldn’t hear anything about it.

        Morgan is spot on – our bodies are made to MOVE… not sit in cars, sit on couches and just generally be sedentary. I applaud your best friend for giving you a wake-up call on your personal health (read that part on the AOL article!), and I applaud your brave decision to actually do something about it.

        Controversy and tearing others down may sell magazines, but honesty and hard work enable compassion and inspiration and move us ALL forward together!

        • Caitlin April 16, 2011, 5:57 pm

          Thanks 🙂 Welcome to the blog.

  • Nicole of Raspberry Stethoscope October 4, 2010, 9:55 am

    Like I said on Meghann’s blog, the writer obviously went into the story with sole purpose of trying to find a slant to prove blogging can cause some sort of eating disorder. I think anyone and everyone who reads your blog on a daily basis would absolutely laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of the article because it is so far from the truth.

  • megan @ whatmegansmaking October 4, 2010, 9:56 am

    Great rebuttal Caitlin! I read that article last night and I simply couldn’t believe how one-sided it was! It appeared like she did zero research. But since you said you sent her all of those positive stories, now I’m thinking she did do her research, she just didn’t care. I’m kind of unsure why she would want to create a problem that doesn’t exist, unless it’s for marketing reasons. That will ultimately fail as people realize just how wrong she is. Although maybe she is so self-deluded as to actually believe what she wrote, in which case I feel sorry for her.

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 9:57 am

    Well written, Caitlin. And a very classy response. Stay strong! I know you will!

    • Liz October 4, 2010, 11:11 pm

      Well, I feel stupid because I can’t figure out how to write a comment without hitting “reply” to Amanda’s, but this works because I agree with her. I have been struggling with an eating disorder for several years, and reading your blog and other similar ones has helped me see how others approach healthy and happy living. I really admire how candid you are with a group of strangers. And I value every word.

  • joanna October 4, 2010, 9:57 am

    i want you to know that you are an INSPIRATION and full of light and this article was so ridiculous i didn’t even get very mad. i just laughed. i hope you can do the same because whether people know you or are checking out the blog based on the article, no one is going to come away thinking any of the things in MC are true.

  • Heather @ Side of Sneakers October 4, 2010, 9:58 am

    Freedom of speech is one thing. Libel is another. I hate to see how the author so blatantly reported only what fit what she wanted to say, and that she took everyone’s quotes out of context. If she wanted to write about the possible negative influence of blogs, that’s fine- but don’t do it in a sketchy way, and don’t do it using people that promote positive body image as examples. Sorry she made you feel upset, but I know every single one of your readers is going to back you up, so don’t let it get you down.

  • Mansee October 4, 2010, 9:58 am

    I hope people do read the artcle, just so they can come to your site and realize how wrong that reporter is. And honestly, even if I wasn’t familiar with healthy living blogs before reading that article it still would have seemed one-sided. It was written in a very “let’s attack other people” manner, which is not what you would expect from a magazine like that.

    Keep doing what you do, girl 🙂

    • Emily October 4, 2010, 2:24 pm

      This is the thing I keep hoping! That any publicity can become good–that more people will see what you all do and be encouraged. Even more, maybe some girls who are deep in ED and reading pro-ana stuff will come find it and find a healthier way to live. Know that this one person’s opinion doesn’t define you! You define you! And you are healthy, strong, and loving. You are amazing and beautiful!!!!

  • Mish@EatingJourney October 4, 2010, 9:58 am

    The thing which I walk away from it (because I do think that there are blogs which are unhealthy..BUT I also TOTALLY understand EXACTLY where you’re coming from) is that we are all doing the best that we can in whatever situation we are in. I have gotten angry and even go after people in comments before…but this whole explosion has left me with a couple of feelings.

    1. Our words, as bloggers, are incredibly powerful
    2. We have hearts, souls, minds, spirits which are fragile
    3. We are all doing the best that we can

    I have never seen blogging like this before, and it’s an interesting lesson as to the ‘if you don’t like it then don’t read it’ mentality that so often enables the blogging community to be warm and fuzzy with the occasional stick. It doesn’t feel as insular as it once did.

  • Carla October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    Caitlin, I think that everyone who has been a reader for a while knows that article was very untrue. You are amazing! I know you hear that thousands of time a week, but it is true.

    Focus on the positive, write for your readers (who love you), and let karma take care of the rest.

  • MelissaNibbles October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    I’m sorry that your comments were taken out of context. I would like to know your thoughts on the issues that were brought up though as they are real and do exist.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:00 am

      Hi Melissa! What specifically would you like me to respond to? I really cannot read that article again.

      • MelissaNibbles October 4, 2010, 10:02 am

        Disordered eating, exercise bulimia, etc…I’m not saying you do these things, but they exist in the “healthy living” community.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

          Yes! I definitely think it is important to address those issues, but if they wanted to do that in a FACTUAL way, they should’ve talked to the bloggers who actually have a disorder (you know, a diagnosed one from a real doctor, not a journalist).

    • MelissaNibbles October 4, 2010, 10:08 am

      The author did have sources like doctors and dietitians and also had another blogger say that it wasn’t healthy for her to read these blogs right now. That’s not what I asked though, I asked what your opinion is on these issues in the blog world.

      • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:16 am

        My belief is that it boils down to reader responsibility. That being said, I try to blog about my life in a way that helps other people (and it does help most people based on comments and emails). But there is no way that everyone can take everything in a positive way. I choose not to read blogs that influence me in a negative way. My blog is not a pro-ana blog, which is how it was portrayed.

        • MelissaNibbles October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

          I agree with reader responsibility. Completely, trust me. However, I have to say I’m surprised that your rebuttal doesn’t seem to address these issues except to say that you don’t do these things personally. It sounds like because you choose not to read blogs that affect you negatively, you don’t empathize with those that have.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:26 am

          Perhaps I will write another post on that.

        • eatmovelove October 4, 2010, 10:44 am

          This is a touchy subject isn’t it? It’s so hard to judge and say what’s what. I do believe and feel that a lot of blogs that highlight all their days eats, etc. are not healthy per se. But it is reader responsibility. At the same time, we all know how some people are far more impressionable than others…but then you’d have to stop or shut down a lot of things – fast food restaurants, fashion magazines(!), fire stick-thin actresses and never allow them to act again…! I won’t get into it as I could be here forever really.

      • Kristin October 4, 2010, 11:47 am

        MelissaNibbles, you have a bad attitude, girly! I’ve seen it in your blog too! I’m sensing a little jealousy, on your part. Caitlin, keep on inspiring people and doing what you do! Don’t let these mean girls get you down 🙂

        • MelissaNibbles October 4, 2010, 11:52 am

          I’m not jealous at all. I was wondering what Caitlins thoughts were on what the article addressed. I feel for her that her blog was cast in this light, I feel bad for the other bloggers as well.

          I don’t think attacking me because I asked a simple question adds anything to the discussion and only makes you the mean girl.

        • Tiffany (Stuffed with Fluff) October 4, 2010, 11:57 am

          I don’t think that Melissa has a bad attitude per se, I think she is bring up a valid point re: issues that unfortunately DO exist in the healthy living blog world, though not necessarily on the blogs blasted in the Marie Claire article.

          As demonstrated on Rachel’s post on Hollaback (amongst other posts), this article demonstrates that there needs to be a discussion about distorted eating/exercising on blogs in general. I don’t think she was trying to push Caitlin in the corner or blame her, just trying to find out her opinions on the underlying issue that probably would have been been garnered more attention had the article not been so specific with “examples” from the “Big 6” bloggers (really, who calls them that?!)

        • genesis October 4, 2010, 12:40 pm

          melissa’s question was not a mean question. its a question that does need to be asked among the HLB. how can you call her mean when shes trying to open a discussion on issues that truly exist in HLB? shouldnt we all be open to discussion and not block people out because they have differing opinions?

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 4:36 pm

          Everyone – It is completely OK to have differing opinions on HTP in the comments section. I respect what each of you have to say and listen to it.

        • Becca October 7, 2010, 4:04 pm

          Or, you are just being judgmental (Kristin). Anyway, I can see so many different sides of this argument and honestly, Caitlin, I enjoyed reading your blog but stopped last year when you blogged the whole “I ate a cheeseburger at McDonald’s” April Fool’s joke. That just turned me off for some reason and I stopped reading. However, I did read the article in Marie-Claire and agree that it’s very one-sided and well, mean. I think what appalls me the most is that it sounds like you all worked with this reporter and she was kind to you, etc. And then she comes back with this hateful attack on your morals and values. I would be just as hurt by it.

        • Caitlin October 7, 2010, 4:08 pm

          Hi Becca:

          Thanks for coming back to HTP and saying this.

      • Bryan June 17, 2011, 7:33 pm

        How could anyone expect Caitlin to adress these issues in any way other than to say she doesn’t do them personally? Unless I’m wrong, Caitlin isn’t a doctor, so it would be pretty irresponsible to do so. This is a blog, not a healthcare website. Someone needs to figure that out…..

    • emptynutjar October 4, 2010, 7:04 pm

      I totally see both sides of the issue.
      I dislike Katie Drummond’s article because I do find it very one-sided (as Kath mentioned as KERF).
      I do think there are a lot of unhealthy blogs and I do think that some people are very enraptured with the blogging and food life to an odd degree.
      So, I do see it both ways. People are easily influenced, etc.
      But I don’t think any of the 6 targeted have poor character or this or that. I think any of them have poor intentions at all. I think everything has consequences , which could be problems.

      Ha, if anything, I kinda wish all the bloggers would lay off posting so much….pull a campaign for the world to get off the internet 🙂
      Ha…but obviously it again comes down to reader choice. Do or don’t read. It is too bad that a lot of people truly are affected by it. But I don’t think it was a good idea for Drummond to target any specific ladies at all. Seems very one-sided and not responsible for a journalist.

      Regardless, I do see it both ways (but I don’t “target” specific bloggers or their character). What a debate though. It can be such a passionate topic and I think responses are both sides provoke quite a bit of thought. On both sides.

      • Julie October 7, 2010, 10:25 pm

        empty nut jar- lol, sometimes I wish they’d blog more. : )

    • Cris October 11, 2010, 1:53 pm

      Ms. Drummond obviously has an agenda. She proves that through her tone and by choosing not to use the resources you made available to her. I’ve followed your blog since its conception, and the biggest message I’ve taken from it is that the journey is more important than the destination. You have never promoted an ideal weight, size, exercise regimen, or specific diet. Rather, you have opened a dialogue among young women (and men) who are interested in beginning to live a healthy and well-balanced life. Most of your readers agree that they’ve always known they should eat better and exercise, but with age comes wisdom and the realization that good health is paramount. So for us heallth-minded folks, not only have you opened such a dialogue, but you also have provided us with a support network.

      I think that a major biggest challenge in life is to choose to live with character and integrity. Ms. Drummond probably would not have had as many readers or hits on her webpage had she not insulted your large fan base. Think of her article as a career agenda rather than a personal vendetta. She herself is a marathon runner, so insulting others who choose to participate in such races demonstrates her self-loathe. Keep your chin up. She sucks. You don’t.

      Choosing to display grace (during a time when unkind words or behavior are warranted) speaks to your charm and character.

      I see in these comments that several people have asked for a more specific response to the article. Don’t feel the need to write another post. Those individuals obviously didn’t read your entire post, because you openly say that you do not want to read the article again. Asking you to do so is mean and unnecessary.

      In Spanish, there is a saying, “El pasado, pisado.”

      • Caitlin October 11, 2010, 2:02 pm

        Thank you so much!

  • Marci October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    That was a well-written response without rudely attacking the author. Facts are facts! This will all pass, and your loyal readers will keep reading. (And you’ll probably get a lot of new readers!) I am so glad that I stumbled upon the healthy living blog community and started my own blog six months ago. The blogs I read are very positive, and the article was definitely one-sided, and just wrong.

  • shelley October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    There are no words that can possibly describe the ridiculousness of this article. The author has no idea. For me personally you and your blog have opened my eyes to a whole side of being healthy that I didn’t know about before and I’m sure 100% of your readers would disagree with everything this article says.
    Your rebuttal is pretty awesome, very well spoken and it makes me think you should have this Katie woman’s job! At least then people wouldn’t be subjected to this kind of junk!

  • Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    I said this on Morgan’s blog (Life After Bagels), but I’ll say it again. I can’t believe someone would write so negatively about something that has grown into such a positive community. To specifically target you and other popular bloggers is particularly surprising – like you said, you’re real people that have real people feelings. At what point does the author acknowledge the amazing positive effects that things like Operation Beautiful have had on hundreds and hundreds of people worldwide? Oh wait, looks like she forgot that part.

  • Kara October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    While I agree that the article was trying to persuade reader of the one-side, you have to admit there is some merit to it. Popular food blogs create an illusion that can encourage and damage those with disordered eating or recovering. The author never said you had an eating disorder, she said that your blogs show evidence of disordered eating. The fact that you know exactly how many pounds you have gained since starting this blog isn’t exactly refuting the author’s claims. There is a huge difference between an eating disorder and an unhealthy outlook on food (see “orthorexia”), but you shouldn’t overlook any grains of truth that can be gleaned from that article.

    I love your blog, it’s one of my favorites, but as a recovered anorexic, I can tell you that it’s never a good idea to completely disregard the potential for disordered eating. I agree, not a well written article, but it should open discussion, not “rally the troops” against a publication.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:01 am

      I think there is room for discussion about food blogs and distorted eating, but this article was a clear character attack on me and others.

      I only know how many pounds I gained because I weighed myself last week in order to figure out how much James and Maggie weigh now. 🙂

      • Kara October 4, 2010, 10:04 am

        I guess I didn’t see it as a character attack, but maybe I would have it was written about me 🙂 Also, “weight loss success” stories like your HTP stories can be just as triggering. “My life was awful, but now I’m healthy (skinny) and everything is peachy”

        I thought the article raised some interesting issues that I would love to see discussed.

        • Summer October 4, 2010, 10:55 am

          Did Caitlin ever actually say, “Now that I’m skinny, my life is peachy?” Skinny doesn’t always healthy equal (as well as vice-versa). Just from looking at pictures she has posted from when she was what she felt to be unhealthy, her body wasn’t really much bigger, or “un-skinny.” She couldn’t run a mile. Now she can run 20. Her weight isn’t much different. (Caitlin, I hate to speak for you, but that’s just what I’ve gathered from reading your blog(s) for so long.)

        • Laura@FindingAHealthyBalance....after a 100+ Pound weight loss!!! October 4, 2010, 11:49 am

          From one of the girls who has a “weight loss success” story I would like to say that Caitlin has never posted SKINNY on her blog, nor has she focused soley on losing weight! She has always focused on how other women have changed their life for the better by losing weight, being disorders, etc. in a postive way. I think the healthy bloggin community is a great way for other woment to see how other women became healthier and happier and to get support. WHY MUST EVERYONE FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE IN LIFE…..LIFE IS TOO SHORT FOR THAT! STOP HATING OTHERS AND FIND LOVE FOR YOURSELF HOWEVER THAT MAY BE! The way Caitlin or other health bloggers live their life may not be for you, so find your way and be happy and stop hating them for find their own happiness!

        • Anne October 4, 2010, 1:50 pm

          Also didn’t Caitlin just post a success story where the woman lost a lot of weight, but still wasn’t healthy (due to an underlying health condition). That is a very important lesson.

          On the flip side, you can be healthy and have a few extra pounds.

        • Freya October 5, 2010, 3:26 am

          I know this is a late reply, but I’ve been a HTP success story too – except mine was about weight GAIN. Caitlin’s blog taught me that eating was good, enjoyable – I looked at her pictures and saw a healthy woman having the time of her life, and I wanted that too. I admired her strength and attitude to food – she ate healthily, but if she wanted a cookie, she darn well had a cookie. It was a wonderful thing to see, especially when most images I saw in everyday life were stick thing models and actresses, and every magazine I picked up (including Marie Claire) was telling me to eat 1400 cals a day to lose 7pounds in a week or whatever.
          Caitlin’s blog preeeetty much saved my life.

        • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:40 am

          Freya – You saved your own life! Never forget that.

        • Cynthia (It All Changes) October 5, 2010, 9:20 am

          Caitlin has never said that skinny = happy. I lost weight and was still miserable because of my health. I was the most recent HTP story that took me 3 years after the weight loss to really find my happy healthy. It wasn’t about the WL so much as being healthy overall.

        • Julie October 8, 2010, 12:15 am


          I’m not saying that all stories are like this, but for many people being over weight is a symptom of other problems like lack of self esteem and depression and conquering those issues were part of an over-all change in health. Or at least it was in my case. The healthier I became mentally (therapy) the better I treated my body and the healthier my weight got and the happier I became.

          And also, what is unhealthy behavior for some can be important learning tools for others. Calorie counting and food journaling can be detrimental for a recovering anorexic but really important tools for people (like me) who didn’t know how to eat healthfully. I didn’t understand portion size, I would forget about snacks and treats, I over-estimated how much fresh fruit and veggies I ate and I was in denial about how much weight I had gained (thanks to not owning a scale). I *needed* to keep track of my weight and what I was eating to be honest with myself and get my health and weight under control. And I’m not talking 10 lbs. I’m 5’1 and weighted almost 160 (which is obese for my size) and now I am right in the center of my BMI at 115. I *do* need to weight myself everyday. The number on the scale is not really important to me. If I weight 3lbs more than yesterday, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest but I keep checking in order to be aware and not let my weight creep up. I no longer food journal or count calories but they were really important tools for me to learn how to eat healthfully.

          I’m just saying everyone is different and it’s important not to jump to conclusions by comparing people to yourself.

        • Caitlin October 8, 2010, 7:05 am


          I think you make a great point – the crux of which is this is a very complicated issue and there is no one clear answer. I am very proud of you for losing weight in a healthy way. As I wrote in the OB book, calorie counting is not necessarily wrong or bad. It can be very useful for a lot of people.

    • Kiley October 4, 2010, 10:12 am

      I actually really agree with Kara. Yes, thousands do run marathons and train on a daily basis, but their food intake is also more substantial. I read back on your honeymoon post where you wrote about how “you have to work out, because you’ve been indulging way too much and it is DEFINITELY starting to show.” That just makes me sad….

      • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:19 am

        Kiley – If my food intake is not substantial enough, then how have I actually gained weight since blogging?

        • eatmovelove October 4, 2010, 10:47 am

          Well that could be from alot of things – with aging, muscle mass, etc. But I’m not looking to argue here!

          And personally, orthorexia runs rampant on just about EVERY blog related to food – so you’d have to attack everyone LOL!

          You can’t win really. When Jenna (from Eat Live Run) writes recipes with butter and sugar – then SHE gets attacked for using fattening ingredients…!! See?! So the readers are just as screwed up…


        • alyssa October 4, 2010, 10:53 am

          jeez. women are riduculous. we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t. we view certain foods as bad and avoid them like the plague. then, we point fingers at other women who do the same. why? why can’t we all just worry about ourselves? what good does “calling someone out” do? we are all women. we all suffer from “fat days” and negative self image (some moreso than others) but jeez. there is a difference between having an opinion, raising a concern, and then straight-up being a bitch. why are women so caddy?

      • Julia October 4, 2010, 10:48 am

        But Kiley, why is it a bad thing? That is how Caitlin felt at the time! Indulging is a part of healthy eating and I don’t think it’s unreasonable for someone to want to work out after doing so.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:51 am

      I’m not going to get into this, but I think calling HLB “orthorexics” is yet another way people devalue people who actually suffer from eating disorders. Caring about healthy eating and the quality of your food does not make you an orthorexic. We need to be very careful about tossing around terms like this.


      Sufferers of orthorexia often display symptoms consistent with obsessive-compulsive disorder and have an exaggerated concern with healthy eating patterns. Like anorexia, however, these obsessive compulsive symptoms may be an effect of starvation rather than a cause of the disorder.[18] A diagnostic questionnaire has been developed for orthorexia sufferers, similar to questionnaires for other eating disorders.[17] Bratman proposes an initial self-test composed of two direct questions: “Do you care more about the virtue of what you eat than the pleasure you receive from eating it?… Does your diet socially isolate you?”[19] Other questions concerning those who may be suffering from orthorexia provided by Davis on the WebMD (2000) website are: Do they spend more than 3 hours a day thinking about healthy foods? When they eat the way they’re supposed to, do they feel in total control? Are they planning tomorrow’s menu today? Has the quality of their life decreased as the quality of their diet increased? Have they become stricter with themselves? Does their self-esteem get a boost from eating healthy? Do they look down on others who don’t eat this way? Do they skip foods they once enjoyed in order to eat the “right” foods? Does their diet make it difficult for them to eat anywhere but at home, distancing them from family and friends? Do they feel guilt or self-loathing when you stray from their diet?

      • Kara October 4, 2010, 12:32 pm

        Just to clarify: I meant that many food bloggers display orthorexic tendencies, I did not claim that they have a full fledged eating disorder. There is a huge space between normal and actual disorder and many people unhappily reside in that space.

        • Allison October 4, 2010, 12:55 pm

          I strongly agree with this: “many food bloggers display orthorexic tendencies”. Blogs that jump to mind first include Carrot’s N Cake, HTP, Graduate Meghann/Meals and Miles. I’m sure Caitlin will disagree.

          I thought the article was decently written – it’s nice to point out that there are *instances* of ‘healthy living bloggers’ going overboard.

          Of course the Healthy Living Summit planners think they’re wronged by this article – but as a reader, it’s a nice wake up call, to read these type of blogs a lot more critically. (Ie. Is this really an appropriate amount/selection of food for an active individual?)

        • Tyler October 4, 2010, 11:14 pm

          Being interested in healthy eating does not make someone have “orthorexic tendencies.” These blogs are about eating real food that is delicious, nourishing, and satisfying. That doesn’t sound disordered to me.

          My questions to some of these commenters: why do you read healthy living blogs if you feel they promote unhealthy body images and restrictive eating? And in what ways are these bloggers “going overboard”?

    • Becky October 4, 2010, 11:14 am

      I agree with Kara as well. It was a horribly written article but I, too, would like to see this open up an honest discussion instead of creating more anger and hostility through a protest of the publication. Just looking at Marie Claire’s facebook page shows how influential you ladies are. Maybe you could use that influence to facilitate a positive and honest discussion about the issue, instead of fostering more anger and hostility? This is not an attack, just a suggestion. I am a recovered bulimic and a long time blog reader and I don’t intend to stop reading. I’d just like to see something positive come out of all of this.

    • HTP Dad October 4, 2010, 11:15 am

      For a serious athlete to monitor their weight helps track proper hydration and nutrition.
      Caitlin and I have had several discussions about so called RD “experts” who recommend an insanely low calorie intake for endurance athletes, and some of the ludicrous emails she’s exchanged with them.
      As someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I certainly understand triggers. It’s not society’s job to eliminate them; it’s mine to avoid them.

      • Kate @ Spoonful of Vigor October 4, 2010, 11:29 am

        “As someone with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, I certainly understand triggers. It’s not society’s job to eliminate them; it’s mine to avoid them.”

        THANK YOU. As a psychologist-in-training who has worked extensively with individuals who suffer from EDs, I know that a significant part of ED recovery is learning how to cope with triggers. The world is filled with triggers and what triggers one person might not trigger another. Should bloggers avoid writing about healthy eating habits and training for endurance events because someone might take this as inspiration to restrict eating and over-exercise? Sorry, I won’t.

        • Wendy G October 4, 2010, 12:13 pm

          Very well said, HTP Dad and Kate! I’d like to add that Caitlin has always gone out of her way to put disclaimers on her HTP stories warning those who might be triggered! In my opinion she has always been a thoughtful and responsible blogger.

          This whole situation just makes me sad. Caitlin, this one article does not undo all of the good you have done. I hope you know that there are tons of us behind you that consider you an inspiration!

  • Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    your response was perfect, caitlin. i hated reading that article and seeing you and other women who i look up to so much attacked in such a cruel way. i was literally reading the marie claire article w/ my mouth open and was deeply saddened at the way the article portrayed healthy living blogs. you show your readers what is it like to be TRULY healthy every day… not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

  • Heather October 4, 2010, 9:59 am

    Caitlin it breaks my heart that this has happened to yall. Even though i have never met any of you, I truly feel like I “know” you and that this article is bullying my “friends,” and I am VERY protective of my friends. I am so fired up right now, and so sick to my stomach I cannot imagine what the 6 of you are going through. I just want to scream IT’S NOT FAIR! as I am sure you do. I am praying that this will bring you even more readers than ever before! As a healthy living blogger myself, I also take offense at this personally. People will say what they want to get a story, sadly, but I do not like when people spread false things about something I love to do. You can bet I will be posting about this topic today, and e mailing marie claire myself. Yall will get through this like the classy ladies you are! Many hugs. Heather

  • Lin October 4, 2010, 10:00 am

    Great rebuttal! And I totally agree with Nicole from above, anyone who actually reads your blog would know how ridiculous the article’s accusations are!

  • Emily October 4, 2010, 10:00 am

    That article was crazy, great response! I love your blog 🙂

  • Angharad October 4, 2010, 10:01 am

    I am absolutely disgusted by what the reporter has done. I also happen to know that she knows marathon runners as friends. She is a good friend of another food/running blogger. Amazing that she can still put this slant on it.

    I’m so sorry that your blog has been painted in this way when it’s so obvious that HTP is such a very different, very positive online space.

    • eatmovelove October 4, 2010, 10:48 am

      I agree in the fact that I don’t think it’s fair for one reporter – who is she anyways really? – to judge someone else.

      That’s all. Why is someone so right versus others?

      And that has nothing to do with the material of the topic.

    • emptynutjar October 4, 2010, 7:22 pm

      I think its too bad that the article was written in that light so that the bloggers feel they were attacked.
      I think it could have been a potential opportunity to highlight the dangers of bloggers (because they DO exist! and THAT is the discussion people should be having vs. defending characters)…and it also could have highlighted potential ups of blogging.

      For me, personally, I’ve had to stop reading a lot of blogs and even the ones I really admire …my “head” is not in a good enough place…..I’ve lost my exercise capabilities and unable to do those things at all —so seeing some posts is hard…etc. etc…
      BUT, that also highlights my own insecurities or anger or whatever…so perhaps Drummond feels the same? I am pretty sure she has spoken before about her own history with disordered eating, running, etc, etc. Don’t quote me on that…I’m just fairly certain. Regardless, at the end of the day, it is ultimatley my choice to simply not read a lot of blogs…avoid a lot of blogging reading full-stop even…but again, that is my own individual choice.
      It comes down to readers choice…unfortunately, in this world, so many are impressionable…so again, it comes down to the question of responsibility, and how far should a person take it…

      Sometimes, I have to be honest here, I think the blogs that show the life/recipes/bits and pieces are a lot more conducive to be viewing versus meal by meal routine….but who am I to judge I guess? Just my thoughts.

  • Rachael @ Mrs. Adventure October 4, 2010, 10:01 am

    I haven’t read the article, and honestly don’t care too. I can read your words and know that they hurt you. I’m sorry girl, keep you head up you are doing a great thing with your blog and life… don’t let them keep you down :+)



  • LindseyAnn October 4, 2010, 10:01 am

    I couldn’t even finish the article. How absolutely heinous.

    It seems that once again you were unfairly targeted by a mean girl. Though, instead of a petty preteen sabotaging a note between friends, you were attacked by a petty grown woman who was trying to sabotage your lifestyle and livelihood. I am so sorry that this has happened to you and the rest of the HLS bloggers.
    As someone who has struggled with disordered eating in her past (and present, I’ll own it), I find that reading these blogs actually helps me step away from those patterns. I see women my age enjoying healthy, delicious food, treats, and balancing it all with exercise that they enjoy. You all are an inspiration, and all that Marie Claire article did was make sure I will never, ever pick up their magazine or watch a show sponsored by them ever again.

  • amy October 4, 2010, 10:01 am

    Libel indeed. I plan on responding by not picking up a Marie Claire magazine or taking that writer seriously. Where is your due diligence or fact checking, Marie Claire?

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 10:02 am

    “Slimspiration”? “Sylph-like physique” What the hell is this woman talking about??? You guys are a great daily inspiration. Maybe this journalist should try to run a marathon, and then she’ll see she has no idea about what healthy living is about.

  • Jessica @ The Process of Healing October 4, 2010, 10:02 am

    That article is insanely untrue and it angers me to no end that it’s attacking especially you, Jenna, and Kath because you three were the first blogs I started reading years ago and you all, especially you, introduced me to running, which I fell in LOVE with. You helped me to overcome (still working on that) disordered eating and showed me what REAL balanced meals actually looked like. You all inspire me to no end.. and this article is NOT right.

  • Jill October 4, 2010, 10:02 am

    Very well written response! I think anyone who follows your blog knows that article was just plain ridiculous. The author of that article should be so embarrassed.

  • Kyra October 4, 2010, 10:03 am

    Caitlin, great response to an article that the author “wrote” with a bias clearly in mind. Don’t let the mean girls win. {{hugs}}

  • Holly @ couchpotatoathlete October 4, 2010, 10:03 am

    Caitlin I am sorry you were subjected to the “mean girls” — it does hurt to have something you put effort/heart into (your blog) torn apart. Even if the author found those “truths” about healthy living blogs, she didn’t mention any of the GOOD that comes from the blogs — the support, the community, the education, etc. That has been invaluable to me and it helps me have a more positive outlook on food and myself in general.

    Thank you for responding to the article — I just recently learned about it and was curious to see if there would be any responses.

  • Gabriella Roselli October 4, 2010, 10:04 am

    as someone going into the media field, i know that this article was written with a serious slant, compiling quotes together that fit into the narrative the author was trying to tell. what’s most annoying is that marie claire as a magazine (like most others) is constantly giving tips and tricks on how to be “prettier”, lose “the last 5 pounds” etc…so for a magazine to blame girls that i like to give some credit to in helping me realize what is healthy and what isn’t is absurd. coming from a place of disordered eating and obsessive exercise, i realized through these blogs how poorly i was treating my own body by not giving it at all what it needed, and once i started eating i made strides in my running and muscle building that my body couldn’t possibly do before. do i know that you truly eat every pic you post? no, but i believe in your character (and the other bloggers in the article), that you are not lying to your readers. you guys all deserve and apology.

  • Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) October 4, 2010, 10:04 am

    I’ve been reading your blog since October of 2008 and have never seen any of those things mentioned in the article. I’m sorry that the article made you feel like you did in 8th grade. (I can so relate to that feeling, trust me!)

    Just know that you have my support.

  • Sam October 4, 2010, 10:04 am

    This article makes me sick. I remember emailing you not too long ago because I was at a standstill with my weight loss even though I was working my ass off. The only reason that I lost more weight was because I took your advice & started eating more. Would a person that is emaciated & has an eating disorder give that kind of advice? I think not. I rarely buy Marie Claire because most of those magazines are a waste of my money but you can bet that I will never buy one again.

  • Marisa @Loser for Life October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

    Excellent rebuttal, Caitlin! I am a long time reader and frankly, old enough to be your mother (GASP!) and I have to say that I find the healthy lifestyle that you live to be nothing short of encouraging and inspiring. Many times your positive attitude and quotes have gotten me through a bad run! Keep on keepin’ on, girlie! I love what you do!

  • Shannon, Tropical Eats October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

    We know the truth. Thank you for blogging Caitlin! I’m so thankful that us random readers all over the world can follow your life, daily adventures, ups and downs, AMAZING recipes, and epic runs.

    You’ve made internet land a positive place and inspired so many individuals-both young and old– to lead healthy and active lives. Keep up the great work! We’re all behind you!

  • claire October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

    Such a well composed response Caitlin. I am so sorry that the story was slanted in such a way. As a former journalism major, it hurts my heart to hear about reporters doing this. We know you aren’t the way they portray you in the article and that is all that matters. You have so many readers who read your blog for healthy inspiration!

  • Erinn October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

    I honestly think the main reason she provided such a slant was because the community of food bloggers is kind of a quirky one. There’s the “Big 6” and it’s like a sorority of photo-taking, hungry women who decide they need to run, run, run a marathon because everyone else is doing it. I mean any time someone offers anything “constructive” on the blog or just a second opinion it’s taken as an attack on the entire community!

    Please don’t take this as an attack, but there are readers that follow and then there are others who just come to look for healthy recipes. I am picky and choosy as to what I want to believe and, of course I understand that you’re not an R.D or any other medical professional.

    It’s great that there is a community for people who enjoy the same things, but people get caught up as in how they should live their life based upon the “celebrity status” of a blogger.

    • Ramona October 4, 2010, 12:44 pm

      I agree with you, Erinn. It seems like loyal followers are quick to attack people who give constructive feedback to these bloggers. I like a copule of these blogs, but I do not consider them to be sacred text. I think a lot of people in this “community” take themselves too seriously sometimes.

    • Morgan October 4, 2010, 1:17 pm

      Very well written.

      • Samantha October 4, 2010, 3:02 pm

        I am not certain why its necessary to suggest that these women are hungry or that they run a marathon because everyone else is doing it. If you have ever attempted a marathon you would surely know that its not something one puts themself through to be a part of a “cool crowd”. I also think you might be mistaking commonality with sorority in this situation. Bloggers bond because they share a common interest and can be sources of advice and motivation for one another. They can relate to the ups and downs and form a kinship as a result. Yes they may be defensive but thats because they feel that someone has attacked a friend.

    • Allie October 4, 2010, 4:12 pm

      I don’t think Caitlin is running marathons solely because “everyone else is doing it”.

    • Julie October 8, 2010, 12:28 am

      “just a second opinion it’s taken as an attack”

      I can completely agree with this. Not on this blog so much, because I think that Caitlin tries to give people a chance to voice dissent, but some of these blogs you can’t even (extremely politely) imply that you don’t agree with the blogger without a million people jumping on you and calling you names and saying that you are “jealous, ugly, unhappy, ect…”. Seriously, you can be as kind and polite as possible but it’s like a pack of dogs.

  • Melanie October 4, 2010, 10:05 am

    Well said. My first thought after reading the article (which I finally did) was about how I’ve always wondered at how much you DO eat. LoL Anyone who reads your blog can see you’re not someone who eats hardly anything. It’s just absurd!

    Keep on keeping on. This too shall pass and you’ve got thousands of supporters behind you!

    • Heather in Seattle October 4, 2010, 5:26 pm

      This was my first reaction after finding HTP too. Inspired me to stop eating so many bland meals for a certain calorie count

  • Michelle @ Chasing Ambulances October 4, 2010, 10:06 am

    Freedom of speech is not truly free – people are protected from untrue, libelous speech. I think you are free to rebut and challenge said speech if you think you can protect yourself. And I think you have here – although as a faithful reader, I could have formed the rebuttal myself.

    I think it’s “interesting” that Marie Claire took this slant (“interesting” in the way that it’s not surprising at all). I wonder how many page views their site is getting today – since they acknowledge the healthy living blogs are a powerful force with thousands of men and women visiting every day. It’s unfortunate that negativity gets more attention than if Marie Claire had formed a positive relationship with healthy living blogs.

    I think it’s offensive that Marie Claire would launch an accusation of “eating-disordered” around so carelessly.

  • Lacey October 4, 2010, 10:06 am

    wow. that is truly horrible. (first of all your middle school mean girl experience, and now the professional magazine experience- how awful).

    i am a long time reader so there is no way i would believe that one-sided picture of you. and there is a reason i read your blog over other “healthy living blogs”- because i do think there are people who live their life in the public eye through blogs that have distorted thinking/ behavior. but you are a very real, balanced, healthy, person!!!!!! i believe that you will receive a lot of support for that fact. great move to write this response- it was really well written, clear, to the point, and real. xoxo

  • Kathryn October 4, 2010, 10:07 am

    that article makes me so mad! I read all of those blogs and they’ve encouraged me to have a healthier body image and to eat more real foods in my diet. I’ve never thought any of you guys are too thin or engaging in unhealthy habits! If anything, its been encouraging that you can eat real food (not always diet or low calorie food), and still look amazing! I’m so sorry about this awful article! Just know your readers don’t believe it!

  • Cyndi @ Weightless Life October 4, 2010, 10:07 am

    Sensationalism sells, and Marie Claire is capitalizing on that. It’s ridiculous that they are seeking to hurt people who have done nothing but help people realize that being healthy is a process and not something that happens overnight. Try to keep your chin up, clearly you ladies must be doing something right, because otherwise people wouldn’t be out to get you.

  • Kate October 4, 2010, 10:07 am

    Keep your head up. I haven’t read your blog before, but I have been reading your book and website for Operation Beautiful. I think what you are doing is so powerful and beautiful. We as women need to support each other instead of constantly cutting each other down. I can’t say that I am no longer engaging in these things or speaking negatively of myself, but I feel like with each post it I stick up, I get a little bit closer. Thank you for spreading your positive energy in a world that so desperately needs it.

  • Tami October 4, 2010, 10:07 am

    rise above this crap Caitlin! i am sorry that you spend so much of your time trying to help so many and this women has done this to you and made you feel crappy. there are no words for what she has done and she will never see the “real” side of things, just look at the magazine she writes for. it’s trash.

  • rachael October 4, 2010, 10:07 am

    Excellent response! I found it quite odd that she chose to portray the 6 of you, as you have some of the healthiest attitudes and least restrictive diets in the healthy blog community. Don’t waste any more tears on Marie Claire. 🙂

    • Julie October 8, 2010, 12:37 am

      I know! I was actually surprised the author didn’t use “Oh She Glows” as an example because (IMHO) that blog kinda does border on the types of behaviors the article talked about. I was surprised to see Eat Live Run because Jenna has been eating her heart out lately. : ) It feels to me like they really went over her blog with a fine-toothed comb to find a quote to use.

      *I really like the blog…. I just think it comes across as too restrictive sometimes. I like Angela and her blog and I’m not trying to say she is always too extreme or anything of the sort.

  • Claudia October 4, 2010, 10:08 am

    Caitlin, I’m a long time reader and rarely comment, but I just wanted to say that you’ve been an inspiration to me in the way I look at food, exercise and health. So many of us grew up with the feeling that we “had” to do things a certain way – “had” to count calories, “had” to exercise, “had” to be thin. It’s so refreshing to read about how you eat and run and post Operation Beautiful notes because you LOVE it. I think people like this writer can’t look beyond their own disordered relationship with food, and view anyone who actually talks about a healthy lifestyle in a negative light.

    That all being said, THANK YOU for doing what you do. I ran my first half-marathon two weeks ago, and referred back to your blog again and again for inspiration, advice and recipes.

  • Susan @ All Things In Moderation October 4, 2010, 10:08 am

    Great rebuttal. Your a class act my friend! 🙂

  • Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies October 4, 2010, 10:08 am

    The thing I find so interesting is that they chose to focus on you six ladies..3 of which (including you) I read regularly…and NONE of you focus on unhealthy, disordered eating. The posts they chose from Jenna to quite about her blisters…were what from a year ago?? She has definitely evolved as a blogger – as have all of you ladies!

    It baffles me that they chose to focus on you girls (other than the fact that you guys are bloggers with large followings) rather than focus on blogs that ACTUALLY illustrate their point…as they are out there. There are so many pro-disordered eating blogs and sites…and I think it would have been so much more beneficial to MarieClaire, as a “reputable” institution, the writer, their audience, and you ladies that were picked on, if they actually focused on something that illustrated their point…instead of just being sensational.

    • Jil @ Peace, Love & Munchies October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

      “to quote about” ** tyyypos

    • Jenn October 4, 2010, 10:29 am

      I couldn’t agree more. I think there are many examples of disordered eating out there on the WWW, but by picking on the “big 6” (haha), the author showed her limited grasp on reality and what truly constitutes an eating disorder.

  • Anne P October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Wonderfully written rebuttal. I was shocked and appalled by the article and it’s clearly completely biased and false reporting. As someone who used to work in journalism, I was disgusted by the blatant lies, out of context quotes and stories, etc. Anyone who actually reads your blog (and any of the other girl’s blogs) knows that your blogs are the complete opposite of what was reported – healthy celebrations of life.

    Keep being epic.

  • Kate October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Caitlin, I think your blog is wonderful. It’s helpful and inspiring to me and to countless others to read about women who embrace life, food, fitness, and health in the way that you (and the other bloggers mentioned) do. Anyone who is either a regular reader or who just stops by here briefly will see that you really do advocate a healthy attitude.

    The worst thing about that article, I think, is that it’s published in Marie Claire, one of the many women’s magazines that promotes an unhealthy approach to life via senseless diet “tips,” unhealthy looking models, and a focus on artificial beauty. What ridiculous irony!

  • Samantha @ Health, Happiness & Skinny Jeans October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    I was very shocked by the article as I have come across blogs in the past that are weight and calorie obsessed and this is definitely not one of them. When I furst started blogging those were the blogs I read and they really didn’t bring anything to my life except an unhealthy approaching to nutrition and exercise. Now I read blogs such as yours, OSG, Beck on the Run, Oh Healthy Day, Miranda’s Jeans and so on because I can relate to you ladies and you inspire me to push harder and love myself more. I would say that my state of mind is healthier as a result of your blogs and that is something that the article did not even skim the surface on!!

  • Mama Pea October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    I am so glad you wrote such an eloquent and intelligent response. Not that I didn’t already know everything you said. Not that I thought the Marie Claire article even deserved recognition any more than a supermarket tabloid story. Not that I thought you aren’t a strong and unflappable woman who couldn’t have just brushed this petty and salacious woman who calls herself a writer off of your shoulder.

    But because I know you Caitin, because I’ve been reading your blog for years and because your blog, your book, your lifestyle and your friendship to your readers and fellow bloggers IS CHANGING LIVES, I’m happy now that if a Marie Claire reader may now come across your blog and this post, they’ll be open to letting our community change their life too.

    It has changed mine. And I will always be grateful to you, “The Big Six,” and our wonderful readers for the role YOU and they have played in that.

    Thank you.

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Does Marie Claire do the same thing that Cosmo does where you can write in favor or against articles written? If so, I think the blogging community (readers) could have a significant impact on the editors at MC.

  • Leah @ L4L October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    They are just looking for the publicity. They know how much publicity they can get via The Big Six blogs – they’ve done their research and pointed fingers at Stonyfield, Oroweat, etc. It’s journalism. They like to get people’s blood flowing. And they were successful, obviously. I think anyone that reads your blog at least semi-regularly knows better than to listen to them. It’s all bullshit.

  • hannah October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Caitlin the article is awful! I’m really upset for all of you that were mentioned. Your blog has helped and inspired me so much in only positive ways. You are a fanastic role model and a lovely person for everything you do. Thank you for Healthy Tipping point and Operation Beautiful! I will not be buying Marie Claire again!

  • Annie October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Woooooo go Caitlin!!! 🙂 You rock!!

  • Nicole October 4, 2010, 10:09 am

    Great response Caitlin. After reading that article when I got home last night I was infuriated. I’m angry for you and the other bloggers, I’m angry for me because this article insults the most positive source of media I’ve ever come across, I’m angry at other bloggers who aren’t taking a stand against this, and I’m angry for the people with REAL eating and exercise disorders in need of help from sources such as YOUR BLOG who may believe this bullshit article.

    No matter what some trashy magazine & biased reporter says, you are inspiring and I continue to look forward to reading your blog and books for my own self-care.

    Rock on Caitlin!

    • Nicole October 4, 2010, 10:12 am

      And I’m a licensed, practicing psychotherapist who actually recommends women with EDs or body image issues read healthy living blogs. I think HLBs are the best thing that ever happened to media directed towards women.

      • Ashley October 4, 2010, 11:03 am

        This is AWESOME to hear, Nicole! I completely agree that they are a great tool to be used.

  • Michelle October 4, 2010, 10:10 am

    I can’t believe that girl did that to all of you girls. So wrong. I hope you know how much your readers love you and we know the truth. Don’t let this bring you down. <333

  • Christie {Honoring Health} October 4, 2010, 10:10 am

    I am sorry you, and the rest of you guys, are hurt by the article and I completely agree that the quotes were taken out of context and that the article was very mean spirited.

    But, just as I wrote in the post on my blog, I am glad that this has happened because it means we can talk about a really important issue – the impact we are having on young girls.

  • Kirsten October 4, 2010, 10:10 am

    Great rebuttal Caitlin and as Amanda said very classy. I don’t personally know you or the other members of the ‘Big 6’, but I read each of your blogs. Each of your blogs has inspired and motivated me in their own way. I want to thank each of you for sharing your lives online and for being an inspiration to many women worldwide.

    PS: Your vegetarian version of the Singapore crab chili dip rocks! I made it last week!

  • Charlie October 4, 2010, 10:10 am

    This is one more proof that we can’t just take for granted everything journalists write.
    I didn’t know about the article but I just read it and I find it horrible that they can take so much out of context to make a scandal story that will attract readers.

    You are a wonderful blogger, Caitlin. Don’t listen to them – listen to your readers ;).

  • Leslie Moore October 4, 2010, 10:11 am

    Hey Caitlin,
    First, I think Tina Fey owes you a credit on Mean Girls because she obviously stole that idea from you. I would also look into that! ha.

    I have to say I honestly was floored when I read the Marie Claire article and because I consider myself smart. I am a lawyer, went to top 20 lawschool, etc. I was just surprised at myself for reading your and Meghann’s blog and never questioning you, especially you (I had thought to myself that Meghann runs a lot, 5k, 15k and Marathon or whatever is a lot for a body to take and she doesn’t seem to refuel quite like you – I am not saying that it isn’t healthy but your blog is different in that regard). I do believe you. But I was surprised I never wondered whether the amount of food you guys took pictures of was what you really ate, etc. I guess I just believed every word and photo. I guess that would be my only real thoughgt for you guys as far as take away – some people believe that if you eat what you show and run or exercise like you, that they can achieve the same results or feel the same way. I have found your blogs very inspiring and so I am one of the 99% who have taken your blog and done something good with it. But I think it should be 100% accurate. Don’t take a picture of a full plate of food if that isn’t what you ate. It could be seen as misleading and I think your blog is too good to be misleading.

    I am also surprised at myself for not thinking about whether blogging every meal, 3 times a day, would be healthy. I am not a blogger and I couldn’t do it, but I honstly never considered whether mentally having to photograph, talk about, think about every bite taken is something that is mentally healthy. So the article woke me up in that regard. I think for some people, having to do that, could be considered obscessive. I also get that it is sort of a photo food log and it also encourages accountability for someone if they want to keep up their healthy lifestyle.

    Overall, I am a big fan but I actually felt shocked to read the article, mostly because it shocked me how little I questioned. On the same note, any reader should always consider motivations for everything we read. As I probably should have considered all motivations for food bloggers, we must also consider what Marie Claire’s motivations were in writing their piece. Why are they so threatened by food bloggers?

    Keep your chin up. Leslie

    • Kiley October 4, 2010, 10:16 am

      I agree with you 100%. And I also agree that if anyone has a problem, it is most likely Meghann….she needs to re-fuel more if she is going to run as much as she does!

      • Lindsay October 4, 2010, 10:31 am

        I’m sorry, but I really have a problem with others who make assumptions about people’s problems, especially on another person’s blog.

        • Raya @ Raya Runs October 4, 2010, 10:41 am

          I agree with Lindsay. If you have something to say about Meghann you should probably write it on her blog where she can fairly respond to you instead of writing it here. This is not 6th grade.

      • Leslie Moore October 4, 2010, 10:32 am

        I just want to be clear. I don’t think Meghann has a problem but I just think she exercises a lot and I sure hope she is eating plenty. I know I could never do all the exercising she does but hats off to her!

      • Anika October 4, 2010, 10:37 am

        I think calling Meghann out as having a problem is incredibly unfair. Remember, she is a real person with real feelings. If she, or anyone, were to struggle with disordered eating, then showing care and concern would be the right thing to do. But stating this assumption would only make matters harder for the person in question.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:39 am

          I agree with Anika.

    • Anika October 4, 2010, 10:32 am

      I think your comment is fantastic, Leslie. I have been so inspired by some of these bloggers, but I have also never second-guessed anything. I do hope that the blogging community takes from this article that transparency and self-reflection are important.

      • Leslie Moore October 4, 2010, 11:09 am

        I also want to clarify that I was not calling out Meghann but I wanted to be honest in my comment that I had “questioned” her a little as far as in my mind as to thinking all of her exercise did not necessarily seem to be equalling as much food as I would need to refuel. I only pointed that out to say that I honestly have never questioned Caitlin’s reporting of her food/exercise. That is one issue the author of the MC piece said, as far as consulting physicians who were concerned about the calorie deficit. My question would be, can we all agree that if a person is eating a certain amount and exercising to the point that there is a net calorie intake of 200 or 300, that this amount would be insufficient to fuel a person? I think that is the one thing that made me go, hmmm? I wouldn’t want my daughter to take home from reading a “healthy living” blog that a net intake of 200 or 300 calories is sufficient.

        • HTP Dad October 4, 2010, 11:30 am

          If Meghann had a calorie intake of 200 calories a day over what was required to fuel her exercise twice a week, she would lose four pounds a month – which would be pretty obvious, along with injuries and worsening times due to nutritional stress.
          I don’t think so.

        • Leslie Moore October 4, 2010, 12:26 pm

          Again, my general question is not directed to any blogger, just a concept that we can agree, net calories need to be much more substantial than 200 or 300 per day. I don’t even know if the physicians who analyzed the net caloric intake are qualified to do so or able to do so. I want to be clear, I am not talking about 6th grade or name calling, I am responding to an article that discussed several bloggers which was discussed on this blog. I love Meghann and Caitlin’s blogs. They are my goto blogs, 3 times a day. They are inspiring. I was just expressing my opinion about the article and how it surprised me that I had never thought more deeply or analytically about the pros/cons of food blogging. Look, I am 33 years old and I got so darn inspired I joined a running club, signed up for a 1/2 marathon after that and then ruptured a tendon and have been out of the game for a while. I am an inspiree of Caitlin and Meghann but my original comment stands as far as I was surprised, shocked and it made me think about a couple of concepts I had never thought about before.

        • Anna M October 4, 2010, 1:44 pm

          Sorry, HTP dad, I know you are just showing your support for your daughter, which is sweet, but speaking as a masters-level exercise physiologist your statement is absolutely untrue. This is an example of what Katie Drummond is talking about. Unqualified statements can be irresponsible.

      • Anna M October 4, 2010, 1:47 pm

        actually i see he was sticking up for Meghann, however, still not true.

    • Erinn October 4, 2010, 12:39 pm

      The fact remains that all of these healthy living blogs that they discussed, BESIDES ARE NOT WRITTEN BY MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS. Readers take what they say to heart and think that they need to push themselves to the brink in exercise and fitness and then go gorge on bread and cream cheese, because they can. It’s like an inclusive club, not exactly like a Mean Girls situation, but close to it. Think about it.

      • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 12:42 pm

        Erinn – This is not an inclusive club. You, too, can have a blog for free.

        I expect readers to exercise personal responsibility.

      • Alyssa October 4, 2010, 1:36 pm

        No one is pretending to be a medical professional and they make note of that (and if they are a medical professional, they make note of that also). Reader’s do need to exercise responsibility. Bloggers can’t control how readers eat/exercise/act/etc from their blog. All they can do is be honest and straightforward, which Caitlin and the other bloggers in the article are.

        • Samantha October 4, 2010, 3:10 pm

          In one comment these ladies are “hungry” and in the next they “gorge themselves”. It seems that a lot of people havee drawn their own conclusions without getting a better idea of whats really going on. It’s just sad that we need to cut people down for doing what they can to help themselves and others.

          And for the record even the medical professionals out there have differing opinions on these issues (nutrition, exercise, training etc) so I think it comes down to research and knowing your own body.

      • Laura October 4, 2010, 3:03 pm

        One thing that hasn’t been said by anyone (that I’ve seen so far) is that yes, Kath is a RD and is trained to teach other people what to eat. BUT doesn’t that almost make her blog the worst, when we are comparing blogs apples to apples in this way? She is certified to teach other people what to eat, so using this logic shouldn’t people be the *most* triggered by her blog? If you are a person easily triggered by viewing other people’s food intake, wouldn’t you be the most concerned about being like the RD rather than being like five other women that are not nutritionally trained?

        Please realize I say this not attacking Kath in any way. I actually am a RD student and I appreciate those RDs that post their daily eats because it does teach people ONE way of eating healthy. But I can also understand why some RDs would not post their daily eats because they do not want people to think that is the only way one can eat healthy. I bring this up because talking about who is trained/certified and who isn’t doesn’t give any one blog more credibility than the other. None of us know if the other five bloggers mentioned in the article have met with a RD and are following a plan structured by that RD.

        Furthermore, the author of the article is not nutritionally trained either. No one has mentioned that the bold claims she made in the article that these women have disordered eating are not valid because she is not trained to make that claim. Sure she threw in a few quotes by a RD (to try an prove her claim) but the overall message of her article is just as uneducated in the nutritional field as five of the six aforementioned women’s blogs are.

        My point is I think comparing the quality of the nutritional knowledge of the six bloggers mentioned in the article is a waste of time. I have never once read any of these six bloggers giving advice on what to eat. I’ve only seen suggestions and examples of what the women have done in their own lives.

        • heather October 5, 2010, 9:25 am

          this is an interesting point, Laura! I totally agree.

      • Charlie October 4, 2010, 3:11 pm

        Everyone can have a blog for free and write what they want on it. And I’ve never seen a blogger pretend to be a medical professional. It is a reader’s responsibility to understand that the information is based on life experiences, unless stated otherwise.

        • Maude October 7, 2010, 11:41 pm

          Well said Leslie. I agree.

      • Julie October 8, 2010, 12:46 am


        “Readers take what they say to heart and think that they need to push themselves to the brink in exercise and fitness and then go gorge on bread and cream cheese, because they can”

        I disagree. I personally believe that MOST people are smart enough to not spend their lives emulating a blog. And generalizing all the readers of health blogs as people who binge on both food and exercise is unfair.

  • Jane October 4, 2010, 10:11 am

    I agree with Claudia that you are a positive and healthy inspiration, Caitlin! It’s ironic to me that a magazine that probably has a lot of unhealthy body messaging in it attacks *you* (!) for sending out unhealthy body messaging. It’s almost like the author never heard of Operation Beautiful!

    Please keep doing exactly what you’re doing – you inspire me to eat healthier (not less!) and get out and run because it looks fun. Chin up!

  • Katie @ Healthy Heddleston October 4, 2010, 10:11 am

    Thank you for writing this Caitlin. I appreciate hearing your views about this awful article, as I’m sure many other readers will appreciate this as well. You are so open and candid — we would all know if you had ever struggled with a disordered eating past! And I know we chatted on twitter last night.. but I SOO remember the eating-a-loaf-of-bread-on-top-your-car post!

  • Rachel October 4, 2010, 10:12 am

    I just read the article, thanks for posting it. I saw your tweets last night and I knew you didn’t seem happy about the published piece. I agree that they have taken much out of context and I don’t look to you as a person who doesn’t eat and over-excercised – you have a healthy balanced life – what most of us are striving for. Keep doing what your doing and stay positive!

  • Anne October 4, 2010, 10:12 am

    I am absolutely flabbergasted! Yes, you and Meghann (et al) lead incredibly healthy lifestyles that seem hard to achieve in a short amount of time. But
    (a) you always talk about “small steps” and even did a post on it a few weeks ago, and
    (b)you talk about how much you love beer, etc. and show the balance that you have.


  • Karen @ Not Just Celery October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    I can’t believe all the negativity in that article! The journalist obviously doesn’t read your blog (or the other ladie’s blogs) regularly. I think all of you do a great job promoting balance and moderation – something that is hard for many people (myself included). It’s exciting for me to read about exercise goals and races; I’ve been running for 2 years now and have gotten really into racing. Seeing you tackle a marathon, triathalon, century, etc are showing me that I can do anything I put my mind to. I plan to run the NYC marathon in 2012 and do an Olympic triathalon in 2011. I’ve got 2 half marathons coming up still in 2010!

    Keep up the great blogging!

  • Nic at The Fit Writer October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    I was so sorry that the article was so one-sided, and particularly sorry it missed out Operation Beautiful which, to my mind, is a simple, strong, wonderful movement which deserves nothing but praise.

    It’s also beyond ironic that a fashion magazine should be the one to criticise any medium for promoting body issues in women 😉

    Keep doing what you’re doing, and please don’t let this get you down. Post an OB note to yourself! (Maybe we all need to post OB notes on copies of Marie Claire?!)

  • Shanna @ Weight And See October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    So glad you decided to respond! The way I see it is you know you’re making a big impact when you start to get big critics! Keep doing what you love and sharing it! You’ve always been an inspiration to me!

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    I felt sick after I read this article and can’t stop thinking about how awful you must feel. Your blog is such a healthy, positive space. I’ve been in recovery from an eating disorder since 2006 and have blogged about recovery (from a pro-recovery stance) since 2008. I often direct readers to your site and to Jenna’s site because they have been so helpful to me. Both of you emulate what health is all about–strength, setting goals, balance, fun, travel, relationships. I don’t read the other blogs, but I have stopped by before and I never found anything offensive (just a great lasagna recipe–which is ironic, because I used to never allow myself to eat pasta thanks to women’s magazines.) I can’t comment on their content or the authors’ mindset since I don’t read them, but I can say that Jenna’s blog taught me to celebrate food and cooking and to eat without being afraid, and your blog has provided continual support for the healthy mindset I want to achieve. I can’t run anymore due to arthritis, but I love celebrating your running and fitness accomplishments with you through your blog.

    I have a BA in Journalism and used to work for a newspaper, and I don’t understand how the author can feel good about having her name attached to this. She took things completely out of context just to land a high-profile story and/or to justify her previously determined opinion. It was obvious she didn’t understand (or didn’t want to explain) how normal your activities are within the communities you are a part of (the triathlon and marathon communities are growing every year!) I am glad you girls are defending yourselves–this was NOT fair, and worse, it wasn’t nice. You seem like such a positive, warmhearted, and honest person, and I hope this doesn’t extinguish your spirit or your enthusiasm to keep making a difference in the world.

    • Paige @Running Around Normal October 4, 2010, 2:44 pm

      I feel the same way. I have a journalism degree as well, and wouldn’t be able to handle having my name attached to that article.

  • Natalie October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    I just wanted you to know that your blog (and book) has been such an inspiration to me. Keep your head up!!!

  • maya October 4, 2010, 10:13 am

    A very well-written and honest response to a very poorly written and dishonest article. You ARE an inspiration, and you do more to make the world a better place each day than anyone behind that magazine does.

    Don’t let them get you down, the truth is always stronger in the end.

  • Dorry October 4, 2010, 10:14 am

    As I commented on Meghann’s post – yours, too, is beautifully written which doesn’t surprise me in the least. You are beautiful and inspirational because you are HONEST AND REAL. You aren’t perfect and you aren’t trying to be. You share your life in a thoughtful way through Healthy Tipping Point and although I’m saddened by the article’s inaccuracies and mean-spirit, I fully believe it will be a positive force for the healthy living blog world. Lots of love to you, sweet friend and a big hug. xoxo, Dorry

  • Kelly October 4, 2010, 10:14 am

    Caitlin, I’m sorry your blog and positive change had to be documented in such poor light for the world to see. You are doing such a great job and life is so tough as it is. I THOUGHT I struggled with my weight for a long time, and used to believe in “Operation Starvation” (that’s what I really called it). I ate VERY little, and exercised a lot. I was thin, unhappy, and so very hungry. It is only through reading your blog that I am now “dieting” with health in mind. I’ve learned that it’s okay to eat in between meals and that I can still eat ice cream and brownies and a handful of candy corn now and again. No food is off limit (unlike back in the day when most foods were off limits and I would punish myself for eating a bite size bit of chocolate), and exercise is fun, mind enhancing and life enriching. I have only read a bit of the article, and can’t finish it. I am glad that you offered a rebuttal, but I wouldn’t let them get to you, which is easier said than done. You have accomplished so many beautiful, wonderful, POSITIVE things with this blog and Operation Beautiful. Be proud of that and don’t let them bring you down. Everyone has an agenda, yours just happens to be on the brighter side of life. Be thankful for your good hear!

    • Kelly October 4, 2010, 10:14 am

      That should have been good HEART… 🙂

  • D October 4, 2010, 10:15 am

    I really feel for you with this article. It raised interesting ISSUES, but the specifics were ridiculous. I was curious to hear what you think about her quote about you only eating a few bites of breakfast at the HLS and then posting a picture of a full plate, as if to imply you ate the whole thing? Not an attack by any means, but genuinely curious about this point.

    • Sarah October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

      I was laughing at this part of the article, because the author was just talking about how you were the event organizer! Event organizers have to make sure the event is working smoothly, people are chatting, tech issues are solved, pictures are taken, etc. I work for a nonprofit that hosts a lot of events, and we aren’t even allowed to eat at them because there is too much work to do. We eat beforehand and eat afterwards, and I couldn’t tell you at the end of an event what I had or hadn’t finished from my plate…much less blog about it 🙂

      • D October 4, 2010, 10:26 am

        Oh, I definitely understand your point!

        All I was saying is that the article raised some good points, and I was curious about this in particular. It may very well be the case that she was just too busy to eat – and that’s fine. But stories don’t *usually* emerge out of thin air, and I wondered about this, as I wonder about how much of their food all bloggers actually eat. I’m not being critical, just curious. I hope that the nasty and uninformed slant of the article doesn’t take away from addressing real concerns and questions. Judging by the comments on various blogs, a lot of women DO have these concerns, questions, suspicions, etc.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

      The truth was that I did eat half of what I had plated and photographed and eaten while talking to her. I was so busy talking that I barely had time to finish it before I had to run off and get the Summit started (organizing that thing is a nightmare). What she didn’t know was that I went back to the buffet later, plated more breakfast and ate that. What I actually ended up eating was roughly equal to what I had photographed for my first breakfast so I only posted the first plate of food. So I only posted one picture because it was easier to blog about.

      If she had bothered to fact check, I would’ve told her this.

      • D October 4, 2010, 10:30 am

        Thanks for your reply Caitlin, I appreciate your honesty. I don’t believe you have an eating or exercise disorder and I think your blog is a very healthy example for women.

  • Britt October 4, 2010, 10:15 am

    You had such a classy response! I love your blog. I’m planning on running my 1st marathon this year and your blog has helped me understand that my body needs a lot of fuel when I’m asking it to do so much for me and I need to respect and honor that. So thank you!

    • Michelle October 4, 2010, 8:39 pm

      I think this is KEY, this blog has helped me realize that when i ask my body to do things like run and jump, and even just take me to school, i NEED to give it fuel, i.e. food. i never understood the connection before, but i believe caitlin promotes this idea daily, and it helps me understand that eating isn’t something i should be embarrassed about! keep it up lady ;P

  • Kate October 4, 2010, 10:15 am

    Caitlin, this is a very classy response. I’m sorry that this hurtful article was written but, you’re right, the people that read your blog DO know the truth about you. Obviously you have a positive effect on people or you wouldn’t get so many comments on HTP and people getting on board with the Operation Beautiful movement. Keep your head up. Xoxo

  • Margaret October 4, 2010, 10:16 am

    I think this article is quite ridiculous, and obviously written by someone who is NOT a runner. If you are, in fact, training for a marathon or half-marathon, long runs are required. And it is not like we just go out and run 22 miles after never having run in our lives! Also, this article makes it sound like exercise is not a good thing. I think we can all agree on the profound effects of exercise on our health and well-being.

    Finally, I find it interesting that Marie Claire, a fashion magazine, would write an article like this given the fact that they promote fashion, which does NOTHING but promote being emaciated!!!

    Keep on going Caitlin. I find your blog to be very helpful and encouraging.

  • Anika October 4, 2010, 10:17 am

    I’ve been a long-time reader (if silent and often not commenting) of your blog. I struggled with compulsive eating and food-related guilt and body image problems for years. Your blog and several others opened my eyes to what I am doing to my body and my mind. If it weren’t for bloggers like you, I would still be lost. Instead, you give me daily inspiration and support, helping me find a path to healthy living. As a reader, I find the MC article incredibly insulting, suggesting that I do not have the common sense to make my own decisions and learn what is right (or wrong) for my own body. The author presumes that readers imitate you blindly, rather than learn from you and find inspiration in your lifestyle and your honesty.

    It is a poorly written piece and it is clear that the author knew the slant she would take from the beginning of developing the article. That breaks one of the cardinal rules of journalism.

  • Ella October 4, 2010, 10:17 am

    If anything, your blog has taught me how to treat my body right, if that makes you feel any better.
    One of my favorite comments was that people injure themselves trying to mimick your workouts – no crap! I can run about 2-3 miles comfortably, if I decided one morning to wake up and run 22 I would probably injure myself too! You’re training for a marathon for christ sake!

    I’m really sorry this is happening to you, but you’re handling it in such a classy, mature way. Healthy living blogs and your Operation Beautiful books have really helped me end the remnants of a 7 year eating disorder, you all provide me with great inspiration to treat my body right and give me lots of ideas to maintain a vegetarian diet. I hope you don’t let this effect you in any way and keep your head up high!

  • Lauren October 4, 2010, 10:17 am

    Well done. I believe you, I love you, I am grateful for your blog. You handled the situation beautifully–stay strong. The whole community is behind you.

  • mindy @ just a one girl revolution. October 4, 2010, 10:17 am

    We love you Caitlin!!! 🙂

  • caronae October 4, 2010, 10:17 am

    Caitlin — I will most definitely be contacting the editor from MC. The article is purely idiotic. It is poorly written, and almost anyone who even takes a cursory glance at any of your blogs can tell, poorly researched. It is demeaning, slandorous, and downright mean. In fact, as an educated, informed, healthy adult woman, I am offended that the article’s author thought that I might be so stupid as to believe her. however, given that she also thinks I will copy every thing I see a blogger do, I guess I can understand that.

    I could tell that the quotes she used were taken very much out of context and, like some of the other commenters here, it just made me feel downright sick.

    you are an amazing, healthy blogger and human being. You fuel well, train hard, and love your body. You have done more to positively affect young women than that writer/article ever will!

    xoxo Caronae

  • Maggie October 4, 2010, 10:18 am

    I just wanted to say that I love your blog and I was disgusted by the Marie Claire article. I’ve gotten loads of delicious recipes from your site and been inspired to challenge myself in terms of exercise.

    Do I believe that someone with an eating or exercise disorder could be negatively influenced by your (or other) blogs? Yes, but there are millions of triggers in the world. Plus, in my opinion, you do everything in your power and then some to promote loving your body and maintaining a positive body image while being happy and healthy.

    So keep on doing what you’re doing and know that there are many, many people who support you and love reading your blog every day!

  • Katie @ peacebeme October 4, 2010, 10:18 am

    You know what? THIS is why so many Americans struggle with disordered eating – the media labels everyone as either eating disordered (using the term totally out of clinical context) or overweight/obese, needing to lose weight. No wonder we are all confused!

    They obviously haven’t read your blog long enough to see and read how healthy you look and act.

    You know, I don’t like some of the other big 6 blogs, but that is for reasons other than this. I LOVE your blog and I hope no one reads this article because they are trying to take away one of the good role models there are out there.

    You SHOULD sue them for libel!

    • Freya October 5, 2010, 5:26 am

      That first point you say? SO true!!! I couldn’t agree more.

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 10:18 am

    All I wanted to say was that you are such a strong and inspirational person. You are a role model for all of us who want to live balanced, positive and healthy life styles. I have never once been negatively affected after reading a blog post of yours. In fact, each time I read a post from your website I am more inspired to make healthier decisions in my daily life. As someone who once struggled with imbalanced and unhealthy eating I have never questioned your eating habits. And you’re right. To suggest that you or the other five bloggers mentioned in this article have eating disorders is a complete insult to all of the people I know who truly struggle everyday. Take care and keep doing what you’re doing! Don’t let this get you down.

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 10:18 am

    Good morning Caitlin. I rarely comment on blogs but I truly feel the need to do so today. I read that Marie Claire article yesterday and couldn’t believe how one sided it was. Your blog is the only one of the “Big Six” that I read and I have learned so much from you. I have never once questioned your food intake or running abilities, and at the same time I do what is best for my body and mind. You seem to be a wonderful person and please don’t let the mean ones get you down. The reporter from Marie Claire is obviously very jealous of you and your success. You are the cool kid in this situation. Thanks for doing what you do. Keep it up!

  • Dani October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

    What a well written, classy response! You’re such an inspiration to so many of us – don’t let them get to you!!

  • Katie @ peacebeme October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

    Oh, and I am totally going to e-mail the editor for you. Not just because I like you, but because, like I said, they are making EVERYONE feel like they don’t know what normal eating is.

  • Raya @ Raya Runs October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

    Dear Caitlin,

    I have personally seen you eat food. In real life. After a tri-athlon. That is all.


    P.S. I’m going to blog about this and contact the editor. $20 says they write a “follow-up” article once everyone speaks out.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:25 am

      Hahah thanks for making me smile.

  • katie October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

    i can’t imagine being ripped apart in such a public manner, and i’m sorry you are having to deal with the negative effects of this. it is very much in the vein of being ostracized in middle school [which may be the worst thing ever].

    regardless, best of luck on your upcoming marathons!

  • Claire October 4, 2010, 10:20 am

    Oh my god how awful. Your blog is a source of daily inspiration for me. Your positive attitude helps keep me grounded. Why this reported would want to cast your blog in a negative light – when she could be highlighting it for what it truly is, and therefore sending women in need of inspiration and a positive outlook to your cite – is just baffling.

  • Amber from Girl with the Red Hair October 4, 2010, 10:21 am


    My thoughts are this: people need to be responsible for their own actions. If reading Healthy Living Blogs triggers an E.D. then don’t read them. End of story.

    Not everyone will always agree with you or “like” you, but just remember that you have inspired hundreds of people through both HTP and OB.

  • Alayna @ Thyme Bombe October 4, 2010, 10:21 am

    Hey Caitlin. I can’t tell you how angry I’ve been all morning after having read the article. It seems to me though, that any intelligent person coming across that article on their own would be suspicious about just how overly one-sided and relentlessly negative it was. It sucks that this writer doesn’t have enough confidence in herself and her journalism abilities to make a case for her veiwpoint with facts, rather than assaulting the credibility and sanity of such a positive group of women. What is going on in her life that she thinks this kind of attitude is going to get her anywhere or help her grow professionally? I personally feel sorry for her.

  • Ellen @ Undercover Runner Eats October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

    Wow. I don’t really read or look at magazines, so I’m glad that you posted this since I probably would never have known about the article. It’s reasons like that that I dislike reading magazines so much. When you know the people involved, you know how ridiculous the story sounds.
    These blogs have helped hundreds of people struggling with their weights in every respect: lose, gain, and maintain. If it weren’t for these blogs, I would probably be back in treatment, with no period and my life on the brink of extinction. Now, I have a strong support system for my health issues (both ED and non-ED related), know the importance of fueling your body to be healthy and strong, and they have inspired me to branch out and try things I would NEVER have tried before! I really hope that Marie Claire has a “Letters to the Editor” page that will be bombarded with positive messages that overturn all of the negative commentary brought about by that article.

  • Tricia October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

    That article is ridiculous. I can definitely say that for me, food blogs such as yours have helped me keep my eating disordered past at bay. I have learned so much from you and some of the other “Big Six” and no longer fear fat like I used to.
    I hope you are doing ok and really hope you don’t take this article to harshly, that author is a moron.

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

    Oh for Pete’s sake… While there are anorexia blogs and bulemia blogs with instructions on how to be a better anorexic or bulemic, anyone who reads your blog knows that you aren’t one of those bloggers!

    I started reading your blog while I was working on losing weight (I lost 50 pounds between November ’09 and April ’10 when I had to take a break ’cause I got pregnant – I have another 50 to go when I’m done gestating). I wish I could eat as many fruits and vegetables as you do! Your diet is absolutely the healthiest on the planet. You must eat 20 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. How is that “disordered” eating? We should all do as well! I’ve found a bunch of interesting ways to include more fruits and veg in my diet (and my kids’ diet) because of your blog. Pumpkin puree is the most recent example!

    And if every marathon runner is an exercise addict, then my brother, his girlfriend, my sister, and my brother-in-law are all sick. (They’re not, they’ll outlive us all). Plenty of marathon runners are uber-healthy. While I personally don’t even want to drive 26.2 miles, much less run it, I understand that it doesn’t make you “sick” that you enjoy it!

    I think you’re great and that you’re doing great work. I hope you won’t let this article ruin your day, or change your mission with your blog and your book.

  • Orla October 4, 2010, 10:23 am

    Keep your head high Caitlin. The thousands of people who follow your and the other blogs metioned in her article know what HTP is about.
    You have inspired so many to re-evaluate their health and fitness in such a positive way and not in the negative ways that were alluded to in Marie Claire.
    It is unfortunate that this publication deign to publish such onsided articles with out of context quotes.
    As I mentioned in the email I sent you, I will not be purchsing their magazines in the future.

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 10:24 am

    You are an inspiration, Caitlin (as are the rest of the so-called “big six”). I think that the ridiculousness of this article being run in a women’s beauty rag is not lost on anyone, and as someone coming from a print media background, I think this smells of an attack on a competing form of media that has severely impacted the print industry.

  • Laine @ Beets, Butter & Moutaintops October 4, 2010, 10:24 am

    There are definitely food bloggers with disordered eating, some who recognize it (The Great Fitness Experiment, who stopped blogging due to her disorder) and some who don’t. I think by it’s nature food & fitness blogging is going to attract people with disordered relationships to both. Kind of like how arsonists become firemen. It doesn’t take a doctor to recognize the signs. But you never struck me as one of those people. I think they were just looking for the more popular bloggers to target, since if they were just profiling the less read folks, it could be brushed off as “just a fringe component of food bloggers.”

    I also think that readers will take what they want and need from a blog. I read because I like the voice of the particular bloggers, not because I’m going to copy your lifestyle or for “thinspiration.” Others may cling to every bite you eat, comparing it to theirs, trying to keep up with your exercise schedule, etc. But that’s not something you can control, and you certainly aren’t presenting your lifestyle as a guidebook for others.

    You’ve overcome Mean Girls in the past, and you’ll do it again!

  • Theorist October 4, 2010, 10:24 am

    Caitlin, Marie Claire is clearly trying to capitalize off of your success (e.g., all the things your blogs and book have done to help so many people). This large scale media outlet should be worried about ITS long-term contribution to disordered eating and negative self-perceptions.

    Keep your head up and push thru this. You have a large community so strong, intelligent, warrior women(and men perhaps) behind you.

  • Bethany October 4, 2010, 10:24 am

    I really feel for you here. In reading the article, I’m kind of leaning toward the author having an axe to grind with his/her (didn’t check who the author was) own health and fitness levels. People who don’t exercise and don’t take care of their own bodies sometimes feel like people who do are over-ambitious and a little crazy. If they had taken the time to get to know you and your blog, they wouldn’t arrive at the same conclusions. I love the blog and see it as motivation for a healthier lifestyle. I still have about 20lbs to lose to put me in my doctor’s healthy range, but I’m working on it and seeing what you do AND ENJOY everyday makes me want to get in there too.

    As a side note, I’m glad that you mentioned the depression issue in this post. I struggle daily with my depression, and it’s nice to see someone who openly admits that they too fight to overcome it.

    Thanks for all you do.

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 10:24 am

    Oh, one more thing – remember that there’s no such thing as bad publicity. I’ll bet a lot of women who otherwise wouldn’t have found your blog will find it because of Marie Claire, and they’ll see your positive, encouraging message for themselves.

    • d.a.r. October 4, 2010, 11:00 am

      I have to completely agree with this comment. Hopefully hordes of women for various reasons, misplaced or otherwise, will find your blogs via this article and realize that healthy living blogs are not eating disorder propaganda.

      That being said, this is clearly an irresponsible, one-sided, pathetic excuse for journalism. I am so sorry.

  • Michelle October 4, 2010, 10:25 am

    I’m happy to see you respond in such a classy and honest way. As someone who has suffered from disordered eating in the past I in no way thing your blog has a negative influence. It’s actually been one of the blogs that has helped me realize a healthy balance in my life and that I can eat and run and still live a full life!

  • stacey October 4, 2010, 10:25 am


    I have been a HTP reader for about 18 months now and I really enjoy your blog. I think that you put a lot of care into providing useful, researched information on HTP along with the typical food blogger posts. I felt crushed for all of the bloggers mentioned in the MC article last night after reading it. I am sorry that the author of the article decided to write it with a negative slant. I only hope that the MC readers who are not blog readers take the time to visit all the blogs listed in the article so that they can see the positive side of healthy living blogs. Thanks for all you do to make HTP such a great site!

  • Amanda Davis October 4, 2010, 10:25 am

    That article is absolutely ridiculous! Anyone who reads your blog or any of the other blogs knows that none of you has an eating disorder and are just trying to promote healthy lifestyle’s and loving your own body. As someone who has suffered from a mild eating disorder your blogs and those like it have helped me overcome that disorder and to learn to accept and love my body. Don’t let the article get you down because those who know you and your blog know the truth.

  • Angela October 4, 2010, 10:26 am

    So glad you posted this rebuttal. I have been reading your blog for almost a year now. I can honestly say that you and others like you have influenced me to finally stop obsessing over calories and the number on the scale. Reading blogs like yours is much more favorable than magazine, in my opinion. I have alreadt emailed Marie Claire to tell them they lost a customer. Keep doing what you are doing!!

  • Erin October 4, 2010, 10:27 am

    I am so sorry that this happened to you and the other bloggers. All I can say, is that reading these blogs changed my life in the most amazing ways. They taught me that eating can be FUN and not scary. They helped me realize the importance of pursuing my dreams rather than staying in a job that I hate. They taught me to respect my body rather than hate my body. They made me laugh on days when I felt like crying, and they introduced me to so many strong, healthy, beautiful people. So many people believe in you and what you do and we see through the lies in the magazine. I’ll never read Marie Claire again, but I can assure you that I’ll always follow your blog because I believe in you and what you represent. And on that note, I’d like to thank you for being an inspiration to me and so many others. You’re epic. 🙂

  • Niki (Running In Pink) October 4, 2010, 10:29 am

    Very well-written rebuttal, Caitlin. Though the topic of disordered eating in the blog community is an important topic of discussion, the MC article did a horrible job of accurately reporting on that specific issue. I agree 100% that it was more of a character attack (especially considering the fallacies and out-of-context quoting that was presented). Your loyal readers will support you, and this too shall pass. Keep your head up!! 🙂

  • Sara October 4, 2010, 10:30 am

    I found it really interesting that a “womens” magazine like Marie Claire would take this kind of issue with healthy living blogs. It would have been more interesting to me to see how they dissected the cover stories and “healthy living” tips that they and other magazines like them routinely publish. How are the women they use as cover models measuring up to their “standards” of healthy living? And what message do they think having those women on the cover sends to their readers? The Olsen Twins? Heidi Klum? Victoria Beckham? They all have totally achievable body types and lifestyles! Pot, kettle, black.

  • Becky October 4, 2010, 10:30 am

    that wasn’t even a well written article – seems like it was written by someone in junior high who clearly did not do her homework and just had to get something in by a deadline.

    As far as the exercise issues she mentions – she clearly isn’t aware that there are hundreds of thousands of people who run or compete in triathalons because they want to challenge their bodies and not just become idle people who sit at a desk all day writing/working just to come home and sit on the couch all night watching tv. – all of the training that she mis-identifies as obesssion, is actually necessary to prevent injury!

  • Stephanie October 4, 2010, 10:31 am

    Wow. Well, Katie Drummond just single-handedly succeeded in convincing me to NEVER purchase another copy of that magazine. They gave her 3 pages and she turned what could have been a great article into an op-ed against healthy living blogs (4 of the ones mentioned are on my google reader every day!). The lack of research and underhanded writing makes me think “trolling” is finally hitting the main stage. Sad, because the last thing the world needs is more fighting, even just in words.

  • Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) October 4, 2010, 10:31 am

    I read the article earlier this morning and I can’t get it out of my mind. You are seriously one of my favorite bloggers. I love your complete honesty, the good and the bad. I love the way you present yourself as a real person and I remember you eating the baguette and thinking how great and real that is. I think the woman writing it totally missed the mark on healthy living blogs and she misrepresented people by clumping everyone into one type of person. Please keep your chin up and know that so many of us out here love what you do and appreciate the message you send out!

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 10:32 am

    Hi Caitlin! I love your blog, and I just wanted to say that I am so sorry that you are having to deal with something like this. I am a nurse practitioner student and every single day I deal with patients that are in desperate need of motivation to eat right and exercise. I think it is WONDERFUL that people can turn to online resources like your blog to get advice/recipes/healthy food ideas. Thank you so much for doing what you do! Keep your head up!

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 10:32 am

    You’re awesome. People who take down others to further their success are not. Keep doing what you do best: inspiring thousands of people each day to be healthy.

  • Lisa (I'm an Okie) October 4, 2010, 10:33 am

    good job caitlin. I find you to have an extremely healthy mindset and appreciate all that you do.

  • Allie October 4, 2010, 10:33 am

    I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. Something very similar is happening to me right now with my college newspaper. Not nearly as big of a deal of course, but I know it’s hard. Keep your head up. Everyone who reads that article and then comes to your blog will realize that the journalist was not being completely truthful and that you really are a healthy and wonderful person.

  • Courtney October 4, 2010, 10:33 am

    This article is ridiculous…you ALWAYS make a point to emphasize refueling when you’re marathon training. The overly dramatic tidbit about the No More Trouble Zones and 5k training is ridiculous… 30min of DVD + approximately 30 minutes of running= 1 hour of exercise a day…the CDC recommendation. The part about the “exercise dependence” bothers me too. How “exercise to compensate for calories” is exercise dependence..umm so exercise to burn calories and maintain a healthy weight is an exercise obsession??? I think not! Not only did she personally attack the six of you, she also contacted the sponsors for the Healthy Living Summit which is just insane. I do not think that enough research was done on healthy calorie consumption, healthy exercise, or healthy weight was done by the writer. I think she is trying to compare the “healthy” world with the eating and exercise habits of the rest of America.

  • Megan October 4, 2010, 10:33 am

    I started reading your blog at the beginning of this last summer, and I must say that it has definitely impacted my life. I read your blog every morning before I start my day and it truly uplifts my spirits. You never emphasize losing weight or consuming a certain amount of calories; you eat when your are hungry and stop when you are full. As having a past of disordered eating, this blog is extremely refreshing and fun to read. I have learned to love my body and fuel it properly. I don’t usually comment because of time issues but I felt that I had to after reading this post. Since you make me start my day positively, I thought I would do this for you =)

    And btw…lets flip through the rest of that magazine and see how many articles are about losing weight and trying the new fab diet…

    Smile! You are so Beautiful!

  • Julie October 4, 2010, 10:33 am

    I was so surprised by this article! I think you are 100% the opposite of everything they wrote. As a 42 year old mother of 2, I come back to read your blog because although we don’t look like we have a lot in common, you remind me of how I want to live my healthy life – lots of variety, lots of FUN exercise and lots of healthy friends. I want to relay this love for life to my children as well.
    I’m glad I don’t support their magazine and would never pick up a copy after reading this because I would not be able to trust their articles. Ever.

  • Kiley October 4, 2010, 10:34 am

    What hasn’t been mentioned is that the author herself was recovering from an eating disorder and was triggered by these blogs. Also, the nutritionist added up Meghann’s calories and it simply isn’t enough for the exercise. There is definitely a problem embedded in healthy living blogs, even though there is a lot of good as well.

    • Vikki October 4, 2010, 11:21 am

      Shouldn’t she have mentioned that in the article?

    • Jo October 4, 2010, 11:49 am

      Unless this dietician had exact weight and measurements of Meghann’s food, how could she possible know how many calories are there?


      • Dynamics October 4, 2010, 1:32 pm

        Jo, I agree with you. It was my impression that food bloggers do NOT always post EVERY thing they eat OR if they go back for seconds. : -)

    • Charlie October 4, 2010, 3:19 pm

      Unless the nutritionist was with Meghann for a whole day and saw everything she ate, no judgment can be made.

      • Rachel S October 4, 2010, 9:14 pm

        Exactly…how would the nutritionist be able to accurately add up the calories? By looking at the pictures and guessing the amounts of foods? I’m pretty sure that would be an inaccurate way to count the calories in her meals.

  • Denise October 4, 2010, 10:35 am

    My heart just breaks for you that someone would be so out to get you and other bloggers doing good. I haven’t followed your blog for a long time, but I am grateful that I came across you. I am on WW trying to get into better shape and get healthier so that I can get off my cholesterol meds and maybe have another baby! Reading your inspires me to keep going, and I won’t even get started on what OB does for me….I may never be a runner, but I know I can keep losing weight and living healthy because I follow you!

    I am 100% on your side and support you. Ms. Drummond is in for a very rude awakening.

  • Jess @ atasteofconfidence October 4, 2010, 10:37 am

    I am so sorry you are having to go through this! Your posts, and other healthy living blogs, have helped me get out of disordered eating and realize how fun food and exercise can be- and allow myself to eat! We are all on your side!

  • steph October 4, 2010, 10:37 am

    These blogs changed my life for the better and it hurts to see someone try to ruin these blogs reputations. I finally realized health eating is a balance and not a perfect way of eating all the time. It changed my disordered thought process of food and has given me peace of mind. Thankfully these blogs have given me good examples of healthy lifestyles and have motivated me to join the healthy living movement!

  • Angela (Oh She Glows) October 4, 2010, 10:37 am

    This was so beautiful and well-written. The article made me so angry because I know all of you and I could see that it was completely untrue.

    If it hadn’t been for food blogs, I honestly don’t think I could have beaten anorexia. I am forever grateful.

  • JenRD October 4, 2010, 10:37 am

    WOW is all I can say. That article took such cheap shots at your blog (and others), which was downright incorrect and unfair. You know that you are such an inspiration for healthy eating and healthy lifestyles. It is shocking that MC published such an article, but you know their readership is about to decline…

  • Fallon October 4, 2010, 10:38 am

    WOW That is ridiculous. I will never buy that magazine again. That writer should be fired for the poor quality she produced. I’ve never seen anything on this blog to make me think you had some kind of disorder. You are perfectly normal and healthy!

  • Breanne October 4, 2010, 10:38 am

    It’s funny how Marie Claire is trying to make you guys look bad when on the FRONT PAGE of their website I see links for things like “Virtual makeovers – instant weight loss”, “20 easy fat burning exercises”, “get a better butt”, “get flat abs fast” and pictures of super slim women. For a magazine that is pointing fingers at a group of AMAZING and inspiring women for supposedly showing disordered eating habits and encouraging EDs (which I’ve never found evidence of), they sure aren’t looking at the message THEY are putting out there – that being skinny and slim is all that matters.
    That is real hypocrisy if I’ve ever seen it, and it truly sickens me.
    Caitlin – you have an amazing gift, and your blog was the first HLB I ever read – it is still the first one I read every morning. Keep it up! 😀

  • Nicci (Nifty Eats) October 4, 2010, 10:39 am

    Great rebuttal Caitlin, The article was in every way one sided and did not display any positive aspect of the Healthy Living Community. As loyal readers..we all the know the truth. I read the article and knew every bit & piece of posts she took out of context…it was crazy.

  • Kari October 4, 2010, 10:43 am

    Caitlin, I just wanted to tell you that I actually used you (not in name, but definitely in spirit) when I was taking to a 22 year old paitent of mine who lost a lot of weight and was heading from healthy weight loss to eating disorder. I talked about how she could keep running as much as she was, but had to transition from the running/eating to lost weight to fueling her new body to run the miles she wanted to! Like you do. I love to see you stuff down a loaf of bread to refuel after a long run. It’s not the miles or the calories burned (I hate calorie counting), but refueling properly after training so you have energy to do your normal activities as well as your exercise! Exercising should be ENERGIZING as it is for you, not energy-sapping. I think you and your blog do a fantastic job of showing a normal person doing normal things, living a balanced life with its successes and imperfections, and I am sorry that you had to go through reading the story that said something different. Keep up the good work!

  • Carrie October 4, 2010, 10:43 am

    Crazy! She had a mission when she initially contacted all of you and she was obviously determined to slant the story this way, no matter the truth. And I agree with a commenter above, hello, isn’t Marie Claire the magazine that would give the diet tips to lose “that last 5 pounds”? Wouldn’t just eating healthy food and exercising be a better choice? How frustrating for you and all the other bloggers. I’m a married, 35 year old mom of two young boys, a vegetarian and a runner. Your blog has inspired me in many ways, mostly to tackle running my first marathon in just two weeks. I probably wouldn’t have ever tried it if not for your blog. Keep up the good work! And “Keep Calm and Carry On” 🙂

  • Paige @ Two Runners And A Brown Dog October 4, 2010, 10:43 am

    I read the article, and I was really shocked at how everything was taken out of context. It makes me sick.

    I was wondering if you guys had any heads up about the article, or if it was a total surprise. Either way, it sucks!!!

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:44 am

      We knew it was coming.

      • Alison October 4, 2010, 11:58 am

        my point made

        • Stefani October 4, 2010, 2:23 pm

          What is that point exactly?

  • Shutupandrun October 4, 2010, 10:43 am

    Nice rebuttal. I agree with you, when you put yourself out there, there will always be those who criticize. I wonder if MC was sacrificing the truth to be edgy and provacative, thereby gaining the attention of readers. It’s the wrong thing to do. I read Jenna’s blog and yours as well. I think you both have struck an amazing balance with food, excerise and healthy living. Don’t let this bring you down. You are such a positive force!

  • Julie October 4, 2010, 10:43 am

    Caitlin, I just commented on Meghann’s response and I want to tell you the same thing. Though I haven’t commented before, you and the entire healthy living community have been such an encouragement to me. I emailed Marie Claire and I hope all of these other supportive commenters do the same!

    The author did some trashy reporting, sure, but it’s certainly the responsibility of the magazine to print only what is acceptable and what they know to be true. With even the tiniest digging, anyone can see how absolutely out of context these comments have been taken.

    Keep it up, Caitlin!

  • Lesley October 4, 2010, 10:44 am

    Caitlin, you and the other five women targetted by Katie Drummond shouldn’t waste much time worrying about this. Googling her makes it all become clear. She has (had?) a blog, she’s a vegan and she’s training for a triathalon. She’s jealous. Pop psychology at its worst but its pretty clear that she’s one of those women who instead of asking for insight or friendship she decided that the only way to make herself feel better about her lack of success (as compared to ‘the big six’) was to write tabloid hackery.

    She’s a hypocrite. Vegan’s have to be obsessed in order to make it work (I am one) and how do you train for a triathalon without doing a hell of a lot of exercise?

    Ignore her. Move on.

    English reader for about a year! Hi! 🙂

    • Clare October 4, 2010, 12:39 pm

      Good points, Lesley. This writer should be ashamed of herself for writing this article. I wonder if it made her feel better to do so.
      I also like your point about Veganism.. I agree that in order to be a properly nourished Vegan (or Vegetarian or even a healthy eater for that matter) you DO need to think about food a little more than the average person.

  • Courtney October 4, 2010, 10:44 am

    I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now and I don’t know if I can even read the article. You have been so inspiring to me and the fact that this reporter took so much out of context actually angers me. You seem like the sweetest, most caring person who actually wants to be honest with her readers. I’ve never once thought you ran for any reason other than you loved doing it. That article makes me sad and I’m sorry it upset you.

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 10:45 am

    Excellent post!!!!!!!

  • Lizzy October 4, 2010, 10:45 am

    These are my thoughts (an this is coming from a long time reader of yours)

    I for one couldn’t believe that this article was even written. when i heard about it (via your twitter yesterday) i immediately went on the marie claire website so i could try and find it but i had no luck. now after reading your post about your whole thing on the article(i went and read it from the link you provided), i cannot believe that the writers at marie claire were even confident enough to publish something like this that doesn’t even match up with your lifestyle. Caitlin you have been an inspiration from the first time i started reading your blog. I read your posts 3 times a day everyday, and i look forward to it everyday. Your recipes, your adventures your amazing ability to run and everything in between is what keeps me coming back everyday. I feel like i can’t relate to you, and at times i feel like we could be twins because of how much i see myself in you. These writers have no idea of all the accomplishments you have achieved throughout your life. even though these people had such a skewed idea of what your life really is, that doesn’t mean we do. You have readers and fans all over the country, and that in itself is amazing, and i’m so happy to say that i believe in you and all that you do! Thank you for being you! 🙂

  • Karen W October 4, 2010, 10:45 am

    I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your blog, and that this article is completely skewed to fit an agenda. But is that surprising? Magazines like this are sold on the premise that every woman feels (and should feel) bad about herself in some way. They try to give woman tricks to “feel better” about themselves while also perpetuating that same self-loathing.

    God forbid some media source comes out that empowers women to take charge of their own lives and to feel good about themselves. If that happens, then people will start caring about what goes into their bodies and into their minds, rather than the latest makeup shades for Fall and quizzes about what Jersey Shore character you most relate to! Women could (gasp) start thinking for themselves rather than being force-fed the same negative self-images that the media’s been perpetuating for years! And then who would Marie Claire (et al.) sell magazines to?!

    At least I now know of a few additional blogs I should be adding to the Google Reader. 🙂

  • Kristen October 4, 2010, 10:46 am

    My GOODNESS. I am genuinely saddened by the tone and perspective taken by this article. If Marie Claire is so concerned with perpetuating women’s healthy body images, perhaps they should take a good hard look into their own magazine…

    Without a doubt, reading blogs like yours has helped me accomplish what YEARS of reading magazines like Marie Claire could not: I have stopped counting every calorie that I eat, stopped obsessing when I eat “too much” and gain a pound or two, and stopped eating fat free, sugar free, low calorie junk and started eating real food. I also ran my first half marathon last year, and have never been so proud of myself. I am more healthy and happy than I have been in years as a direct result of reading blogs like yours. Will this work for everyone? No. There is no “once size fits all” solution, and you have never presented yourself that way… But you are certainly an inspiration to me. Keep doing what you’re doing. We love you! 🙂

  • Kirsteen October 4, 2010, 10:46 am

    I’m a “silent” reader, but had to comment on this. As someone who has suffered an ED in the past and still battles daily with the issues I’ve got with food, I find that article offensive. I dont want to cause offense to anyone here, but to suggest that a blog that promotes inclusion, healthy eating in moderation and excercise can ENCOURAGE people to develop an eating disorder. I was never encouraged or influenced, it just happened for me. What other people did or said played NO PART in me taking the decision to stop eating one day.

    I looked in the mirror and saw someone fat and ugly. I was never told I was either.

    I’ve been reading this blog and read about your success in running, but also the times where you’ve maybe not acheived exactly what you’ve set out to do.

    This is a real blog, with a real person writing it. You have the occasional glass of wine – I’m surprised this article didnt pull you up on that accusing you of encouraging people to stop eating and start drinking!

    Its really made me angry, because what this world needs is more people like you Caitlin, more people who have an understanding of healthy eating in modern society and are understanding of people who struggle with this.

    Don’t let it get to you, if anything take it as a sign that what you are doing is getting even bigger and better. With every success comes its saboteurs, and lets face it when was the last time Marie Clare featured a “regular” sized model on their cover… *ahem*

    Keep blogging, we love you! xx

  • Erin October 4, 2010, 10:46 am

    Hi Caitlin, I am not a blogger, but a frequent reader of your blog. I came across your blog, through a friend’s and have been following your healthy journey for the past few months. I always felt compelled to post about your entries, but since I am not a blogger myself, I resisted. I have found your blog very inspiring as I am rediscovering my love for exercise and competition (through running), that I lost throughout college. I am so sorry that something like this was published about you and I am sorry it dug up old wounds for you. Your passion for making yourself a better person is evident throughout your writings and you have people who support. Keep doing what you do best; inspiring others! 🙂

  • Kristyn October 4, 2010, 10:48 am

    Great job in sticking up for what you believe in, Caitlin. The article is absolutely horrifying. True, in America we have freedoms of speech and press, but after reading Meghann’s rebuttal as well, I feel as though everyone involved was scammed and not treated fairly. I would like to say that ALL of the healthy living blogs I read, primarily yours, Meghann’s, and her sisters among others, are fantastic AND have ENCOURAGED me to take up running. Just from reading your blogs I’ve taken a love for it and even PR’d this weekend in my 3rd 5K. I got a medal for my age group….2nd fastest. This would NEVER have happened if I didn’t stumble across your community here on the internet. So Marie Claire needs to figure out how to interview people correctly and get facts set straight. I’ve read their magazine once and it wasn’t my thing. Now it definitely will never be my thing.
    Much love to ALL of you ladies!

  • Lucy October 4, 2010, 10:48 am

    Hang in there Caitlin! I don’t know what it is about the world that bringing others down as if they aren’t real people with real feelings is perfectly acceptable but it is sad:( Wouldn’t it be amazing if all magazines, websites, and tv shows aimed at women would actually support women and build them up rather than try to tear each other down?? Also, it seems the new trend is for no one to take any personal responsibility. Not to mention, I bet you anything the pages before and after that nasty article probably featured barbie doll proportioned models!! I feel your pain and I’m sorry it took you back to the bad memories from school. Just remember you are a beautiful person inside and out and keep going back to all the positive comments and emails when you need a reminder of that:)

  • Holly-Claire October 4, 2010, 10:48 am

    I am so annoyed after reading that article! What an awful, slanted way to look at the amazing work you have done!
    Please don’t let this one-sided article change what you do.
    You are an amazing blogger, one of my favorites. I have been following your blog for about a year and have NEVER thought you were doing anything but motivating, inspiring, and encouraging people. It’s called healthy tipping point… not skinny tipping point. It isn’t about getting skinny, it is about being healthy. Loving, your body, food, and the relationship between them.
    From the bottom of my heart thank you. Your blog is so special to me and please don’t let this awful article get you down. You and your work is special to so many people 🙂

  • Jasmine @ Eat Move Write October 4, 2010, 10:50 am

    I wrote my own “letter to the editor” on my blog and plan to send the article AND the comments to them myself.

    More than anything else, I was stunned by how vicious the writer sounded. It was a personal attack and that’s just… baffling. So incredibly unprofessional for a magazine of this level. I cannot imagine how much it hurt. In my letter, I described you as sunny. You are, truly. Hang in there.

  • Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman October 4, 2010, 10:52 am

    As a journalist and magazine writer, this saddens me.

    To start off, I understand how many of the things you and the other bloggers talked about in e-mails and interviews might have gotten cut. Plenty of times I’ve had a 2,000 word article slashed to 1,000 because the layout changed or the photos were extra amazing or another ad came in. Parts of the story I wanted to tell were taken out. So I see how some of the facts–how the marathon raised money for cancer, say, could get cut.

    However, I think the article irresponsibly takes one side and sticks to it. Cherry picking quotes to fit your stance, choosing posts that show bloggers doing something to the extreme, these things only show half of the story. It doesn’t mention that none of these bloggers are rail thin or unhealthy looking. It doesn’t take into account the fact that plenty of non-bloggers are marathoners who regularly run distances that sound crazy to non-runners.

    I’m sure there are people who are triggered by blogs that list daily food. I’m sure there are recovering alcoholics who are triggered by booze ads. I’m sure there are ex-gambling addicts who are triggered by a friendly bet. It’s not a blogger’s job to protect. And from reading your blog and others like it, it’s clear it does more good than harm. I only wish the reporter had showed that side.

    Lastly, tell me how HTP is more detrimental to ED women than this:

  • Charlotte October 4, 2010, 10:53 am

    Oh, Caitlin! Your readers know that that article was just a load of bullsh*t; we love you and know that you ARE bringing so much positivity to the issue of women’s health. Don’t let that loser reporter get to you.

  • Julie October 4, 2010, 10:53 am

    Don’t let this get you down. You are amazing and I look forward to reading your blog every day. It’s an inspiration to me and obviously a TON of other people. Keep your head up!!!

  • eatmovelove October 4, 2010, 10:53 am

    I just wanted to add my 2 cheap cents and say simply that when I first read your blog (and only recently) I did not do it for the food or the exercise stuff. I just read it to find out about Operation Beautiful.

    Simple as that. Peace. 🙂

  • Angela October 4, 2010, 10:55 am is my e-mail I just sent to the editor at marie Clair. I am so saddened by this article…

    To Whom It May Concern:

    I am writing in response to the article, “The hunger Diaries” by Katie Drummond. I would like you to know how absolutely appalled I am by this disgraceful article. This woman took a group of blogs out there to help support a healthy lifestyle and support good body images for woman and turned it into something disgusting and awful. Not only did she write a completely wrong article about what these blogs are about but she lied and manipulated to get her answers from these women. I don’t know if you’ve yourself I’ve read any of these girls’ blogs but not one of them out there promotes eating disorders. Caitlin from Healthy Tipping Point is one woman I have found the most inspirational, she blogs and book about promoting healthy body image to woman couldn’t be more than one of the most beautiful things. How that woman Katie could see what she does and call it a disorder is disgraceful.

    She attacks Meghann from Meal and Miles, Meghann writes strictly on her personal level. She has never promoted anyone to follow her work out routines and where they may seem a little intense for some people, it’s hard to tell someone to stop doing something they love.

    The person who gave Katie Drummond the right to write and print such a horrendous article should be ashamed. What do you get out of ripping apart a community that has helped support so many lives? Have you seen how many Healthy Living posts have been posted on Caitlin’s blog??? All of these people that have gone to these women for support, did she take the time to talk to them???? No she tricked 6 beautiful women into giving answers to an article that they thought would promote what they have accomplished. Katie Drummond saw the healthy living summit, she sat there and listened to Katei from Sweet Tater Tott explain how she got through an eating disorder with the support of the healthy living blogs. How dare she go and look these women in the eye, see what they have done for so many people, and then print that disgusting article. I hope you people at Marie Clair are proud of yourselves. I hope you accomplished exactly what you wanted. And if the Healthy living Blog community falls apart thanks to you, I hope you can look yourself in the mirror every day and know what you did to community that has never promoted anything except that everyone is beautiful no matter what size and that Diets are the way to go, that to be healthy you just need to eat healthy.

    I am unbelievably saddened by this and I hope appropriate action is taken.

    And that you are prepared for a very full inbox.

    …You are more than an inspiration to me along with so many other women. You are beautiful and wonderful keep your chin up.

  • OurLittleAshley October 4, 2010, 10:56 am

    I read your blog to get meal ideas as a fellow vegetarian! TO EAT. You obviously eat plenty! If anyone read your blog for a week, they’d know that!

    And someone said it was a body/eating disorder to know exactly how many pounds you’ve gained?? That means I have a disorder because I know I’m 8lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight after having my first baby a mouth ago. 😉 Psh.

    • OurLittleAshley October 4, 2010, 11:02 am

      Uh, make that ‘*month* ago.’ I’m typing one-handed with my baby on my lap. 🙂

  • Kjirsten (Balanced Healthy Life) October 4, 2010, 10:57 am

    I have to say, that article was very one sided. Coming from a viewpoint as a personal trainer who enjoys eating good food and posting about it online, I don’t think you spread the word of eating less and exercising more. You have a healthy hobby (running races) and inspire other readers to get out there and move. I know coming to your blog and reading about your maraton training inspires me to run more and sign up for more races. The author of the article seems bitter and jealous and I can’t understand why she would attack you. Hang in there and I am happy to see you standing up for yourself with the rebuttal against Marie Claire. They clearly don’t know what they are talking about.

  • Theresa @ This is my Hungry Face October 4, 2010, 10:57 am

    Caitlin– It was hurtful to read this article because blogs like yours helped me to start leading a healthier lifestyle, showing me that being healthy can be fun and easy. Anyone that reads your blog (and those that are lucky enough to meet you in real life) know that you have such a welcoming personality and friendly attitude that immediately makes those around you feel like they are an old friend. Before HLS when I was nervous about not knowing anyone there, you immediately let me know that YOU were excited to meet me. Thank you for all that you do! Keep up the amazing work 🙂

  • Shelly October 4, 2010, 10:58 am

    I’m writing a letter to the editor as we speak. Here’s the meat of it.

    “Outside of the obvious distortions in the article, I was immediately struck by the irony of a magazine like Marie Claire condemning fitness blogs as promoting disordered eating. I am a recovered anorexic and one of the first things I learned in therapy was that conventional beauty magazines are extremely triggering. You may consider yourself aspirational, but in all honesty, magazines like yours just make me (and countless others) feel like I can never live up to the standard set by the airbrushed models you showcase or wear the expensive things you promote. Magazines like yours make me feel sad, inadequate, poor, and fat.
    Healthy living blogs, on the other hand, make me more conscious of the things I can do. I can eat lots of delicious, healthy food. I can run 13 miles. I can lift weights. I can eat ethically. I can bake and enjoy really awesome cupcakes. I can do all of these things as part of a healthy, balanced life. These blogs inspire me to be the best version of myself that I can be, rather than a second rate version of some imaginary ideal set forth by the beauty industry.
    I love reading about real women with real bodies and real struggles. These bloggers may not have perfectly healthy habits, but they try to live healthy, balanced, athletic lives. Some bloggers may do a better job of that than other. And some readers may find them triggering. I have encountered blogs (although none of the ones in your article) that weren’t good for me to read- so I stopped reading them. Much like I did when I realized how reading your magazine made me feel.
    The bottom line is that I didn’t read healthy living blogs when I suffered from an eating disorder. I read Marie Claire.”

    How hypocritical of Marie Claire to accuse anyone else of promoting unhealthy behaviors, disordered eating, and poor body images.

  • Lindsay @ The Ketchup Diaries October 4, 2010, 10:59 am

    You don’t even have to explain. We KNOW your blog has helped so many. It has helped ME! And because of that, I’ve started my own and I’ve received so many kind words that my blog has others and so on and so forth. It was an overdramatic article that doesn’t deserve our attention. Although I’m glad you wrote your side. We appreciate everything you do 🙂

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 10:59 am

    Caitlin – I am beyond disgusted at the Marie Claire article. Slander, through and through. I, along with many other of your readers, will be boycotting Marie Claire by not buying it, writing emails and letters, and continuing to support your efforts. Chin up, friend. You are better than this article.

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 10:59 am

    Caitlin – I am beyond disgusted at the Marie Claire article. Slander, through and through. I, along with many other of your readers, will be boycotting Marie Claire by not buying it, writing emails and letters, and continuing to support your efforts. Chin up, friend. You are better than this article.

  • Julia October 4, 2010, 10:59 am

    That Marie Clair article is total BS. I am actually quite disappointed in them for publishing what seems like such a one sided and biased article. Keep your head up girl; you and your blog and what you try to represent rocks.

    • Julia October 4, 2010, 11:11 am

      oh and I just wrote on MC’s facebook page.

  • Kari October 4, 2010, 11:00 am

    Caitlin, all I can really say is that your are awesome. You have influenced my life in positive ways. I read the article last night, and it is so very clear that she chose her “facts” based on the slant that she was aiming to write. I attended HLS and was highly offended by what she wrote about it. Play on playa. There will always be haters, but you have so many people out there who support you and look to you for inspiration.

  • kelly October 4, 2010, 11:00 am

    Ugh, this makes me so upset 🙁 *HUGS* to you and the other 5!

  • Kiran October 4, 2010, 11:01 am

    So sorry for what you and the gang are going through.

    I just wanted to say something positive to try and cheer you up:

    I am so amazed at your honesty in blogging about your healthy living life. You and others ROCK big time! Thanks for helping me living a healthy life. The Big6 are wonderful inspirations 🙂

  • Tori October 4, 2010, 11:01 am

    I was at the Summit, and seriously whoever wrote this article has no clue about what goes on with healthy living. So you encourage ppl to eat oatmeal and other healthy foods, thats not the worse thing that could happen!

    I have been reading your blog for over a year and you are an inspiration to me, so held your head up high.

  • Olivia October 4, 2010, 11:01 am

    I know this is kind of off topic but I find it really hard to believe that you have gained 7lbs. It sure doen’t look like it in your pics! Would you mind sharing how much you weigh?

    And btw, because of your blog I have gained the courage to run a half mary! Also, your book inspired me every single day. I read random pages whenever I feel down and always feel better after.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 1:30 pm

      Hi Olivia:

      Thanks so much for your sweet comments on the blog.

      In general, I have a rule where I don’t talk much about weight because I believe it’s not the most important thing. I mentioned weight gain because it’s a factual way I can refute the comments that I don’t eat enough. I was a healthy weight when I started the blog and I’m healthy now. But since we’re talking about it… I’m currently 125 and I’m 5 ft 3.

      • Becca October 4, 2010, 3:16 pm

        It really hurts my feelings to think that someone would say that you do not eat enough when you are that weight and height. I am almost six inches taller than you and weigh about the same and DO NOT have an eating disorder. People are built differently, have different metabolisms, have different lives. Yes i work out, yes probably more than some, but i also eat more than most people i know-a lot more. I am built this way and i have been this way since i was a child. Your blog and a few others have made me HEALTHIER since reading them because of what i put into my body. Weight should not be what people focus on. I would undoubtedly weigh the same even if i ate processed, fast-food all day, but i choose to eat well and fuel myself with healthy options. I look to you and other blogs like yours for inspiration when planning my meals. Who wants to eat “inside the box” every day and eat the same thing all the time. It is fun to branch out and try new things. I feel personally attacked as well by MC’s damaging generalities about the entire healthy living community. Why does weight matter so much? Who can tell you how much food is “enough”? Who knows YOUR body better than YOU? It is not that woman’s place to judge, it is not her place to publicly denounce the lifestyles of those she does not understand or relate to, it is not her place to make a mockery of something that so many people hold dear. That one opinion is trumped by the thousands of supporters and people who live like you, want to live better, and look to you for inspiration and advice. Hold your head up because you are simply living life the way you want, not tearing others down in the process. Props to you. thank you for great posts, great advice, and a great attitude!

  • Laura October 4, 2010, 11:01 am

    It literally hurt my heart to read what was written about the 6 of you and I am so happy you chose to respond. I am one of those readers whose health has improved as a direct result of reading blogs by you and others like you…

    I would never say that a simple blog post makes me want to eat more or run more, as I’ve always loved to do both. But on days when I just want to eat junk, you show me how to put a fun twist on a bowl of cauliflower. On days when I forget how much I love to run, your excitement over a personal best or a new scenic route reminds of the many reasons why I do.

    Here’s to not letting a few mean girls stand in the way of health, happiness and a better world.

  • Lauren October 4, 2010, 11:02 am


    This article makes me feel so sick. My mind literally cannot grasp how anyone could take something so inspirational and beautiful like HLBs and turn them into something bad. I hope you know that all your readers disagree with what was written in that article. I’m at a loss for words 🙁 Thank you for EVERYTHING you do.

  • Natalia - a side of simple October 4, 2010, 11:02 am

    Thank you for sharing this, Caitlin. I think the saddest part about this whole affair is that Marie Claire is getting any attention at all for this. Obviously it has to because it wrote such a biased (and hurtful) article, but the last thing I want now is for Marie Claire to profit off of this. I assure you I won’t be buying their magazine! Hope your Monday turns around 😉

  • Lauren October 4, 2010, 11:02 am

    Caitlin, Wow! The article sucks. Plain and simple.
    On the one hand, so many readers already know the article is way off base…but, I can imagine someone like my husband reading this article and being a little worried about why I like reading these blogs so much. It also is unfortunate that this article has spiked so much conversation. Controversy sells magazines. They had a clear motive…they had “big blogger names”, they had stonyfield and quaker wrapped into the mix as sponsors, they had a hot topic.
    It’s important to let them know they are off base, but it seems like such a hard task. Over the weekend I was reading another blog and the blogger said something along the lines of “my immediate family and friends get it, but other people like aunts and uncles don’t understand what this thing I do is”.
    It’s one thing to be a bit ignorant, but there’s no excuse to misconstrue reality in order to sell magazines. It IS so 8th grade.

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 11:02 am

    Hold your head high Caitlin! I love reading your blog and have NEVER once thought your blog was unhealthy! I admire your determination and your healthy lifestyle. I am glad they posted your blogsite so that readers of Marie Claire can check it our for themselves! You are great! Do not let them get to you!

  • Lacey @ Lake Life October 4, 2010, 11:03 am

    Your story from highschool sounds just like the script to Mean Girls!

    In my opinion, even acknowledging the article is simply adding fuel to this fire. I, personally, would have never even read the article if you hadn’t posted it, since I’d definitely rather spend my time reading blogs!

  • Megan October 4, 2010, 11:04 am

    Caitlin, you are awesome and continue to inspire me. Hang in there, and this too shall pass.

    For anyone that leaves a comment on Marie Claire’s page on facebook, make sure to “unlike” on the bottom left of the page when you are done!

  • Kate October 4, 2010, 11:05 am

    As a long-term reader of the blogs of you and many of the other women referenced in this article, I needed to show my support for all of you – I was truly appalled to read the angle the journalist used for that story. There really is evil in the world; as a healthy living blog, you’re advocating ENJOYMENT of food and exercise – something, unfortunately, not experienced by those with disordered eating or exercise.

    I’m sure people with self-esteem issues are drawn to your blog, but hopefully with a better outcome than would otherwise occur if they visited a pro-anorexia website. I love your positive outlook on food and exercise and through reading the blogs of you, and a number of the other women mentioned, I’ve really started enjoying cooking and running a LOT more than I ever have before.

    Isn’t this journalist a bit of a hypocrite, forming a stance on healthy living blogs whilst writing for a magazine frequently cited as an influential factor in formation of disordered eating in teenage girls? At least your blog encourages exercise – their magazine, in my experience, recommends diets and, ‘to get that beach body’, muscle-toning exercise (with, perhaps, the occasional tedious slog on the treadmill).

    I love your blog; keep on writing and hopefully they’ll get it one day!

  • mollyaurora October 4, 2010, 11:06 am

    Hey Caitlin! I know I am just one of the many people who will tell you how wonderful your blog is, but I just felt like I had to comment. I have only been following you for about 6 months but you have inspired me so much. I have always led a healthy lifestyle, but you encouraged me to try new things, in my diet and in my exercise routine. I cannot believe this article. It made me so upset that this reporter would tear apart someone with such a great message and mission. You know that you have a strong group of followers who are not going to take what she said to heart. So please keep doing what you are doing! You have really encouraged me to make a positive difference in my life.

  • Christina October 4, 2010, 11:06 am

    What a goofy article. To castigate women who actually eat vegetables, and bread, and dessert, in a magazine filled with skinny models and incomplete exercise routines, is inexcusable. Keep up the good work on your blog.

  • Mary October 4, 2010, 11:06 am

    Even though I have not commented previously, I wanted to tell you that you have been an inspiration for me. I often read your blog daily and you encourage me to live a healthy lifestyle.

    I often go trail running, and even though my athletic abilities are not as advanced as yours, I use your success stories to encourage me to keep up the good work and create personal goals that I can achieve.

    You are an inspiration! I think your response to Marie Claire is appropriate and well-written.

    Keep up the good work!

  • Tracey October 4, 2010, 11:06 am

    Caitlin, you did a great job with this post. You are very well spoken and I’m sorry you are feeling hurt by this article.

  • Julia @ Brit Bride October 4, 2010, 11:07 am

    Caitlin that article is ridiculous and insane. You promote healthy living. What does the writer think operation beautiful is for? Your blog changed my attitude to weight loss for the better – i,e, I wanted to be healthy for my wedding day, not stick thin. You have made me and a zillion other girls across the WORLD, not just America, feel better about themselves and that a healthy balance… and I mean BALANCE… is achievable. This article is one sided, ridiculous and unfair. I will not be buying this magazine again.

    Hold you head up and be proud of your achievements.


  • Jenny October 4, 2010, 11:07 am

    While I can appreciate the frustration you and the other bloggers must feel, I’m more hurt that the author assumes I can’t exercise any judgment on my own while reading food blogs. That at any second I am in danger of becoming a mindless calorie counting drone.

    I think an unspoken fact is that most of your readers are young women who are living on their own for the first time and learning how to cook. I know I came to your blog for fun recipes and meal ideas as I’m sure many others did. I did not come to emulate you or take word for word your life and apply it to mine.

    I came because I had leftover carrots and wanted to know how to make nut butter encrusted fries.

    Caitlin – I will still come to your blog for recipes and meal ideas. And I sincerely hope that this does not deter you from continuing to live your life.

  • manda October 4, 2010, 11:07 am

    i just can’t even believe that article. i’ve been reading most of the “big six” blogs for a couple of years now, and i have never even once thought any of you had disordered eating. i think posting a link to a helpline on your website is very responsible. anyone can read your blogs, and if a reader is sensitive and for some reason can’t not read it, at least there’s a link there that can help them. that article was out of control, and i hope this doesn’t sour you all on blogging, because its the highlight of my days sometimes. keep doing what you do best!!

  • penny October 4, 2010, 11:09 am

    Holy crap. That is a terrible article. I used to respect Marie Claire. You eat completely normally for a marathon runner. The author completely cherry-picked facts. Meghann did a 5K, a 15K and a marathon in one weekend – also a completely normal goal for a runner. I am the laziest marathoner around and even I could train for that without going nuts.
    That is seriously a terrible article. Oh! And the idea that a green monster is bad for you or not enough food? It keeps me full all morning and did through much of my recent pregnancy.
    I don’t normally write magazines but I think this one needs a letter to the editor. I am so sorry you and the other bloggers were maligned in this way. I am 10 years your senior and get great tips and inspiration from all the mentioned blogs. Please don’t think you in any way propagate eating disorders.

  • laura October 4, 2010, 11:10 am

    Caitlin, I am so sorry Marie Claire published an article that painted an unfair and completely bogus picture of you and all the other wonderful HEALHTY LIVING bloggers! I will be writing a stern letter to the editor and posting on the face book wall. I just want you to know how much you inspire me on a daily basis, how much I look forward to your posts, and how you have helped me begin living a healthy life. I can only imagine how violated and hurt you must feel, however, looking at the response this article has conjured up, I am sure you must also see how loved and supported you are! Thank you for blogging, and never stop opening your life up, just because there are mean girls in class!

  • Jenn October 4, 2010, 11:11 am

    Does anyone know if you can unlike their page after writing on their wall?? I HATED having to like it ugh but I wanted to defend Caitlin and the rest!

    Caitlin, you are such a beautiful, inspirational person. I’m a long time reader so I know this is nothing but slanderous mean girl behavior. But rest assured, karma is real and Katie Drummond has it coming, whether she likes it or not.

    • Ramona October 4, 2010, 6:45 pm

      Go to the particular page & scroll down. At the bottom on the left side, it says “unlike”. It’s about 3 lines above the “share” button.

  • Sima October 4, 2010, 11:12 am

    The article does touch on an interesting subject, but It feels like she is labelling health blogs as being bad in some way. I find health blogs helpful in informing me about diet and exercise, and they do motivate me to be more health conscious. Yes there are vulnerable women our there that may exercise too much or develop a complex with food. But that can happen without blogs being a part of it. The title of the article alone tells you that she had a particular take on the subject. I would not have done the interview if she had told you the title of the article. That alone was a red flag.

  • Julia October 4, 2010, 11:13 am

    I appreciate the work you and other bloggers do in living healthy and sharing about it. I have a lot of weight to lose and even though I am pressured to do a “diet” I am very committed to making lifestyle changes. Many of those changes are being made from the lifesytles of those blogs that I read, but at the same time I use my own judgement to find what will work for me. Keep doing what you are doing and don’t let the negative article get to you too much!

  • Emma October 4, 2010, 11:13 am

    Oh, this makes me so sad for all of you. I read yours, Kath’s, and Tina’s blogs daily and while I can’t say that I’m fully on the bandwagon, I do appreciate reading your perspectives. Just for a little positive energy, I’d just like to say that while I’ve been an incredibly “passive” reader (this is my first blog comment ever) I DO think that your blogs have been slowly but surely changing my perspective towards eating and exercise. While I’m happy and healthy, beginning to read your blogs coincided with the end of my college experience, and I believe your attitude towards food, exercise, and even alcohol have helped with my transition to the “real world.” Thanks for being around–and I hope this blows over with you knowing that you’re doing the right thing and impacting people in a positive way.

  • Laine @ Beets, Butter & Moutaintops October 4, 2010, 11:13 am

    And weirdly, she wrote a nice article about Operation Beautiful:

    Maybe she wanted to be more edgy, or her editors did.

    • Jamila October 4, 2010, 2:02 pm

      Wow. Thanks for finding that. Makes me wonder where her change of heart came from.

    • Marie October 4, 2010, 6:30 pm

      This is actually pretty funny…

  • Whitney October 4, 2010, 11:14 am

    Your blog brightens my day. I LOVE seeing what you’re eating and getting ideas for how to incorporate more fruits and veggies in my diet. I think you have an excellent perspective on healthy living and you do an excellent job highlighting the fact that when you exercise a lot, you need to eat a lot.

    No matter what anyone says, remember you are loved!

  • LS October 4, 2010, 11:14 am

    I was shocked by this article. Agree with commenter 114 (megan) about flipping through the rest of the mag to see how many weight-loss articles there are. The website is even worse…the health page has Phentermine ads/links. Not sure if it gets any more hypocritcal than that.

  • kelsey October 4, 2010, 11:14 am

    a classy, well said statement about such crappy and one-sided writing.

  • Jill October 4, 2010, 11:15 am

    I rarely comment, but I really love the healthy living blogging community. I started reading healthy living blogs as a way to waste time at work, haha! However, 2 years later im totally hooked. I just sent the editor an email…i challenged her to read your 6 blogs consistently for a week & decide for herself if the article has any truth to it?! Keep up the good work!

  • Stacy R. October 4, 2010, 11:16 am

    Caitlin- I think you have handled this in a mature way. One question I had for you was about your publisher, I remember them quoting them once or twice. Have you or will you follow up with them to ensure your professional relationship isn’t hurt as a result of this untrue article? I’m just curious if this woman actually has the power to pursued people to believe her or if your publisher will stick by you because they know the real you.

    Keep your head held high, there is so much support and good that comes from this community and I appreciate everything you do for your readers!

  • Macey October 4, 2010, 11:16 am

    I understand that because of the situation (and spotlight) that you’re in, your response to this article has to be both well thought out and classy (which it is). But mine does not. So I’m going to say it, this article and it’s author both suck. I believe the best in people, and don’t want to assume anything about the author or her character, but a major downfall to our “freedom of speech” includes the freedom for a personal agenda with no one to keep us in check. I am left to wonder what personal baggage and possible disorder this author is dealing with herself to make her take such a slant.
    This too shall pass Caitlyn. I know it’s not easy, and I know it’s no where near fair, but if you continue to be yourself and value who you are and what you do, the truth will shine through. Your blog speaks for itself, and there’s no disproving that.

  • Natalie October 4, 2010, 11:17 am

    Wow. That article is hard to believe. Talk about irresponsible journalism.

    I have been reading your blog for a few months now and this is my first comment. For the past year I have been dealing with insomnia and depression. After reading some of you posts you helped me change my outlook on things. I have been eating better and thinking of food as a way to fuel my body. Your healthy and yummy recipes have really helped me stick to this. Thank you! I have also started working out every morning for about 30 mins. I alternate between 3-5km jogs, yoga and light resistance training. I am really starting to feel wonderful and I would like to thank you for that. When I exercise I don’t think about my appearance. I focus on my heart beating and how with every step I am making it stronger.

    Thank you for helping me live a healthy lifestyle.

    I have written MC an email. Do not let this article affect the strong message you are sending to people – you have definitely helped me love my body again!

  • Maria @ Oh Healthy Day October 4, 2010, 11:18 am

    YOU are epic, beautiful and an overall wonderful person. That will always shine through in the end.

  • Faith October 4, 2010, 11:18 am

    Way to stand up for yourself and tell the truth! You’ve got so many people supporting you 🙂

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 11:19 am

    Hey Caitlin, I read the article and immediately wrote the editor. I thought you might like a copy of my email – I’m rather disgusted with the article, as you’ll soon see.
    “As a prolific reader of both magazines and blogs, the recent collision of a magazine I once enjoyed and a blog I love has left a bad taste in my mouth. In the article “the Hunger Diaries” your writer rips apart one particular food blogger I have been following for a while, Caitlin of Your writer claims that blogs like Caitlin’s promote distorted body image and eating disorders, particularly in those predisposed to the conditions. I have battled an eating disorder in my college years, beaten it, and gone on to live a happy, healthy, baby filled, and marathon running life (yes, running is healthy – there are several articles supporting this if you question my opinion). I have a healthy 21 BMI, eat whole foods, and lead by example for my sweet son. Reading Caitlin’s blog has NEVER surfaced any lingering desires to resurrect bad habits. In fact, it has supported me in my healthy, happy life and given me inspiration to treat myself to a nap or two on occasion as I’m listening more to what my body needs.
    I fully support investigative reporting, but in the process if a person, corporation, or otherwise is slandered simply to sell more copies you are doing all readers a disservice. I for one will never touch your magazine again.


    Katie Fisher”

    Keep on blogging – you’re inspiring, not hurtful or harmful in anyway.

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    Hey Caitlin, I read the article and immediately wrote the editor. I thought you might like a copy of my email – I’m rather disgusted with the article, as you’ll soon see.
    “As a prolific reader of both magazines and blogs, the recent collision of a magazine I once enjoyed and a blog I love has left a bad taste in my mouth. In the article “the Hunger Diaries” your writer rips apart one particular food blogger I have been following for a while, Caitlin of Your writer claims that blogs like Caitlin’s promote distorted body image and eating disorders, particularly in those predisposed to the conditions. I have battled an eating disorder in my college years, beaten it, and gone on to live a happy, healthy, baby filled, and marathon running life (yes, running is healthy – there are several articles supporting this if you question my opinion). I have a healthy 21 BMI, eat whole foods, and lead by example for my sweet son. Reading Caitlin’s blog has NEVER surfaced any lingering desires to resurrect bad habits. In fact, it has supported me in my healthy, happy life and given me inspiration to treat myself to a nap or two on occasion as I’m listening more to what my body needs.
    I fully support investigative reporting, but in the process if a person, corporation, or otherwise is slandered simply to sell more copies you are doing all readers a disservice. I for one will never touch your magazine again.


    Katie Fisher”

    Keep on blogging – you’re inspiring, not hurtful or harmful in anyway.

  • Lisa October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    The article clearly had a negative spin throughout the entire thing. I think that ED should be addressed and obsessive behaviors should be watched but the article made it seem like a petty attack against you guys instead of addressing valid concerns.

  • Danielle October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    Hi Caitlin,

    I am sorry to hear about the article written in Marie Claire. I can only imagine how upsetting it is for you. I have written the editor with my thoughts:

    Dear editor,

    I am writing in response to the publication of your article, “The Hunger Diaries,” about healthy-living bloggers. As a daily reader of many of the blogs you mentioned, I am taken aback and offended by the reporter’s story. If she had taken the time to actually read the blogs, read the stories, and think about it all in context, she would realize that she is wrong.

    These women lead very balanced lives. While their workouts may seem extreme for some, millions of people run marathons and compete in triathlons every year. Paired with adequate training and fuel (nutrition), this type of exercise is safe and beneficial. The bloggers in your article are devoted to adequately preparing themselves for this type of endurance event: they try to train properly, recover, take rest days, eat plenty of protein, nuts, carbohydrates, etc.

    As a former anorexic, bulimic and overexerciser, I cannot tell you how much these healthy living blogs have helped me gain insight on my life. I have learned that eating is OK and necessary to fuel my body. I’m no longer scared of different types of food, and I’ve realized how to properly train, recover and REST from exercise. In no way have I ever been “triggered” by these blogs.

    The author of “The Hunger Diaries” seems to have been misinformed, or have turned a blind eye to the whole picture of the blogs she writes about. I suggest that she do some more research, read reader responses, and apologize to the women whose blogs and reputations she tarnished.


  • Carly October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    Like the other commenting, I was blown away by the Marie Claire article. I also was disturbed that it didn’t seem to accurately represent reality. But I was actually shocked by the fact that the author seems to imply that any time someone decides to watch what they’re eating or increase the amount they’re exercising then they have a disorder. Nearly one third of America is obese. I am no expert in eating disorders but I’m willing to bet that the toll it is taking on women is substantially less than impact of obesity related illness. I’m not saying eating disorders are not problem and I’m by no means trying to trivialize them. But there’s another side to disordered eating and it’s overeating and not exercising and it kills people. We’ve become so conditioned to gigantic restaurant portions that when someone takes a picture of a single serving of food it looks like she’s starving herself. From what I’ve read these girls do an amazing job of cooking food that is healthy, tasty and substantial. How the author handled this article was wrong in many ways – it was horrible reporting and mean spirited. You can’t be a healthy woman if you’re not aware of what you’re putting into your body, just as you can’t be a healthy woman if you’re not taking care of your body by exercising.

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    I have been reading your blog on and off for the past few months, I enjoy reading about your lifestyle and view you as an inspiration. While I do not have the same dedication to healthy eating as you do, I admire your abilty to plan and eat so many healthy foods! I am sorry for what Marie Claire did. However, I may have never commented on your blog had it not been for their article. Keep doing what you’re doing. And thank you for sharing it with us!

  • Allison October 4, 2010, 11:20 am

    I find this Marie-Claire article so offensive! We (the readers) are characterized as “a gold mine of young, educated women hell-bent on achieving sylph-like physiques.” Okay so (1) I for sure had to look “sylph” up on Wikipedia, and (2) this doesn’t make sense! She makes it sound like you’re writing a how-to on anorexia. We, your readers, know that this isn’t true.

    Thank you for this blog, Operation Beautiful, and the awesome, REAL-HEALTH-promoting presence you are!

  • Kimberly October 4, 2010, 11:21 am

    That article was distasteful and I was actually astonished that it had been approved for print. A four-year-old could have seen how slanted it was, and how hellbent the author was on twisting the facts until they served her purpose. There are a handful of fitness blogs whose authors seem to flirt with extreme dieting or disordered eating, which is sad, but only natural considering the size and breadth of the blogosphere. HOWEVER, the blogs that this author chose to focus on celebrate just the opposite — balancing fitness with nutrition, careers with personal lives, and celebrating women’s bodies and what they can do.

    Ironically, my obsession with Marie Claire in the mid-90s was a huge instigator for my teenage eating disorder. Hypocrisy much?

  • Sassy Molassy October 4, 2010, 11:22 am

    Wow, that is pretty terrible reporting. I hope Marie Claire understands how big they screwed up! Thanks for sharing.

  • Katherine @ Left Coast Contessa October 4, 2010, 11:23 am

    Well written, classy rebuttal. I haven’t read woman’s magazines for years because I think they tear down women instead of build them up. I can’t say this makes me ever want to pick up another one.

  • Sara October 4, 2010, 11:23 am

    Wow. That was one angry article! I am shocked to hear such unsupportive comments about people who actually relish in finding whole/organic/fresh/HEALTHY foods to help body and mind and who seek out what exercises each love to do and to the degree that is safe for them. Obviously this author is uninformed to what being healthy is and how people, like me, who read your blog don’t find it obsessive but instead inspiring and interesting and positive to know there are not only other people out there who seek to be healthy but who actually go to the extent to share new ideas along with their personal touch/insight. *sigh* I’m sorry the author slammed the Summit and all of your other efforts to try and educate others on a healthy and happy and self loving life. Perhaps she, herself, could use some self love. Regardless of this, I know you are strong and can learn from this and move on. And as you can see from the overwhelming number of comments – you are well loved by strangers and friends alike in cyberland who also have the same love of life. 🙂 The one song that always helps me through tough criticisms from others: “No body gonna break my stride! No body gonna slow me down! Oh no! I got to keep on movin!” And I have no doubt this experience will only fuel your motivation more to change the negative thinking people have of themselves and others! 🙂


  • Laura October 4, 2010, 11:24 am

    I thought I might share one of my Grampy’s favourite phrases (continuing on from your British dinner party theme from last night) someone who lived through and battled an unimaginable terror during the Battle of Britain ‘don’t let the buggers get you down’.

    Having never read any of U.S Marie Clare’s content before I did a little site surfing last night… it seems strange that they publish an article that is *suggesting* the same things as their health/diet section actually contains… BUT found this:

    seems both you&Marie Clare agree on the substitution rather than restriction.;)

    As as aside- whilst you may not be a trained ‘expert’ your life experience and ability to emphathise with many others makes what you disseminate often far more valuable than many doctors and dieticians. I’ve seen such health professionals deal with people who are struggling with eating related issues in a way that has made me cringe- and has alienated the very people they are trying to help.
    You will look back on the last few years with the knowledge that you helped countless people across the world with the mental and physical issues that are an unfortunately inevitable product of modern life&have a book that will stand the test of time. What will that reporter have to look at? Fluff&conjecture-and how proud do you think her family will be of her if they read that article- the way your family I’m sure are of you.
    Sorry for such a humungous comment- its just I was- and still am to a certain degree that same girl you describe in yourself- and your blog has helped me through some dark times the past two years
    P.S. you should def make Delia Smith’s sticky toffee puddings if you liked the others:…/little-sticky-toffee-puddings-with-pecan-toffee-sauce .html

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 11:24 am

    Caitlin, I don’t comment a lot, but felt compelled to do so today. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now and although I’m not a vegetarian, I’m continually amazed by all of your yummy looking veggie creations!

    I sometimes think that you make funny exercise choices (like wearing a string bikini in a triathlon), but I think that’s also proof that you’re showing that anyone can get out there and do these endurance sports with the time and effort required to do the training and you don’t have to spend a lot of money in order to do so.

    I don’t think your blog is unhealthy and from what I can tell you live a pretty balanced lifestyle. And, in fact, from your recent posts about budget, it seems as though you’re working on balance not only in the food and exercise departments, but in all areas of your life.

    I do just have one question, one that I think hasn’t been addressed in the above comments … did you really throw away your food at the HLS? I think I’m only concerned about this because it seems much more wasteful than I understand you to be from what you present on your blog.

    Obviously, you have a great community of supporters here and I wish you continued success. You just have to remember that if you weren’t so influential, the article wouldn’t have targeted you in the first place. So, keep your head up!

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 11:34 am

      See response to #72

      • Amy October 4, 2010, 11:38 am

        Thanks. I figured it was something very much along those lines. I appreciate your honesty. Chin up!

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 11:25 am

    I haven’t ever posted before but I have been reading your blog for a few months now. I come to your blog for inspiration — I look at your healthy balanced HUGE meals and I see how you use those meals as FUEL for your body. I am aiming to see more food as FUEL and not just something for comfort or to ease boredom.

    Today’s newspaper (and magazines) will line tomorrow’s wastepaper bins!


  • Deirdre October 4, 2010, 11:26 am

    Great response! You were the first healthy living blog I read because I googled mini quiches recipes and your blog popped up. I have read your blog and others for 2 years now and since I have met you numerous times including both Healthy Living Summits the thing that bothered me most was how all of you were portrayed in the article. You were completely misrespresented. Everything was out of context. I was especially annoyed how she glossed over Operation Beautiful. I am still mad, but as I told Amelia last night if healthy living through exercise and balanced eating is a disease I hope I have the disease the rest of my life!

  • Emmanuelle October 4, 2010, 11:27 am

    Wow. Just wow. I found out about the article today, and I’m at a loss for words.
    While I can understand the concerns about eating disorders, I don’t understand how one can choose your blog to illustrate that. I don’t know where she got the “emaciated” thing, or other “facts” in her article for that matter, but she sure forgot to write about the people you inspire daily.
    I was not a runner until recently, and I decided to give running a go after years of hating it because you, and the other bloggers mentioned in that article, seem to get a real kick out of it. And I love it!
    So thanks to you and the other girls, don’t let this article bring you down, you rock!

  • Carol October 4, 2010, 11:28 am

    Hello Caitlin, I have been reading your blog for a long time and I look forward to reading it everyday! I have just read the article and it slaunderous. They have, unfairly, tried to ruin your reputation and I will be writing to tell them so. The only blog’s I have read from what they dub the “Big Six” are yours and Tina’s @ Carrots n Cake.

    I cannot believe they are insinuating that you have disordered eating. It is so sad because I know it is not true and here is this HUGE national magazine with the platform to say these things to however many readers and they have not allowed you to respond fairly. I hope that you continue to write your blog because you have lots of readers who,like myself, love reading it x

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 11:28 am


    I’ve commented before in a critical eye about some of your marathon training (from strictly a smart training standpoint)…but I must come to your defense after reading this ridiculous article. First of all, like you said in your post, they fail to mention that you are training for a race, not running 22 miles just to burn calories. Second of all, if you weren’t refueling enough, you would have so many issues from amenorrhea to stress fractures! Just the fact that you never mention that you’re injured is a big enough clue that you are taking care of your body. I’m so sorry Marie Claire is trying to ruin a great thing. What’s wrong with being healthy? I hope they realize how many readers and “potential readers” they are going to lose.

  • Sara October 4, 2010, 11:29 am

    Caitlin, you are nothing but an inspiration–as are the other bloggers mentioned in this article. I am so glad I don’t waste my time reading popular magazines. How slanted and one-sided was this article? It makes me really sad, as a journalist, to read something like that. There’s two sides to every story. And I too was a “kind, keep-her-head-down-and-don’t-upset-anyone, un-popular girl” who had her feelings hurt more than she’d like to admit. I’m so sorry 🙁 But you know who you are and what you do for your readers. Keep it up–boo on Marie Claire.

    • Sara October 4, 2010, 11:43 am

      E-mail sent to Marie Claire. Disgusted. Journalism ethics, anyone? Ugh.

  • Mara October 4, 2010, 11:29 am

    Add me to the list of readers who are extremely upset for you. My eyes are welling up with tears as I write this. I WILL write Marie Claire to let them know how I feel, and I will make sure to never pick up their magazine again.

    Magazine nutrition and lifestyle advice is so cliche and tired, they are jealous that real women turn to wonderful bloggers such as yourself for great advice that isn’t coupled with fashion models with actual eating disorders.

    Long after Marie Claire fades away, healthy living bloggers will remain. Consider this experience one of their nails in the coffin.

  • ida October 4, 2010, 11:30 am

    Great response! Oddly enough I actually found healthy living blogs through an article in Radar magazine (when it was still in print) a few years ago that was talking about orthorexia and mentioned some blogs that are now really popular. I wanted to see for myself and realized the article was totally off base, and for me it was nice to see other girls living and eating like I do. So I kept reading. Probably not what you really want to hear- but regular readers know the truth about you and any people that come to see your blog b/c of the article will also realize your a healthy woman with a food blog.

  • Clare October 4, 2010, 11:30 am

    Perfectly stated. If I might make a suggestion, you could change the date on this post to the future so that it’s the first post Marie Claire readers will see when they come to your site over the next few weeks. Not that you should have to defend yourself, just an idea.

    You are loved.


  • Alexandra @ Bit Better Everyday October 4, 2010, 11:32 am

    I was in such utter shock when I read the article last night. I have already written to the editor to let Marie Claire know how disappointed and upset I am. You and the other bloggers who were basically abused in the article have been such an incredible inspiration to me as I work to overcome my eating disorder/obsessive exercise. I owe you ladies so much and thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating your blogs. I think your response, as well as the others I have read, was well formatted and very mature. I am so sorry that they are putting you and your family through this, but I’m sure as you can tell you have a lot of people supporting you! Thank you again for opening up your lives to your readers and showing us what a healthy life style looks like!

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 11:32 am

    I’m not sure I can add anything more to what other people have already said, but I just want you to know that I support you. The most important thing is that you have the support of family and friends, which you obviously do. Bad karma will return her way. Keep fighting.

  • Lauren W. October 4, 2010, 11:32 am

    Beautiful post Caitlin. I will most definitely be writing and posting to Marie Claire. You are a strong and incredible woman, with so much positive to share with all of us. Thank you for always being you, you truly have changed my life for the better.

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 11:33 am

    FYI: The author, Katie Drummond, is a frigging hipocrite. I used to read the Runners World nutrition forum and she was one of those psychos who posted her food dailies religiously. Interesting…

    • Krista October 4, 2010, 1:52 pm

      misspickle… right? i knew it was her!

      • Jen October 4, 2010, 3:24 pm

        Bingo! Way to project your insecurities and personal issues through your work. Now there’s the mark of a top-notch journalist. Way to go, Katie Drummond.

  • Melissa October 4, 2010, 11:34 am

    I used to read Marie Claire quite a bit, but I am officially FINISHED. This is the same type of publication that encourages you to do carb free diets for two weeks to shed some quick pounds and they are knocking on you?
    What a joke!
    You inspire me to eat healthier, whole foods. Your tips help me eat healthier while on the go.
    People are asses. Apparently she is one of them.

  • mrs.mfc October 4, 2010, 11:36 am

    This was really well written Caitlin. I was in so much shock when I read that terrible article yesterday. I can’t imagine what you and the other girls are going through right now. I know that you realize this already, but I want to say it again. You do an amazing job. You enourage and inspire so many of us every single day. You are amazing and so is your blog. I know it is hard to not be hurt and mad and confused and shocked, etc, etc… but please know that we’re here and we love you. Keep doing what you’re doing!!!!

  • Jennifer October 4, 2010, 11:36 am

    Caitlin – I am appalled and I wrote the Marie Claire editor immediately. I am probably outside your typical reader demographic – 49, mother of three… but, I have learned so much from you, Tina, Gina at Fitnessista, and many other health and fitness bloggers. The Summit seems like an outstanding event. Thank you for all you’ve done to increase health and fitness awareness in your readers. I would hate for a small-minded, selfish, ignorant (albeit very public!) rant to dissuade you from continuing to inspire me and so very many others – hang in there!

  • Corey October 4, 2010, 11:36 am

    I read the Marie Claire article and absolutely could NOT believe it. I was excited to disover an article about the six of you b/c I love all of you, and you have changed my life for the better!!! I started reading the article and almost felt sick from how they portrayed all of you. I completely agree that it’s libel . . . and please know I will be writing to Marie Claire to slam them for this article. Keep doing what you’re doing, know that you are amazing and you have changed SO MANY lives!!! Don’t let them get to you! You are all healthy, beautiful and amazing and what they did was unfair. Thanks for everything you have done for so many young women:).

  • Michele October 4, 2010, 11:37 am

    As a long time reader of your blog (and the others), I agree things are taken out of context… completely. People who read the blogs KNOW the focus is on healthy living.

    The statement in the article that FUMED me the most was the one about how the blog world demonstrates a lack of self-care. The statement stood out because I believe it’s actually just the opposite. I think self-care has a very prominent place on this blog and many others… as it should.

    The naysayers will always have their say, but people who read consistently know the real message. Carry on.

  • Jodi October 4, 2010, 11:37 am

    does anyone else think it’s completely hypocritical that the author is writing for the kind of magazine that promotes thinness, quick fixes, and “perfection?”!!!

    • Juli October 4, 2010, 11:44 am

      I do! Their readers will probably be disappointed if they DO check the blogs… No starvation tips!!

    • kate October 4, 2010, 12:58 pm

      my thought’s exactly! so ridiculous!

  • Christina @ Food.Fun.Fabulous October 4, 2010, 11:37 am

    That is crazy! I really hope that they apologize to you (and the others) about that article.

  • Tina October 4, 2010, 11:38 am

    I couldn’t have said it better myself. I was appalled when reading it because it was so slanted. I even did a post this morning about how YES if those things they depicted as unhealthy were in fact how you all lived as a WHOLE that would not be sharing a balanced lifestyle. But the fact that it was taken so out of context, twisted around, and didn’t show the whole picture makes it invalid. I have never felt anything but inspiration from you Caitlin and I hurt for you after reading that. I consider you a friend and no one should ever say such hurtful things about such a beautiful friend of mine. You will always have my support.

  • Fanni October 4, 2010, 11:38 am

    I’ve been following your blog for months now (from Hungary, Europe, so you’re an international role model ;)) but always been too shy to comment. But now I have to let you know that you changed my life (as you changed many others’ before).
    I’d tell that reporter (actually I just want to shout at her :)) that the most important thing I learned from you is to HONOR my body. Because I think that that’s what you do. And that’s horribly far from what she said.

    Thank you very much for constantly inspiring me! You are the best role model a young woman may have!

  • Sarah @ Long Legs Healthy Life October 4, 2010, 11:39 am

    Caitlin I’m so sorry that this has happened. When I was reading the article, I felt like I had just found out that someone was bullying 6 of my friends. I do consider you, Meghann, Kath, Jenna, Tina, and Heather friends, even if we’ve only ever spoken for a few seconds. I love to read your posts every day, not for the food you eat, or the exercise you do, but for the energy and heart you put into everything you do. Your love for food and running and life shines through your writing, and often it inspires me to try a new exercise, or set new goals for myself, or create exciting new meal. Thank you for sharing your life with us, don’t let one prejudiced author bring you down!!

  • Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine October 4, 2010, 11:40 am

    215 comments later, I doubt I can say anything that hasn’t already been said. I just want to tell you how much of a positive impact you’ve had on me personally. As someone who’s had an eating disorder, it definitely angers me to see the term thrown around to describe people who definitely don’t have one. Sensationalism at it’s finest. But discovering blogs and writing my own has turned my life around for the better, as I know it has for many other women. The HLS was without a doubt my “healthy tipping point”…and this probably sounds seriously creepy, but I remember seeing you on the conference day and thinking, wow, Caitlin really is so pretty and healthy-looking…she just glows. Never doubt your power as a positive role model, because if nothing else, your blog has absolutely helped to change the way in which I see myself for the better. Hang in there and remember that this whole community has your back!!

  • Amy K. October 4, 2010, 11:40 am

    This poorly researched Marie Claire article and the responses and rebuttals it has elicted are a great example of why I follow this blog and other “healthy living” blogs. It provides a wonderful and ongoing dialogue about healthy living, as we all attempt to define it and strive for it as individuals. I have a great deal of respect for you and other bloggers who put their blood, (literal) sweat, and tears into sharing their lives with us.

  • Amanda @ Eat to Live, Live to Run October 4, 2010, 11:42 am

    Wow, that article is complete and utter bullshit. I haven’t read every single post that you’ve ever written, but I have been a regular reader for about a year now. I have never seen any of the behaviors described in the article. I see someone who loves their body, eats food that makes them feel good and is nutritious and exercises for the love of it, not to meet a certain calorie burn goal. I hope the person that wrote that article feels really guilty about the blatant lies she wrote.

  • Juli October 4, 2010, 11:42 am

    Love ya, girl. I check in with you, Kath, and Angela daily (my big 3:) for motivation to keep striving for a healthier life. This 5’10, 185 pound woman was inspired to run a half-marathon (2 hours 55 min) last year because of y’all. Keep up the good work!

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 11:42 am

    I’m responding to Marie Claire without a doubt. Like these hundreds of others, I support you and your blog. There are so many more of us than that one, inadequate writer! Thanks so much for your blog, I’ve been reading it for years.

  • Brendali October 4, 2010, 11:42 am

    In all honestly, I have read blogs that DO seem to paint an unhealthy view of eating/exercise etc. I have questioned what some bloggers portray as healthy, wondering if that is all they have eaten all day even though they work out for 3 hours…however, as many have said, what could have been an article that shed light on disorders, and how healthy food blogs affect young girls, turned into something horribly ugly and mean and untrue.

    I, personally, have struggled with food. I never ever could find a balance. To me, I was either binge eating or starving myself..weighing myself in the morning and night, upset if the scale showed the slightest gain, carrying tape measure to assure myself I was still “tiny”. It was exhausting and horrible….

    I first stumbled on Kath’s blog and was amazed at how much she ate and HOW TINY SHE WAS!!! Then thru Kath, I found Caitlin’s blog, probably my FAVORITE blog out there…why? Because she EATS! My GOODNESS does she eats, and she eats soooo well too! Plus she is an amazing, amazing athlete!!!

    I always drool and ohh and ah over every meal she photographs, also realizing that in order to ever be healthy and fit, I needed to stop starving myself and eat!

    I thank Caitlin, and all the other ACTUAL healthy food bloggers, who inspired me to stop seeing food as the enemy and who helped me get my life back. =)

  • Jenny October 4, 2010, 11:43 am

    Wow, that article is really, really, upsetting. I’ve been following your blog for a long time now, and you are such an inspiration. I dealt with an eating disorder for nearly ten years, and a big part of getting out of it and learning to eat & live healthfully involved reading the blogs mentioned in that article. I am sorry that you were all represented in such a bad light..

  • Maren October 4, 2010, 11:43 am

    Wow Caitlin, this is absolutely ridiculous! I read bits and pieces of the article, but I really don’t care to read the thing. I read your blog and others because I believe that you are GREAT motivation to what many readers strive for! I joined the blog reading world at the beginning of 2010 and I cannot describe what wonders it has done for me. I have change completely has a person…for the MUCH better! My bf and sister have even gotten involved in the reading! They love hearing about the interesting recipes and love when I try them out! Operation Beautiful is an amazing book that has helped thousands of people! I hope you take that article with a grain of salt and move forward positively from the experience! We love you girl and we know you love yourself! That’s all that matters. Hang in there!!!

  • Kristin @ FoodFash October 4, 2010, 11:45 am

    I agree with your “energy vampire” comment, but your response was 100% appropriate. I’m sorry that you’ve been cast in a negative light despite all of the positivity you bring to the blogging community.

  • elyssa October 4, 2010, 11:47 am

    just extending solidarity. we love you, caitlin.

  • Deanna October 4, 2010, 11:49 am

    I cannot believe this article. You are awesome, Caitlin. You inspire people. America is a country that NEEDS more people like you and the other ladies mentioned in the article because you celebrate HEALTH. Not once have I seen you talk about anything related to being skinny or limiting calories. You eat food as fuel because running is your hobby and you need that fuel. Keep doing what you’re doing. I guarantee Marie Claire will get a slew of comments and readers decrease because this community will just not have it!

  • Sarah (A Runner's Heart) October 4, 2010, 11:49 am

    Thank you for writing this rebuttal, but I really wish you and the other bloggers shouldn’t have had to! I am so disappointed that a magazine would do something like this. I really am! I have only been reading your blog for a few months, but in those few months, it has helped me to realize that I can eat healthy and still enjoy food. And that I can become a runner, even though people have told me I am too overweight to be a runner! I am still in a bit of shock that she would do this to you and the other ladies. It hurts my heart. Just know that you have your fans out there! We know the truth! And I’m praying that this negative publicity will somehow turn positive and you and all of the other bloggers will gain more attention and people will come see for themselves how amazing and uplifting all of you are!

  • eatmovelove October 4, 2010, 11:50 am

    One Positive out of this – it increased viewers and interest in your blog!! Nothing like some controversy to stir the pot :)…sorry trying to lighten the mood 😉

  • TC October 4, 2010, 11:50 am

    I think you’re awesome! You, Kath, Tina, and Jenna really did help me begin to eat without guilt after YEARS of struggling with a very serious eating disorder. Your blogs actually help me feel comfortable eating MORE with the knowledge that it is fueling my body in a very positive way. I still check your blogs every day for inspiration. Thank you for blogging!!!

  • Bess @ Bess Be Fit October 4, 2010, 11:50 am

    Those of us who read your blog know that you do your very best to show a healthy and happy lifestyle. What this author did was completely wrong in so many ways and she has embarrassed a community that works hard to lend support to others looking for ways to improve their lives by committing themselves to being healthy. That author is clearly just unhappy with something in her own life to feel the need to try and tear apart the bond that so many people in this blogging community share. Stay strong…your fans LOVE you and KNOW you 🙂

  • Carrie H October 4, 2010, 11:50 am

    While I have struggled with body image, disordered eating and unfairly comparing myself to other women (bloggers included) for a long time, I do not believe it’s fair to attribute my own behavior to Caitlin, Jenna, Kath, Tina, Meghann or Heather.

    I have gained more than I have been harmed by reading healthy living blogs. Before I found them, I was looking at diet tips blogs, sites about calorie restrictions … and so on … and these blogs helped me snap out of it, so to speak.

  • Clare @ Fitting It All In October 4, 2010, 11:52 am

    Reading the article and knowing a different side makes me wonder if ALL ARTICLES in magazines have people behind them that are so angry becuase their side was not presented. Can I believe anything??

    As I’m sure you know, your blog has helped many people INCLUDING ME know that it is okay to eat real food, to fuel properly for exercise, and to have beautiful curves. You are portraying a strong response even though I’m sure it is extremely difficult.


  • Meghan October 4, 2010, 11:53 am

    I have never met any of the “big six” (hahahah..) in person and yet I read your blogs each and every day. I have learned SO much from you all, been inspired and genuinely have become a better runner, cook, friend, daughter because of it. This community is absolutely amazing and filled with positivity. You are all BETTER than this article and anyone that disagrees need not read your posts. THANK YOU for all that you do within the community and for helping fight against just what they are accusing you of encouraging through Operation Beautiful. <3

  • Jo October 4, 2010, 11:53 am

    I said what I wanted to say to you in email last night and on the MC facebook page.

    Chin up lovely xx

  • Erin D. October 4, 2010, 11:54 am

    I am so, so sorry to see that you have to write a post like this.

  • Camille October 4, 2010, 11:54 am

    I read the article earlier this morning and I was outraged! The store is completely slanted and untrue.
    I hope that Marie Claire can see the error of their ways and issue you, and all other food bloggers an appropriate apology.

  • Laura@FindingAHealthyBalance....after a 100+ Pound weight loss!!! October 4, 2010, 11:54 am

    It was very sad for me to see read the article but I was not surprised! Think many of the major magazines are starting to feel threatened by the healthy blogging community and this is a response to that.

    Try not to let the NEGATIVENESS from anyone get to you too much, they are just jeolous that you were able to find health and happiness in your life, when they can’t in theirs! It is very sad but the way so many people are these days. I find your blog very postive, inspiring, uplifting, educational, and so much more……… helped me find my own health and happiness in my life and I THANK YOU FOR THAT!

    Remember – – – LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE DOWN FOR TOO LONG! Don’t let others steal your postive energy!

  • Alison October 4, 2010, 11:55 am

    you’re really milking this for all the publicity it is worth. if you’re gonna play that game, you have got to grow a thicker layer of skin. or maybe your fragility is a part of your publicity game.

    from the appearance of your blog, it doesn’t appear that you have disordered eating, but the thing is, you (and every other blogger) controls what viewers are fed. you are the only person who knows whether you are feeling deprived when you order the salad instead of the more “indulgent” meals at a restaurant, how much you have to “restrain” yourself, whether you actually eat the meals you show, how many fights you get in with your husband because of the interference of your stringent exercise regimen with other plans, etc etc. we don’t know if we don’t see the ugly side of things because they don’t exist or because you censor. only you do, and at the end of the day you are the one that lives with that knowledge.

    out of the “big 6”, jenna and kath have had the most genuine and graceful responses.

    • Jo October 4, 2010, 11:57 am

      I don’t think she’s milking anything! Someone slandered her and she has every right to reply!

    • Hangry Pants October 4, 2010, 12:23 pm

      Alison, I hope you have read my response before alluding to it being not genuine or graceful.

      • Alison October 4, 2010, 3:20 pm

        you had a classy response heather. see below.

    • Jodi October 4, 2010, 1:14 pm

      Just the idea that making a healthy choice by choosing to eat a salad over something less nutritionally fulfilling (though certainly indulgent)is “restraining” yourself reiterates the probelm this country has with food. It is only restraining yourself if you have an unhealthy relationship with food. if you (like many of these bloggers) feel like eating foods that make you feel good and keep you healthy, making a choice like that isn’t a restriction. it’s just good common sense! obviously you haven’t been following this blog because Caitlin eat what she wants, when she wants and certainly doesn’t seem to restrict herself in anyway. and if making these healthy choices like exercising were creating such difficulty and strife in her life, i would assume she wouldn’t have created a blog about it in the first place. In fact, it seems to have done the opposite for her and for many others. making changes is difficult and the beginning stages are always challenging so it helps to have structure. many health experts comment that food journaling as a way of learning about what you put in your mouth is a really important way to make changes especially in the beginning stages when you are attempting to break old habits (that society perpetuates) with new ones. There is a health epidemic in this country. People are sick, people are dying and they are unhappy. Caitlin and others like her, are trying to do what they can (in their own way) to change this by celebrating food and moving their bodies! and through this journey, she was able to create Operation Beautiful, the very message of which is to promote a healthy body image and promote loving yourself as you are, through all phases of your journey!! NOT responding to this article would have been a mistake and frankly, it is responses like yours that honestly make me feel like we need many more people like Caitlin and the others out there trying to show young women that eating well and taking care of your body will make you happier, stronger people and there is nothing wrong with that and certainly nothing wrong with speaking up about it. if you are one of the few that don’t feel like they need those changes, than get off the blogs and stop reading. they clearly aren’t for you.

      • Emma October 4, 2010, 1:55 pm

        Jodi, you articulated exactly what I wanted to say. It’s a societal problem that people feel such hatefulness towards others who “eat food, not too much, mostly plants” (Michael Pollan). I can list 100 reasons why I’m not remotely similar to these women (not a veggie, don’t run marathons, not a big fan of oatmeal) but my friends and I read these blogs almost daily and talk about the bloggers as if they’re our friends. Because if Caitlin was my friend in real life, I’d be just as inspired by her attitude, energy, and lifestyle as I am online. I’ve always heard that you’re supposed to find a “work-out buddy” or “weight-loss buddy” when you have a goal in mind. Every time they post about going on a training runs or walking the dogs around the block, I feel pushed by a friend to step it up a notch in my own life. I don’t feel pressured that I’m not as fit as they are, because that’s not what friends are for. Caitlin, you are a virtual friend and motivator to so many people–MC needs to get off their high horse!!

      • Alison October 4, 2010, 3:19 pm

        calm down. censorship and ommission is an intrinsic part of blogging, and sometimes what goes unsaid bears more weight than what is said. i didn’t say caitlin does or does not any of the what i listed– i said that none of us know, and only she knows. that is not a point specific to caitlin, but every blog, healthy living or not– but given as healthy living blogs seem to have didactic lessons built into them, it is worthwhile to be cognizant of that which goes unseen. think critically. don’t mindlessly consume what you’re fed. you don’t do that with marieclaire’s article, so why would you with other material you feed yourself?

        i like caitlin, and i like her blog, but honestly, i’ve found her responses to mc (especially on twitter–remarks like “take that!” or “suck it”, etc) gimmicky and adolescent-like. if you want examples of professional, classy and objective responses, i refer you to these posts from


        and heather:

        • Jodi October 4, 2010, 3:31 pm

          you’re right Alison but i could easily say “calm down” to you too based on your first response. after i posted this, i had some time to think about it and it’s such a tricky thing (blogging), putting yourself out there for all the world to see and comment on. based on the above i think it’s not only smart to read the article critically but to read blogs that way too. I definitely see you’re point on that front. My whole thing is, I’m glad we’re all talking about it because it needs to be discussed! I just want it to be discussed in the right ways, in smart ways. as for twitter, i don’t know, i’m not on it. but if she’s more casual on twitter and wants to vent, in my opinion, that’s ok too. you can’t be “on” all the time. at least, i have a hard time with that myself, obviously. but i just read the hollaback response and agree wholeheartedly with the points made. i am unable to get onto hangrypants (i’m at work) but will read that too. I have often made the mistake of letting my passions react first and intellect later and maybe that is flaw number one with blogging. but what i love with about it, is the ability to bond people through positivity and communication. once this all dies down, i hope that we can all get to a place where we take the responsibility we have with this issue to another level. it’s good to talk about it. thank you for your response!

    • Mara October 4, 2010, 1:22 pm

      Ms. Drummond, is that you?

      She was portrayed negatively in a magazine- she has every right to feel hurt and respond accordingly. This blog is about her LIFE. And what about her response was not graceful and genuine?

      • Allie October 4, 2010, 4:23 pm

        Hahaha your beginning made me laugh! : )

    • Lindsay October 4, 2010, 1:55 pm

      I’m confused as to what you are suggesting she do. Should she blog about every time she fights with her husband?!
      It’s HER blog.

      • TheKiwiBex October 4, 2010, 7:32 pm

        I don’t think Alison is suggesting that at all, and in fact isn’t telling Caitlin to do anything. To the contrary, she’s asking something of us readers – that we think critically about everything we read (not just the Marie Claire article) so we can have an informed opinion, which in this case includes acknowledging that a blogger is always choosing what to tell us and what to leave out. That’s the blogger’s absolute right, but it’s important to bear in mind.

    • Stefani October 4, 2010, 2:39 pm

      How is she milking anything? It’s certain readers who are sparking all the debates and Caitlyn is simply answering the questions she is being asked. I hope if something like this happens to you, people will fogive what you’ve said here and still support you.

      • Samantha October 4, 2010, 3:21 pm

        Milking it? From what I gather Caitlin works hard to promote healthy living and a postive body image for herself and women everywhere and this journalist has attempted to diminish her accomplishments. She has every right to respond. And if it were me the rebuttal would have been a lot more colorful so I commend her for her response as well.

        • Stefani October 4, 2010, 3:27 pm

          I completely agree with you, however I was responding to comment #254 which was very negative. And it should say “forgive”. Sorry for the confusion!

        • Samantha October 4, 2010, 3:34 pm

          Sorry Stefani. This was a response to Alison. My bad!!

    • Laura October 4, 2010, 3:12 pm

      Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Caitlin a few weeks ago order a side of onion rings, instead of a side salad, at a restaurant with her lunch because that is what she really wanted? And she knew if she ordered the side salad she would feel upset the entire lunch because she really wanted the onion rings? So, she ordered the onion rings and went about her day?!

      That’s some pretty heavy restraint right there.

    • Ramona October 4, 2010, 7:06 pm

      Uh oh, Alison. You’ve broken the unwritten rule of healthy living blogs. You’re not allowed to say anything “negative”. You are supposed to post only positive things like “Your hair looks great” and “That oatmeal looks yummy”.

      • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 7:37 pm

        Ramona- I have stated numerous times in this comments section that I appreciate differing opinions on HTP and they can be shared and discussed. That means that other people can disagree with Alison, too, if they want.

        • Ramona October 4, 2010, 7:57 pm

          I’m glad you appreciate differing opinion, but I see an unwritten rule that posting anything other than compliments is wrong on healty living blogs. I never said that people can’t disagree with Alison. It makes it hard to post constructive criticism when you know that 10 people are going to jump down your throat in defense of the blogger (which is completely unnecessary). We are all adults here and should be allowed to express our opnions with civility.
          I do not condone those who say nasty, hateful things. I’m talking about those who might disagree with the majority of the comments.
          As I’ve told you before, I love your blog. I read it multiple times per day to see your food ideas. I also read other healthy living blogs. I usually do not read the comments sections because diversity of thought does not seem to be respected.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 8:07 pm

          Ramona – I cringe when people jump down someone else’s throat for expressing a NON MEAN thoughtful differing opinion. I agree with you that I wish this did not automatically happen because differing opinions really do not hurt my feelings (when they are expressed in a nice way).

      • allison June 22, 2011, 5:36 pm

        There are people who have expressed concerns and thoughts that weren’t overwhelmingly positive, and they were answered courteously. Allison using terms like ‘milking it’ and insinuating that Caitlin is using fragility as a publicity gimmick is more than diversity of thought – it’s a personal attack, and it’s a bit hypocritical to complain when it’s met with anger.

  • Nicole October 4, 2010, 11:55 am

    Outlets like Marie Claire exist to tear women down and make us uniform. Fembots, if you will. Outlets like these blogs in the article are meant to build women up, and they encourage us to celebrate our individuality.

    I choose to be an individual, and I have the courage to do that because of these bloggers (especially Caitlin) telling me that it’s okay for me to be me, flaws and all. They were the only people in my life to tell me that.

    I pity Marie Claire and Katie Drummond for not understanding this simple point, but it’s their loss.

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 11:55 am

    This is the first news I have heard about the article. If the author’s honest opinion was expressed in that article, that would suprise me. It seems like she was trying to find evidence/instances to support an argument that she had determined before even speaking to you/meeting you. Sometimes one of you will post about a weekend where you ran a long distance or excercised more than usual, but who says that isn’t a great thing? Personally, I think it inspirational and motivating. It’s not like you do that every week or even every month. And it is very clear that burning calories is not the primary goal for you all. You all seem to ENJOY physical activity and most people could stand to be a little more active.

    I think you all have said it many times, but… Life is about moderation. Sometimes it is good to push yourself and sometimes it is good to treat yourself. It is not healthy to adapt either philosophy ALL of the time.

    I think healthy living blogs definitely have more of a positive imact than a negative one. And that’s what matters.

  • Taysa October 4, 2010, 11:55 am

    I agree with you about reader responsibility, and while I do not believe you promote a disordered lifestyle, I have personally decided to stop reading “healthy living” blogs regularly for many of the reasons discussed in the article. Focusing so much on food and fitness every day was not a healthy approach for me. As someone who has a history of bingeing and restricting, I do believe blogs can have a trigger effect. While perhaps not everything in the article was fair, I do believe it is an important issue to discuss.

  • Lauren October 4, 2010, 11:56 am

    Shame on them for villanizing the wrong people! There are scary blogs out there. You talk about NOT depriving, spirituality, goal-setting…You inspire! Shame on them!!

  • Rosa October 4, 2010, 11:56 am

    I knew it was bad when I clicked on the link and read the title of the article. I’m mostly a lurker, reading your site mostly through Google Reader, but I do love it. Just wanted to say that I’m sorry you have to deal with this. I can only imagine how painful and misunderstood you feel after reading that. Just got to keep your head up and remember the quote, “the people that mind don’t matter, and the people that matter don’t mind.”

  • Deb October 4, 2010, 11:58 am

    I hate it when an article author begins with such an obvious bias. Good for you for telling your side.

  • Jess October 4, 2010, 11:58 am

    I love all the positive comments on this post. That article is ridiculous and you and all your readers know it. You know you’re blogging for the right reasons and you are truly motivating for all of your readers!

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 12:07 pm

    WOW…lame article. I struggled with bulimia for 6 years…I’ve been reading the “big 6” blogs for the last year and it has helped me. Seeing you guys fuel your bodies with healthy foods and taking care of them with exercise is amazingly helpful. That article didn’t even make sense…you guys are a completely different mindset than other pro-eating disorder blogs.

  • Alice October 4, 2010, 12:12 pm

    Don’t waste your sadness on Marie Claire, it’s not worth your tears and you know full well that it’s nothing more than poor, poor journalism.

    Also, what is it with all the people saying that all you bloggers aren’t eating everything on your plate? That may be the case (everybody gets full!) but wouldn’t persistent under-eating be evident? Caitlin frequently posts pictures of herself in different places looking nothing more than blissfully happy and HEALTHY. She doesn’t have the ’emaciated’ look. All I’m saying is that if there really was some kind of sinister underlying problem, we’d probably be as sure as hell of it!

    Keep your chin up – you have been, and will always be a wonderful inspiration to all your readers!

  • Cristy October 4, 2010, 12:13 pm

    I’m sorry these untrue things were written about you. The only thing this article proved is that Marie Claire has at least one terrible/misinformed writer on their staff and they should reevaluate this person. (The part about how the participants ate the fruit and not the croissants should be a GOOD thing. Fruit is HEALTHY!) Women’s magazines should empower other women doing great things (like YOU), not look for ways to tear you down. Shame on them.

    I love your blog and hope you continue to share your life with the world in the open, honest and beautiful way that you have been. I hope that never changes. (((HUGS)))

  • Kristin October 4, 2010, 12:20 pm

    Your faithful readers know the truth, Caitlin. You’ve been one of the people who have inspired me to live a healthy lifestyle in this world of fast food, sit on the couch, laziness, etc etc etc.
    This article angers me because it’s untrue and because it’s hurt all of you. I hope all of you can get through this and become stronger for it.

  • Allison October 4, 2010, 12:20 pm

    Stay strong. And screw them. They’re the one creating and spreading negative energy into the world; not you. You (and all the other amazing health bloggers out there) have helped me so much to overcoming my disordered-eating. I can’t tell you what an inspiration you all are, and for someone to think (and write!) that what you do isn’t healthy or helpful, it makes me incredibly sad.

    But, really. You guys are so much better than they will ever give you credit for. So, stay as amazing and healthy as you are. We all have your backs.

    Peace 🙂

  • Cassie October 4, 2010, 12:21 pm


    I never comment but I read your blog every and have been for two years now. The way you chronicle your life with such charisma and honesty is inspiring. You continually inspire me to lead a healthy life.

    Blogging is difficult and opens you up for these kind of negative attacks. I can’t, for the life of me, think of a less deserving blogger. Your blog is the epitome of the kind of healthy living the world needs to embrace.

    Marie Claire, shame on you. You give me yet another reason to never crack the spine of one of your magazines. Thanks for saving me money.

    And thank you Caitlin for your ever inspiring blog! You have every reason to be upset but I assure you, none of your avid readers or anybody who matters believe a word of that nasty article.

  • Carly October 4, 2010, 12:21 pm

    You are an inspiration to me and not because you are “skinny”. You are an inspiration to me because you are HEALTHY. There is a huge difference. People have different body types. What’s healthy for one person isn’t for another. People need to know that. You are an amazing girl. You are healthy and loving you body. There is NOTHING wrong with that. Keep your chin up. Life just plain sucks sometimes but look at all the support you have. 🙂 We love you girl.

  • Tiffany (Stuffed with Fluff) October 4, 2010, 12:22 pm

    Caitlin, I am so sorry that you’ve had to deal with all of this bull. As someone who has dealt with mean girls for pretty much most of my life, I feel for you. I can’t even imagine how much pain you must be feeling to have this done on such a public scale.

    Just know that your readers, family and friends support you and “know” you well enough to understand that the article is full of slanderous lies.

    Distorted eating and exercising unfortunately is an issue that needs to be discussed and dealt with, but personally attacking the six of you was the absolute worst way of getting the issue out there.

    Stay strong! Take a break, and make sure that Maggie and James have plenty of time to give you doggy hugs and kisses.

  • Mastering Public Health (@MasPublicHealth) October 4, 2010, 12:23 pm

    This is all so absurd and extraordinarily unnecessary aggravation for you. Their Facebook page is blowing up with rightfully negative comments. You should pursue a lawsuit for libel!

  • Terri October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    As someone who has gone thru similar experiences as you, my heart goes out to you. I am sick of mean girls and it sounds like this writer of the article was just another one to dismiss. I love your blog, you are truly an inspiration to MANY MANY MANY people. And I know, as hard as it may be, let it all go…they will get theirs in the end. Just keep doing the next right thing :)) And don’t ever stop living healthy and bloging. In the words of my favorite operation beautiful note: Kill ’em with Beauty and Kindness!!!!!

  • Sheree' October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    I have to say that this article does not fit the blogs that I read at all!! I am 37 years old female, educated, bright and NOT the type of person to do something just because “it’s the in thing to do”. I am married to an internal medicine physician and if I was doing anything unhealthy, he would be on me in a heartbeat. If anything, after reading food blogs for over 3 years now, my diet is much healthier than ever!! I think the writer took many things out of context, such as smoothies (she made them sound like they have no calories). I used to never eat breakfast, only coffee because I didn’t have the stomach to eat in the mornings. But now I have a smoothie almost every morning with skim milk, peanut butter, Amazing Grass Chocolate Superfood, spinach and banana. Shame on you food bloggers for helping me find something healthy I can tolerate for breakfast (that was sarcasm btw). Readers, go to Marie Claire’s website and post your comments after the story to let them know how the blogs have helped your life. My husband sees so much obesity ever single day in his practice, unhealthy habits, and you guys try to give us a glimpse of your healthy lives, to be an inspiration to others to live a healthy lifestyle. I’ve even suggested my husband have his patients read some of the food blogs.

  • Lisa October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    Even if you were those things (Which I dont think you are)
    Would it help your situation for them to cut you up like that? No….It’d probably make your disorder worse!
    I wont be buying magazines that tear people down like that!

  • Paige October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    Well, I guess Marie Claire is really setting themselves apart from other magazines – you know…Seventeen, Glamour, Self, Shape, etc. who all support the blogging community and Operation Beautiful. Self even have their OWN healthy living blogs – I guess they’re just promoting eating disorders too, huh? This article is a piece of trash that is more fitting for a tabloid than a high-profile magazine. I will NEVER purchase this magazine again – not that it has ever been my first choice. I hope they’re enjoying the short-lived publicity that they’re receiving, because the “big six” (Does anyone actually call you that? I’ve never heard it before.) will probably be enjoying many, many page views and hopefully more readers from this whole debacle.

    I really hope that the sponsors you guys have partnered with in the past see past this crappy article for what your message really is.

    • Paige October 4, 2010, 12:25 pm

      Self *has* their own healthy living blogs, that is.

  • Natalie October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    I’m a regular reader but I’ve never commented before. I just had to after reading this. What you do is great- I think your blog is a great inspiration on how to live healthy in a very NOT disordered or overly restrictive way. Its great and admirable how you put yourself out there and that was terrible journalism on the part of the writer at marie claire (apparently she never got the whole ethics side of journalistic writing…. eek) Anyway- I just wanted to post the text of the email I sent marie claire- I hope lots more people email them, that article was just terrible. Here it is:
    “I’ve never written an author of fashion magazine article before. Frankly, I’d like to think of myself and too busy to care all that passionately about anything written in such a publication, as obnoxious as that may sound. I read marie claire casually, and have had a subscription in the past (though I don’t think do anymore, and will certainly not be renewing if I do.) But your attack on healthy eating blogs based around your account of the healthy living summit is simply, well, asinine and irresponsible. I sincerely hope you and the publication are sued for libel, though I know, as I’m sure you do as well, that they are unlikely to have any sort of case given their self created public figure status. And I hope you feel guilty for potentially harming the image of movement for a healthier lifestyle, a movement which our nation could so desperately benefit from.

    I read several of the blogs you mentioned regularly and none of those women have disordered eating habits. there is nothing disordered about eating healthy foods and training for marathons, triathlons, or any other athletic competition. I actually agree that it may be a smidge unhealthy to photograph and document every meal you eat, but I honestly believe that most of these bloggers are doing it because they want to spread the word about living a healthy lifestyle and a great way to do that is to document just how much tasty, wonderful, real food one can eat in a given day. They all eat a lot of food, you don’t see skimpy portions on their plates, you don’t see calorie restriction, most of them drink in moderation, eat out in moderation and even have dessert in moderation, and if you actually took the time to look at their blogs and document what you saw accurately there is no denying that you would have come to the same conclusion.

    It’s disgusting to me that you could take the time to write this article portraying active people with healthy attitudes towards food in a disordered light. There would be much less of an obesity (and all of the other diseases that go hand in hand with it) problem in this country if more people took an attitude towards food and fitness that was even remotely similar to the attitude these women take. Also two of my close friends are women who have suffered with eating disorders and it is an insult to them to portray their extremely serious problem the way you did. I know they would both be extremely happy to be able to look at food and exercise in the light that the bloggers you attacked do, as would their therapists to see them do so.

    I think your time would have been much better spent promoting the idea of living a healthy, active lifestyle rather than trying to dig for dirt where there simply wasn’t any to catch the eye of a few more readers.

    Shame on the writer and shame on your publication for being so irresponsible as to have published this.”

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 12:24 pm

    I find it so ironic that Marie Claire decides to skewer healthy living bloggers, especially with the obesity rate in this country at epidemic levels. Caitlin and these other incredible women have inspired HUNDREDS to change their lives and lose weight and get active in a safe and healthy manner, a lifestyle change that will last for LIFE and those who have made the change have no doubt inspired others to get healthy as well. It’s a domino effect- in a good way, and often it starts with healthy living bloggers.

    Marie Claire owes an apology and a correction to the bloggers and to women EVERYWHERE.

  • Laura October 4, 2010, 12:26 pm

    get it girl!!

  • J. Ryan October 4, 2010, 12:26 pm

    Although I personally do not follow these blogs, I have seen first hand how they, along with this blogging community, have helped my wife, Theresa (ActiveEggplant), become a much healthier and more active person after years of failing attempts.

    These blogs and this community don’t just benefit the immediate followers though. If my wife leads a healthy active lifestyle, so will I. Since she has been a part of this community our lifestyle, not just her’s, but OUR lifestyle, has changed dramatically. I’m sure we’re not the only case here.

    The reach of these blogs go far beyond the followers. They’re helping people that might not even know they exist.

    So, thank you to all the healthy living bloggers! Keep it up!


  • allison @ thesundayflog October 4, 2010, 12:29 pm

    how about we take it for what it is: a misleading and fabricated article about a bunch of wonderful women who influence thousands of people on a daily basis, and just leave it at that. marie claire got people talking. they’ve got people googling them and buying (hopefully not) and reading their magazine. it’s PR baby. the HLB community isnt going anywhere. let your haters be your motivaters.

  • Alyssa October 4, 2010, 12:30 pm

    Coming from a journalistic perspective, the article was unprofessional, misleading, and completely one-sided. To associate you guys with blogs that promote dangerous eating habits is ridiculous because it is simply not true. Yes there are blogs like that out there, but to use your guys’ blogs to discuss the subject in the article was highly inappropriate.

    From a reader perspective, I suffer from disordered eating and I read healthy living blogs to HELP and remind me what healthy living is about. Obviously you blog/eat/exercise for what works for you and by no means say it works for everyone, but I use it as an example of someone who has overcome unhealthy habits and evolved into a healthy eater/lifestyle.

    Like you said Caitlin, reader responsibility plays a big role as far as readers reading blogs/posts/comments they might find triggering. You are healthy and honest about what you blog, and it’s up to the reader to decide if they want to read.

    Disordered eating/exercise blogs is another issue for another post, but the blogs featured in the article are by no means in the same category.

    Keep truckin’ Caitlin! Yeah the article sucks, but judging by all of the positive/supportive comments, I’m pretty sure most people got your back 😉

  • Leanne @ Simplicitlee October 4, 2010, 12:35 pm

    I’m so proud of you for articulating how you felt so well. The people who read this blog on a day to day basis are smart enough to take things you say & if they want, incorporate them into their own lives in their own way. Your readers (including me) know the true blogging Caitlin, not the blogger they make you out to be.

    Your site has given me so many great ideas, inspiration & encouragement. You are very inspiring but at the same time, relateable.

    Keep on keepin on 😉 don’t let this get you down!

  • Maya October 4, 2010, 12:35 pm

    I do think it’s interesting to hear the perspective of an outsider. Anyone who clicks on a blog and only reads posts from one day, one week, or even one month would get only glimpses of a person’s life that are taken out of context. For example, if a reader only read about your dinner the night you ran 22 miles they would have no idea of the amount of food you ate the rest of the day. Maybe a plate of roasted veggies isn’t a satisfactory dinner, but it is considering the amount of carbs you needed to refuel yourself earlier that day. That is why it is important to understand as a reader that a blog is only a snapshot of someone’s life.

    There were some interesting points that were brought up about the concept of health blogging in general. However, it was wrong to accuse you and the “Big Six” (ridiculous name) of any wrong doing. You have done so much good for so many readers out there. If anyone feels differently and has been negatively influenced in any way, they are free to close their computer screens.

    It is “healthy living” MAGAZINES that encouraged me to eat only 1200 calories a day, eat scrambled egg whites and fruit for breakfast, and made me feel ashamed of my body because of their photshopped models that should be to blame for negative body image. Any ill doing a blogger may have done incidentally in the Healthy Living blogging community is negligible in comparison. I do believe that most bloggers, ESPECIALLY you has the reader’s best interest and health at heart. You have done so much for so many, and you are truly an inspiration to me.

  • kate October 4, 2010, 12:36 pm

    After reading that article, I was so appalled! Caitlin, you are SO inspirational to me, and to hundreds or thousands of other readers. What you do each day has impacted my life very recently in an extremely POSITIVE way. I am suffering through depression and am working very hard to overcome it and your blog and operation beautiful has helped me in more ways than one. Your message, as well as the other bloggers that were so wrongly portrayed in the article, is one that is so needed in this country where we the term “health” is not a well known one.
    I want to be a journalist and write for magazines. This article makes me so sad that someone could write about such an amazing movement and amazing women who lead such balanced and healthy lives and distort that message in such an unpleasant light. All of you inspire so many people every day and it makes me so sad and angry that such an uneducated and bias piece of writing was allowed to be published in that magazine.
    Never forget Caitlin that what you’ve set out to do is AMAZING and because of you, so many other people have been able to start their search to find their own amazing self! Don’t ever stop because of these “mean girls” 🙂 🙂

  • kristin October 4, 2010, 12:37 pm

    amen sister. that article was ridiculous – you are so much better than that!

  • Kaci October 4, 2010, 12:38 pm

    I just want to offer cyber x’s and o’s


  • Jen October 4, 2010, 12:38 pm

    I’m so writing a letter. That article really irritated me… you and most of the other bloggers mentioned have been such inspiration for me over the past year. Way to stay strong, Caitlin. I’m glad you wrote this.

    • penny October 4, 2010, 12:47 pm

      I was going to write exactly this.

      What a poorly written and researched article and an eloquent and honest response from you.

  • Tammy October 4, 2010, 12:38 pm

    I appreciate your rebuttal and your willingness to address how the media can slant things one way or the other. The article was unbalanced and unfair. I have followed your blog for some time now and do not agree with what was portrayed about it. Blog readers, myself included, have the choice whether to read your blog or not. It is the reader’s responsibility to decide if a certain blog is helpful or hurtful to them and choose accordingly.

  • Ali October 4, 2010, 12:41 pm

    I have to say – as much as this is about a very serious issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly, which is eating disorders/disordered eating…this is ALSO about money. Why would the “Big 6” be targeted here? Because at the aiport today, I chose to read their blogs on my blackberry instead of purchasing a magazine, such as Marie Claire, from the convenience stand. I hate to sound shallow, but this is certainly about the battle between print media and online journalism on SOME level(which has become my main source of news/entertainment as it has so many milllions). Caitlin, your blog is inspirational and has taught me so much about healthy living – which to me has nothing to do with calories and weight loss. I eat real, wholesome food now, cut back on meat, and I make sure to refuel properly when I exercise. I take care of my body – not deprive it. You’ve set that example for me. You’ve become hugely successful because of it, and because of that, a magazine giant has felt that it needs to challenge your success, likely out of fear.

    • Ramona October 4, 2010, 7:10 pm

      This is a very interesting perspective. You are probably right about the financial implications. Thanks for sharing!

  • Bethany October 4, 2010, 12:41 pm

    Good for you for speaking out and sticking up for yourself.
    The article was unfair, but I’m not surprised by it because Marie Claire has been a rag for years. I’d rather read your blog any day!

  • Kyle October 4, 2010, 12:41 pm

    Oh, after tweeting last night about this AND reading all of your lovely rebuttals – you can BET that I posted on their FB wall. Yes I was kind and not lashing out in anger, but they needed to hear all of the amazing responses posted on their FB wall. All I can say is that after looking at all the (MANY) responses expressing disgust about this article, you have a wonderful, supportive community around you. I hope that MC posts a response soon, as there is a raaaather large group of people on their FB posting their negative opinions.

    Good for you.

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 12:43 pm

    Oh, Caitlin, I was absolutely shocked when I read the Marie Claire “story.” Like seriously, my mouth dropped and my eyes were welling with tears. I just want to let you know that blogs like yours, Kath’s, and Jenna’s helped my recover from my 7 year battle against anorexia. You were all encouragement to me to eat more (not less like the awful article suggests). And it’s because of healthy food blogs that I’ve been able to get my life back. No matter what any horrible story says, you need to know that you have certainly changed my life for the better. I am sure that I’m not alone.
    Stay strong!

  • Christie October 4, 2010, 12:44 pm


    I am a daily reader of your blog. I stumbled upon it probably 6 months ago while looking for a pancake recipe online, and realized there was a whole world of food bloggers out there. I didn’t know this sort of thing even existed, and don’t follow any other food blogs. While I read your posts daily, I have never commented before, but now I feel the need to jump in and say something.

    Mostly I just try your recipes, and read your page it for encouragement and inspiration for living a healthy lifestyle. I’ve always been quite slender and a healthy eater, but had let exercise fall by the wayside after entering the corporate world after college. I realized that just because I am skinny doesn’t mean I am healthy. Your site motivated me to exercise more and build lean muscle, and in turn, it has really helped my energy level. I don’t think your site is just about eating or exercise, but having a different outlook on life.

    You always say that this Is what works for you, not everyone. That it isn’t about the number on the scale but how you feel. That people are their own definition of beautiful. Why would anyone, rather, how could anyone, take what this page is about and twist it into something so unrecognizable. As a journalist myself, I know things are sometimes taken out of context – slightly. But it should never be in such an extreme way so as to convey completely false information, but rather to change the flow and order of a story, etc. for journalistic/writing purposes.

    After reading this site for 6 months, I am sickened by the gross abuse and misuse of words this journalist calls an article. Your true supporters are behind you and you seem to have a very supportive family and group of friends and fellow bloggers, and although you ordinarily don’t respond to negative criticism, this response was quite deserved. If I can offer you any advice, it is that those girls in middle school never go away, and I think the way you’ve handled yourself through this is very admirable. Keep calm and carry on…

  • Elizabeth October 4, 2010, 12:44 pm

    Caitlin- I’m a 51 yo who loves your blog because you embody the concept of health living- body, mind and spirit. And you are a genuinely kind and wonderful person. Good for you to stand up for yourself- you don’t deserve that kind of mistreatment! And remember it’s about them and NOT about you!

    And yes there is Freedom of Speech but with that comes responsibility. Some people forget about that last part…

    You keep on keepin’ on girl. We love you and all that you do! How anyone can find fault with someone who strives to help ALL women to feel good about themselves is beyond me…!

  • Heather October 4, 2010, 12:45 pm

    I just wanted to tell you that I love your blog! Reading it makes me want to be a healthier person and I honestly strive to be one of those HTP success stories. I think it’s amazing that you put yourself out there every day, even sharing the struggles you have with runs and getting the motivation to get out and run on those days when you’re just not feeling it. I just think you are amazing! 🙂

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 12:46 pm

    I read your blog daily and I love it. I was so put off by reading that article about the you and the other bloggers that I too follow daily. You are an inspiration and your blog has helped me create a healthy lifestyle that has changed my life.

    You keep doing what you do best. Forget the negativity you do what you need to do, you YOU and no one else!!

  • Eve October 4, 2010, 12:47 pm

    You are already getting the outpouring of support from your readers that you so deserve, but I’m de-lurking just to add my two cents: I’ve been reading ‘under the radar’ for several months now, and you are SO inspiring. My life has ONLY been positively impacted by your blog (and other healthy living blogs) – as a new runner, reading about your training makes me so inspired, and your work has helped me recognize ‘fat talk’ in myself and the people around me. I can honestly say that your blog has helped (NOT hindered) my body image – as I suspect is true for countless other readers.

  • Madison October 4, 2010, 12:50 pm

    Well, I think it is a shame that such a responsible magazine could take such an irressonsible action. Caitlin obviously doucments changes she has made in her life to achieve a lifestyle that she is happy with. Would her lifestyle work for everyone? Absolutely not, I am not marathon runner and do not aspire to be one, but as a reader, I am able to learn from what she does and apply it in ways that I find appropriate to my lifestyle. I have taken her running advice and used it in my life. I have taken recipes from her website and tried them (they were all amazing)! To say that she has a “problem” is sickening, and really pointing a finger based on not one single fact, and also based on a lot of words taken completly out of context.

    I read these healthy living blogs because I aspire to be healthier in my own life. To say that there is any negative reason why bloggers share their lives with us is a disgrace. They are merely documenting and inspiring readers like me. Marie Claire, good luck making magazine sales now. It seems as though you have lost a lot of readers based on your misinformed and negative slant on such a positive group of role models!

  • Chelsea October 4, 2010, 12:50 pm

    The Marie Claire article angered me so much! Most women’s magazines preach to count calories and eat less – Marie Claire included! Reading healthy living blogs such as yours and Meghann’s have encouraged me to examine what healthy really means. Now, I know that healthy living means eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains…not a pre-packaged meal with only 200 calories. No thanks to those magazines. All thanks to you girls.

    I wrote in to Marie Claire and wrote on their facebook wall to tell them how appalled I am by what they wrote. Hopefully something comes of the many negative comments being posted on MC’s facebook wall right now!

  • Dara October 4, 2010, 12:50 pm

    that is the worst article ive ever read. i am not a food blog nor a reporter, and even i can see the lies and untruth in that article. More power to you all. They have made all the bloggers in the internet world closer!

  • Miranda October 4, 2010, 12:51 pm

    I’m glad you decided to write a response to that trashy article. And that is all it is! I’ve been a long time reader and not-often commenter, but I wanted you to know that you have way more supporters out there than nay-sayers. You have personally inspired me in more ways that I can even say in one comment. Keep doing what you’re doing. That “journalist” will see exactly what all of the “Big Six” (seriously?) readers think of her! The goodies always prevail.

  • Cindyjean October 4, 2010, 12:53 pm

    Caitlyn, you have an amazing attitude and are an inspiration. You have to wonder where Marie-Claire is coming from. Think about it. Printed periodicals are old fasioned and on the way out. Blog sites like yours are far more accessible today, more up to date and handier to read; they are more personal and inspirational. Marie-Claire is the mean girl. At a time when they should have been applauding having you on their team to reach out to young people about healthy choices, they instead felt threatened. Blogs such as yours are a threat to published periodicals. Self preservation, at all costs, is their motive and it’s obvious. You go, girl!

  • Freya October 4, 2010, 12:53 pm

    This was a great post. I don’t think (being the 300th commenter!!) I have much else to say that hasn’t already been said. Obviously, the article was cruel and false. But all I can say is that regardless of what was written, we – your readers – know the truth. I know the truth. You r blog has helped me through more than I can say (I think crying over you at the HLS illustrated that!!), and I just want you to remember that, and all the other people you have helped. You are an inspiration girl!

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 12:53 pm

    Heaven forbid you choose not to eat the tons of crap most people do and stick to whole foods. And someone can eat oats and peanut butter and, yes, still be eating too much (for some reason that point in the article really irritated me!)

    You know they wouldn’t single out an overweight blogger who is ‘endorsing’ unhealthy (ie Typical North American Diet) foods. Nor would they DARE comment on their (lack of) exercise habits or their body.

  • Catherine October 4, 2010, 12:54 pm

    I am a nurse who also works as a health counselor, trained through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I read your blog regularly as well as several other Healthy Living Blogs. I think yours and the others are all examples of how real women can chose healthy food and an active lifestyle, including indulgances that allow you to maintain the health that you do. How nice to have a living example that you can eat a Blizard every now and then and be as healthy and attractive as you are! I provide your websites to my clients as examples of how to eat real food in a balanced way. Keep it up, you are doing great! Don’t let the media get to you. They are largely responsbible for the unrealistic expectations that many women have!

  • NC October 4, 2010, 12:55 pm

    Caitlin ,
    I am appalled by the story published in Marie Claire . As an individual who did restrict her eating to lose weight , KERF , HTP blogs were a blessing in disguise , since I came to know so much about healthy eating and yes I am 7 pounds heavier but happier .. you guys are an inspiration , I love the reply …

  • Renee October 4, 2010, 12:55 pm

    I have gained far more from your blog than I ever could from “that magazine”. I posted my first comment on your blog just two days ago because I ADORE your blog. It is informative, positive and great motivation.

    I have been a loyal reader for over a year and have NEVER gotten the impression you were unhealthy or advocating over exercising.

    I view your reading your blog as one of the healthiest things I do. It is an HONEST glimpse into the life of a person dedicated to being healthy. I can hardly put my words into order as I think of all the other things I read or see that are soooo distorted and unhealthy.

    I advocate my 13 year old daughter reading your blog for that very reason! I want her to understand being beautiful is more than her waist size. It is Ah-Ma-Zing to follow along a NORMAL person who exercises and eats healthy daily. We see so many celebrities too thin and say “it’s natural” or “I eat whatever I want.” That is horse-pooh and I like reading blogs that remind me of that!!!!

    You do not appear unhealthy in your pictures. You are beautiful and motivate me in my little corner of the world. (I’m 40 and recently taken up “wogging”…walking/jogging 🙂 thanks in part to your blog.) So please continue past this and do what you do best……blog, motivate, and be Yourself!!

    Much love!!

  • Betsy October 4, 2010, 12:55 pm

    That article is one of the reasons I stopped reading “women’s magazines”. They’re all trash! Whatever happened to women joining together and supporting one another?

    Your blog inspires me. I have never struggled with my weight, but I have and still do struggle with having a healthy self image. Your blog makes me feel better about myself. Your blog helps me stay on track with healthy eating when I feel like giving up on it all.

    Don’t let this negative article bring you down. You have helped so many!

  • Tara October 4, 2010, 12:56 pm

    Hi Caitlin,
    I’m a dietitian and I don’t have issues with food or body image but I love to eat and exercise and actually exercise often for stress relief more than anything. Anyway, I consider myself pretty sceptical of food bloggers as I feel many of them are a little obsessive but I love to read your blog for event training you do. It inspires me to do more events and you’re a great writer so just keep on keepin’ on. Reading that MC article makes me think just how easily the media can sway our opinions. However, I’ve been reading your blog long enough that I know she is full of it. Thanks for your blog.

  • Kelly October 4, 2010, 12:57 pm

    I love your blog, I couldn’t believe how out of context everything seemed when I read the Marie Claire article. Like you said haters will hate.

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 12:57 pm

    I was appalled when I read the MC article. I struggled with an eating disorder for years, and discovering the Healthy Living Blog community was the most influential step in my recovery. Your blog in particular shows that women can be strong and fast, refuel with healthy foods, include some splurges, and have FUN with it. Additionally, your OB movement has been totally epic and I think you are an amazing woman. Keep your head up 🙂

  • Sandy October 4, 2010, 12:58 pm

    Very sad article! I actually felt sick for Liz..they shouldn’t have mentioned her in the article at was really cruel!! and shameful…
    Obviously none of you are anorexic~and this just show’s how Popular you all are,or you wouldn’t warrant an article in the Magazine..anyone who read’s the article, I’m sure will check out your blogs..if not who care’s!! You know who you are,your family and real friend’s know who you are,and what you stand for..some stranger reading the article and forming a lousy opinion,Oh well..Crap sell’s magazine’s.
    I find your blog enjoyable..make’s for a pleasant diversion in my day,love the recipe’s,your dog’s and you sharing your life with us!
    Take care..

  • Blaine October 4, 2010, 12:58 pm

    I have never commented on anyone’s blog before, but I felt that this instance merited it. The article in Marie Claire was entirely unprofessional and hypocritical. These magazines have endless articles about dieting, fitness, “how to please your man”, and pictures of stick thin models, but attack women that are actually leading inspirational and healthy lifestyles. I started reading your blog 3 months ago, and now every day I read it and feel motivated to make good choices in all aspects of my life! I now see healthy eating as an opportunity, and not a burden. So, not that this helps, but I just want you to know that I think you are amazing! 🙂

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 12:59 pm

    I’m not going to lie and say I hadn’t thought about this on some “healthy blogs” I have come across. However, as soon as I read a blog excerpt about eating some minimal snack then feeling guilty, or facing a brownie like it was a battle, I chose not to continue reading those blogs.
    I do believe that some of the blogs out there truly seem to advocate unhealthy lifestyles. HOWEVER, your blog and the others mentioned (the ones that I read) clearly do not advocate for anything but truly healthy living, appreciating oneself for your own beauty, worth and health. I have gotten nothing but positive vibes from reading your blog. To have pointed out specific blogs was disrespectful and completely off base. There are so many magazines out there that claim to be for “health” but airbrush womens’ photographs, encourage 5 almonds as a healthy meal, etc. I understand your outrage but know you have a lot of support out there! Keep Blogging & Smiling Girl!

  • Jamila October 4, 2010, 1:00 pm

    I am … beyond shocked at that article. I don’t read the other blogs she talks about, but I’m an avid fan of yours and I truly just can’t believe she can read the same things I’m reading and come to that conclusion! You are ALL ABOUT balance and moderation!! I love that you thoroughly enjoy life – that includes running and exercising, but it also includes enjoying delicious food and wine and beer! What a pile of bull%$&* that article is, if you ask me.

    By the way, it’s thanks to YOU that I am running my first 5k race this weekend. 35 years old, 70 lbs overweight, but you inspired me to take up running (and do it the RIGHT way – slow and easy, walk/run intervals to build endurance without overtraining) a few months ago and now I can run for 40 straight minutes. Something I have NEVER been able to do in my LIFE before. You inspire me every day. Thank you.

  • Theresa OBrien October 4, 2010, 1:00 pm

    I just want to say that I read your blog daily and you have been an inspiration to me. I am disgusted by the article and I want you to know that anyone who is an avid reader of your blog knows that it is totally one-sided. You have taught me (and others I am sure) so much about living a healthy lifestyle. You are and will continue to be an inspiration! Keep doing what you are doing because so many of us love it!

  • Alison M October 4, 2010, 1:00 pm

    Hey Caitlin, I am also a first time commenter.

    I don’t read that many HLBs (I stick to running blogs mostly), precisely because I feel uncomfortable with the culture of people documenting all their food, and with the orthorexic tendencies that are often displayed.

    HOWEVER, yours is one of the few that I do read regularly (I can’t comment directly on the other 5), as I think you strike a good balance between healthy living, a heavy training load, and wine 😀

    Your marathon training is going awesome btw – and there’s no way that would be the case if you were poorly fuelled. Kicking 26.2 miles of ass is a good way to refute the claims of unhealthy living! 🙂

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 1:01 pm

    I’ve read your blog for quite a while now, but have never commented – until now.

    You share your life so brilliantly, with such elegance and grace. It inspires me every day – to try new things, enjoy life, and love being who I am. Never once have any of the ideas put forward in the article crossed my mind.

    It’s a nasty article, without any journalistic integrity – the writer has made the decision for the reader, rather than presenting information in a fair and balanced manner and letting the reader decide.

    I hope that all of your readers are able to vote on this subject – with their dollars (in never purchasing such a trashy magazine again) and with their comments, supporting you in this amazing blog community!

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 1:02 pm

    i was so shocked when i read that article. it is beyond me how that women found some of the most well written and popular healthy living blogs and tried to portray you all as people with disordered eating. if anything reading all of your blogs has introduced me to a whole world of healthy eating and cooking that i now love! i can honestly say i now love running because i was inspired by all of you to give it another try! i will be writing to marie claire to tell them how disapointing that article was. keep your head up! your blog is amazing!

  • Stephanie October 4, 2010, 1:03 pm

    I have never, ever thought that you or any of the other bloggers (admittedly, I only read yours and Jenna’s blog regularly, others I check out every once in awhile) have alluded to any kind of disordered eating whatsoever.

    And I find it interesting that they mention your book but neglect to discuss what it’s about. Way to do your research, assholes.

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 1:04 pm

    I sent MC an email response about the article because I support your message so much. I have stopped reading fashion magazines without even meaning to because I have realized how bad they make me feel (the fashion ads with the stick thin models in particular). Now I read blogs like yours that make me feel motivated, confident, and beautiful.

  • Rachel October 4, 2010, 1:04 pm

    Caitlin, ooh this sure got me fired up on a Monday morning! I am shocked that this “journalist” was able to get published in a major magazine. She should be writing for some trashy gossip rag since she doesn’t like to properly research anything. So sad that she’s able to sell her stories while there are thousands of other talented writers out there who would have done a much more classy and respectable job. I truly believe any press is good press. Even if this article draws angry people to your blog, I think a good deal of them will be shocked when they realize you are not pro-ana site as this “writer” makes you all out to be. Keep fighting the good fight 🙂

  • Kelly October 4, 2010, 1:05 pm

    WOW!! I take one weekend off from reading blogs and this happens. I love your response as well as others. The article is just sad honestly. Any of us who read the Big Six blogs know what you are all about. We know that you aren’t advocating working out until you lose your period and run 22 miles on no fuel. It’s just ridiculous and written to sell magazines. Thankfully I don’t subscribe or purchase this magazine and never will. It’s funny to me how they can write something like that when then have airbrushed models in them to obtain a certain image. Now that you have responded please try to let it go. We all know that you aren’t how they portrayed. I love your blog. You have grown so much in the last 2 years I’ve been reading. You are a beautiful person who respects herself as well as others.

  • bobbileigh October 4, 2010, 1:07 pm

    I do not comment on the blogs I read very often but I am appalled by Marie Claire for publishing such an article. One thing I have loved about the healthy living blog community is that it often shows indulgences but in a healthier light because you induldge but dont over do it. before I started reading blogs this was a hard concept for me it was all or nothing if I “messed up” my healthy eating for the day then it was game over instead of just getting back on track. When I first started running I had thoughts that I would never be able to be one of those people who enjoys running and never has a bad day I now realize EVERYONE has a bad day no matter how seasoned you are and that is okay. Even though I have never run more than 10 miles I can still relate because it is about balance. I commend all of you ladies for putting it all out there and wish this article was not so out of context!

  • Amber K October 4, 2010, 1:07 pm

    I am so sorry you are having to deal with this!

    I mean, on the one hand everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but expressing them with snideful comments and taking things out of context is completely unnecessary.

    But I have to agree with previous posters, your faithful readers know the truth. 🙂

  • lauren(athlEAT) October 4, 2010, 1:12 pm

    The Marie Claire article is completely ridiculous. Keep doing what you are doing…

  • Morgan @ Healthy Happy Place October 4, 2010, 1:12 pm

    Caitlin, this reporter can’t “write whatever she wants.” I’m a reporter/editor for an online news source and there is such a thing as libel, which is also known as defamation).
    She didn’t tell the truth, and made the article a load of bullshit. I’d sue if I were you. or at least threaten to so that her editor forces her to write an apology in the magazine.

    • Amanda October 4, 2010, 1:18 pm

      Exactly. This reporter had the facts and knowingly did not report them. She should be held accountable.

  • Jessica October 4, 2010, 1:15 pm

    I’m sorry you are having to deal with shoddy, biased reporting. You are great, your blog is amazing and I hate having to read about crappy reporters. Chin up, Caitlin.

  • ht October 4, 2010, 1:15 pm

    One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself – Lucille Ball

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 1:15 pm

    That article is SLANDER. Not only is it against you but all the other ladies as well. Marie Claire should have a libel suit on their hands. They took a positive experience and warped it into something scandalous and inaccurate.

    I’m sorry you were up last night crying and remember an awful thing! You don’t deserve this kind of bad press. All you’ve done is good. You are beautiful.

  • Susan October 4, 2010, 1:16 pm

    Wow what an incredibly nasty article. I am so sorry that such awful things were written about you. I have been reading your blog regularly for nearly a year now so I know how very wrong the article is.

  • Stacy October 4, 2010, 1:18 pm

    Wow, I’m really shocked that the author threw you under the bus like that. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and you have always been a champion of balance. I’ve never felt that you’ve exercised too much or eaten too little.

    Contrary to the author’s point, reading about what REAL women eat and how REAL women exercise took a lot of the disorder out of my own habits. I eat real food now, and lots more of it. Eating (and eating healthy) is sexy and not shameful. You are one of the ones who taught me that.

  • elizabeth October 4, 2010, 1:19 pm

    I think the best part about the article was that the links to your blogs were included. Hopefully, people will read them for themselves and see what the blogs are really like! I love your blog. It’s fun to see how someone else is making healthy choices in their life and motivates me to make healthier choices. You often make the point that what you are doing works for YOU, not anybody else. Plus, I just love looking at pictures of good food! Your readers aren’t going anywhere, and you may even get more from this article!

  • Reenie October 4, 2010, 1:19 pm

    WOW!!! I’m sorry that happened to you and the other girls. I personally love your blog and Meghann’s too.

    Keep your head up and keep on blogging sister <3

  • Natalie @ Scarlett Notions October 4, 2010, 1:20 pm

    Hang in there! You inspire people everyday with your healthy and happy approach to eating and life. Don’t let Marie Claire get you down – magazines are on the downhill, but digital media is forever!

  • Marie October 4, 2010, 1:21 pm

    Caitlyn –
    I am a lurker. However, given the inflammatory article written by Marie Claire, I have taken the time to send an article expressing my disgust to their editor. I hope everyone who has posted here has done the same. Best, Marie

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 1:22 pm

    Hiya! I’ve fallen off the commenting habit, but the article and this post really pushed me to change that today. I can’t believe how unbelievably agenda-oriented that writer was! That article was such an unbelievable load of CRAP!!
    But what got me more than that was your post, to read how hurt you are made me feel for you and I just want to give you a really big hug. I feel sooooo gutted for you! I have always liked reading your posts because of your sincerity, openness, hardwork, and mindfulness (of being healthy, treating others with respect and loving life). I find it hard to believe that anybody stopping by here could see anything else. Keep going – and good luck with the marathon training!

  • Tracy October 4, 2010, 1:24 pm

    Well, I could only read about 3 paragraphs before I had to stop. I have been only a reader and not commented before so I just had to say something. What rot!! I actually read all of the blogs they talk about and nothing is farther from the truth. I quit buying these mags years ago and now I remember why. Lets hope others will read the article and check out your blogs and find out the real story. Keep your head up GIRL!!

  • chandra October 4, 2010, 1:24 pm

    I still have my email from Katie back in February asking me “off the record” questions about HLS 2009 for this article. I sent her a book of an email about my HLS experience, I wonder why she didn’t use any of my quotes? Oh, wait – probably because I ENJOYED my experience. 😉

  • Jacki October 4, 2010, 1:24 pm

    Caitlin, I have read pretty much every one of your posts, I have never commented on any of them but felt I HAD to now. I just wanted to say to you “Keep your head up” You know who you are and what you are! Don’t let some idiot try and take you down or minimize the HEALTHY impact you are making on peoples lives.
    You have actually taught me to NOT feel guilty about taking time off from running. I used to feel so guilty when I didn’t run, almost like I was a failure. After reading your posts about listening to your body, I learned it was okay to take a break. I wasn’t going to (for lack of better wording) lose it all. Thank you for that!
    I think you are an inspiration to so many people.

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 1:25 pm

    Caitlin, I have been reading your blog for over a year now. I love the message that you send and it has honestly changed the way I view my own body for the BETTER!!! I can’t believe someone that writes for Marie Clarie would twist healthy living blogs into something they are the complete opposite of!!! It is truly sickening and I am so sorry that you have to put it up with this. You are awesome girl and the message that you send is beautiful!!!

  • Clare October 4, 2010, 1:27 pm

    Hi. My name is Clare. I’m a 33 year old mother of three and I am an avid healthy living blog reader. I am careful to eat a healthy, well balanced (Vegetarian) diet and I exercise 5 or 6 times a week (mostly because I LOVE it but also because I know it’s good for me). I like to run and hike and bike and swim. I love to cook and eat delicious plant based foods. I can out-eat my husband. There are members of my family in their fifties and sixties who do not and have not ever exercised formally, they choose to eat things like ice cream, white bread and pastries (Yes, muffins and croissants) and almost no fruit or vegetables ON A DAILY BASIS and guess what? They have heart disease, they have type 2 diabetes, they can’t travel anywhere without a lunchbox full of medication to “treat” those diseases. I owe my family more than that. I come here for inspiration and ideas for exercise and healthy food ideas so I can keep active and stay healthy for myself and my family. THAT makes me feel AWESOME.

  • Rachel October 4, 2010, 1:29 pm

    Wow! That is all I can really say at this point. I have been a consistent reader of your blog for almost a year now, but have not stepped up to comment until now. I am from Kansas City where blogging is not a big deal but reading your blog has opened my eyes to so much more. I cannot believe how America takes a glance at someone and/or something without looking at the BIG picture and will spend so much effort in finding one little thing to dissect into some ridiculous idea. The article in Marie Claire is disgusting! How can one person take the time to pinpoint little things and accumulate them all into one story to try and ridicule others. America is too focused on stereotypes and brings out the drama in every little aspect instead of focusing the time and effort on issues that truly matter in life (such as the growing rates of obesity in children). You are an absolute role model! The work you have done with Operation Beautiful is such an inspiration to so many girls and women who face the struggle of loving yourself deep down, and instills the confidence to carry yourself realizing your inner and outer beauty as one. You are exemplary of living an overall healthy lifestyle that is active and well-rounded, and its paired with indulgences that nobody can resist in life. Coming across your blog last January (along with Meghann, Tina, and Kath) encouraged me to run my first race ever in March which was a half marathon I somehow finished under two hours. I never had the confidence to get out there in front of so many people at a race, but seeing all of you wonderful ladies gave me the courage to successfully complete seven races since March including a half marathon and 15 mile train race. I know I’m just another reader, and one of the numerous to comment on this post but I just wanted to get my voice out there and let you know how great you can be, and have been to so many women, and men.

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 1:33 pm

    Hi Caitlin,
    I have been reading your blog for months now, but haven’t felt a need to comment until now. I have to say that the Marie Claire article was the worst piece of “journalism” that I’ve read in a long time. I am the healthiest that I have ever been, and I owe a lot of credit to your blog and other healthy living blogs for the motivation and encouragement I receive. It’s unfortunate that Marie Claire published this article and I will be writing an email to the editor, telling her of my personal and positive experience. Please know that your readers know that you strive to be healthy in all aspects of life! You have made a difference for the better in my life, and really that’s all that matters. As women (and as a women’s magazine) we should be encouraging each other to be healthy, not tearing each other down, like this article clearly did.

  • Heather in Seattle October 4, 2010, 1:33 pm

    I know there is already 300+ comments but I had to put mine up too.
    I left OA due to the negative body image I had developed despite losing 35 lbs while there. I felt the influence there was not right for me.
    I promptly found the healthy blogs and really appreciate the inspiration they provide. I battle with B.E.D. and need to know that eating is ok- not just good or bad.

    It’s sad how much the writer attacked something that has much more positive influence. The good thing that they might have done with the article is expose more women like myself to the blogs that need them for healthy advice.

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 1:34 pm

    You’re an inspiration. NEVER forget that.

  • Annie October 4, 2010, 1:34 pm

    I’ve been reading for several months but never commented until now – just want to say that you are a total inspiration to me and reading your blog has made me live a much healthier life! I hope you don’t let the article get you down too much!

  • Liz @ Blog is the New Black October 4, 2010, 1:34 pm

    Excellent, mature response!

  • Kristin October 4, 2010, 1:35 pm

    It more than appalls me but actually embarrasses me to know that there are people, people in a position of large-scale power like the media, that not only do not check their facts but blatantly ignore the facts hand-delivered to them all in the name of self-interest and who knows what else. Your blog, as well as the healthy living community as a whole has inspired me to get off of my college ass, stop eating at the O and do something that makes my body feel better. I will never have a desire to run a marathon but I have taken the time to find what works for myself. Through blogs like yours I’ve come to realize that there’s a right way and a wrong way to take care of your body, and that way is different for everyone, but with a little exploration, good habits, and passion, you can find something that is healthy and fun. Liking exercise is not an eating disorder. Not having common sense should be a disorder of some kind. Taking good care of my body, eating veggies, and just taking a walk everyday at the least makes me feel AWESOME.

    Right here beside you.

  • Michelle October 4, 2010, 1:37 pm

    Just wanted to leave you a quick note of support! I really enjoy your blog, even if I don’t agree with everything you do or say. I’ve never gotten the impression that you were unhealthy or disordered in your eating.

  • Michelle October 4, 2010, 1:37 pm

    Just wanted to leave you a quick note of support! I really enjoy your blog, even if I don’t agree with everything you do or say. I’ve never gotten the impression that you were unhealthy or disordered in your eating.

  • lena @loveeatnowafter October 4, 2010, 1:37 pm

    Its because of ur blogs, and many of the blogs mentioned in the article and others as well, that my emotional toil with food, is getting better each day. Food blogs like yours inspire me and have helped me through the rough patches of my ED last year. I think its completely ridiculous how the MC article slammed you and made you feel so low when in fact, almost every blogger who reads your blog, knows that you make us feel so high and wonderful. I am inspired by your entries and by your words every day. Its horrible that someone would do this to you girls and to change everything you said so that they could sell articles. It’s ironic how a magazine that has its own articles about fat, fitness tips, celebrity retouchings etc, would go and slam real life people. Real life people who put their lives out there, who are open and honest, and who don’t deserve this.

    Keep on blogging and keep on inspiring. Marie Claire won’t know what hit them. One of the reasons i love to blog is due to the amazing support of the blogging community and trust me, we will stand by you!

  • Wendy October 4, 2010, 1:37 pm

    I enjoy healthing living blogs because I like to be healthy. Never had an eating disorder, never even thought about it. So sorry this has happened to you!

  • Teacherwoman October 4, 2010, 1:37 pm

    I read that article and couldn’t believe what was written. I mean, I have been reading your blog for a while now and I would have never thought any of that of you! Well written, rebutal, Caitlin. You are awesome!

  • Nikka B October 4, 2010, 1:39 pm

    Thank you Caitlin. Thank you for sharing your triumphs, struggles and your day-to-day with me and the rest of the blog world. HTP is a place I enjoy coming to for motivation in my healthy lifestyle journey and I look to you more as a ‘blend’ who breathes positivity into my life and not a negative influence like a lot of what I encounter in my ‘real’ world (media, friends, etc). So, THANK YOU!
    This article does not incite new dialogue in the HLB world, b/c as a regular reader I know that these are subjects in which you/we all discuss often. Your ‘HTP Stories’ offer a variety of stories all of which I find inspiring. You also have commented on not feeling pressure in the HLB world, and have sympathized with readers who may struggle with that. This article does not shed light on any of these things, instead it reminds me of a smear campaign not an enticing conversation!
    A magazine article that passes judgment on HLBs while simultaneously publishing articles titled, ‘6 Surprising Ways to Lose Weight’ and ‘What is your Diet IQ?’is SERIOUSLY distorted (and I told them so on their FB page).
    I am so proud at how this community has rallied together in light of this situation, and this is yet another reminder as to why I love it so much! Go us!!!

  • Amanda (tomboy that wears makeup) October 4, 2010, 1:39 pm

    WOW…what a bitch!!! That article is bullshit!
    You girls are amazing, changing lives and rocking the net. That writer is an idiot.

  • Rachel @ Suburban Yogini October 4, 2010, 1:42 pm

    I have only this to say…. personally I have found that if anything is triggering to disordered eating it is the distorted images portrayed in Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and their likes rather than anything I have ever read in any of your blogs. I would be interested to know if this is printed in the UK edition of Marie Claire, as I believe in the UK that is considered libel.

    • Laura October 4, 2010, 7:22 pm

      I agree- the papers get sued so often over here by celebrities/politicians/Royal family etc… Also-I think there is the possibility of breach of contract- as Ms Drummond entered into a written contract in an email to Meghann when she stated that she obviously wouldn’t name her or her specific earnings from M&M- but then did in the actual article?

  • Tiffany October 4, 2010, 1:44 pm

    Wow, I hope that after all the positive comments left here you no longer feel like your Jr. High self 🙂 That article was a flat out lie. I can’t believe the liberties they took at taking things out of context. It’s disappointing that they’d spin positive lifestyles into something negative, especially when obesity is such a rampant problem worldwide. I think it’s so good that people can see on these healthy-living blogs what it does take to live a healthy lifestyle. The good thing about that article was I found your blog! So ha on MC!

  • Tiffany October 4, 2010, 1:45 pm

    Wow, I hope that after all the positive comments left here you no longer feel like your Jr. High self 🙂 That article was a flat out lie. I can’t believe the liberties they took at taking things out of context. It’s disappointing that they’d spin positive lifestyles into something negative, especially when obesity is such a rampant problem worldwide. I think it’s so good that people can see on these healthy-living blogs what it does take to live a healthy lifestyle. The good thing about that article was I found your blog! So ha on MC!

  • Lisa A. October 4, 2010, 1:45 pm

    The Marie Claire article was crap. I look to you for inspiration. Whether I’m looking for something tasty and easy to throw together for lunch, or trying to convince myself not to sleep in again tomorrow and get up and run a few miles instead (which I love doing, but I get lazy). I think this author has completely discredited herself with anyone who reads this blog and with anyone who reads the article’s comments on the Marie Claire site.

  • Laurie October 4, 2010, 1:46 pm

    Caitlin, I just read that article, and I could not believe they would publish something like that! I’m sorry you and the other girls had to read that! But your response was right on! I enjoy reading your blog so much and you have inspired me to get more healthy! Keep up the great work!

  • Ellen @FirednFabulous October 4, 2010, 1:49 pm

    This is just absurd! I have never ONCE read your blog and thought that you were too obsessive about eating or exercise. Quite the opposite, actually. You are one of THE most balanced people I know…something I strive to be regarding my health every single day. Negativity like this is very hurtful, but you obviously have SOO many people on your side. Once, a commenter told me that I was “bitchy as f$&@” and yep, I cried for hours. (Umm, are we talking about the same person?!) You know yourself and what you’re doing…block out the noise!

  • Krista October 4, 2010, 1:50 pm

    If the author, Katie Drummond, is who I think she is, then the article was not only poorly written and obviously slanted, it was incredibly hypocritical. I’ve known of Katie since she was “misspickle” on the Runner’s World forums, before she became a successful author. Up until a couple months ago she regularly posted her daily meals and workouts and commented on others. She in a very strict vegan and often participates in “two-a-day” workouts, running several miles at a time and then hopping on an elliptical, going to a yoga class or cycling. I’m not making a judgment call, just pointing out that she takes part in the same behavior she was questioning in the article.

    Caitlin, I think you and your blog are wonderful. You have an incredibly healthy outlook on food and life in general and I am privileged to be a reader of your blog. Please keep it up. There are those of us that are able to read what you write, draw inspiration from it and then think for ourselves when it comes to making healthy decisions. Thank you for what you do!

    • Laura October 4, 2010, 7:34 pm

      Um she also seems to be juuust a little obsessed with EDs/triggers/relapses etc- if you do an online search for articles she has written- its all she seems to write about? Having worked in an ED unit I found that whilst there were some lovely people recovering anorexics can be the harshest critics at times.

      Thought the following passage from one of her articles was quite telling;

      ‘Full disclosure: I haven’t checked out the full text of McPhee’s “must-read” story yet. But no matter what those 1,400 words have to say about body image, my argument stays the same. ‘

      So in all likelihood she comes to conclusions no matter what research or information she does. That is not journalism to my mind..
      She then goes on to say:
      ‘Focus on strength, nourishment, how it feels to wake up energetic and vibrant. Not, as the McPhee cover teaser states, on “The Six Moves That Changed My Body!”’
      Ummm… is this not what Caitlin et al advocate? Strikes me as kind of ironic ;(


  • Sammy October 4, 2010, 1:51 pm

    I’ve posted my comments at ‘with a side of sneakers’ as well, but had to post them here as well, just because this is such an interesting debate. I’ve read blogger’s opinions on both sides and the original article and it’s very difficult to know what to think. Firstly, you never know if the journalist has fairly represented things or whether they have been taken out of context. Secondly, as someone who loves reading healthy living blogs, it’s difficult to look at this objectively. I do agree and think it was wrong to target you and the others in the article the way she did (especially as your blog and Operation Beautiful movement is so body-positive), but I have definitely seen bloggers with unhealthy food relationships. I have stopped following a couple of blogs because I personally thought they were medically underweight and couldn’t reconcile this with the ‘I eat everything I want’ and ‘It’s my life, I’m healthier than a fat person’ protestations.

    I think it’s made even more difficult by the fact that the notion of a ‘healthy lifestyle’ is so arbitrary and means different things to different people. I, for example, think it is unhealthy that so many bloggers neglect strength training, especially when they eat fairly low calories diets and inevitably pounds miles on the pavement. I’d be interested to see how many of these women end up with osteoporosis in their 40s, or even 30s. Intuitive eating is a great idea in theory, but when you are posting every morsel that passes your lips and tracking every mile run, I doubt this is really ‘intuitive’ at all.

    I myself have lost a lot of weight in the last year and I am proud of this fact, I’m proud of my achievement. But I’d be lying if I said that I did it purely for health reasons.. sometimes I just wish all these ‘healthy living’ bloggers would admit that they eat and move the way they do so they can look ‘good’!!

    Finally, although MC have raised an interesting debate, which probably did need raising, the fact that they published it, in their air-brushed, vacuous pages full of underweight models, is beyond hypocritical. The journalist should have taken on bloody Marie Claire and the rest of the ridiculously unrealistic and patronising female magazines who (in my view) are much more damaging than the majority of healthy living blogs.

  • Kerry October 4, 2010, 1:53 pm

    ZING! keep on keepin’ on.

  • Stacy October 4, 2010, 1:54 pm

    The Marie Claire article is pretty ridiculous. As someone who reads your blog pretty much daily, it’s clear to me that the author was writing to a conclusion she’d already created in her mind, leaving out heaps of evidence to the contrary.
    I know it’s hard to ignore something like this, but it’s so one-sided it’s almost silly. I, for one, have found more positive, uplifting, helpful, healthy information and ideas in 3 months of reading your blog than in 10 years of reading Marie Claire.
    Stay smiling and keep doing what you do! 🙂

  • Lindsay October 4, 2010, 1:55 pm

    don’t worry about some stupid magazine article. i love your blog! if i or anyone else has a problem with it, they don’t have to read it! good job caitlyn!

  • Stefani October 4, 2010, 1:55 pm

    My god Caitlyn, I am so sorry. I understand they have freedom speech and all that, but as a women’s magazine, what good can it possibly do them to discredit good women like that? I’ve not read the rest of the blogs, but after reading what they said about you, I can only assume everything else was untrue as well. You inspire me everyday as a real person getting up everyday and doing what we should all be doing to be our very best. I admire the courage you have to pursue the life you want. Just know that your loyal readers love you for you and we know what bullshit that article was without even having to read your defense first. Not that it will change anything, but I personally will never touch that magazine again.

  • Stefanie October 4, 2010, 1:56 pm

    Caitlin, I look forward to reading your posts every day. Keep your head held high and continue what you do best…motivating readers across the country to be healthy and active. I know you’ve inspired me! 🙂

  • Kristin October 4, 2010, 1:56 pm

    Good for you Caitlin. I understand that you must pick your battles when it comes to un-kind comments since they are inevitable, but this article is pretty unacceptable.
    Since I’ve started reading blogs like yours, Kath’s, Jenna’s, Tina’s, etc, I have added MORE food and calories to my meals. I’ve learned how to bulk up the nutrition in a meal without thinking about just “adding more calories.” Your blogs have introduced me to healthy fats, which I now can’t get enough of! I love your posts that suggest healthy ADDITIONS to meals rather than substitutions or deletions that typical “women’s health” (ha!) magazines suggest.
    It’s unfortunate that this magazine has chosen the angle they’ve portrayed. I can see how maintaining a food-related blog could be non-productive for someone that DOES have an eating disorder, as his/her focus on food might be intensified. BUT, that does NOT mean that everyone who has a food blog has an eating disorder.
    You women are inspiring and a wonderful example of health, and I hope none of you take this article to heart. Keep on keepin’ on! 🙂

  • Kareen Latour October 4, 2010, 1:56 pm

    I just wrote a letter to the editor voicing my opinion on this very misinformed and biased article.

    I am sorry such a piece of crap was ever published on something as positive as your blog.

    Your blog is so inspirational and honest, I can’t even begin to understand how she could represent it (and Kath’s and Meghann’s, etc…) in such a negative way.

  • Neely October 4, 2010, 1:56 pm

    Canceled my subscription! Take that Marie Claire! Your blog is inspirational. Keep it up!

  • marie October 4, 2010, 1:57 pm

    I just cancelled my MC subscription due to this article, and I sent Joanna Coles an email informing her of this. That article is bull. I am especially upset that she attacked you after you have done so much good in the world w/ Operation Beautiful. What has Katie Drummond ever done to make women feel better about themselves? I am so sorry that you have to endure this, Caitlin. May happier times be just around the corner.



  • Stacey October 4, 2010, 1:57 pm

    OMG. I just read the article. Do they even KNOW who they are talking about?! As a day-to-day, long-time reader, this does not describe you at all! I can’t believe they would turn something great and make it into CRAP. You and the other bloggers have done wonderful things that others admire you for and the writer of this stupid article didn’t touch on any of that. She obviously knows nothing about what your blog is about and I hate that this is in a national magazine. What a hag

  • Jamie @ Food in Real Life October 4, 2010, 1:57 pm

    I’m so upset by this. Seriously. As someone that has struggled with eating disorders and finding a good balance in life- I CANNOT believe that this is how your blogs were made to seem.

    Before I started reading Healthy Tipping Point, I was a new runner who didn’t really believe in myself. You inspired me. That a real girl, like myself, could do it. That I could find the balance. That I could be a healthy, happy, runner.

    It’s because of YOU that I realized that I didn’t need to be 100 pounds and the fastest person around. I just needed to believe in myself. I could do it.

    It’s because of YOU that I never felt bad taking in extra calories to fuel myself before a run, during a run and after a run. The old me probably would have tried to skip this stuff, but I knew your advice was right, and it was based on experience.

    I feel bad for the writer of this article. That THIS is the angle that she saw. That this is what she went after. It is such a shame that you were portrayed this way. Additionally, she made the blogging community out to be some cult like group of stupid girls who would blindly believe and do anything that another blogger said. GIVE ME A BREAK!!

    The reason your blogs are so popular is because we can relate to you. Thanks for doing what you do Caitlin, please don’t let this get you down.

  • Sarah for Real October 4, 2010, 2:00 pm

    Yikes. I just wanted to give you my support. I’m 5’8″ and as you might know, I put a lot of stock in eating healthy animal products. I think we are very different and still I find inspiration through your blog. I do not “idolize” you as the article suggests, honestly I find your diet really unappealing as a whole, haha. But you do inspire me to add veg to every meal. Not to mention how you made me believe what I thought was impossible, that I could start running, and I just did a 5k!

    And who reads Marie Claire anyway??? Remember, there’s no such thing as bad publicity!

  • Janelle October 4, 2010, 2:02 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog since it’s early seebriderun days, and this it is inspirational and exciting. The MC article really is slanted, and as others have said, obviously was researched with the intention of portraying the negative.

    However, it did make me think – about myself, not you. I often feel guilt after reading through the “big six’s” blogs, to borrow her term. I’m in a very different place in my life than all of your are right now (two children under two, working close to full time), and even though I *know* that I can’t be expected to hold myself to your impressive workout and healthy eating regime, I still get pangs of jealous and regret that I only managed to log “exercise” of chasing around a toddler or vacuuming the house, or have to have scrambled eggs (instead of beautifully roasted veggies) for dinner because that was all that there was time for. Is this your fault? NO, of course not. But it is a reality of reading healthy lifestyle blogs, and something I need to work on with myself. This article helped me realize that perhaps I need to step back from my religious blog reading and appreciate all that I am doing to keep myself and my family healthy.
    That said, I truly hope that “there is no such thing as bad press” rings true in this case, and you find yourself with a host of new readers thanks to MC’s ridiculous article. I’ll echo many other is saying “thank you” for your blog.

  • Julie October 4, 2010, 2:03 pm

    Sorry to hear that just because your blog has been taking away from their magazine’s readers, they had to go and attack your (and the other girls’) blog(s) like that.

    I’ve never really cared for celebrities (i.e., never gave an eff am probably out of the loop when it comes to them) because I never thought they were a good influence, and magazines seem to perpetuate them and their lifestyles/looks in a way that makes everyone feel like they should be emulating.

    No thanks, but I’d rather read about realistic women who give tips on how we can be our best selves. Not claiming that their an expert — just offering another opinion.

    I don’t agree with everything I read on these blogs, and I’m sure you think that is okay. =) And that article proves that nobody should believe everything they read.

    However, I should note that I do read SELF, Fitness, and Shape. I don’t agree with everything in them, either, but they do feature all kinds of women in them at times.

  • Jes (Self Motivation) October 4, 2010, 2:03 pm

    Caitlin, I am so disappointed and pissed-off about that article. The author could not have been more incorrect. Reading your blog as well as many other healthy living blogs has helped me so much. Your blog in particular has helped me meet new people in my area who are also interested in running, and it has provided wonderful work-out tips from someone (you or others featured on your blog) who have been there before. And by that I mean have tested different products, or reviewed different races, or encountered different training obstacles and can suggest ways to overcome those obstacle. You have shared delicious recipes which have helped my dinners go from same-old-boring-meal to something new, tasty, and God-forbid it also be healthy! You blog helped motivate me to train for my first marathon. I have always wanted to do it, and I was motivated to run the marathon to support breast cancer due to the loss of a family friend. Your blog showed me that a woman who is close to my age and actually has a life to balance with marathon training can still train for a marathon. And not only can I train for a marathon, but I can do it in a healthy way, which you demonstrate on your blog. You are an amazing person, and I think Operation Beautiful is one of the most inspirational and world-changing ideas. Thank you for putting yourself “out there” for all the world to read, even though occasionally you have to endure such unwarranted negative comments. I admire the person that you are and the writer that you are. Please do not let a poorly researched article bring you down.

  • Katrina October 4, 2010, 2:05 pm

    I enjoy reading your blog. It motivates me to live a healthier lifestyle, not develop an eating disorder! I also read a couple of the other blogs that were mentioned, and they also give me healthy meals ideas and entertain me at the same time.

    Even though I don’t comment on your posts and don’t have a blog of my own, I read yours regularly and I’m behind you 100%! I also LOVE the idea of the Operation Beautiful sticky notes. You are a great role model.

    Take care. You are so much better than them :)!

  • Kate@andwhenshesays October 4, 2010, 2:07 pm

    AMEN. Beautifully written. It breaks my heart to see you and other bloggers, as well as the Healthy Living Summit, slandered like this. It is another form of bullying, which we’re hearing so much about right now already. I suppose that’s the beauty of this blog world, though – everyone supports and encourages one another, and I hope you and the other bloggers who were so unfairly presented in this piece are feeling that right now!

  • Emma October 4, 2010, 2:07 pm

    Oh my, what a horrible article!

    I guess what I would take from all this is that preoccupation with body image and size as well as disordered view of food and eating is so deeply weaved into every part of our culture that it is impossible to see where it starts and where it ends. No matter if we ever develop a full blown eating disorder or not, these things are out there. And the triggers are definitely out there, you just have to learn to deal with them each and every day, if you suffer from disordered eating.

    Like someone who already commented, I am also insulted how eating disorders are portrayed in this article, as they are a serious and complex disease, way beyond food or exercise issues. I would love to see these things more discussed, but I think it’s wrong to hold hlb community responsible for that. It’s a way larger issue.

    After all this rambling, I just want to say: Caitlin, I feel your blog is a positive space. I don’t take any of it as advice, but it’s an inspiration to see how you enjoy life, training and good food. Thank you and keep doing what you do!

  • Allie October 4, 2010, 2:09 pm

    I read both your blog and Kath’s, and I think it’s about the farthest thing from disordered eating I can think of.

    Not only was the reporter clearly off-base on her descriptions of your blog, I think she insulted your readers as well. She described us as drones that idolize you as a blogger and mindlessly follow whatever you say. While I work to eat healthy and exercise in my own life, and I enjoy reading about your quest to do the same, I don’t follow your blog like a prescribed menu from a doctor. Is your amount of exercise unrealistic for me at this time in my life, working 50+ hours a week? yes. And I’m ok with that, and my eating reflects that. That’s the other crazy thing – what she said about you eating so few calories was ridiculous. You eat far more calories than I do right now, because you work out so much and need to FUEL your body! It’s clear she hasn’t read much of your blog. She also managed to miss your frequent reminders that this is just what works for you, and that every body is different.

    Don’t worry about this (I know, easier said than done). But honestly, your readers are here because we want to be. Keep doing what you’re doing, and we’ll stick around.

  • JenATX October 4, 2010, 2:12 pm

    I understand what Marie Claire is trying to warn against, but this article completely disregards so many positive things in so many people’s lives. Perhaps these blogs could be a trigger for some women, and perhaps some women are discouraged by certain things in the blogs, but there are those (all 464 who have commented so far) who have been incredibly inspired. Coming from a “vulnerable reader,” as Marie Claire put it, I learned so much about myself by learning about others’ quests for health. I’ve learned how good it feels to complete a challenging workout, I have learned to enjoy my food, I have learned that i am SUPPOSED to eat and not deprive myself, I have learned that I am my own person and no one else. Keep doing what you are doing girl because I look forward to reading your blog each day!

  • Heather G October 4, 2010, 2:14 pm

    I have never commented here before and have only been visiting your website for a few months now, but was driven to write Marie Claire an email after reading that article. I BCC’d you on the email so you should recieve a copy of it. Just keep doing what you do. You are enough.

  • Paige @Running Around Normal October 4, 2010, 2:16 pm

    First off, I just read the article…and I’m not even going to go into allll the lies she posted. It makes me sad because I have a B.A. in journalism, and that’s just…bad journalism. Seriously horrible journalism. Yuck.
    But… who in the heck calls you guys the “Big Six?” Where did she even get that from?
    Also, I love how she mocks that only Kath has university level nutrition education, yet she uses a sports nutritionist as her only source? I’M a sports nutritionist. And I just said I graduated with a journalism degree.
    She just could have gotten her point across in a much more credible manner. Hopefully this reflects to any of her future employers.

  • Jen October 4, 2010, 2:17 pm

    This article made me so angry and upset and I am not even personally involved. I left a comment after the article, but I will also be sending an e-mail. This is simply horrible. You are so inspirational. The author of this article is seriously dissillusioned.

  • Whitney @ Whitinspired October 4, 2010, 2:17 pm

    I just think it’s ridiculous that you have to explain yourself. You have a healthy living blog. You don’t profess to be an expert. The fact that you and a number of other bloggers were accused of having eating disorders is a serious stretch. I find it laughable that a beauty magazine can even publish an article like that and then have models in the very same issue who actually have eating disorders. It’s disgusting and pathetic. They do nothing but perpetuate the problem and them they want to point fingers and people who are normal, healthy people. I have never bought an issue of Marie Claire, and I certainly won’t after this.

  • Erica October 4, 2010, 2:18 pm

    If I’m looking for health/fitness advice, why would I pay to subscribe to a trashy fashion magazine when I can read blogs that are specific to the subject I’m interested in for free? My take on this is that the magazine industry is worried about the blogging industry taking their readership and is thus trashing the blogging industry.

    Not that I’ve ever bought one of their magazines before, but I’m making it a conscious boycott now. I will encourage everyone I know to do the same.

    Try not to let it get to you. You are an amazing person and a huge inspiration. Marie Claire owes all of you a huge apology.

  • Zuzanka October 4, 2010, 2:18 pm

    Caitlin, I almost never comment, but I read your blog often enough to think that you are a beautiful human being. I know it won’t take the negativity or unfairness away, but perhaps it will help at least a little bit if I tell you that you are the reason why people in Netherlands can find post-it notes in public places telling them how amazing they are. You help me believe it about myself and you inspire me to help make complete strangers feel beautiful too. Can anyone from Marie Claire claim that?

  • Katie @ Her Inner Shine October 4, 2010, 2:18 pm

    Very well written and well said. I love your blog and everything else I have to say I wrote in my response on my blog

    I hope I did you justice! You rock and your strong. Keep on smiling 🙂

  • Meagan October 4, 2010, 2:19 pm

    Controversy and slander seem to sell issues for people such as Marie Claire. The people that follow your blog know that you are not out there promoting eating disorders, we know that you are promoting healthy living. I have gained so much insight from your blog and never during this time did I develop an eating disorder. I have gained so much knowledge on eating healthier through your recipes, have found encouragement to one day do a marathon, and realized that I should be wearing a bike helmet! Don’t let that article get you down, it was one persons opinion. You have many people who follow your blog that know the article was a load of BS.

  • Deanna October 4, 2010, 2:21 pm

    The article was horribly twisted and completely unfair. I wanted to let you know that your blog, as well as the others, have inspired me to make healthier food choices in my life. Because I am overweight, this is something that I’ve needed to do for a long time, and I feel that your blog has helped me take a step in the right direction. Your healthy tipping points are so inspirational, because all of those stories could be about me! I truly believe that your blog is the start of my healthy tipping point. Thank you for sharing your life with us – you are truly an inspiration! Oh, and I will never buy another issue of Marie Claire due to this article…

  • Karen October 4, 2010, 2:23 pm

    I understand why you are so upset and you are right to be! But I hope all these responses (the vast majority of which are positive) prove to you how wrong the Marie Claire author is. She had her mind made up before she ever wrote that article.

    Allow yourself the time you need to grieve this libel, but don’t waste anymore time and energy on her than necessary! She’s not worth it!! Your regular readers know what was written is false, and any new readers who have 2 brain cells to rub together can figure out that that article isn’t true also!

    Keep your chin up and keep on doing what you’re doing because you are fabulous and inspirational!

  • Cyclist Kate October 4, 2010, 2:25 pm

    They are getting barraged on their facebook page. Almost enough that I feel bad for them. What an unthinkably huge mistake!

    You all know that you have our unflagging support. Love your blog, read it multiple times per day; you are inspiring.

  • Sarah J October 4, 2010, 2:27 pm

    Hey Caitlin- I’m a long-time reader/infrequent commenter, but as many of the people above, I cannot NOT say something.

    You are truly an inspiration to a lot of people and the article was a load of crap. I feel like I’ll be echoing everyone else’s comments if I go on. I just wanted to say keep it up, you’re great! Oh, and I also wrote a letter to the editor about this story. She’s probably getting pretty sick of reading our e-mails.

  • Claire October 4, 2010, 2:27 pm

    So sorry to hear about this! Please try and keep your head up-your readers not only know that the slander in the article was vastly untrue but that you do so much to benefit our lives!

  • Katy @ A Shot of Life October 4, 2010, 2:27 pm

    What a sorry excuse for journalism! Your blog (and others, mentioned in the article or not) has been a huge inspiration for me to make some healthy changes in my life, as I’m sure it has been for hundreds of readers. I hope you can have some comfort in knowing how many people you have touched in a positive way through your blog, and even more through Operation Beautiful!

  • Liza October 4, 2010, 2:30 pm

    Caitlin, thanks for your response. One thing I think the author of this article and many of the comments don’t discuss is the fact that there are too few examples of healthy eating out there. Obesity is a national epidemic and the response is always to criticize the fast food industry or advocate diets which we all know, deep down, don’t work. What the healthy bloggers have done that is unique is to show pictures and examples of what healthy eating looks like. It disturbs me that the Marie Claire article simply dismisses your food diaries disordered eating and that some of the “negative” commenters do as well.

    • leslie October 4, 2010, 3:10 pm

      i agree with this 1000%. while i do believe there are problems in the blog world – as there are in the real world (i know plenty of people in real life who display disordered tendencies), the reality is that obesity in the us is climbing at a drastic and dangerous rate. caitlin is striving to show people that living a healthy lifestyle is FUN and makes her HAPPY. most people in this country have had no exposure to a healthy lifestyle other than miserable diet plans, and caitlin provides an example of someone who actually LIKES being healthy in a very accessible, unintimidating manner. she should be proud of what she has created here.

  • Crys October 4, 2010, 2:31 pm

    That writer should be ashamed! I have been reading your blog for at least a year and have never had a negative thouht towards it! You keep you all the great things you do and people like that will get what they send out into the world…nothing good!

  • Rebecca October 4, 2010, 2:32 pm

    I wrote a quick little “This is a stupid article” bit myself, and commented on their Facebook wall. Now I’m thinking I might email.

    Just wanted to let you know that I love reading your blog and I think that you (and the other five girls mentioned in the article) are beautiful and inspirational! Keep on blogging! =)

  • christine October 4, 2010, 2:33 pm

    You inspire readers every day to live a healthy lifestyle. You inspire readers to eat well, exercise, and think positively about themselves. Using your inspiration I have tried to twist this very negative article into something positive:
    1. Look at all of the readers you have inspired! Hundreds of people who don’t normally comment (including myself) are chiming in and supporting you! People who read your blog know the truth!
    2. The article has started a lot of good conversations about real disorders.
    3. This should be an eye-opener to readers who don’t hear you when you remind them that you are not a RD, that you do what works for your body, and what works for you is not always what will work for them.
    4. Hopefully, you will gain some new readers! Sure, their method of finding your blog is not ideal, but once they start reading they will see your real message!

  • Tom in Maine October 4, 2010, 2:33 pm

    Hang in there! Your blog is a must read every day and just as you said – a highly visible blog attracts both positive and negative attention. Keep up the great work!

  • Dani October 4, 2010, 2:33 pm

    Wow, I cannot believe that a fashion magazine that photoshops their images and promotes an unhealthy body image would have the audacity to “warn” readers against healthy lifestyle blogs! AND at the end of the article online was a link to how and why I should do a juice fast and other weight loss tips…

  • Kayla October 4, 2010, 2:36 pm

    I wouldn’t completely disagree with the article. One reason I quit reading Meghann’s blog a few months ago was because of many of the things the article stated. Now I kind of stay away from most blogs, it all just seems unnecessary. I used to be obsessed w/ them, but really? Everyone’s just posting a pic or 5! of their meals every day.. who cares?!

  • meg c. October 4, 2010, 2:37 pm

    Caitlin – of all the six bloggers I find that YOU the most are the most normal, relatable, and healthy. Sometimes bloggers post things that i think sound a bit disordered in terms of food, but you never do.

    I read the article, and some of what they say is legit, but most of it is taken out of context- especially what they said about your 22 miler.

    This will blow over soon, stay strong!

  • Nicole, RD October 4, 2010, 2:39 pm

    I am so sorry, I can’t even imagine. I think my blood pressure is up just thinking about what you’re going through. I, too, find you to be very real and honest…as well as healthy and inspiring. Your reuttal was so wonderful…you are a wonderful writer! And woman!

  • Chelsea @ healthsea October 4, 2010, 2:40 pm

    I’m obviously late to the game, but I just want to say that I’m sorry that this whole experience has been so negative, when it would have been great if MC could have shared the whole truth with a fair and balanced article.

    I was never a fan of theirs anyway!

  • Collette Bird October 4, 2010, 2:40 pm

    Caitlin, you and the other “big six” (pffft!) are all wonderful, healthy, smart and inspirational women. I understand that this must be real hard for you right now, but you know that that article was BS, your readers know it was, your family, your friends, and any sane person would also know that it’s clearly terrible, hypocrtical tabloid press.

    Remember when Operation beautiful just got published and you went on that daytime TV show (sorry, i’m from the uk i can’t remember the name of it!) you said something along the lines of “i believe that you really can change your life with positive thinking”? Please DON’T lose sight of that mentality. That BS article won’t bring down all the good you’ve done. rise above it. Stay positive! My POSITIVE thoughts go out to you all! 🙂

  • Jessica @ Jessica Balances October 4, 2010, 2:44 pm

    What a horrible, horrible article that woman wrote. I cannot believe that a magazine would let such a one-sided story run! I can only imagine how angry you must be, and rightfully so… Wow.

    Thank you for all that you do, Caitlin. I think you’re incredible and you DO represent a healthy lifestyle.

  • Katharine October 4, 2010, 2:46 pm

    I am appalled by the MC article. I can only imagine how sickening it must feel to look back on your interaction with this reporter, who clearly had an agenda from the start. I really don’t see how MC can’t print at the very least an apology, if not a follow up article.

    I hope all the support from your readers makes up for what I’m sure has not been a very nice day =)

  • Christina October 4, 2010, 2:46 pm

    Thanks for staying strong, I’m so sorry you have to go putting up with misrepresentations and outright lies about who you are and what you do. I’m complaining to Marie Clare in support of all of you!

  • fittingbackin October 4, 2010, 2:49 pm

    Hang in there! I hate this for you and the others. I wrote on Marie Claire’s facebook wall that this is a “build-up buddy” community and just hated the way they made it seem unhealthy… mostly I hated how mean-spirited it was. Don’t let the mean girls get you down! 🙂

  • Crys October 4, 2010, 2:50 pm

    Also I wrote a letter to the editor! I did not even want to register with the website to offer a comment on the horrible article!

  • Laura October 4, 2010, 2:50 pm

    I think you do a wonderful job and none of you deserved to be judged like that when you are trying to promote being healthy and happy. Positive messages shouldn’t be smothered by negative people.

  • Stacey (The Habit of Healthy) October 4, 2010, 2:53 pm

    I read all six blogs mentioned and love you all. I have never taken anything but positive messages away from your blogs and you have all helped me to become a healthier (and happier!) person. Reading magazines only ever lowered my self esteem and I stopped reading them in favour of blogs. I’ve never been more at peace with my body and have come to realise that perfection isn’t required.

  • elaine! October 4, 2010, 2:58 pm

    As a regular reader, I totally support you Caitlin. You champion overcoming disorders and addictions more than any other health blogger I know. End of story.

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 2:59 pm

    Caitlin, what you do is amazing. You have personally inspired me to live a healthier and HAPPIER life. Please don’t let someone as childish and mean-spirited get you down!!! Your blog and Operation Beautiful are two amazingly positive things, that allow others to relate their real-life situations to yours. If Marie Claire is too narrow-minded to see that well then they are way worse off for it. I will definitely be boycotting Marie Claire and anything that has to do with them (Project Runway/Nina Garcia) because publishing this trash un-factual article is both despicable and disgusting. I hope another magazine like Shape, Elle, Fitness or Cosmo will write a real factual article and let the world know that what you all do is amazing, and can help and does help SO MANY PEOPLE!!!

    Keep doing what you’re doing, we’re all here for you!

  • Amy G. October 4, 2010, 2:59 pm

    That article, plain and simple is B.S. how DARE they!! I posted what i thought about it on their website. how shameful and hurtful and none of you deserve that. I let them know that BECAUSE of you (esp you because I follow your blog more than the others) my self respect has INCREASED! I have a post it note on my mirror that reminds me everyday that I am important, I am beautiful, and I am a good person. Your blogs taught me how to eat right, stay active and maintain a healthy life. i am disgusted by it and dont you worry, i dont think many people will agree with them. KEEP IT UP CAITLIN.

  • Heather October 4, 2010, 3:01 pm

    My sister and I have both struggled with disordered eating.

    She believes that healthy living blogs are the new pro-ana sites and she will not read them because they trigger her. I love reading healthy living blogs and find them inspiring!

    I agree that it is entirely the readers choice on how they interpret the information they read.

    However, I am careful in my own blog on how I word things. I don’t talk about guilt over missing a workout or fretting about eating too many cookies.

  • Neha October 4, 2010, 3:02 pm

    Caitlin, You don’t have anything to worry about this article. We all love you !!! I felt very disappointed on reading the article, but I couldn’t agree with what MC has written in there. You just keep up the great work that you have been doing.

  • Kim October 4, 2010, 3:05 pm

    If everyone keeps commenting, responding and posting on Facebook, Marie Claire is not going to lose readers. They are gaining millions. I mean, come on, even negative press is good press. Everyone loves controversy! I’ll bet you anything Marie Claire is holding a meeitng right now and loving the attention the article is bringing to their magazine.

  • Heidi October 4, 2010, 3:08 pm

    I read your blog for inspiration and motivation. I have never picked up a Marie Claire magazine, nor do I plan to. You see, you tell a real story, with passion and zeal. In addition, Operation Beautiful is a strong movement that truly touches so many hearts. The blogs I am interested in focus on health/fitness/food in a positive light. I could never get that from a magazine like Marie Claire. Simply put, I believe the blog world is a major threat to their audience.

    I appreciate the work you put into HTP and Operation Beautiful. Your passion shines through and through. Thanks for sharing with us!

  • Summer October 4, 2010, 3:09 pm

    Just read the Marie Claire article…one of the things that was the most upsetting (among so much more), was the way they described Caitlin’s “Speedy 5k Challenge” and her readers joining her. It’s my understanding that for a lot of people, running is about challenging yourself and going faster, or farther. It wasn’t a, “Join Me, Friends, In Eating As Little As We Can and Burning It Off Immediately” challenge. I wonder if there would have been a problem if she were guest-blogging for Marie Claire, doing a challenge for one of their fitness routine articles.

    And the last bit with VeggieGirl was just sad. I found it interesting that Ms. Drummond described her written response as “terse.” Seriously? I have trouble distinguishing tone in text messages and e-mails…I sure am glad there are experts at MC that can decipher such messages.

    Get ready for several “terse” responses, MC.

    PS This link at MC’s website is also just representative of the laughable content available. What a joke:

    • Christena October 5, 2010, 7:00 pm

      “Join Me, Friends, In Eating As Little As We Can and Burning It Off Immediately” challenge.

      I laughed out loud when I read this. And then:

      Get ready for several “terse” responses, MC.


  • Nanette Mills October 4, 2010, 3:14 pm

    I want to tell you I am inspired by your healthy eating and exercise. I really appreciate how you tell the truth about having beer, pizza and the such. You are a real person. I have never felt pressured by your blog only inspired.

    I eat greek yogurt and am training for a 5k because of you!



  • Marie-JourneyToBodyZen October 4, 2010, 3:14 pm

    Hey Caitlin,
    About 6 months ago I was on a long and hard streak of binge eating. Picture pints of Ben & Jerry’s (sometimes 2-3 in one sitting!), potato chips, candy bars…all eaten in an excessive rush that brought immediate guilt. I think you get the idea! I was using excessive eating to deal with my emotions and it was way outta control. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon your blog that I was motivated and encouraged to change this overindulgent habit. I began practicing what I call a “balanced lifestyle”, and I believe this is what your blog promotes. Immediately, I felt better physically and had way more energy because I was actually eating fruits and vegetables rather than ice cream and chips! In addition, I felt like I had a friend, although I knew nothing about you, that I could check in with everyday to maintain this balance. Let me just say that this balanced lifestyle is amazing. I no longer binge eat, and I actually LOVE to eat healthy food! I usually can’t wait for my next meal because I love to see how creative I can get and how many different things I can do with veggies. In fact, I eat more throughout the day than before when I would just eat a ton of junk food in one setting! It is so unfortunate that this article was written. Please know that you have touched so many lives, mine included :).

  • Therese October 4, 2010, 3:17 pm

    Just wanted to share what I sent to the editor today:

    Dear Editor,

    My name is Therese Lean and I must say that I am severely disappointed over the article “The Hunger Diaries” in which, I am sure, you have already received COUNTLESS of complaints about already.

    Regardless of the content of the article (Ms.Drummond is allowed to have her own opinion) I think it was deceptive to the bloggers she interviewed and greatly one-sided.

    Is it common practice for Marie Claire to allow their contributers to not inform their interviewees if Ms. Drummond decided to change the theme of the article? Or did she actually purposefully deceive the bloggers from the start when they were contacted about how bloggers could make a living out of blogging? If so, then that would be completely unethical and these bloggers would have quite a case to take you and Ms.Drummond to court.

    This article was completely one-sided and attacked these bloggers taking MANY of their words and actions, out of context. Ms. Drummond said said Caitlin Boyle ran 22 miles after “a day of light eating”?! When I go out for my long runs on Sundays I can only ever stomach having toast before a run, I fuel DURING my run and then I’m ravenous for the rest of the day and some days it doesn’t matter how much or WHAT it is I eat, I am STILL hungry when I hit the sack.

    This article was ill-researched, full of assumptions, one-sided and slanderous.

    As a healthy living blogger myself, I know that what I choose to share with the world is up for interpretation, especially seeing as I do not show everything I eat to my readers. But it’s also up to the reader to make sure they can handle the content on the site. To me, saying that these sites may trigger a relapse in someone suffering from disordered eating is like holding a wine site accountable for a recovering alcoholic relapsing. Our readers are also responsible for their own self care.

    This article never looked at just how much these sites HELP other people. Three years ago I was 250lbs and have slowly dropped 90lbs. Last year, I discovered these “big 6” blogs and what I saw was a group of women who taught me to bring fruit and vegetables with me on long car rides instead of being at the mercy of vending machines. They taught me that I can say “no” when I’m full at a restaurant. They taught me that I can STILL eat a cupcake and NOT feel guilty for it. They taught me that it’s NORMAL to feel guilty if I miss a work out and understand that feeling guilty isn’t necessary! Their sites got me to literally throw out my scale because they ALL talked about how the number on the scale does NOT determine my value as a human being and what matters is that I am HAPPY. They taught me to eat REAL food, and taught me to make sure I have a fruit and/or vegetable at every meal. They are also the first to mention their own mistakes and have us learn from them.

    But I never saw that represented in the article at all. I think that, in and of itself, was completely irresponsible and makes for very bad “journalism”.

    I am disappointed in Marie Claire for printing an article that I don’t hesitate to say is tabloid material and you have certainly lost all respect from an entire community of young women who are in desperate need of responsible womens magazines.


    Therese Lean

  • Dana P. October 4, 2010, 3:28 pm

    One of the things you probably learned through your middle school experience (as I did through my own similar experience) is that you will rise above it. Jealousy is a terrible beast and the writer has displayed some of its more unfortunate characteristics. While I know it hurts to go through this, the resulting outcome can serve to make you stronger.

  • Allison October 4, 2010, 3:30 pm

    Oh man, I’m more apt to develop an eating disorder from flipping through the photoshopped images of Marie Claire magazine than from browsing the very real (and very healthy & inspiring) posts portrayed through all these lovely blogs.

    Get it straight, MC! These blogger girls are beautiful and inspiring human beings! And they’re REAL!!!

  • Angela October 4, 2010, 3:32 pm

    As a new reader (1 month max) of this blog even I could tell that the article was complete nonsense and pretty much just a personal attack on you and the other bloggers. I know you take free speech pretty seriously in the US but I was not aware of the complete lack of respect for a right that those in other parts of the world can only dream of.

    I discovered health/food blogs a couple of months ago and my life has become better because of them. There have been so many posts that have changed my thinking about myself and the way I live. The only bad thing I can say about them is that I didn’t find them sooner.

    Most importantly I just wanted to say that you are amazing and that you shouldn’t let a narrow minded nobody stop you doing the great work you do.

  • Linda Donohue October 4, 2010, 3:32 pm

    I am really sorry that this article was written in this context. I have been following your blog and I read it EVERY DAY. I always enjoy it and I particularly enjoy your writing voice. You are honest, forthright and an absolutely incredible role model. I am not even going to read that article – I don’t even want to waste an ounce of energy reading something that is completely opposite to who you are and what you accomplish every day. Instead I will continue to enjoy your wonderful rhetoric every day. Don’t let this get you down! It would be a waste of your wonderful energy and enthusiasm for life.

  • Cory October 4, 2010, 3:33 pm

    I discovered your blog a couple months ago when I was going through a really hard time in regards to my self-esteem and body image (I had always been the ‘skinny’ girl growing up and, now 24, I can’t eat whatever I want anymore). I had just gotten back home from living abroad in Spain for 8 months and the insane amounts of olive oil (which is SUPER healthy, but not in the quantities that I have having), white bread, and alcohol, I had gained quite a bit of weight. Add to that a seriously unhealthy relationship(which I can now happily say is over) where I was tearing myself apart trying to make some guy feel how I felt, I had SERIOUS body issues and some bouts of bulimia. I came across your blog (and a few amazing others) and I learned the importance of eating WHOLE and quality foods, without worrying about calories so much. As someone who reads your blog daily, that article made my blood boil. Everything you write about is positive. I have learned so much about the healthy ways to eat/exercise from you and now have so much more confidence in myself because of it. I really thank you for that. I can honestly say that your blog helped me through a really rough time in my life and I’m so much stronger and healthier(inside and out!) because of it! Thank you SO much Caitlin!

  • Suely October 4, 2010, 3:34 pm

    I read the “Big 6” also and I have found all these women to be inspirational, and passionate about eating healthy and exercising. I have emailed to this “reporter”and Marie Claire expressing my disappointment.

  • Vanessa October 4, 2010, 3:38 pm

    It seems as though you have quite a bit of support, I don’t have time to read all the comments but I hope a rebuttle will be printed in the next issue.

    Regarding your diet and what not. To me it seems crazy to be vegitarian or vegan but if that is how you prefer to eat then, go you! I think you focus on the imporatnce of getting the right kinds of foods as a vegitarian, and that is what is important. There seem to be two types of people, they live to eat or the eat to live. I would categorize you in the eat to live, as I would any one training for marathons, since you have to be concerned about what you put in your body in the first place. I think it is great that you run marathons but they are defiantely not for everyone. I am a live to eat sort and having to watch what types of foods I eat is not something I would sacrafice but look jealously at those who have that kind of control…

    Long comment short, stupid Marie Claire for not giving the whole story.

  • Jinx October 4, 2010, 3:38 pm

    The article was totally unfair and biased. I really do hope Marie Claire does a another article on the positivity of healthy food blogs.

    I completely agree with these magazines using models and ads with questionable body-sizes.

    I would rather read a blog like yours than buy a Marie Claire magazine.

  • Alexa @ The Girl In Chucks October 4, 2010, 3:39 pm

    I won’t write a long, rambling comment here (how unusual! 😉 ), but I just wanted to thank you for being honest and real in your writings. I can tell, and anyone who reads you knows what the real deal is too.

  • Britt October 4, 2010, 3:40 pm

    funny thought I just had.
    Katie Holmes is on the cover of marie claire looking emaciated as usual. Didn’t she run a marathon in the past year or so?
    The magazine is knocking you & the other bloggers for “over exercising” etc…When they have a woman on their cover who by their definition have obsessively exercised and by looking at her frame, I wouldn’t say she was eating much…

  • Ellen October 4, 2010, 3:47 pm

    Dear Caitlin,
    Please do not stop doing what you do. Please don’t let the negative overpower all the positive that you do for the world. I am extremely offended by the Marie Claire article and how it trashed the wonderful community of people trying to make a positive change. I read your blog every day and find you truly inspiring. I can’t put into words how much you have impacted my life and helped me decide to make healthier decisions. You have created an amazing, supportive, community and I wish you all the best in trying to navigate this negative energy.


  • Jen October 4, 2010, 3:49 pm

    Hey Caitlin,
    I’m copying this from facebook…. this probably explains it…

    Does Marie Claire do fact checking on their writers? Katie Drummond has been known for years as “misspickle” on the Runner’s World nutrition forum. She participated in the “dailies” and posted every single thing that she ate and every workout that she did for YEARS. She was a strict vegan and often participated in up t…o three different workouts a day. The fact that she is now bashing these healthy, beautiful ladies is absolutely inconceivable. Not only is the article basically a grossly slanted version of the “truth” (I use that term loosely), the author herself is incredibly hypocritical. She even ran her own healthy living blog for a while.

    Hang in there, I LOVE YOUR BLOG!!

  • Shelly October 4, 2010, 3:51 pm

    Dear Caitlin,

    I just want to let you know how much you changed my life after I found your blog. For once in my life, I had an example of how to be healthy and happy. I am only 20 but I do not remember a time when I once felt completely happy with myself and my body. My family, especially my mother, has always been super strict and critical with me, asking if I am pregnant, screaming at me for holding a loaf of bread, and advising against eating breakfast so I could lose weight. I have always struggled with binging and recently also started to make myself throw up after my binging sessions because I felt so disgusting and ashamed. Your posts on self-forgiveness, adjusting your exercise expectations daily, and examples of delicious but healthy meals give me a foundation to lean on when the going gets tough. Even though I have never met you or know you in real life, I feel like someone is on my side when I go home from college and try to maintain any shreds of self-confidence I have. So thank you. Please do not listen to Marie Claire. You rock!!!!

  • Andi October 4, 2010, 3:51 pm

    Without giving too much thought to such a slanted, taken out of context article, I just want to say one thing: I love your blog. Every day, I come away from it feeling renewed and re-energized because of your inspirational journey. It definitely solidifies my decision to read your blog over their magazine. Don’t let it hurt you too badly, you are a wonderful person! 🙂

  • Lindsey October 4, 2010, 3:51 pm

    It saddens me to see such inconsiderate, ignorant, not to mention hurtful word being written about you all. I absolutely love all 6 of your blogs and credit them to being the reason I have started truly loving and living my life! I love how the author fails to mention the countless other websites that exist that show celebrity photos and their “miraculous weight loss” journeys – but wait Marie Claire just allows those companies to pay them the big $$ for advertising in their magazine. Don’t take any of these words to heart because you know your loyal readers will continue supporting you no matter what 🙂

  • Lynne October 4, 2010, 3:56 pm

    What an amazingly thoughtful response to an extremely hurtful piece of writing. You have made an incredible difference to my life and the lives of so many people. You are an incredible person, who is so loved and respected. Stay strong. 🙂

  • Carmen October 4, 2010, 3:57 pm


    First off, I’m a first time commenter, but avid reader. I just had to put my two cents in, as I’m so angry about this.

    I want you to know how amazing your blog is and how inspiring its been to me. I’ve always wanted to lose weight and be active, but excuses got in the way. Reading your blog and Kath’s blog let me know that everyday women could live healthy lives, and it all starts with loving yourself (Operation Beautiful!) I’ve picked up awesome tips and read so many motivational stories.

    Magazines like Marie Claire constantly discuss how to lose weight through “diets quickly.” Never did I get the urge to start an eating disorder from your blog, or any other healthy living blog. I got the impression that I could run. I didn’t have to be fast, I didn’t have to win, but I could do it.

    I love food, and I want to lose weight. I can not love food the way I do, and not exercise. A year ago, I was obese and couldn’t jog for more than 30 seconds. Since then, I’ve lost (and kept off) 25 pounds and finished two 5Ks, with more races planned and 65 more pounds to go to reach a healthy BMI.

    As a healthy living blog reader, I have no desire to become a skinny minnie. Like many others, I desire to live a long happy life with a healthy lifestyle. I decided to start my own blog to chronicle my weight loss journey and hopefully motivate others who were going through the same issues.

    With an obesity epidemic in this country, why shouldn’t we have a community that discusses healthy eating and exercise? Ms. Drummond didn’t bother to bring this up, because she is a horrible journalist. Did she even interview readers or place the experts in touch with you? Probably, no, again. Because she is a horrible journalist. Like Jay-Z proclaims, “Brush ya shoulders off” because this article is not worth any more tears.

    Thank you, Caitlin, for all the awesome things you’ve done with this blog and for all of the continued inspiration!

  • Jenny October 4, 2010, 3:58 pm


  • stacey heald October 4, 2010, 3:58 pm

    I am writing as someone with a diagnosed eating disorder. I have battled anorexia for more than 15 years, diagnosed by multiple doctors, not journalists. In the past several years I’ve gotten to the place that I am considered in recovery (per medical diagnostic critera) but I am still a disordered eater and trying hard not to replase. I’ve spent months in residential treatment centers that exist only to treat eating disorders. I’ve read this blog, and two of the others talked about in Marie Claire, but have never commented before.

    It appears to me that the writer of the MC article was looking for specific things that (taken out of context of surrounding material) could point to disordered behaviors. Write an article that can create controversy and sell more magazines? Perfect. Just might get her a promotion. There is no doubt that anyone who is seeking something specific will eventually find what they are looking for. I wonder how many hours Katie had to spend reading through all these blogs to find the specific examples she used? Lots, I’d imagine, because they are hard to locate within all the healthy examples she chose to leave out. Just like the article’s writer, if you have an eating disorder and are seeking motivation to continue with that disorder then you’ll eventually find what you’re looking for. Believe me, I’ve done it. Sure, I could say “there’s a girl running 17 miles this morning. I need to run 17 miles” but then, if I wanted to use the blog as the MC article suggested, I’d have to eat before hand, relax with friends at a football game eating snacks all night long. Sorry, but most of us with eating disorders aren’t going to do all that. We’ll skip as much food as possible and probably not go be social with friends because there’s too much tempting food around.

    I could go on and on but there’s no point. Finding the “Healthy Living” blog world has helped change my life. Caitlin, I hope you read that today. Until now I have never seen women working to eat healthy and exercise for health and not weight loss that leads to yo-yo dieting. Through HTP and several other blogs I have begun to see the difference between disordered eating and healthy eating…and I finally want to be a healthy eater and exerciser simply for the sake of health.

    I’m only one opinion, and everyone is differnt, but here’s one perspective from someone with an eating disorder. I say whatever brings people to the blogs is a positive thing. Even if someone comes with unhealthy intentions I think they’ll move on quickly because they won’t find what they are looking for…or, they just may read long enough to be challenged to seek something they didn’t even know existed, health, peace and body acceptance, just like I did.

  • mrs.mfc October 4, 2010, 4:08 pm

    I’m so glad I cam back in here to read the new comments because I noticed you added a link to their facebook page. Just commented on their wall and then quickly hit UNLIKE.

  • Maggie October 4, 2010, 4:08 pm


    I think I have read your blog everyday for almost 2 years. I was diagnosed with anorexia several years ago and have been in the process of recovery ever since. I’ve never posted before, but I absolutely have to say something now. Reading your blog with it’s positivity, love for people of all sizes and types, and appropriate and inspiring views on food and exercise has really helped me in my recovery over the last several years. You seem to me to be a truly good person who’s trying to make a positive impact on a negative world. It truly breaks my heart that someone would try to darken the names of people who are trying to give a positive and encouraging spin on being healthy in such an unhealthy world. You, Tina, Kath, and Jenna (the blogs I read) are all inspirations. My thoughts are with you, and I hope you can get through this as strong as you always seem to be. I LOVE YOUR BLOG, KEEP IT COMING!!!!!


    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 4:10 pm

      Thank you Maggie. I love your name!

  • Rebecca October 4, 2010, 4:10 pm

    GREAT rebuttal Caitlin! I simply can’t believe how onesided the article was! How much research could she have done? and not to mention what “Operation Beautiful” has done to millions of people?! Keep doing what you do – I love reading your blog!!

  • Andrea October 4, 2010, 4:10 pm

    Caitlin, I am so sorry you need to defend yourself against such a distorted image of what you and the other ladies are trying to do – share healthful lifestyles. I find it ironic that Marie Claire has presented such a distorted image while accusing you and others of causing young women to have a distorted image of themselves. I don’t find it surprising though and this kind of “article” is exactly why I cancelled my subscription to Marie Claire years ago.
    I would much rather read your blog and _Learn Something_ like how to cook fantastic vegetarian food! What I find most appalling is that you graciously shared your time at the Summit with the author and she obviously chose not to share the message of the Summit. Eating fruit is a bad thing???? Seriously? Who’s putting readers in danger???Sending you and the other ladies a BIG HUG!!!!

  • Robyn @ Wannabe Writer Runner October 4, 2010, 4:10 pm

    Wow I just read the article and it makes me sad that the writer gives my career a bad rap. When you are a journalist you have the choice of keeping your integrity and she should’ve been forthcoming by telling you what the article was really going to be about.

  • Jenny October 4, 2010, 4:12 pm
    She was once upon a time a food blogger herself. What gives? Why the hostility?

    • Clare October 4, 2010, 5:19 pm

      Agreed. I like this article…we need more like this! I feel bad for Katie now. Perhaps her bosses put pressure on her to write an article that would stir up controversy? I think we all have that moment in our twenties where we learn about that balance between personal integrity and professional demands. Maybe this will be your Aha! moment Katie?

  • Mary @ Bites and Bliss October 4, 2010, 4:12 pm

    I can’t believe someone who’s so oblivious to the life of a healthy living blogger would write such strong things about us. Gahhh!! Thanks for posting the article- I havent been able to find it anywhere!

  • Becky Olson October 4, 2010, 4:12 pm

    It’s a great rebuttal. Try to move on from that and see the impact you’ve had on the readers here. I haven’t read every response but I’m certain next to all of them have positive remarks about what your blog is about. I’m not a runner – I do run occasionally but not many miles – I come here for your awesome meal ideas, your grounded “no diets here” and your positive attitude. Keep it up!

  • Lauren October 4, 2010, 4:17 pm

    Hi Caitlin –
    I’d just like to say that you and Kath Younger both have been nothing but an inspiration to me in the past couple months. Yesterday, I completed my first half marathon in St. Louis in 2:05. I have adapted so many healthy eating habits and new ideas from your websites. Running is a great thing, and so is healthy eating. Someone will always have something negative to say. Oh well…as Bethanny Frankel would say, “Move on!” Again, thanks so much.


  • Natalie October 4, 2010, 4:22 pm

    Keep Calm and Carry ON 🙂

    You are amazing in everyway possible and make me smile day in day out.

    Keep doing what YOU do!

  • Jess October 4, 2010, 4:23 pm

    At first, in this comment I had intended to highlight a couple of eating approaches of people I know who aren’t involved in the blog community. Then I realized that I was making judgments just as Ms Drummond did, which I find totally reprehensible. I’ll just say that anybody who reads your blog knows what you stand for, how you act, and what you have done for female body image.

    I’m sitting on a train and I just got teary! I find it utterly hypocritical that a magazine such as Marie Claire can make these statements without looking closer to home first. Magazines, with all the photoshopping, size zero nonsense, would contribute to a far higher percentage of disordered eating than food blogging, any day.

    I hope you don’t take this too much to heart, hard to say when it is such a personal attack. You have so much support behind you.

  • Jamie October 4, 2010, 4:26 pm

    Dear Caitlin,
    I posted this same comment on the yesterday and e-mailed it to the Marie Claire address you posted. I want to share it here too:
    As soon as I read this post (the one on sweet tater) I went across the street from my house to the grocery store and stood in the store to read the article. I was shocked! For almost a year now I have been a daily reader of a few of the blogs mentioned in the article. These writers influences have been nothing but positive for me so far. I have been struggling with eating and body image issues of my own for years: not knowing what to eat, worrying about calories, how I looked to others… It was a relief when I first stumbled upon these healthy living blogs. I have taken many suggestions from these blogs and they have helped me to change my lifestyle to reflect more of who I am instead of whom I though people wanted me to be. Because of these blogs and yours I now drink green monsters (and love them), post beautiful notes in my home, and I have never been more mentally and physically healthy in my life. I have the medical tests to back this up too!
    I found that this article was unfair to these bloggers. It took posts and comments from their sites and distilled it down to a set of symptoms. It was sensationalized writing on a topic that deserves a balanced perspective. Most importantly to me, the writer seemed to miss out on the human element of this blogging community. Most of these people are not experts, nor do they claim to be. They are brave individuals who put their life out in public and say, “hey this is what I am doing with this right now, what do you think?” They start discussions about things we all face every day, and that we may not have another outlet in which to discuss. They give us, the readers a forum to share ideas, feelings, and stories with one another. They connect us together. They are not perfect, and they, like us, sometimes make poor choices or decision. But this does not mean they promote eating disorders nor does it make their blogs inherently dangerous to the readers. It means they are human.

    • Bethany October 4, 2010, 4:56 pm

      I love this reply!

  • Emma October 4, 2010, 4:26 pm

    Caitlin-I’m outraged by this article, and I can tell you that because of this, I will never pick up a Marie Clare magazine again. You are amazing and have helped me in so many ways. Keep your chin up. Screw the rest.

  • Lisa (bakebikeblog) October 4, 2010, 4:26 pm

    Oh Caitlin – I am really sorry to hear the article was posed in such a negative light. Please keep doing what you are doing, and put the article to the back of your mind.

  • Kacie (Nonexistent Colors) October 4, 2010, 4:27 pm

    I couldn’t believe it once I read the article. You six have seriously created a new movement for health! You all are inspiring and it’s infectious!! America needs more of the BIG SIX!! No one is perfect. And no one has a perfect diet. But the point is, you guys are all making an effort to be your best possible HEALTHY self. Sometimes that means blisters. Sometimes that means tears. Sometimes that means making a batch of cookies, eating four, and giving the rest away. Sometimes that means overdoing it, sometimes it means not doing anything. It’s all about balance, and everyone’s balance is different. Unique unto yourself. But we can all learn from each other in the everyday little things, to help us better accomplish the future big things!


  • MacKenzie October 4, 2010, 4:29 pm

    Caitlin, I would just like to say that your blog is so inspiring. You have motivated me to start an exercise routine that I can stick with, and through your recipes and food ideas have been able to make healthier choices for my meals. Thank you so much for all that you do!

  • Kim October 4, 2010, 4:29 pm

    My post on the Marie Clare Facebook Page:

    I do not carry an issue to Marie Claire, but after reading “Hunger Diaries” I never will. I am a fan of a majority of the bloggers that make up the “Big 6” and have used their blogs as way to gather inspiration for writing my own blog. As KathEats said in a post today referring to blogging- “It’s a creative outlet.” We are all responsible for our own actions, so whatever information we take in from reading books, watching TV, and blogging it is our choice what we to do with that information in regards to our own bodies. So as for me I choose not to read Marie Claire and will continue to read the blogs I have come to love to read on a daily basis.

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 4:34 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog practically since day one, and there have been times that I read a post and thought, wow, where is her protein?? That would never fuel me! But then, I would have a second thought, acknowledging that I lift weights and run a lot more than you, so that’s probably why I need more protein. Duhh! And I also figured you probably eat a few not-blogged-about snacks every now and then, and left it at that.
    Your blog has always been a source of positive inspiration to me, and it is unfortunate that the article portrayed you differently. I was especially dismayed by the caustic description of you announcing a fitness challenge. I don’t consider a challenge to do a 30-60 minute workout video consistently for a month an extreme obsession. And clearly, that girl needs to learn a thing or two about athletic prowess, which is quite natural in humans…who runs a 5K and doesn’t try to beat their personal best time?!? That’s half the fun of running!

  • Jennifer @ Frost Bites October 4, 2010, 4:36 pm

    I am glad you responded to the “article”. People do NOT have a right to “bully” other people and that IS exactly what that article sounded like. I agree that it was hurtful— not to mention, very UNBALANCED! I follow your blog and have learned so much from you. We need to empower other women instead of bringing them down which, unfortunately is prevalent even in today’s society…..know that you are good deep down inside (I’m sure you already do)…and “what doesn’t break us..makes us stronger”. Take care!

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 4:38 pm

    Caitlin, just want to THANK YOU for being brave enough to put yourself out there and blog every day. You guys in the “big 6” – haha – have been an encouragement for me when I needed it the most and meeting the other amazing women at the HLS and the support and knowledge I received there changed my life for the better. Just wanted you to know that I support YOU and keep doing what you’re doing!

  • Laura October 4, 2010, 4:40 pm

    I’m really surprised by this article. It seems very one-sided and it’s clear to anyone who reads your blog or any of the others quoted that they have cherry picked phrases to write the article. I think your blog and the other blogs written about really highlight a healthy balanced lifestyle and speaking as someone who has recovered from an eating disorder blogs like yours have helped me adapt to a healthy lifestyle and helped me regain some kind of normalcy to my eating habits. Sorry you’ve all had to go through that.

    • Laura October 4, 2010, 4:44 pm

      I just wanted to add as well, I just saw the cover of the magazine. It has a very skinny model on, of course. Really how dare they slate healthy living blogs whilst they are really promoting images of unhealthiness. It’s utterly backwards.

  • Stephanie October 4, 2010, 4:40 pm

    The more I hear about the author of this article, the more clear the picture becomes. This is straight up jealousy. There are endless comparisons between this woman and the six of you. She used to be a food blogger, she’s a writer, she does triathalons etc…I honestly think she is jealous of the sucess that you have all obtained and took it out in a sneaky and extremely hurtful way. Marie Claire is a fashion magazine that makes money on stick thin models, fad diet tricks, and photo shopping. They wouldn’t knwo healthy if it hit them in the face. Not exactly the most reliable source. For what it’s worth, anyone that reads your blogs knows that all of you are healthy and love what you do. I’ve been reading most of your blogs for almost two years and have never once thought any of you had an ED or any other sort of issue. I’m proud of all of you for responding with grace and maturity. Keep your chin up and grow from this- it can only make you stronger!

  • Libby October 4, 2010, 4:46 pm

    Oh my gosh. I can’t believe this article. I’ve been reading your blog and a couple of the other for a few years now and I’ve only ever had inspiration from them. You are all so real with posting the highs and lows. I have around 50lb to lose but have never felt the need to follow your own diets – but I find the food choices you all make to be so inspiring and it’s definitely gotten me a LOT of healthy foods and look at health in a totally different way. I’ve realized that I don’t have to “diet” to lose weight but if I could follow your healthy living ideals I would indeed lose the excess weight and be happier and healthier for it. Thanks so much for all that you do. I really was horrified reading that article. I’m smart and educated and don’t believe they really read too many of your posts or else they totally don’t understand blogging as a way of sharing with others.


  • LindsayK October 4, 2010, 4:47 pm

    Caitlin, you are awesome and this article is absolute trash. Let’s move on, shall we? What was for lunch? I hope some of that sticky english pudding, if there was any leftovers 🙂

    • Geneviève October 4, 2010, 10:07 pm

      This. 🙂

  • Sarah October 4, 2010, 4:50 pm

    What a shock today. I read the MC article and your response–I am so sorry you’ve had to go through this. I emailed a complaint to the editor and also commented on the article online–what poor reporting.
    It’s pretty awesome to see all these incredible comments from people who know better than to believe that article, though! You win!

  • Carissa October 4, 2010, 4:50 pm

    What ever happened to accountability and responsibility, as in the PERSONAL kind. Just because you read “healthy living” blogs doesn’t mean they are in any way, shape or form, the blame for anyone who has an eating disorder.

    A person with an eating disorder will find whatever they want in whatever they see. Just like a person not suffering from an eating disorder. We all have our perspectives and unfortunately it sounds like the one being portrayed was very skewed toward the skeptic.

    The only thing I can say is, having JOY in your food and showing what kind of variety you find, is not disordered. I never have thought for one second that the pictures/menu were disordered or obsessive. They’re fun, they’re tasty and they show JOY in food.

    ::sigh:: I just hope HTP is still a place where we can see good food, good fun and smiles. We’re here to empower, not tear down.

  • Hope October 4, 2010, 4:57 pm


    I am a long time reader but a first time poster 🙂

    Despite all of this Marie Claire business I wanted you to know that YOU helped ME change my life. Little old me, all the way in New Zealand!
    You and Angela from OhSheGlows helped me see that I don’t have to freak out about calories or points – that food and exercise can be fun and beautiful, fresh and fabulous…the the focus should be on healthful living!

    You completely inspire me. Every. Single. Day. To be healthy, and to eat FOOD 🙂 So much so that after reading your blog forever, I started my own healthy living blog just yesterday!

    So Kia Kaha Caitlin (which is NZ Maori for Stand Strong, or Be Strong)


  • Jillian@ ReshapeYour Life October 4, 2010, 4:58 pm

    I am so sorry that reporter took such advantage of you. It is completely out of line and there should be consequences for that (or at least the magazine should say SOMETHING!)

    I haven’t been reading the blog long (only a few months) but you have opened my eyes to a new world of eating healthier more BALANCED meals and you have inspired me to start running (which I am absolutely loving! I never thought I’d say that!) YOU are an inspiration Caitlin, don’t let anyone get you down!!

  • Hawley October 4, 2010, 5:02 pm

    You are AMAZING! Keep up the good work. Marie Claire is clearly an unreliable publication aimed at sensationalizing others’ stories to make drama and gain attention.

    They don’t stand a chance! Ignore Katie Drummond, she is just a mean bully with a unfounded, poorly researched article.

  • Kara October 4, 2010, 5:15 pm

    Whoa! This article really caused a ruckus didn’t it?

    First off, I wanted to say that I enjoy your blog, as well as the others mentioned. I also think that Operational Beautiful is a wonderful movement you’ve created. Job well done!

    I also think the article was mean and one-sided. But I do think the general response in the blogging community is also one-sided. I think this article brings up some interesting and important points that should be addressed. I’m not calling you, or any other blogger, eating disordered, but there is a lot of eating-disordered like stuff running around in the blog world.

    So, I say, once your emotions have cooled a bit, TALK ABOUT IT! You are so open with so much, (depression, fertility, etc.), why not be honest about this. Tell us what you really think instead of going on the attack. You have a chance to respond to this in a really meaningful way.

    It’s obvious a lot of the contents of the article were taken out of context, but reducing it to mean girl mentality reduces you to sounding like the popular girl having a hissy fit for not getting her way. You run a great blog here. I’m betting you’ll continue to do so for a long time. I hope you can turn this article into something positive. Talk about this serious issue on your terms…

  • Ana October 4, 2010, 5:17 pm

    Don’t get discouraged by the article written in Marie Claire. I visit your blog every day, i take it as a positive, healthy, inspiring and friendly place. Readers like me won’t stop reading your blog each day and also one biased article won’t change our views about your blog.

    Don’t waste any more time and energy on it than necessary. Keep you head up and do what you are doing. We’ll stick around.

  • Julia October 4, 2010, 5:21 pm

    Hi, I just wanted to say that I think you are wonderful 🙂 You and the “Big Six” have helped me through so much. I read your blogs off and on as a distraction from law school.. as a way to keep me balanced.. and find my happy medium. I think you are an inspiration. Keep doing what you do – and do not let ONE person’s opinion get you down. I will be writing the editor an email .. I can’t believe this!

    Also as a proof of how crazy I happen to be .. I’m running a half marathon in 2 weeks, and raised $500 for Make-A-Wish.. can you believe that? How disordered of me …. you might not want to tell Marie Claire, but you guys sorta inspired me .. 🙂

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 5:23 pm

      congrats on your upcoming half marathon! 🙂

  • zoe October 4, 2010, 5:31 pm

    hi caitlin!

    1) girls are mean. girls are so, so ridiculously vicious. in middle school my best friend of seven years told me she no longer wanted to be my friend and listed off all the things she thought were wrong with me. oh, did i mention she did this with another girl in the middle of lunch? in front of everyone? yeah. mortifying. and i just took it. ugh.

    2) and, for some odd unknown reason, girls only grow up to become mean women. okay, i’m generalizing, but marie claire certainly lends credit to the stereotype. i wonder why we as a society fail to see the positive in something so incredibly positive? i wonder too at the irony of a women’s magazine, one known to make women feel badly about themselves, putting down a fantastic HEALTHY LIVING BLOG so many women look to for positivity. i cannot tell you how grateful i am for your blog. it inspired me to race my 10k. it inspired me to love my body. it inspired me to enjoy exercise and healthy food. you and your blog are a great inspiration to me. and it kind of pisses me off a magazine would write bad things about it. like a lot.

    anyway, you’re awesome. this blog is awesome. and we all know the truth and that’s what matters, right? right. have an awesome day, caitlin 🙂

  • Brenna October 4, 2010, 5:32 pm

    I am so sorry that article was written about you and the other wonderful bloggers who they unfairly call the big six. The article is untrue, unfair, and hurtful. As someone who reads a number of the blogs mentioned regularly, I wholeheartedly disagree with most if not all of the comments made. I can honestly say that reading healthy living blogs has helped me get to a much happier and healthier place in my life. I have learned to eat foods that make me feel good and listen to my body in order to nurture and care for it in a loving and kind way. I appreciate all that you have done for so many readers, myself included.

  • Jane October 4, 2010, 5:37 pm

    Caitlin, I already shared this on my Google Reader with the BlogHer article about the article today, but I wanted to share it with you too –
    I do read a couple of the blogs mentioned and I’ve gotta say, I’m a little appalled at the way it was handled, Marie Claire. And I’m usually a fan too! Taking things out of context to make a point = not OK. and not good research (or writing!) either.

    I really enjoy your blog and the fact that you are someone around my age who lives healthily AND still enjoys things like a glass of wine (or 2) at night. I’m just getting into running and love that you are honest about how many walking breaks you take and how some runs just, well, suck. I usually love Marie Claire, but I really can’t believe the writer treated you all that way, and quite frankly it makes me not trust other things they have written either.

    Keep your chin up Caitlin!! you are helping lots of people.

  • Nicole October 4, 2010, 5:43 pm

    I’m so sorry that this is happening to you. I have read your blog for almost 2 years and have never taken away anything that she is claiming to have witnessed. Healthy living blogs have inspired me to get off of my couch and start caring about myself. You and Meghann are the only “big six” blogs that I actually read daily and nothing about your blogs scream eating disorder to me.

    To be completely honest I suffer from severe depression and sometimes the only thing that makes me smile during my day is reading healthy living blogs, especially your blog because it is so positive and uplifting. So please don’t change anything cause you are changing lives for the better.

  • Leslie October 4, 2010, 5:44 pm

    Hi Caitlyn,

    I have never posted on your blog before, but I have been reading for little over a year now. I was appalled by the Marie Claire article, but I applaud you for your rebuttal and ability to stand firm in what you believe in. I found you blog as I was trying to find my own “healthy tipping point”. Around this time last year, I was 25 pounds overweight and very unhappy with my self image. I had been married a little over a year, and the stress of adjusting to married life and beginning my career as a teacher caught up to me as mindlessly ate for comfort. Granted, all of the stress in my life was good stress, but stress nonetheless. After seeing pictures of myself at a family gathering, I decided that enough was enough, I had to get healthy. It would have been very tempting for me to crash diet or fad diet and lost weight quickly, but I knew that wouldn’t create lasting results. I found your blog by googling for running tips and healthy recipes. Though I am by no means a runner (I hate the dreadmill), your blog inspired (and still inspires) me to get active and really think about what I’m putting into my body. As I began to start thinking more positively about my body, I became more active (doing cardio and weight lifting at my local gym) and started eating fewer processed foods. Wow! What a difference that made! I credit your blog in helping me see that being healthy doesn’t mean eating bland, boring food, or being chained to a treadmill. I lost 25 pounds, and over the summer gained back about 5 pounds. But you know what? I’m okay with that! I’m still active and eating WAY better than I did a year ago. And the Green Monster rocks my socks off.

    So, thank you. Keep doing what you’re doing–I appreciate everything you do to try to encourage women, young and old, to embrace their health and beauty.

  • Emily October 4, 2010, 5:54 pm

    I don’t often comment on your blog, but I read it very regularly. I just wanted to say that I am horrified at that article. It was written to shock, any one reading it should be able to see that. I am terribly sorry that it upset you so much, as it would have upset anyone.

    I personally find your blog a great inspiration, never once have I looked at your blog and thought, “She clearly isn’t eating enough.” Your blog has made a point about being comfortable with food, something many young women struggle with.

    Although I have never ventured into disordered eating, I have had disordered thoughts about myself. Reading your blog, as well as several others, has helped me realize that the size of my jeans (which has always been a healthy size) have never really mattered (I leave post-it notes all over my school). Magazines like Marie Claire, who call you out hypocritically, are the ones perpetuating the image of too thin girls who survive on nearly nothing during periodic diets. Their models are most likely photo-shopped.

    The journalist’s deception was unfair and cruel. You are clearly a healthy woman, who encourages people to have a positive self-concept/view and live a healthy life that works for them.

  • Nancy October 4, 2010, 5:57 pm

    Wow- I can’t believe what a horrible article this is! I’m very sorry and I hope this Katie person can change her reporting ways. You are amazing and every day I read your blog and am inspired to be healthier, do something good for my mind/body, be positive and care about others. One very good reason now to never read Marie Claire.

  • Kelley October 4, 2010, 6:02 pm

    That article is incredibly offensive to me as a reader. I have been reading your blog since July (I started training for my first marathon!) as a source of inspiration and encouragement. That article is offensive to me because it implies that not only do you have disordered eating and exercising but that I do as well. Your blog has gotten me through a few tough workouts and unhealthy eating days. Anyone who cares about keeping their body healthy will feel guilty for indulging in an excess of unhealthy behaviors. Please keep doing what you are doing because you do have a positive influence on your readers.

  • Jennifer October 4, 2010, 6:14 pm

    As a reader who has always been invisible, I just wanted to offer my support. I found this article to be not only obviously offensive to you and the other bloggers, but also to myself as a reader. I know that it is all out of context and untrue, and I hope that you will continue your blogging effort and continue inspiring your readers to live healthy lifestyles based on what is right for THEM.

  • RED October 4, 2010, 6:17 pm

    This article is ridiculous. People reading blogs (or anything) need to use common sense and take responsibility for their own actions.

  • Jordan October 4, 2010, 6:21 pm

    That article is ludicrous. I am in the process of overcoming an eating disorder specifically because of healthy living blogs- women like you inspire me to treat my body with the respect it deserves and love it for what it can do. Ignore this article- you are better than this!

  • J October 4, 2010, 6:24 pm

    I don’t comment much, but I wanted to add my voice to the chorus because I think this is important. I have a couple of thoughts.

    First as a lawyer, I appreciate honest debate as much as anyone. But this Marie Claire article does not strike me as honest debate. It strikes me as mudslinging, and as an ill-considered strike by a print magazine against an online community that threatens the print forum in many ways, not least of which is the fact that Caitlin’s and other blogs promote a healthy body image… something on which Marie Claire’s record is spotty to put it politely.

    I’ve been on both sides of the weight issue. In high school I suffered from anorexia and exercise bulimia. Believe me, Caitlin is not anorexic, nor is she an exercise bulimic. It is irresponsible of Marie Claire to suggest that she is, and I agree with Caitlin that it undermines people who really have eating disorders.

    I “beat” my ED and put on more weight than I needed to – stress weight in college and law school and happy weight from getting married. I am now trying to lose it in a healthy way, not the obsessive way I lost weight in high school. I made a New Year’s resolution to make healthier choices in my life and quickly found healthy living blogs. I’ve been reading Caitlin’s blog, and others, for several months. I’ve also lost 15 pounds by eating a whole foods, plant-based diet and discovering a love for running and cycling. I have a ways to go still, but Caitlin has helped me learn that seemingly small choices add up to a better life. I’ve run a 5K and will be running another with my dad this weekend, and from there I plan to go on to running longer distances. I’ve run off and on for years, but always to lose weight, never because I actually LOVED to run. Now, I love to run. I credit Caitlin and other healthy living bloggers with inspiring and motivating me to find a healthy lifestyle fun. For once, it seems like something I can sustain, because I am actually genuinely happy. I like and respect my body and I care about what I am putting into it. That’s a far cry from me at 17, when I hated everything about myself. Thank you, Caitlin and the healthy living blog community, for showing me another path.

    Finally – I recognize this comment is getting long – I find the Marie Claire article incredibly disrespectful to me as a reader. As I said, I am a lawyer. That would imply (I think… say what you want about lawyers…) some sense of critical thinking and independent judgment. I wouldn’t have gotten through law school (let alone gotten through it a sane and nice person) if I blindly accepted everything that everyone said. To suggest that because Caitlin can run 20 miles, I am immediately going to go run 20 miles (when I’ve just worked up to 4) is to imply that I am a dippy idiot with no common sense. Ms. Drummond, Caitlin’s blog is motivation to me. I aspire to running a marathon someday, not just because Caitlin has but because it’s something I really want to accomplish for myself. I plan to do it sanely, with a training plan, and to fuel myself properly… and when I do, I’ll look to Caitlin for advice and inspiration because she has walked the walk.

    I’d love to say I will never buy Marie Claire again, but I never buy it anyway. It makes Cosmopolitan look like fine literature. Yeah, I’m sticking with Runner’s World. At least they fact check.

  • Jessica@tastyandtrim October 4, 2010, 6:25 pm

    That article is completely out of line and one-sided! I have found nothing but inspiration and motivation to acheive a healthy balance through reading your blog. I appreciate all that you do and look up to you as a role model. Do not for a second, let the negative lies published in that article get to you. You are an amazing, beautiful person inside and out and I just want to say thank you for always being such an inspiration to me!!

  • Mary October 4, 2010, 6:26 pm

    As a rule, I do not read fashion/beauty magazines because I feel they promote unhealthy choices. So many of these magazines, including Marie Claire, feature models/actresses who are far below the ‘normal’ range on the BMI scale on their covers, they contain articles with titles such as ‘Lose 20lbs in 2 Weeks Without Exercising!, and they are paid for with ads for botox, liposuction and various diet pills.

    I’m sorry that you and the other bloggers were subjected to the writer’s poor excuse for journalism. You should all be proud of yourselves, your accomplishments and your desire to share your healthy lives.

  • Anonymous October 4, 2010, 6:26 pm

    I love your blog and I love Operation Beautiful. The article was so biased… but I am hoping it brings you new readers. You are inspiring.

  • Stephanie October 4, 2010, 6:29 pm

    I would just like to say I love your Blog and your an inspiration to me and a million others! Thanks for sharing your life and taking some bullets.

  • Deborah October 4, 2010, 6:32 pm

    I just read the article and then found your site. I read a few of the blogs mentioned and was a bit confused about the slant of the article. As a reader in cyberspace I do find it easy to judge or take things out of context which might just be human nature, but being a faithful reader of some of the blogs I was confused how they were even mentioned in such a negative article. I am glad that you DID chose to respond and I have a deep respect for your acknowledgment and I wish you luck as you continue your HEALTHY lifestyle which is an inspiration to many of us.

  • Tricia Kuchler October 4, 2010, 6:34 pm

    I don’t really know what else I could possibly say, but this is exactly why a movement like Operation Beautiful needs to exist… because there are just seriously messed up people out there who try to take the joy and beauty out of everyday life. Your blog and the other blogs inspire people on a daily basis – or for other people like me, build some sort of friendship based on a common interest of healthy living over the internet that is lacking in everyday “real” life. None of my friends are into eating oatmeal and greek yogurt. I love reading your blogs because I feel like I’m part of you in a way that I can’t relate to a lot of people around me. Your blogs are all so well balanced… it’s just ridiculous. End of story. I’m glad you and others have reached out and rebutted because I think you deserve to get your point heard. I’ll be reading tomorrow and the next day and the day after that 🙂

  • Caroline October 4, 2010, 6:35 pm

    I have to say Caitlin that your blog was so inspirational to me that I recommended it to my cousin who has recently lost a tremendous amount of weight and began training for a half marathon. I wanted to share with her your smart and sensible approach to training and fueling properly. I was absolutely shocked to read this article and find that they had misrepresented you so unfairly. The comment about you being “so hungry” after your 22 mile run was particularly heart breaking because I remember reading this post and being so proud of how well you refueled after such a grueling work out. Keep up the great work, you truly are an inspiration!

  • Rebecca October 4, 2010, 6:39 pm

    The article was one-sided, and if I were you, I would be very upset and hurt.


    I think what many people (myself included) do see in your blogs is a problem with control, which is directly related to eating disorders. I had to stop reading a lot of blogs because ya’ll are always so in control–you drink one beer because you’re running tomorrow, you bring snap peas to football games, you express frustration when you couldn’t work out, and you chastise yourself for playing it too free and loose with the desserts for a few weeks. These things are not the sign of balance. They are in direct contradiction with balance. Balance means no obsession. You TALK about accepting what is, but very little of that happens.

    If someone told you you were done exercising–done, done, done–would you be okay? Would you know yourself well enough outside of this “healthy persona” to be completely at ease mentally speaking? It doesn’t always seem so.

    I think that’s what people are pointing to when they suggest some disordered thinking/behavior. When I read other blogs (they’re rare) that really are balanced–that live it up, insist on not feeling any remorse for working out about three times a week, if that, and don’t spend their whole days thinking about being “healthy”–I realize the problem that these blogs do create under the banner of health.

    • HTP Dad October 4, 2010, 6:49 pm

      yes, Rebecca, except that Caitlin IS an endurance athlete. If you have a goal you’re training for, not training for a week is blowing off a commitment you’ve made to yourself. It’s not compulsive – it’s responsible.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 7:54 pm

      Society is truly screwed up if we think that being healthy and having hobbies is some sort of disorder. As an endurance athlete myself.. no, I would not be okay if someone told me I couldn’t run anymore. I would be devastated because running is something that I love to do and it IS part of my identity. And guess what? That does not mean I (or, hello, actual professional athletes all over the world) have a disorder, it means I have a passion. Try to grasp the difference.

      • Laura October 4, 2010, 8:53 pm

        While I understand your frustration and anger due to what the article accused you of, I feel like some of your responses to commenters, like this one, are discouraging the type of discussions that your blog should be wanting to foster. Whenever anyone has appeared to want to bring up real issues that the magazine does address (putting the false accusations aside), you respond in the heat of the moment with defensive anger and a condescending tone.

        I entirely understand why your upset (and its justified), but its not a very effective way to show respect or encourage readers to lend a different voice or opinion on the matter, unless its lending a comment that is 100% supportive.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 8:56 pm

          That Caitlin is not the Healthy Tipping Point Caitlin, Laura 🙂 It is another Caitlin.

        • Caitlin G. October 4, 2010, 9:02 pm

          Sorry to confuse! Not, however, sorry for my comment. =)

        • Laura October 4, 2010, 9:05 pm

          Oops! Ignore the reference to that comment then, I’d still like to hear HTP-Caitlin’s response to what I said, if possible, though. Thanks!

    • Freya October 5, 2010, 6:11 am

      Did it ever occur that some people find exercise fun? If you said to someone who adored gaming, or movies, or reading – would you be happy if you gave it up, done, etc, they wold quite probably say no. People love exercise. I love riding, I love running. If I had to give up either, I’d be gutted, because I enjoy them so much. Granted, there are tough days, days when it sucks, but there are also bad films, games that you lose.
      People have different hobbies.

  • Jeni Wood October 4, 2010, 6:40 pm

    I am so with you on this. I already commented on the libelous article and am so sad that people will believe it. I absolutely love reading your blog especially recently as I’ve been running longer than I ever have in preparation for my very first half marathon.
    I also completely empathize with you. 8th grade was my hardest year in school too and I cannot imagine how much worse things would have been if something like that had happened to me.
    I hope that the people who have posted negative comments here will grow up and pray that you will be able to focus on all the support. (even though there’s so many I cannot possibly imagine being able to read them all! :D)

  • hiplip October 4, 2010, 6:40 pm

    I definitely think that you have the right to issue a rebuttal on your blog. However, I believe you are giving MC and the author exactly what they want – a fire storm of press. The editor is probably thrilled with the author because of all the “hits” they are getting. If you are able to write negative reviews on your blog about companies, then MC has the right to negatively review your blog and give their opinion. I do enjoy your blog most days, but I don’t think you handled this very well (especially on twitter). Your blog has a positive impact on many but this will not be the last time you are not shed in a positive light. Simply stating to readers that if they read your blog they know the truth would have been good enough, IMO.

  • Leah @bookieboo October 4, 2010, 6:44 pm

    Before I saw your post, I already knew the answer. This is sensational writing, NOT REPORTING. I would chalk this up to bullying. Really. One big magazine attacking 6 bloggers. Shame on them.

    This is Katie Drummond (The reporter) twitter name in case anyone wanted to check her out,

  • Amanda October 4, 2010, 6:45 pm

    GOOD FOR YOU!! We all know who you really are! 🙂

  • Ev October 4, 2010, 6:48 pm

    I understand that no one likes to be portrayed in a poor way, etc, but everyone needs to get a thicker skin. It’s an article, she’s a journalist, so she is going to have a slant! Life isn’t all puppies and rainbows and these things happen when you’re in the public eye. This woman was discussing a concept and a trend, she took the 6 of you as an example. If you really have the self-esteem you claim to, this wouldn’t affect you. And I agree with some earlier comments that as soon as anyone questions your blog or your life (which you display proudly) you get up in arms about it. This is the real world, people have opinions and should have the freedom to express them, regardless of whether you agree with them.

    And if you re-read the definition of orthorexia, I do believe it describes many people in the blogging community. Obsessing about healthy food, spending more than 3 hours focusing on food a day. These all describe so called “healthy living bloggers.” In my opinion, and this is just my opinion which is just as valuable as your is, a healthy lifestyle is one of moderation. So eat pizza and real ice cream and then have an apple in the morning. But everyone just needs to chill out. I have no idea why you feel the need for everyone to 100% accept and love your life and lifestyle. You speak of all the confidence you have, so prove it and act it. Don’t talk the talk if you can’t walk the walk.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 7:35 pm

      I have a right and responsibility to set the record straight when my name is slandered. This does not mean I’m “lacking confidence.” If anything, it means I actually have it because I don’t roll over and take it.

    • Sarah October 4, 2010, 7:47 pm

      1) Even an individual with healthy self-esteem can still be effected by malicious and false lies. So, “this wouldn’t affect you” is one of the most non-sense statements I have heard.
      2) Expressing “opinions” and twisting the truth in order to spin a negative light on any individual is never warranted. This is entirely different from having the freedom to express “opinions.” Would YOU get “up in arms” if someone published an article filled with lies about you? I would think so.
      3) If you have EVER spent time reading caitlins blog posts you would know that she has never forced her lifestyle on any of her readers. Caitlin writes all the time about moderation, balance, and making small choices that lead to a healthier life! I’m sorry if you feel threatened by someone’s ability to exercise discipline.
      4) I’m also sorry that you feel the need to be hateful. If you have these opinions about healthy living blogs then maybe your time would be better spent elsewhere.
      5) Caitlin, your blog picks me up during long lectures and offers such encouragement to make better choices. You rock : )

      • Ev October 4, 2010, 8:28 pm

        All I am saying is sticks and stones. Marie Claire is a fashion magazine. There are some interesting articles occasionally but anyone with half a brain knows that all those magazines are completely hypocritical, it comes with the territory. So you know your truth, own it. Obviously you have support, I’m just saying that our country has become so overly sensitive. There are people out there who are going to undermine you and disrespect you, this is part of humanity. For ever good there is a bad. So if you are happy with yourself, your life, your blog, who cares what a writer said in a magazine that basically undermines your message anyway. We create our lifestyles an do what makes us happy. The opinions of one woman, who may or may not even hold those opinions, they could have been fabricated to be sensational, should in no way demean you.
        And like I said before, there should forum for ALL opinions. Sarah, if I agree with certain things in this article, how am I worse person than you calling a complete stranger “hateful?” I guess hypocrisy is not just for fashion mags.

        • Sarah October 4, 2010, 9:32 pm

          I believe your comments were “hateful,” not you. You are definitely allowed to agree with the article and nowhere did I state that you are a bad person for holding a differing opinion. I think the point has been missed here–it is not the topic of the article, it is the misconstrued and twisted details and quotes. It is not about the healthy living blogs, it is about how these women’s stories were manipulated. YES, there should be a forum for ALL opinions.. nowhere did I state otherwise. NO, there should NOT be a place for deception. Also, this is not about hypocrisy, it is about tasteless fabrication.

        • Ev October 4, 2010, 10:20 pm

          I just reread this article, wondering if I had missed something in my first reading. Honestly, yes, does the author chose facts that suit her argument, of course. But this is not slander. She simply took bits and pieces of these blogs and used them to show these blogs in a negative light. When the writer said that Heather ran 20+ miles and then ate a black bean brownie, is this a lie? No. She never claimed this was the only thing she ate that day. She said nothing of the sort. And if anyone is naive enough to think that every magazine article, every political speech isn’t spun in some way, then you need to open your eyes a bit to the world that you are living in.

          If these bloggers want to be “professional bloggers” then they need to act professional. Would one whine about a mean colleague to their boss in an office environment? Absolutely not. With publicity comes both negativity and positivity. These girls should be thrilled that they got press on this level to begin with. If you can’t take negative attention, don’t court attention. If you are worried about anyone saying anything negative about you, then ask for a final say before the article goes out. If you are going to be in public, one needs to develop a thick skin. This particular journalist saw some issues among this community. She was alarmed and there should be a conversation about what she had to say, regardless of how she illustrated her facts.

          And perhaps the most ironic thing of all, the company that seems to funding the majority of these blogs is run by maybe some of the most negative, cruel and soulless human beings I have personally ever met. Those who lie down with trash are bound to get dirty.

        • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 10:25 pm

          OK girls – let’s play nice 🙂 It’s OK to have differing opinions and I don’t think you’re going to change each other’s minds with these comments.

  • Jess October 4, 2010, 6:50 pm

    You are so strong and such an inspiration. Don’t let the man get you down! Know that you are helping women all over the world to learn to love themselves and by serving as a role model. I adore you – don’t ever forget that!

  • Amy T October 4, 2010, 6:54 pm

    Hi there! I have read maybe 20% of these comments and have been nodding my head the entire time.
    I’d just like to add: I think it’s pretty disappointing that they didn’t mention your work on Operation Beautiful in more detail. A more balanced article would have said: “…blah blah blah… BUT Boyle also writes for OB and it’s fantastic for body image etc etc..”
    Aaanyway, chin up! I love your food photography and wacky recipes (wacky because – how did you think up such deliciousness as breakfast wontons?!).
    Just sing to yourself “Ain’t nothin gonna break my stride, ain’t nothin’ gonna slow meeee dooown.”

  • Sharon October 4, 2010, 7:00 pm

    Dear Caitlin,
    You have a lot of caring readers who just love reading your blog. You don’t need to care about some Marie Claire reporter trying to spark a controversy or heat up an argument. I think you should just keep doing what you’re doing 🙂 What the reporter did was wrong and I hope she reflects on this. Life really isn’t fair, sadly 🙁 but getting past obstacles is what makes us stronger. You’re such an inspiration, so don’t let a bad article get you down! You do NOT act as if you’re trying to lose weight and do not look like you’re suffering from anorexia or anything. You have a toned body and that shows just how healthy you are. You’re at a healthy weight and a great role model for many women.
    So don’t worry about the article many blog readers know that NONE of what the reporter wrote is actually true. 🙂

  • Sharon October 4, 2010, 7:00 pm

    Dear Caitlin,
    You have a lot of caring readers who just love reading your blog. You don’t need to care about some Marie Claire reporter trying to spark a controversy or heat up an argument. I think you should just keep doing what you’re doing 🙂 What the reporter did was wrong and I hope she reflects on this. Life really isn’t fair, sadly 🙁 but getting past obstacles is what makes us stronger. You’re such an inspiration, so don’t let a bad article get you down! You do NOT act as if you’re trying to lose weight and do not look like you’re suffering from anorexia or anything. You have a toned body and that shows just how healthy you are. You’re at a healthy weight and a great role model for many women.
    So don’t worry about the article many blog readers know that NONE of what the reporter wrote is actually true. 🙂

  • TheKiwiBex October 4, 2010, 7:02 pm

    I’m very sorry you and the other bloggers (not all of whom I follow) are having to deal with this. I just left the following comment on Marie Claire’s FB page:

    I’m a regular reader of the Healthy Tipping Point and Kath Eats Real Food blogs, and can say unequivocally that if you’ve followed these sites for any substantial period of time, you would know that “The Hunger Diaries” is wholly inaccurate in its suggestions that these women have eating or exercise disorders – I’m not saying this in blind support of Caitlin and Kath, but based on what is plain to see by anyone with reading skills and a little common sense! These women have a passion for truly healthy living, and a desire to support and help others who wish to use food and exercise in a healthy way to enrich their lives.

    What is sad is that I do think such “disordered eating” blogs exist out there, so what was a great opportunity to do a truly
    insightful piece on the problems with this blog genre, and stimulate a critical debate, has turned into an unfounded attack on undeserving women.

  • Lesley October 4, 2010, 7:02 pm

    I understand why your feelings would be hurt by this article, because as a reader, I’m pretty pissed at what it’s trying to imply. It is however, pretty ridiculous. Marie Claire cannot point a finger at anyone without pointing more back at itself. They have decided to run a PSA, offering you all up as examples of how healthy living blogs are selling eating disorders in disguise. Using information (I can only vouch for you and Tina, as I don’t read the other blogs.) that has been taken out of context to support their claim. The slant seemed to be that you are a group of women who exercise too much, don’t eat enough, and are obsessed with your appearance/weight. Thus encouraging a following of like minded women…..


    I haven’t read in some time, but I know in the past Marie Claire frequently ran an article called Beauty Snoop. They posted the exact cosmetic products a current Hollywood starlet was using. If I cleared out my savings for a $300 moisturizer that Kristen Bell uses, is Marie Claire responsible for my stupidity? Is Kristen Bell reckless in her spending her million dollar salary as she chooses, because she’s unwittingly encouraged this purchase? What about an article they ran many years ago about how women ate around the globe – an example of the exact food they ate for a day – how is that any different? How is that a positive example of gaining new culinary perspective….yet reading your blog…is not? *scratches head*

    People see what they want to see, and anything is a trigger if you are looking for it. I’m not going to run 22 miles because I read about it on your blog and hurt myself, because I’m not currently an athlete. But if I did I wouldn’t come crying to you. I will however, go bitch at Marie Claire. Boo.

  • Adrienne October 4, 2010, 7:06 pm

    I could EASILY ramble on in a long story about how your blog has inspired me, how you are wonderful, how Marie Claire sure knows how to lose readers, and how I have the utmost respect for your writing, especially your Operation Beautiful blog/book. But sometimes, I think, the best messages come in small packages:::

    “Don’t let the haters stop you from doin’ your thang.” -Kevin Gnapor, Mean Girls


    • Adrienne October 4, 2010, 7:08 pm

      … I really hope I didn’t misquote Kevin. But he might have said “keep” instead of “stop.” Either way, you get the idea! Keep up the good work!

  • Mary (What's Cookin' with Mary) October 4, 2010, 7:06 pm

    I’m sorry to hear that this article got written about all you ladies, but am glad that you shared you side. Obviously some people could read that article and come away with thinking that you (and the others) are ‘hurting’ all of us reader, but you and I both know that’s just not true. You know why…? Because I read this blog every single day and what they said is just not true. Sorry Marie Claire, you got it wrong! Clearly it got written that way to fulfill their motives and it’s just sad…

  • Amy October 4, 2010, 7:08 pm

    Along with the other 600+ readers who have already commented on this post, I am shocked at the way you were portrayed in the Marie Claire article! This is my first time commenting, but I read your blog almost daily. I am a recovered anorexic, a vegetarian, and a new runner. When I stumbled upon your blog over the summer, I loved it immediately! As someone who, when I was suffering from my eating disorder, used to spend hours on pro-anorexic weblogs and reading “thinspiration,” I am SHOCKED that your blog could be grossly misinterpreted as either of those things! The blogs I read years ago when I was “sick” encouraged me to hate my body and starve myself. Yours is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!!! I read your blog because it celebrates life and food and exercise! It makes me want to try new vegetarian recipes, gets me excited about my own race training, and introduces me to yummy healthy food like greek yogurt! (how I ever lived without it I’l never know!!) I just wanted you to know how much I enjoy your blog, and I hope you won’t for one second let this get you down!

  • Suzanne October 4, 2010, 7:09 pm

    As someone who has battled an eating disorder since age 13 (now 35) I am an avid reader of your site (along with the other girls). Your posts about running, healthy living and eating have helped me to realize that life is better when you’re living healthy. Not necessarily thinner, but healthier. In my case, healthier means dropping 49lbs and just this past weekend running my first 5K.

    I am bolstered knowing that people in similar situations as mine (eating disorders, unhealthy weight, poor self image) have overcome barriers that once seemed insurmountable.

    Just know that you’re bringing people together and those that really read your site know that you girls are a source of inspiration.

    Don’t change!

  • Emma October 4, 2010, 7:15 pm

    Caitlin… if you’re anything like me, you want everyone to like you. Well, unfortunately that’s not how the world works! You have to ignore this because I can already tell Marie Clare is the one being negatively affected by this. In fact, I think it’s making “The Super Six” even stronger. I have always had some eating issues, counting calories, making sure I work out enough everyday to counteract any extra calories, etc. However, once I discovered your blog, I’ve switched from calorie counting to buying REAL FOOD. Yes, I’ve gained 5 pounds, but I’m living life! I’ve never had more energy and never felt so good. My husband and I stalk your blog to get creative recipes. We love your real food approach and wish the world would start following. I truly believe the cure to a lot of diseases is the banishing of all these processed foods. Which is what your blog is all about. Maybe congress should be looking into that rather than some of its’ other priorities. Don’t let one article keep you down. You’ve inspired too many people!

  • María October 4, 2010, 7:26 pm

    I’m not gonna read 600+ comments but I must say I have no idea what the hell the MC writer has been reading, certainly not this blog!
    I’m sorry for your tears because you’re really great.

  • Emily October 4, 2010, 7:29 pm

    Caitlin, this MC article really has it all backwards. About a year ago, I got fed up with being overweight and put myself on a 1,000 calorie diet. I ate bland foods, had no energy to exercise, and was miserable. About six months into that, a friend send me a link to your blog. I started upping my caloric intake, ate a more balanced diet, and got into running. Last week, I ran my first half-marathon, and I had never felt so powerful as I did when I crossed the finish line. I think your blog had a real something to do with that. I hope you keep blogging.

  • Juli D. October 4, 2010, 7:30 pm

    Oh. My. Word. I could not believe the untruth in the article and felt a huge amount of anger for you and the other bloggers. I’ve followed a number of you for years and truly believe in your actual message – one of healthful living and positive body image. I am truly disgusted at the article and wrote on their FB wall and sent an email to the editor. Please know that anyone who really knows your blog can see through those lies in a moment. You are doing AMAZING work and PLEASE KEEP DOING IT. I absolutely understand your anger and frustration at being so grossly misrepresented – to be treated so unfairly is appalling. Amid those feelings of anger, please remember to feel proud for all of the good you have done. One article will not undo your work and it will not undo you. The people who know the truth of your good work will always believe in you.

  • Jocelyn @ Peace.Love.Nutrition October 4, 2010, 7:32 pm

    Caitlin- You are an amazing and inspiring woman. I am an avid reader of your blog and I was utterly disgusted how that Marie Claire author portrayed you guys. As a woman who HAS (myself) recovered from 2 Eds having a blog and reading other blog has helped me with my recovery more than anything else. Keep writing and don’t let one person let you down! You’re fucking awesome : )



  • Heather October 4, 2010, 7:35 pm

    Wow! I have been following for quite some time to your blog and many of the other ‘big six’ and was appalled by how one-sided and incorrect the article was. I cannot believe that this can get published. I only hope that this publicity will at least get you more readers out of this. Please keep up the great work and I really do enjoy reading every day (even if I have never been good at giving feedback). I love your ideas and it really has inspired me to live a healthier lifestyle!

  • Dee October 4, 2010, 7:41 pm

    Honesty, I find the angle of her article outrageously shocking. You look no where near emancipated, and are in fact, a strong athletic woman who regularly, not obsessively, exercises. In fact, I envy how much you do eat and remain a healthy weight!

    Good for you for writing this post. You do a lot of women (and men) a lot of good because of your positive and uplifting and healthy lifestyle. You and your energy and your ultra-cute dogs are very appreciated!

    You helped me take the plunge into vegetarianism and I’m grateful for your blog.

  • Kennedy October 4, 2010, 7:41 pm

    Caitlin, it is absolutely absurd that this reporter would think you are anything but promoting a healthy lifestyle with plenty of variety (including alcohol and dessert!) You’re a runner and you eat like one. You’ve inspired me to try new foods, recipes, even start my own blog. Your rebuttal was thoughtful and well-written – I would have done the exact same thing. But of course, your readers already know the truth. Chin up, hun.

  • Jess October 4, 2010, 7:46 pm

    Caitlin- I read your blog daily and have yet to comment, but I feel compelled. Your blog is such a positive inspiration for me in so many ways. Your outlook on life is so healthy and optimistic and as far from disordered as possible. This is your life, your choices, and your views, and you’ve chosen to share them with us!! Thank you!!

    The Marie Claire article is wrong in so many ways, and I respect your response. I hope Marie Claire gets hundreds of emails in addition to mine about the absurdity of this article. Just know how much support you have from silent readers like me!!


  • MJ October 4, 2010, 7:50 pm

    I’m so sorry this happened to you. You are an inspiration to alot of people. The comments you have received should tell you that. In the long run, this experience will make you stronger and even more determined to continue on the positive life path you are on. Thanks for the blog.

  • Meredith October 4, 2010, 7:55 pm

    This whole situation makes me so sad. You and Tina especially are real people who are honest and upfront every day on your blog. Keep your head up and know that we are all supporting you. Marie Claire made a huge mistake publishing this article.

  • Amy* October 4, 2010, 7:55 pm

    Caitlin, I love your blog. I’m sorry to see that this reporter took a one or two examples of things that happened to each of the bloggers and portrayed all of you as decietful. I read your blog because I’m a new runner. I read your blog because I’m a vegetarian. I’m smart enough to know that you aren’t an expert nor do you claim to be. I think you are healthy and balanced and kindhearted. I hope that this doesn’t take any wind out of your sails.*

  • Sara October 4, 2010, 8:02 pm

    Shame on this reporter, but even bigger shame on Marie Claire. Caitlin and the other bloggers featured in this article need to check out Marie Claire’s facebook wall – this community is behind you. It is paining people to even hit “like” just to comment of this twisted idea of “journalism”.

  • Sara October 4, 2010, 8:02 pm

    Shame on this reporter, but even bigger shame on Marie Claire. Caitlin and the other bloggers featured in this article need to check out Marie Claire’s facebook wall – this community is behind you. It is paining people to even hit “like” just to comment of this twisted idea of “journalism”.

  • Ashley October 4, 2010, 8:05 pm

    Horrific to think that such a one-sided article can be printed by someone who calls herself a “reporter.” Katie has no chance of ever making it professionally outside of MC, and judging by the facebook wall at MC – they’re taking quite a hit. Maybe next time they’ll think twice before printing such a cruel, hurtful, and outright slanderous article!

  • Laurie October 4, 2010, 8:07 pm

    With 630 comments, I can’t imagine you need another one.
    BUT, I am sick by that article. And, I am SO sorry you had to go through that.
    All that I know about you is good, honest, pure. You should have seen my face as I read the article (I am sure nothing compared to what yours was).
    I am SO sorry. You have done SUCH GOOD for me and so many others.
    Bully on the bullies.
    Total warmth and hugs.

  • MareBare October 4, 2010, 8:07 pm

    this is the first time im hearing about this- i usually dont read a lot of those magazines anymore because they give women the impression that they have to have x,x, and x or they will never be happy which i think is ridiculous. a size 0 a man do not make your life. a magazine such as marie claire picturing you in a bad light is almost laughable- like they havent projected stereotypes and poor habits onto women? that being said i think your blog is great, ive been reading for a few years- commenting here and there and i love it. reading this gives me ideas on healthy things to cook for myself and my fiance (so we dont get bored of the same old thing) and inspires me to get out and get active (on the days i need a little push) which makes me feel good physically and mentally. i will be writing an email to the magazine on your behalf and i hope a lot of your other readers do too. dont let the mean girls win- continue to do what you do best- if you werent good at it you wouldnt have the following you do or the book deal. your success is real because you are a real caring person. they will just have to deal with it- haters!

  • Jill October 4, 2010, 8:13 pm

    While some of the points in the article could have been valid, the writer ruined this with her out-of-context examples and mean comments. I’ve read your blog for a long time, and it certainly is not an unhealthy blog, though there are some out there.
    I’m sure you can tell from most of these comments and Marie Claire’s Facebook wall that we all love ya!

  • yummiee cupcake October 4, 2010, 8:14 pm

    wow…i’m sorry to see you going through a rough patch. not everyone is going to care you’re nice or a person with a feeling. not everyone is going to be on your side. there are people that going to try to knock you down. you just gotta be strong and put your head up. this will go away when there’s another new topic turn up.

    i just guess you just have to watch what you write, what you say, and what you do because you’ll never know what they’re going to do with it. plus, there are so many girls out there look up to you and follow your route. they take your words, actions, and… everything deeply into their heart.

  • Caitrin October 4, 2010, 8:16 pm

    Hi Caitlin,
    I’ve been a fan of your blog for a long time now and do appreciate a lot of things about it – giving me ideas for meals, inspiration to work out, etc. I think it is true that there is an obesity epidemic in this country and I like reading about people who try to lead a healthy life instead.

    That being said I think your continued defense of your blog with the justification that its all about “reader responsibility ” is a very very dangerous assertion. In a perfect world “personal responsibility ” would be ideal – everyone would come from the same background (income-wise, education-wise, etc) so they would always make the best, right decision, even when presented with a challenging situation. But we know this isn’t true – when Bill O’Reilley purposefully misquotes Obama, there are some people who are well educated enough (or whatever) to be able to discern this and there are other watchers who blindly take it as the truth because they don’t have the same background as the other people do. It’s the same situation here. Not everyone who clicks on to your blog is a well educated, well to do, confident woman. Not everyone approaches it with the same background or mindset. Some people are specifically looking for advice and, even though you do put disclaimers out there, i would still say that your blog has a semi professional tone or gloss and people can be easily confused by it. It would be one thing if you wrote a makeup or fashion blog (without being a makeup/fashion professional) and touted blue eyeshadow. It’s a whole different realm, however, when you have a food/health/fitness blog and routinely show yourself running great amounts 7 days a week. (Also, although you are an “endurance athlete”…so was my dad who ran for almost 30 years before needing both of his knees replaced at 51 years old….a very painful procedure….so i think there are legitimate concerns to be raised about how healthy it is to be running basically every day) I’m sure there are also a fair amount of people who haven’t been reading your blog for a very long time / or click on for the first time and see you running 22 miles and then eating a salad (albeit a big salad) and don’t really get it and/or are influenced by it. Negatively. It’s a nice idea to think that it all comes down to personal responsibility but at the same time you and other bloggers must acknowledge that you have thousands of impressionable readers. You have a very public journal – not a private one – and newspapers and magazines have been held liable in lawsuits before for the content they published and the actions that people did as a result of reading them.

    I think this situation is also difficult because you and other bloggers do make money (and reap freebies) directly because of your blog and therefore because of your readers. I think most bloggers who have made it “big” have faced this situation : how much of a role does your readership play into the content you write? I actually think it was kind of mean spirited of you, Caitlin, to pawn this off on the reader – as in, if some reader reads a post of mine and stupidly tries to bike 100 miles without training, then shame on her. Obviously this is true to a certain extent but I still think it leaves the reader in an awkward position – read every detail of what I eat but if you follow me then you’re on your own!

    Regardless, I think that although the article seemed one sided- most journalism is, and either way I’m sure your page counts will go up…and you’ll get more $….a double edged sword.

  • Whitney October 4, 2010, 8:18 pm

    Slight change of topic:

    I love HTP Dad!!! Does he have a blog? He rocks!!

  • Amiee October 4, 2010, 8:20 pm

    I think that the article it not only an insult to the ladies mentioned, but also to the readers of these blogs. I am glad that all of you decided to share your point of views on the subject. I was quite angered actually, and had a mini rant:

    But, all is better now. Had some pumpkin greek yogurt 🙂

  • Cait October 4, 2010, 8:23 pm

    I am appalled at this article not only because it slandered the bloggers mentioned, but the poor reporting overshadowed the message behind the article. Is it true that healthy living blogs may act as triggers for those with ED? I’m sure it is. But by treating bloggers as the “bad guys” behind this problem instead of as PEOPLE, the point is moot because a defensive angry mob has been created. There must certainly have been a way to discuss the issue without finger-pointing and misusing quotes.

    It is as much Marie Claire’s responsibility for triggering those with EDs as it is yours, which is to say, there’s only so much you can do to be ONLY helpful and positive. Everyone interprets things differently and at some point, you can’t control every single reader’s reaction.

    I only read a few of the blogs in question – yours and Meghann’s – and I’m not very active in the entire community and I rarely comment. But, in my year or so of reading, I have never found anything that suggested you lived unhealthy lifestyles. I understood that you ran because you ENJOYED IT, that you trained constantly so you were prepared to take part in long races. I’ve always seen a balance between healthy meals and more indulgent ones. And, I’ve found helpful tips from reading HLBs, like your recent posts on swapping little things in your diet to be healthier.

    I am so sorry that you have to deal with this. I fully support your rebuttal because you are HUMAN and you have been HURT. I’m disgusted at the replies that suggest you’re “milking” this issue. This blog is, at its core, a PERSONAL blog. To some extent, it’s about your life, and you have the right to respond to attacks here. I just hope that you can realize that you have so many people on your side who can see that this author was completely out of line and that her accusations were ridiculous.

    Sending my love and lots of positive vibes your way. 🙂

  • Gretchen October 4, 2010, 8:24 pm

    Keep doing what you’ve been doing Caitlin.
    Which is re-enforcing healthy and positive lifestyle habits/choices…you are inspirational as well as motivational. Keep up the good work.

  • Shayna October 4, 2010, 8:33 pm

    I was completely on your side until you made a terrible generalization in your last sentence. As a magazine writer, I know that what goes into magazines is more often than not researched and greatly analyzed before it’s published. Please don’t make false accusations in anger. I’m sorry for what this ONE reporter said about you and the other bloggers (because I’ve been following your blog for well over a year and know you portray a healthy lifestyle and have even helped me several times with my running), but it’s not fair to lump all magazines into one negative group. It’s very disappointing coming from someone like you.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 8:44 pm

      I said “don’t believe EVERYTHING you read in magazines,” not “anything.” 🙂 I bet you’re keeping it real with your writing!

  • Dee October 4, 2010, 8:34 pm

    Hi Caitlin – I wanted to take a moment to say Thank you (to you and the others who were written about) for being so open and sharing of yourselves with your blog readers. 🙂 We really appreciate it. <3

    Much respect,

  • Lindsey October 4, 2010, 8:34 pm

    Just wanted to tell you that reading blogs like yours have really improved my image of myself and how I should/should not treat my body. I’ve learned so much from you! I think you have a wonderful outlook and are truly an inspiration to me and so many others. Keep on blogging, girl 🙂 So many people are behind you and you deserve nothing but the best.

  • Alison (Ali on the Run) October 4, 2010, 8:41 pm

    Caitlin, you are so amazing and inspiring. I have been reading your blog for a few months now (as well as a bunch of the other ladies in the article) and it inspired me to start my own blog this week! You’re so motivating and such a down-to-earth young woman. You’re awesome. Shame on this reporter.

  • sarah October 4, 2010, 8:43 pm

    I think that the MC article forgot one thing…you are a real person. Your blog is real life and you’ve got real life readers who know the real deal. Keep on blogging!

  • Rachael October 4, 2010, 8:55 pm

    It’s always painful to be criticized, especially when the subject matter is something you’re passionate about.
    At the end of the day, though, I can’t help but wish folks got this riled up about slightly larger matters. The blogging community is tight, certainly, and I think this show of support is heartening evidence of that fact. But come on ladies – take a look at the issues facing the world, serious social and environmental justice tragedies, and start writing letters to the editor about them. To everything, it’s place.

    • Caitlin October 4, 2010, 8:57 pm

      I AGREE with you Rachael! One issue I’m trying to get focused on Operation Beautiful is the recent string of gay youth suicides in response to bullying.

  • Teresa October 4, 2010, 9:00 pm

    I’ve been reading your blog for almost a year now because I enjoy reading about life on the East Coast and your training for races. I agree that the article didn’t accurately portray all the work you do to promote self confidence in women. But personally, I do find that your attempts at “healthy” eating and exercise are unrealistic for most people. I usually skip over your food photos, because I don’t think they are particularly healthy or appetizing. And since you are self-employed, you have way more time to exercise than most women do. I’ve tried training for a long-distance race, but I struggle with injury whenever I hit the 5 mile distance in my training. Sometimes when I read your blog, I wonder if I should even stick to running at all if I can’t be a marathoner.

  • Jerilynne October 4, 2010, 9:00 pm

    Hi Caitlin,

    I follow your blog daily and I don’t usually comment much but, in light of everything that happened today, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your blog and all of the hard work that I know you put in to it. Anyone who reads even just a few posts will see what a wonderful, positive inspiration you are!!


  • Andrea October 4, 2010, 9:01 pm

    Just wanted to say that your blog inspires me every day. Keep it up!

  • Katie October 4, 2010, 9:05 pm

    Hi Caitlin, I want you to know that I hadn’t come across the article until I saw it referenced here. I read it and could not believe that they were talking about you, carrots n cake and katheats. I’ve been a reader of your three blogs since discovering them this summer. and your blogs are nothing like what the article describes. I wanted to leave a comment at the end of the article but I am not inclined to become a member just to do so, which is what is required.
    I suffered with Bulimia through my mid and late twenties and finally, after my fourth lenghty stay in treatment was able to become symptom free. And I’ve been symptom free for over 10 years. I say symptom free because I have to continually check in with myself, reach out for help and surround myself with people and things that quiet the negative backtalk that seems to taunt me. ( I think of it as being similar to a symptom free alcoholic… always aware and vigilant to keep doing what keeps them sober) There are times when I have to excuse myself from conversations that certain people at work have because it is what we called table talk in treatment. Weight, diet food talk that is in one way or another negative or makes me return to that all or nothing negative thinking. Eating disordered thinking. This blog, and the others have in no way ever felt that that to me. They are not judgmental How much I needed that years ago. Never have i felt encourage to be anything other than myself, and semi regular 5K jogger who eats meat and struggles to work raise her boys, be a good wife and feel good about myself. Your blogs are something I use to remind me what intuitive eating is, which is what I continue to strive for. ( after having 2 boys and trying to get back to feeling and eating like myself …without the voice taking over)
    ANd don’t even get my started on the influence of magazines on women’s eating habits and body image. WIth all “love your body!” in red and “how to lose 10 lbs for the party this Saturday!” in blue ON THE SAME COVER! (HOW COULD OPERATION BEAUTIFUL BE SO DISMISSED IN HER ARTICLE? Operation Beautiful is the opposite of the way magazines make you feel. Operation beautiful tells you that you don’t need a glossy magazine for the answers. You are enough and you have your own answers)
    I would be profoundly hurt by that article, so I understand your reactions, but the article is absolutely without merit and without any of the kindness that I see over and over again on your blogs. Keep your chin high. And, thank you.
    P.S. I’m not one to comment. But the absurdity that you all are having to deal with deserved one

  • Keri October 4, 2010, 9:06 pm

    Thank you for blogging. As a graduate student of Integrative Nutrition, I follow your blog and recommend it to others. In fact, I would recommend that patients who have struggled with eating disorders should follow your blog to learn what normal, healthy, balanced eating is. Many don’t know after so many years of disordered eating, and your blog provides a great example of healthy, creative kitchen inventions.

    In gratitude for what you do,


  • Alex October 4, 2010, 9:08 pm

    you are amazing. period. you do not need to justify why you run, why you love food, or anything. that is just so maddeneing to me. why are so many women out to make other women feel smaller?men dont take down other men because they exercise a lot. you are a strong woman and you do not need to explain any bit of that away to haters. keep on doing your thing. you rock!

  • Erin October 4, 2010, 9:11 pm

    I just wanted to let you know that you inspire me and motivate me every day. You, Kath, Jenna, and several others have helped me to lose over 100 pounds, the healthy way, and I did it without the gastric bypass surgery that I was scheduled for. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 🙂

  • Cate October 4, 2010, 9:12 pm

    Your blog is one of the first ones I discovered and began to follow. I love reading about your running and eating adventures and appreciate the time you put into your blog. I am saddened that someone would attack you and the other bloggers mentioned. You and the other bloggers have inspired me to really get into running and become more open to new foods and activities. (Clearly I am not the only one who feels this way as there are over 500 comments on this post alone.) I just wanted to say thank you. You are awesome! 🙂

  • Tiffinie Marcotte October 4, 2010, 9:13 pm

    Caitlin, I just want to say that your blog has been a source of entertainment/recepies/motivation….I love reading your blog everyday! It has really given me a new motivation to keep my running up! I just completed my first marathon, and you really have taught me a bit about eating for performance, not just losing weight! This article was really sad to me, just because I have been reading your blog for about a year and never once have I felt that you promote something unhealthy – you have one of the most healthy perspectives I can find! I believe you have a balance between food/activities/fun – and they can all co-exist in life (all in moderation!)

    Thank you for all that you do and keep doing it, you are great!

  • Jess October 4, 2010, 9:14 pm

    This is RIDICULOUSLY (in a good way) amazing. I love the way you wrote this–with elegance, but to the point. The marie claire reporter clearly has NO quality experience in the business. I’m 15 and know that what she did was stupid, illogical, but most of all, MEAN.

    Love your blog. Always will!

  • Erik October 4, 2010, 9:14 pm

    Seems to me that they are trying to take out the competition (Bloggers) by discrediting you to oblivion. Screw them.

  • Hannah October 4, 2010, 9:18 pm

    If you ever need any testimonial, I would be happy to give it. I just wrote to you a few weeks ago on how this blog has helped me in my Anorexia recovery. You, and the other bloggers were my biggest inspirations in recovering from this disorder that took away five years of my adolensece. I am now starting my junior year in high school, and LIVING for the first time, a large part thanks to these blogs.

    The writer was not informed about her facts about eating disorders-if she was, she would know the actual diagnostic criteria for a disorder. My mother has an exercise addiction which includes putting exercise above family, eating very little, not refueling after workouts, and regularly exercising 4-5 hours a day, while at a very low weight, and eating maybe 1500 calories.

    In the eating disordered world I was in, these blogs were a breath of fresh air, and I am extremely offended at this article.

  • stephanie p October 4, 2010, 9:20 pm

    When googling the author of the MC article on your blog, I found a handful of entries that mention her name. Intriguing that in all the articles she wrote about OB and you, she was generally very supportive. In addition to all the other errors she reported, she should have disclosed she has covered your endeavors in the past (and in a positive light!).

  • Doug October 4, 2010, 9:20 pm

    Don’t let the nonsense get you down. Paying attention to what you eat and enjoying exercise is healthy. The Marie Calire critique was pathological.

  • Sheilah October 4, 2010, 9:24 pm

    Caitlin, I’ve been a reader for several months now and for what it’s worth, the article sounds way off-base to me. The quotations from you just didn’t *sound* like you, if that makes sense. I haven’t perused the other blogs mentioned, but I have found myself inspired and educated by HTP (and have tried a few of your tasty recipes!). Also, I have noticed on a few occasions that you have stated that an upcoming topic may be triggering to people recovering from eating disorders, which is the responsible thing to do and which the article doesn’t even mention. Hang in there, and please keep up the writing! 🙂

  • Laurie October 4, 2010, 9:34 pm

    I have been reading your blog for about 2 weeks now. I am glad I found it. The reason I keep going back to it is for one very big reason…..INSPIRATION!!!!!!! Period. bottom line!!!!!

  • Maggie @ Say Yes to Salad October 4, 2010, 9:38 pm

    I just blogged about it. Can’t believe that they attacked you guys like that. I don’t comment much anymore, but know that you were always such an inspiration for me! And you still are. <3

  • Monica October 4, 2010, 9:39 pm

    You and the other bloggers have handled this SO gracefully and honestly and that speaks volumes. I love reading you guys’ blogs because they’ve really helped me to stay on the right track health and eating-wise. It took me years after college to realize that I wasn’t eating healthily and needed to exercise more. Knowing that I was in the same boat as SO many others was such a great feeling, knowing that I could make these changes permanently because others did and still are was priceless knowledge. Do I sometimes think I’m lazy because I haven’t worked out/signed up for a race/am not running marathons and doing awesome workouts everyday? Yeah. But it’s not a bad thing, I know what works for me, and know when I need to give myself a kick in the seat to get moving again, because it’s about being HEALTHY and HAPPY with me as a whole person, just like your blogs are. 🙂 Keep up the awesome work, you’re truly doing inspirational things and reaching out to create a great little blogging/healthy living community!

  • Pamela October 4, 2010, 9:45 pm

    Caitlin, although I discovered your blog only three months ago, you have been such an inspiration to me and have absolutley been my healthy tipping point. Not only did I complete my first 5K race a couple weeks ago, but you have also completely changed my view on how yummy healthy eating can be. Thank you soooo much!!! Keep up the great work 🙂

  • Autumn Tao October 4, 2010, 9:49 pm

    I sent the editor a piece of my mind. Your readers, as well as Kath’s etc, know what you’re all about. No worries. Who the he** cares what a Marie Claire writer thinks? Always remember where the comments come from… does that person really matter in your life? If no, then why should their opinion matter?

    XO and Namaste.

  • Laura October 4, 2010, 9:51 pm

    I rarely comment on blogs, but I feel the need to here. I have followed your blog for almost a year, and it is one of the first healthy living blogs I read. Over the past few years, I have taken more interest in balancing food and increasing my love of running. I find you inspirational! Please keep being yourself and doing what you do well. I know I can’t stand when others mistreat me, but the truth is you can’t please everyone!

  • Heidi - apples under my bed October 4, 2010, 9:55 pm

    You’re right – it is completely down to reader responsibility. You cannot be responsible for individuals with eating disorders. What you eat is healthy and nutritious, and you are sure to fuel yourself appropriately for your workouts. As a dietitian I think you girls are very healthy and happy and set a good example in terms of the food you eat. Insinuating anything else (& blaming you for other people’s eating disorders) is just plain ridiculous.
    Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re a star!
    Heidi xo

  • Joanna @ October 4, 2010, 9:57 pm

    As I said at CNC, the article at Marie Claire has a link to another one their articles in entitled “The Whole-Body Detox” and there is an article about ways to burn fat on the side of the page. I understand that it is not only hard to take unfounded criticisms, but even more difficult to do so from such a hypocritical source. Women’s magazines are a HUGE part of the problem when it comes to disordered thinking and poor body image. At least that is my opinion anyway. This article just rings as silly. I also think that there is some merit to “there is no such thing as bad press”. Your blog will get tons of hits from this and because your message is true, you will reach more people with your positivity.

  • hippierunner October 4, 2010, 10:24 pm

    I read this earlier but didn’t have time to comment until now. I was fuming all afternoon though after I had read the article. It is so ridiculous. I hope you know that you are a positive inspiration to many many people! And I hope you know we all appreciate you so much! Your blog and others like it have helped me gain a much improved, healthier self-image.

  • susan October 4, 2010, 10:26 pm

    You need to know what an inspiration you are to me! I have learned how to be healthy, exercise, run, cook (somewhat) and love my body partly because of YOU! I repeat Operation Beautiful quotes to my children and friends. You are a real person. You eat well, but will have the occasional treat. You are just a person who wants to share her life and possibly better someone else’s life at the same time. I have been following you since See Bride Run and I love that you are you. I could go on, but I think with the 700+ comments you will hopefully see what you write does make a positive difference in so many lives. Keep on bloggin!

  • Denise October 4, 2010, 10:36 pm

    I read your blog daily, but rarely comment. I love your positive attitude! Don’t let this jealous girl bring you down. Just know that we all love you!

  • Kate October 4, 2010, 10:41 pm

    I read the article and think that if they read your blog or Meghann’s blog on a daily basis they would know that y’all eat. Basically, I feel as though you are in tune with your body and know what it wants and when it wants it. Also, being obsessed with exercise is ridiculous — you are an endurance athlete.. that is what you do. I say screw them and keep doing what you do. You always, always, always make it clear that you do what works for YOU and that everyone is different. So there.. what was my two sense.

  • Jamie October 4, 2010, 10:50 pm

    I have read your blog for a long time. Thank you for inspiring me daily. You rock. Don’t let the mean girls get you down.

  • Carrie October 4, 2010, 11:23 pm

    It’s sad to see that some people can’t separate being healthy and having an eating disorder – two opposing concepts. I read your blog daily and find it inspirational and informative, keep up the good work!

  • Erica October 4, 2010, 11:28 pm

    I responded to the article with this- it was a terrible portrayal of the six of you.
    I am a long- time reader of these blogs, and I was very distraught after reading this article. Not only does this article mislead its audience about these women, it is MORE harmful to women reading Marie Claire than any of the blogs listed. In no way do the writers of these blogs promote unhealthy living, including eating disorders. In fact, it is quite the opposite- all of these women lead normal, balanced lives with a combination of healthy and indulgent- just like the rest of US. I have never been much of a Marie Claire fan, but I believe that I will not buy an issue after reading this article, nor promote the magazine. This article was misleading and harmful in indicating that these lives are unhealthy.

  • Mrs. Muffins October 4, 2010, 11:33 pm

    Omigosh, Caitlin! I am SO outraged right now. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now and YOU, YOUUUU!!!! are who inspired me to finally start running. I have also changed the way I see food. I suffered from eating disorders for over ten years but now I see food as FUEL because of you. I bought your book as soon as it came out, recorded your Today Show spot, everything! It breaks my heart that anyone could show up to the HLS and say such horrible things about any of you. I’ve never been a Marie Claire reader but I remember an issue I once flipped through that had Mary Kate Olsen in it. Never once did they mention her rumored eating disorder but they’re coming down on you like this?! I’m thoroughly upset and I’ll definitely be letting them know. Keep doing what you’re doing <3 xx

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:43 am

      Thanks Mrs. Muffins. I really appreciate all your long support. And keep running if you love it!

  • Jacquelyn October 4, 2010, 11:50 pm

    As awful and hurtful as this article was, I think it is obvious that your readers support you and know the truth.
    I posted a note on the facebook page (you have to be a member to write on the marie claire website itself).
    It’ll probably take you days to read through all the comments but I want to say that – as I’ve said before – “Healthy Tipping Point” has been a positive turning point in my life.

    Hopefully the masses of comments and responses will lead Katie Drummond to realize her obvious bias and apologize.

    As a student of journalism, I’m embarrassed by Drummond’s article (and I’m also glad to live in Canada where libel laws require that the accused prove they are innocent, rather than the defendant claim the accused is guilty).

    • Jacquelyn October 4, 2010, 11:52 pm

      *prove the accused is guilty (not “claim”, oopsies)

  • Bianca King October 4, 2010, 11:51 pm

    Great rebuttle! Just wondering,isn’t it illegal or wrong in any way that they wrote the article without you knowing what it was going to be about?

    • Jacquelyn October 5, 2010, 12:22 am

      i thought i’d jump in hear with what i’ve learned as a journalism student…
      i go to school in Canada, and had a whole class dedicated to journalism law because in Canada you have to be really, really, really careful what you say about other people because:
      – when crimes are concerned you don’t want to prejudice the jury
      – when libel/slander is concerned, in Canadian courts, the accused has to prove that they aren’t guilty

      In the US, however, the defendant has to prove that they have been slandered. So, it’s MUCH easier for someone in Canada to sue a magazine saying “I’ve been slandered” because as soon as you do that, it’s the magazine’s responsibility to PROVE they didn’t.

      But in the US, it’s harder to sue a wealthy, successful magazine because the person who has been slandered has to PROVE that they have been slandered so the onus is on them, rather than the accused.

      Hopefully I’m remembering my journalism law class correctly!

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:42 am

      No idea Bianca. When I do freelance articles, my interview subjects always know what I’m writing about.

  • chrissy October 5, 2010, 12:01 am

    Truly sickened by the article. The lack of journalistic integrity and shoddy support for so many claims and insinuations is pathetic for such a publication. I’m done w/Marie Claire. How can a magazine that has such unrealistic high fashion ads and models have the audacity to write such an article? Pathetic.

  • Natalie October 5, 2010, 12:02 am

    Props to all of you wonderful ladies who blog and have changed lives out there, in a positive way!!! Keep up YOUR fantastic work! I will continue to read EVERY DAY!!!!

  • Alli October 5, 2010, 12:06 am

    There were a lot of good points brought up both in the mc article and in the rebuttal, I thought.

    • Lindsay October 5, 2010, 12:29 am

      I’m genuinely curious – what did you think were the good points?

      • Alli October 5, 2010, 12:35 am

        It just made me think more about how I’m personally affected by these blogs. One of the reasons I stopped blogging was because taking photos of food every day and thinking about food and healthy living most of the time wasn’t, well, healthy for me. Everything I did and ate, I thought, “how could I blog about this? How can I present this to my audience?” And eventually, it became unhealthy for myself, and for some of my readers, I think. Putting my life on display wasn’t for me anymore.

        But the key thing is, that’s just me. Not any of these 6 bloggers (or other healthy living bloggers). But I guess the MC article just made me think of my own personal issues and how I’ve been dealing with them.

        I do think that the MC article had a pretty ridiculous slant to it, though. I think Caitlin’s rebuttal was well worded.

        • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:42 am

          I agree that there are larger issues in the blog world AS THERE ARE WITH ANYTHING. Heather at is doing a great job of discussing these issues. I just like to run and eat really good food. 🙂

  • Jolene ( October 5, 2010, 12:44 am

    Wow – the writer of that article CLEARLY does not read your blogs!!

  • Annabananabomb October 5, 2010, 12:53 am

    From the magazine that brings you the virtual weight loss tool – what would you look like if you lost 10 pounds?

    ‘Nuff said

    • Laura October 5, 2010, 3:13 am

      Absolutely ’nuff said!

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:41 am


  • Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan October 5, 2010, 3:47 am

    Wow, I’m a little slow catching onto this but gosh the reporter has an axe to grind don’t they! Maybe they’re miffed because you guys have had more success as bloggers than they have as reporters? Sorry, that sounds catty but it’s not meant to be. I read a piece of research recently about thinness and success ( which prompted my thought.

    Anyway, i’m getting distracted. What I wanted to say was that I don’t think the article has much substance. If people are prone to eating disorders and reading healthy eating blogs, any elements of the blog could fuel their disordered thoughts regardless of what you write and picture. Does that make sense? Also, I think the article is really missing the point with eating disorders and taking a very reductionist view. People suffer from them because of other problems in their lives and for many reasons, not because some people who are passionate about healthy living write a blog! And finally, isn’t Marie Claire and other fashion mags more part of the problem with their obsession with skinny models etc???

    Ok, I really should wrap it up. I love your work, I love your blog and you really are awesome and inspirational. And when I’m having any trace of eating disordered thoughts it’s your blog and book (as well as other things) that helps to reel me in.

    Lots of love and hugs xxx

  • Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan October 5, 2010, 3:52 am

    PS I’ve never heard of you guys referred to as “The Super Six”; that’s really quite sensationalist.

    PPS I did worry when I started reading your blog in the early days that it was a little strict with food and exercise but I’ve loved following your journey and watching you relax with food and love yourself more. Know what I mean? (If I’m not being clear it’s because I have a head cold so i’ve got major brain fog). Ok, I’m going to stop taking up space on your blog now! 🙂 xxx

  • Sarah @Gluten-free tries Vegan October 5, 2010, 4:03 am

    Sorry, I meant the “Big Six”. xxx

  • Jenny @ The Healthy Teenager, green tea and yoga, not alcohol and parties October 5, 2010, 4:24 am

    This made me so angry, I nearly cried. Your blog and the other blogs have helped me SO SO much over the last couple of years, it breaks my heart to see some horrible reporter tear all that apart and trash it…
    I’m so angry, I wrote a letter to the editor, and I hope they eat their words and pluck up the balls to apologize. We all love and support you xoxoxo

  • Marika October 5, 2010, 4:27 am

    Reading this article felt like a punch in the gut to me as a fan of these blogs– I can only imagine what it felt like for you. Keep doing what you’re doing. I love your blog.

  • Eliza October 5, 2010, 4:40 am

    i am not a mean girl in a classroom. but that doesn’t mean that i can’t see some aspects of truth in this article. i rarely ever comment on these blogs, but i truly believe that this is an issue that needs my attention and unique response. the vast majority of your comments here are in support of you, which is to be expected, but i really do think that her article was not all wrong. you did a very good job of using pathos in this blog post, and you were definitely right in some of your points. however, i am the daughter of a clinical psychologist, the sister of a suicidal girl who indulged in self harm and dabbled in anorexia for all of her adolescence, a formerly clinically obese teenager and a person who has had bulimia and binge eating and is still working on her relationship with food, and an undergraduate student of dietetics. i actually wrote my college essay on this very topic bridged by the marie claire article. i personally, discovered food blogs in the height of my eating disorder. and they did not help me. but in the height of this very difficult time, i did not have the common sense or the tools to pull myself away from these triggering images and reports, and used them to fall further. you don’t always eat enough. you exercise more than is realistically possible for most people. you tout accepting yourself as you are with this abstract concept that it does not matter what you look like, but you yourself take METICULOUS care of your diet and exercise, and you cannot deny that, the proof is in these pages. to a normal person with common sense, you are an inspirational example. to the eating disorder prone teen population (which im going to guess makes up a large percentage of your readership) you are an example that they can not realistically follow, no matter how hard they try. and they will try. and it could be potentially harmful. you have no nutritional training or true exercise expertise, these are just your opinions. and that is allowed. i am not trying to attack you, you are well within your rights to have this blog and say what you want, but it is a true shame that instead of using this as a chance to reach out to more troubled readers and have a conversation (a repetitive one if you feel you’ve already covered these things) about how this blog is truly just what works for you, an example, an outlet, and they CAN be healthy without copying you exactly, and you are not necessarily the perfect example. but instead you’ve taken this in an incredibly immature way. you are an adult, who has put yourself in the public eye, you should expect and be able to deal with some criticism. the article was wrong at certain points. but at times in this blog, so are you. this community is furthering a fixation on food and exercise, and that is not always healthy, and that should be discussed! i do want to commend you, you are one of the only bloggers i’ve seen who has put eating disorder disclaimers on some advice that you give, and i find this extremely beneficial. someone who has had or has an eating disorder is not the same as the general public and that does need to be addressed because you state yourself that this blog is to help others and inspire them. you have not lost my readership, but nor has marie claire. i simply wish this article had struck more of a conversation about improvements than a hate fest on marie claire that all of your groupies have joined in on. lastly, i want to point out that this article has no basis for a case in libel. the ap stylebook rules for magazines are not the same as those put forth for newspapers, and an article in a health section is not held to the same standards as a news article. though not formally stated as an opinion, magazine articles take a more informal tone and are permitted to write in whatever voice they see fit. just as you are. i truly hope you took the time to read this epic comment, because even if you are upset, i truly believe this is something you need to hear.

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:39 am

      thank you for your feedback eliza. i agree that there are issues that need to be discussed, and i acknowledged in my evening post “I wrote my rebuttal to clear the statements that were written about me personally.” I am not in the right headscape to talk about the larger issues when I am concerned about slander. I am sorry that blogs did not help you on your healthy journey. I hope you can take away fun recipes and motivation to be balanced from my blog.

    • Beverly October 5, 2010, 8:00 pm

      To an already anorexic or bulemic person ANY article, picture or comment on food can be a trigger to do an array of bad things from binging to binge & purge to running from food. To a person WITH disorders Marie Claire could trigger issues. Take a look at their anorexic looking models (I’m sure EVERYONE is a size 00 like them). What you comment on is a person who’s already messed up with disorders & these bloggers cannot be blamed for that! It’s ridiculous to even comment that! Add to that the fact that Marie Claire has the nerve to comment these “bloggers” are “making money” from their blogs or getting freebies…. um, what do you think THEY do? They get paid subscriptions from people to read a magazine that they put PAID advertisements into. Do you think Marie Claire staff all use the items in those pages? I highly doubt it, unless of course they receive complimentary items (oh that’s a thought, eh? I doubt THEY would ever accept $100 plus items from advertisers & sponsors.. that is SO not how the real world operates).

      I think it’s ridiculous to literally place a personal vendetta on these women & for them to give them their OWN term of the “whatever six” that they claimed was just ridiculous. Nobody who’s ever read these blogs has ever even HEARD this term before these biased morons used it.

    • Julie October 7, 2010, 10:16 pm

      “eating disorder prone teen population (which im going to guess makes up a large percentage of your readership”

      I have to disagree. All of the people I know who read these blogs are perfectly healthy people in their 20’s who also enjoy eating right and exercise and like to read about people who are like-minded. It’s hard to find people who *like* to eat whole foods instead of fast food in modern American culture. The mental health of Caitlin’s readers is not her responsibility and I don’t think that she responded immaturely, I think she responded humanly. The article was mean and misleading and I would be hurt if I were in her shoes. The article had potential for an interesting dialog about the subject, but missed the mark. It may not be libel, but it is certainly defamation of character.

  • shorty October 5, 2010, 6:35 am

    I don’t know that you will read my post or not but I just want you to know that I love your blog. I think you have wonderful stuff. I love blogs in general and follow A LOT! I don’t watch TV or movies so my down time is blogs. I love reading about new recipes and I love reading about exercise. I have never once felt any of the bloggers I read, 4 of the 6, have made me feel like I need to over do ANYTHING. I stopped reading one blog on the list only because she didn’t mesh with me on a personal level but NOTHING to do with context of the blog, if that makes sense. I wanted to show my support by posting a comment because I can tell you have been hurt and I just wish I could make it better for you or give you a hug or something. I am sorry this has happened. I think just as much as the Author of the article has liberty to freedom of speech so do you. Please don’t change what you have been doing because of this article. It is NOT your responsibility to the world train everyone in everything. You get write about what you love and that is what it boils down to. I know there are hurting people out there and if you choose to help them that is great but please don’t feel it is up to you and your blog to fix everyone. You write what you love. This is your blog and no one else’s. You will NEVER please everyone and it is not your job to do so. You are very loved by your readers so embrace that and do you best to forget what has happened. Try not to engage in the negativity of this whole thing. It is not worth the stress to do so. You did not sign up to write this blog for someone else. You have been doing it because you love it, remember that. I pray this helps a teeny tiny bit:) You have a Wonderful week!!! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT!!!!

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:36 am

      Of course I read ALL these comments!! Thank you so much Shorty. Your support means a lot.

  • Emily October 5, 2010, 7:13 am

    That article is crazy. I read your blog a lot. I am making lifestyle changes to eat better and exercise more. I find your writing an inspiration. I haven’t really copied any of the food or exercise you do, but it has helped give me ideas of what I can eat and do.

    It is down to the individual to know where they are in terms of their health and fitness level, choose their goals and then be sensible about what they do. The inspiration here is in seeing you do that in the right way for you, and being full of positivity and enthusiasm with it.

    I also like your blog because I am vegetarian and you eat some good food!!

  • Lexie October 5, 2010, 7:22 am

    Wow…..I am outraged at this article! There is really not much else to say. Your blog, motivation, and positive attitude towards everything in life is a huge inspiration to me.

    It is sad there are “mean girls” in this world. The way people treat others is a direct reflection of how they feel about themselves.

  • sarah (the SHU box) October 5, 2010, 7:22 am

    caitlin, you know you have my support! i do think the article was useful in creating interesting dialog, but my heart hurt for you and some of the others while i was reading it. my response and some <3!

  • Kristy October 5, 2010, 7:23 am

    Very posied response! I have to admit when most of the other bloggers expressed anger I didnt agree. I mostly felt sadness. Of course sadness for the people that were hurt must more so sadness that the author was this desperate to gain the attention. The blog world as a whole deserves to be repesented in a realistic manor. Real life bloggers like you have happened my transition from a crazy number driven life to now striving for balance and enteral happiness. Running 22miles + Eating a loaf of bread = BALANCE!

  • Marcia October 5, 2010, 8:04 am

    Shame on that reporter. If she spent any time at all on any of the blogs she talks about, and truly wanted to do some fair, unbiased reporting, she would have written a completely different article. Obviously her motives were otherwise. Among many other negative things, it diminishes any credibility Marie Claire may have had.

  • Amanda October 5, 2010, 8:33 am

    I feel your 13-year-old pain. I think you are an amazing, inspiring person – the purpose of your book speaks to the positive impact you’ve had on those 13-year-olds and 31-year-olds alike who struggle with self-esteem. A post-it on a bathroom mirror is all about inspiring a person on the inside, where it counts!

  • Aimee October 5, 2010, 8:47 am

    I just wanted to respond to your first point which states that you don’t have an eating disorder and then announces your daily caloric intake and BMI. Not all people with disordered eating are starving themselves and emaciated, and it’s irresponsible to attempt to draw a connection between the two. Many women with disorded eating do not, for all practical purposes, appear ill from the outside. Bulimics frequently maintain a weight/BMI within the normal/healthy range. There are numerous signs to look for beyond size/calroies consumed and I hope all of your readers understand that.

    • Caitlin October 5, 2010, 8:53 am

      I 100% agree with you Aimee, but I wanted to say that information because the article accused me of underfueling and my weight and BMI is directly related to the fact that I do not unfuel.

  • Katie October 5, 2010, 8:48 am

    My sister turned me on to your blog when I was starting to train for a triathlon and I’ve been following it ever since. Thanks to this article I now have 5 more blogs to check out that I never knew about! I’m sure there are hundreds of their readers in the same boat that will now start following your blog. Silver lining right? We are all smart enough to read the article for what it was.

  • MaryBe October 5, 2010, 9:19 am

    I have been reading your blog for ages and love it. Don’t you change one bit! All of us (your readers) know the truth and that’s all that matters. Don’t let an obviously jealous person make you feel badly about yourself. You are amazing! <3

  • kellie October 5, 2010, 9:55 am

    Hi Caitlin,
    I am another devoted blog reader and part of your (obviously) huge fan club. I also happen to be recovering from an eating disorder at this time. I just wanted to let you know that your blog and your other efforts such as operation beautiful, have truly inspired me to shift the direction of my own life towards healthy and happy. I read your blog daily and it’s always a boost, a reminder, and a spark for why a healthy appetite for life is so essential. you make a real difference in my day, and judging by the number of comments on this post alone, so many others too!

    I am so sorry that Katie’s article caused you any grief whatsoever! you definitely do not deserve that at all. But, on the other hand, I think things happen for a reason and I think maybe Katie is the one who needs you more than anyone. One thing that I see over and over in our society is women competing with each other in such a negative and unheathy way. I often wonder how much more we could accomplish if we would all let go of the competition and band together as a united front. since I starting reading your blog, I marveled at how you seemed to have this all figured out. It seems your specialty is to support and encourage other women to feel confident and be successful. I thought your yoga post was a true testament to this as you are someone who over and over recognizes the divinity in others while also recognizing the divinity in your own self, what a true talent. Perhaps katie is batteling her own inner war on insecurity and self-hatred. Perhaps she see’s a group of happy, healthy, fit, and successful women and soothes her jealousies and insucurities by trying to convince herself and others to focus on the negatives. I believe she could really learn alot from you- she could learn the power of positive encouragement and support. She could learn that we women are alot better off when we recognize the beauty in each other and honor it loud and clear. She might even learn that it is so much easier to find the beauty and strength in your own self if you become the type of person who pushes yourself to find the charm in everything and everyone you lay your eyes on – this is something i have definitely learned from you at least 🙂
    my hope is that one day Katie realizes how lucky she is to have met you and to have access into your powerful messages. we will all be better off if there is one less women in this world with self-doubt and judgement.
    namaste 🙂

  • amanda October 5, 2010, 10:03 am

    Great and classy response. I thought that the article, aside from being “tabloid-style” and not successfully arguing its point, was just plain unfair.

  • Jessie October 5, 2010, 11:13 am

    Every one of you food bloggies that was mentioned in that article are so much better than that. They did write that from a complete 1 sided view, leaving out information to make you seem as if you have an eating disorder or exercising issues. They knew they were leaving out positive information (such as you raising money for breast cancer and this blog helping with that, making women everyone feel so much better about there bodies with OB, as well as setting a healthy example with food, life, and exercise). I love all of your blogs so much, and they really honestly have helped me in so many ways. THANK YOU FOR DOING WHAT YOU DO!!!!!

  • Ash October 5, 2010, 11:25 am

    Hi Caitlin

    I just wanted to say a huge thank you to you for what you and the other 5 bloggers have done for me over the last 2 years.

    I have never ever commented on any of them because I am a little shy, an English whimp actually!! However, I was so annoyed after reading that trashy article in MC that I felt I had to! The six of you have inspired me, a 39yr old, overweight, lazy lump to not only eat healthily and lose 2 stone, but to start running! I not only ran my first 5k in June, but I will be running my first 10k this month. I am for the first time ever in the healthy range on all of the weight charts, with a normal BMI.

    So stuff that magazine, be proud of youself and for what you stand for and believe in, without you and the other 5 bloggers I would still be sitting infront of the TV munching crisps!!You inspire so many people across the globe with your blog, I read it every day from the Cornish Coast in England and would be lost, not to mention unhealthy without it.


  • Cess October 5, 2010, 11:34 am

    Caitlin-i recently found your blog and wanted to share what I posted on MC facebook page and will send to editor (who didnt edit anything) Kepp on keeping on inspite of this.

    Katie Drummond wrote an article that was untrue and did NOT uphold good, ethical journalistic standards. As of today I am cancelling my Marie Claire subscription. I bought the subscription because I like that fact that the magazine balanced (past tense) fashion with good, real life stories about women around the world and today that proved to be UNTRUE. I read most of the blogs that were used in the article and those women have done more to help women lead balanced lives in terms of food and excercize than MC will ever do. SHAME!

  • Cess October 5, 2010, 11:34 am

    Caitlin-i recently found your blog and wanted to share what I posted on MC facebook page and will send to editor (who didnt edit anything) Kepp on keeping on inspite of this.

    Katie Drummond wrote an article that was untrue and did NOT uphold good, ethical journalistic standards. As of today I am cancelling my Marie Claire subscription. I bought the subscription because I like that fact that the magazine balanced (past tense) fashion with good, real life stories about women around the world and today that proved to be UNTRUE. I read most of the blogs that were used in the article and those women have done more to help women lead balanced lives in terms of food and excercize than MC will ever do. SHAME!

  • Nicole October 5, 2010, 11:38 am

    I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and I disagree with the article in that I don’t feel that you specifically advocate a healthy lifestyle. However, I am also slightly disappointed with your response. I know it must be incredibly difficult to face extremely personal attacks like this- but as a very well-known blogger, and now publishes author, things like this are going to happen. Do you have a right to respond to Marie Claire? Absolutely. But I feel your response to be just as one-sided as their article. Their article brings up some really valid points. I think they probably should not have used specific names and blogs (I am only familiar with your blog, and I do feel that it represents a healthy lifestyle. I do not know about the others), but I think it is extremely important to start discussing how some so-called “healthy living” blogs really just promote obsessive exercise and under-eating. By bringing up the example of yourself in grade 8, you made yourself out to be some helpless victim viciously picked on by a huge, corporate magazine. This shouldn’t become a mud-slinging contest. You put yourself in the public eye- on blogs, on television and in books. Go ahead and defend yourself- but do it by pointing out the positives of your blog, or factual errors. Not by comparing the magazine and journalist to elementary school bullies.

  • corinne October 5, 2010, 12:04 pm

    Wow. The Marie Claire article is everything that is wrong with this world. What an awful way to use the power of the press.

  • aron October 5, 2010, 12:05 pm

    there are so many things that could be said and have been said about all of this, but i just want to say thank you to the HLB world for introducing me to a world of whole, clean, ethical eating that i may have never really known otherwise. where you dont have to eat fake/diet foods to be “healthy”. just because you eat what you do and exercise how you do does not mean everyone else has to as well. i would never think people have to train just like i do because that’s what i post on my blog. everyone just needs to make sure they are doing what is best for themself.

  • Annie October 5, 2010, 12:18 pm

    I’m still catching up on reading from a long weekend.
    I think it is AWESOME you are standing up for yourself and giving your side of the story a chance to be heard. Wasn’t that the point of being featured all along? 🙂

    You go girl!

  • Helena October 5, 2010, 12:33 pm

    They have completely lost my respect. I will no longer be reading that magazine.

  • Anne October 5, 2010, 1:18 pm


    I’m in my mid 30’s and have only been reading your blog for a few months. Let me first say, I love it! You are a fantastic writer and extremely inspirational. Overexercising and under-eating are very serious problems young women face (I’ve struggled with one myself). However, there are “temptations” all over the place for people with addictive personalities. That’s life. People can either choose to get help for their problems or blame the temptations. It’s much easier to blame the temptations.

    You are far from emacatiated. And there are MILLIONS of people training for marathons everyday of their life and eating healthy foods. I’m a Stage III Melanoma survivor and I know running (6 full and 12 half marathons under my belt!) and healthy eating helped me through my fight.

    Keep on being true to who you are!!

  • Penelope October 5, 2010, 2:43 pm

    They lost another reader here. Caitlin, you can’t even imagine how POSITIVE your influence is. You rule girl!!!

  • Katie October 5, 2010, 4:14 pm

    I just saw found your blog (after reading about the Marie Claire article on Gawker) and I applaud your response!!! I love reading about healthy eating and recipes, especially being a former college athlete and dealing with exercise and diet throughout my entire life. Keep blogging! I will definetly be reading from now on!

  • Emily October 5, 2010, 4:31 pm

    I was so disenheartened in reading what Marie Claire ahd done. I usually like that magazine and even read it this weekend in the airport. I agree that it all seemed very one sided. It’s sad that they felt the need to sensationalize blogging to that extent. I love your bolg and what you stand for. Keep it up!

  • Dany / fashiontowear October 5, 2010, 4:32 pm

    I just came across your blog, because of the online debatte of marie clare’s article and this was the most honest response I’ve ever read. In my opinion, the “big journalists” need to find bad things on bloggers. I think you should look ahead and thank Marie Clare for all the new readers you got! (and I’m so sorry for the notebook story, I had one myself in high school and to think that could had happened to me is awful enough) Stay as you are…

  • Ibelis October 5, 2010, 5:07 pm


    You are so classy and professional with your response regarding the article. I think that journalist needs a copy of your book….;)

  • Kate October 5, 2010, 5:49 pm

    Dear Caitlin:

    If Marie Claire had a face, I’d punch it. For you.

    Also, I am saddend that the writer of the article and I share a first name. Since I cannot demand that she change her name: I will now go by Kate.

    PS: to everyone else that may read this, this is clearly supposed to be for laughs. please, do not hate on me for wanting to inject a little humor.

    • Kate October 5, 2010, 6:03 pm

      also, in seriousness: I suffer from a pretty “awesome” form of depression that has cycled in and out of my life since middle school (I am 26). It stinks but I am my greatest defense when it rears it’s ugly head. I know depression is not the exact same thing as an eating disorder but I can draw onmy experience to make this statement: When I am “in it” and my only feeling is hopelessness and despair, I do not call up Hollywood and ask them to stop churning out sad movies. I do not complain to book editors who release books about suicide and I do not picket the TV companies who put out TV shows that make me cry.
      It is my responsibility to get the help I need. and you know, I don’t always do that in a timely mannor and sometimes I sit on my couch watching endless hours of crying movies for absolutely no reason. Does this help me? NO! but you know what, in those moments I have a problem, a serious one. and I an not in my right mind to be making choices, good or otherwise. This is why I have surrounded myself with caring people who can stop me and in essence “save me from myself” and my bad choices.
      is it a bloggers fault that ED patients get the wrong message? NO! they have a serious disorder that needs to be addressed by the people in their real lives. they are not in their right minds and will use any information to make bad choices.
      a hallmark commercial is generally meant to remind us to buy cards for the people we love. when i am not in my right mind all i can do is cry about how the people in the commercials look so surprized when they get cards like they never expected to be loved. does that make any sense to cry about? NO! but who am I to call hallmark and blame them for furthering my sadness?
      Caitlin, you have inspired me to go to the gym and work out. i am nowhere near “healthy” my BMI is like 45. but I have been inspired. and i am going to keep trying. so thanks!
      Kate (the great!)

  • Kiley October 5, 2010, 6:04 pm

    I just got my Marie Claire and was excited to read about healthy blogs because I’m thinking of writing one. But man was I annoyed by the article. I looked up your websites before I actually read it, and just from the glimpse I had I knew the writer was making something out of nothing. Sorry she did that. I would be ticked if I were you. Looks like you have A LOT of people on your side. Keep up the good work!

  • Colleen October 5, 2010, 6:40 pm

    I have been reading all six of the aforementioned blogs for well over a year and a half and I’ve never commented. I’m doing so now because I want to show my support to you guys – I thought the article was one-sided and the magazine definitely missed an opportunity to have a great discussion about bloggers and healthy living. Carry on, be strong, and keep up the good work! 🙂

  • Christena October 5, 2010, 7:28 pm

    I think you have had some good discussion in your comments section!

    Although I am a fan of half of the “big 6” – Jenna, Kath, & Caitlin, I do not want to totally bash the author of the article, because she brings up good points. When I first found “food blogs” (before realizing how popular they are & how big the community is!), I thought it was such a bizarre concept – that these blogs document & photo everything eaten in a day. I still think it is bizarre and not “normal behavior” — at least not FOR ME. I cannot manage to reconcile this in my mind — even though I continue to read for the lifestyle commentary. As some one who struggles with an ED, at times the HLBs encourage me to be healthy and other times they trigger. I have to remember that the bloggers are paid and it is their JOB to write about health/fitness/recipes. It is NOT my job to do this; hence, I shouldn’t be spending so much time on it! I just think I am an example of a girl who can unknowingly & easily teeter into ED territory by reading seemingly innocent healthy living blogs. So, I am glad that the author at least made me, and others, I’m certain, question these things. Namely, the amount of time I (as a reader) spend on food blogs daily. 🙂

    But, like I said, I’m a fan of your blog as a whole, Caitlin, and certainly Operation Beautiful, even if I don’t “get” the food documentation. 🙂

  • Jennifer October 5, 2010, 7:30 pm

    I just wanted to let you know that your blog is the first one I check every morning with my tea. I had my own “heathly tipping point” moment over a year ago and have never looked back. I love your blog because it I think you do a great job of presenting healthy living in such a well rounded way. It’s not an all or nothing deal, but respecting your body and yourself. Thanks for the great blog and I know I’ll keep reading for years to come.

  • Beverly October 5, 2010, 7:52 pm

    You have no reason to apologize or even give a rebuttal to these complete idiots. They’ve proven they are exactly what they are “SELLERS”… they sell out for whatever it takes to make a buck. Talk about someone that’s the furthest thing from REAL…. take a look at their ads, their “costumes” they put on their own anorexic looking models! This journalist evidently had some issues of her own, perhaps she wanted to blog & become well known & it never happened? Who knows? But truth be told as long as YOU feel good about yourself I can’t see a single thing wrong with how you approach your own healthy lifestyle. Nobody does things the same way, you show how you do life “healthy” for you. We, as readers, should use your information to help us figure out OUR way to living a healthy lifestyle. I’ve lost 98 lbs. so far, and have a way to go. I’ve been inspired by blogs like all of you ladies & by what I deem “Fitter Twitter” friends. I realize they’re all not doctors or nutritionists.. that’s why I LOVE them so much… you guys are REAL. As for looking anorexic, perhaps they should open their own pages to find those women…. have you seen their “real” models? Far from real indeed!

    Keep inspiring, keep healthy & keep sharing your ways with us so we can be inspired!

  • Evita October 5, 2010, 10:44 pm

    You are wonderful! Please keep doing what you are doing. You have opened my eyes to the wonderful world of clean eating through whole foods. Positive body image is something that I still struggle with, but Operation Beautiful is helping me think differently….one post-it note at a time.

    Thank you!!

  • Gree October 5, 2010, 10:53 pm

    I hadn’t even heard about that article until you posted on it..goodness gracious, what atrocious and one-sided reporting. I have found all your posts to be informative and health focused, and to be truthful at times I say; wow that’s a lot of food!I never think you or Kath or any of the other bloggers are offering poor advice, with all the garbage we have available to put in our bodies I applaud you for keeping your commitment.

  • Maureen @ Notes on a Visual Life October 6, 2010, 12:55 am

    Caitlin, I think most of these “women’s” magazines are 95% junk. Your blog has changed my thinking and behavior in infinitely more positive ways than those types of magazines did when I was a younger person. I wish I had had your (and many of the other ladies’ blogs) blog as a 15 year old. These “journalists” are interested in shock value. I’m so sorry this has happened and has upset you so deeply. As you say, the vast majority of your readers are affected positively by your blog. Keep on keepin’ on and this too shall pass.

  • Sharon October 6, 2010, 2:12 am

    I think the saddest part about the article is how it forgets to mention that the blogs are only a part of the lives of the people in question. I’ve only been following your blog for a few weeks, but have enjoyed the different recipes and ideas you’ve shared. I’m sure there is much more to your life than fitness and food, but it’s an area you chose to be passionate about, and to blog about. I find your blog very inspiring and motivating. I’ve shared it with other friends as I think you’ve made some amazing things I just had to try!!

    As well, these are steps you’ve taken to be healthy, and to belittle those steps rather than celebrate them is a true loss. You have an amazing blog and you should be proud of what you’ve done. I am sorry the article was so harsh on you and the others, but hopefully it just drives more traffic to your blog so people can see all the cool things you have to offer!!

    Keep on smiling, you are an inspiration

  • Tiffany October 6, 2010, 7:24 am

    I read about you in the Marie Claire article. I came, I saw, I’m a fan of yours now! I started 6 months ago at 100 lbs overweight and desperate. I didn’t know where to begin, how to change my life and how to build self esteem. I’ve since lost 50 lbs and couldn’t find a blog like this for the life of me. I now have it for the other 50 lbs and to keep them off!

    I’m thrilled with the healthy choices. I see nothing anorexic or scary in this. I see inspiration and can’t wait to incorporate some of your ideas into my adventures.

    Sometimes the worst things that happen can turn out to be the best! I’m sure there are others like me who will now follow you. I know the article was extremely hurtful to you but because of it how much more publicity will you get? And how many other girls like me will you help change the direction of their body goals?

  • Shell October 6, 2010, 8:09 am

    Something that still baffles me is to all the negative commenters is, why oh why do they read and CONTINUE to read blogs which they fell negative about? It is beyond frustrating, at the end of the day it is the bloggers right to eat what they want, exercise how they want etc, personally i dont feel they need to be responsible for any of their readers as we are all capable of making up our own minds and are responsible for ourselves so why should they feel they need to take on that responsibility? We need to stop blaming others for our problems. Love you Caitlin and love your blog.

  • Jennifer October 6, 2010, 8:21 am

    I am so sorry you had to go through this. I hate lazy journalists who just need a story and are willing to risk all sorts of ethics just to throw something together.

    As an aspiring journalist I am disgusted and I am sorry…

  • Kara October 6, 2010, 11:39 am

    I was horrified to read the article, which as you say, really is libelous to you and the other bloggers mentioned. As a trained journalist, it’s revolting to read such a o