This weekend, I packed up the car, dropped the doggies off at camp, and the Husband, Henry, Claire and I drove to Savannah, Georgia for the Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon and 5K. I was signed on to do the 5K as a blog ambassador. I am so excited that I had a chance to check out this race because it was REALLY special and unique.  It was an awesome weekend getaway race!


First up – let’s talk my race goals.  So, I gave birth to Claire around 4 months ago, and for the past 3 months or so, I’ve been working hard at regaining fitness, building muscle, and working on speed. But let’s be honest – it’s hard to juggle the kids PLUS the associated sleep deprivation PLUS work and the rest of life PLUS training.  I wasn’t too sure how I would do, but I was willing to go all out for a speedy race.


Spoiler – I ran it in 26:41, which is my post-babies personal record!  I’ve ran three faster 5Ks, but they were all before 2010.


I credit my fast race to the beautiful course!  You guys – Savannah is such a pretty place.  I’ve never been before and really enjoyed visiting.  I have a post planned for tomorrow that details where we stayed and what we did.  But just check out these course pictures – the 5K wound through the central park and down the historic cobblestone streets.



Okay, but let’s backtrack a bit to the race expo.


I’ve been to a lot of expos, but this was – by far – the nicest and most upscale one that I’ve attended.  Also – it was small, which was a nice thing because it was very navigable and not overwhelming in the slightest.


One of the race sponsors was New Balance, so there were a ton of branded NB shirts and other gear.


But the other cool part of the expo was the small, upscale businesses – not necessarily running-related, but stuff like fine chocolate, gourmet salts, purses, and beauty products.



Oh, speaking of purses, check out the race freebie! Instead of shirts (because, seriously, who needs another race shirt?), they gave away really, really nice New Balance gym bags!  I was SO pumped to receive this at check-in.  I currently use a beach bag as a gym bag – this is a major upgrade!


As you can tell, this race was very, very well organized.  The organizers really put a lot of thought into what women runners would want out of a race location, expo, freebies, and post-race party.  It’s harder to organize a well-run race that you’d think, so I really appreciated all the attention to detail.


Onto the race itself!


We stayed at an amazing hotel that was right outside the race starting line.  Truly – I could look our our window and see people lining up.  We didn’t leave my hotel room until 5 minutes before the gun went off! 

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It’s always fun to do women’s races – I love lining up with everyone in their fun and colorful outfits and feeling that supportive, powerful atmosphere. 

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My plan for this race was to run as fast as I could the entire time, but to hold off a bit in the beginning.  I had originally intended to train for this race as I normally would for a 5K – 8 weeks of focused running – but last month, I decided to focus more on boot camp (which is mostly high intensity interval strength training) and speedwork on the treadmill.  We also do speedwork in bootcamp.  But when I was running, I usually maxed out at 2 miles (with a bunch of speedwork thrown in).  As I toed the start, I wasn’t sure if my plan would work.  I was a bit concerned that I would crash and burn at Mile 2.5!


But I didn’t!  I managed to hold a pretty consistent pace of 8:30/mile the entire time.  I had planned to walk through the water station, but there was a bottleneck of runners and I didn’t want to stop and mess someone else up – so I kept going without my intended walking break. When the Half Marathoners split away from the 5Kers, I could tell I was towards the front of the pack (I finished in 30th place or so) and really put the pedal to the metal.


Finished strong at 26:41 – I was so thrilled to see the Husband, Henry, and Claire at the finish line! 


After I was done, we attended the post-race party.  Every runner got two free drinks – either a beer or a mimosa.  Heck yes.






Afterwards, we hung out in our space blankets (kudos to the race for having blankets for running and spectators, too!) and watched the first few finishers from the Half Marathon.  Man – those ladies were fast.


Go, go, go!


All in all – a fabulous race, a fun family trip, and a great reminder that speedwork pays off.  My next 5K will be part of a sprint triathlon, and I’m REALLY looking forward to that.


My entry and attendance at the Publix Savannah’s Women Half Marathon and 5K was compensated. As always, thanks for reading sponsored posts.


Ironman April

in Ironman March

Each year, I host a workout program called “Ironman March.” The aim is to get in triathlon shape for the upcoming spring and summer triathlon season and have fun doing it. The program’s goal is to do an Ironman distance over the course of a month. 

ironman april

I totally dropped the ball on organizing Ironman March this year… So in 2015, we’re going to call it Ironman April.  April only has 30 days, not 31, so we better hustle!


How far, exactly, is an Ironman triathlon?


A 2.4 mile swim

A 112 mile bike

A 26.2 mile run


This breaks down to swimming approximately 872 meters/954 yards, biking 25.3 miles, and running 6 miles per full week.  It is a really great and fun way to get your body used to training for three sports. And it’s totally do-able for even a newbie triathlete! 


Here’s the official Ironman April training plan (click right here to view the printable PDF):


And, as always, here are the “rules:”


  1. This is a ‘blank training plan.’ That means that while each week includes 4 days of blanks for each sport, that doesn’t mean that you have to do 4 days of running, biking, and swimming each week.  You can take as many – or as few – days to complete the total for each sport.
  2. For example, let’s say that work out four days during the first week of April.  One workout is a 500 yard swim, the second is a long 30 mile bike ride, the third is a 6 mile run, and the last is another 500 yard swim. You’d fill out Day 1 and Day 2 on the swim line (“500 yards” and “500 yards), Day 1 on the bike line (“30 miles”), and Day 1 on the run line (“6 miles”).  You will have completed – nay, exceeded! – your weekly goal distances.  Make sense?
  3. Two years ago, we decided that it takes two hour-long spin classes to ‘add up’ to the 25.3 miles. This is just a guess and definitely not scientific at all!  If you do one class, go ahead and call it 13 miles.
  4. When added up, the weekly goals in the training chart may slightly exceed Ironman totals.
  5. Most “short course” lap pools are 25 yards in length. “Long course” pools are 50 yards in length.  25 yards = 22 meters.
  6. You can finish the ‘Ironman’ faster, if you want!  Don’t feel constrained by the weekly goals – they are just the average numbers necessary to stay on track.  For example, if you run 15 miles per week, you’ll be done with the run component before the second week is over.  Also, if you don’t swim at all one week, you can definitely make it up the next week.  The point is to do the Ironman over the entire month, no matter how you get there.

ironman april quote

I hope you will download the training plan and join me on this fun challenge! And, as I did last year, we’ll be doing PRIZES.  Send me a photo of your completed training plan at the end of April, and you’ll be entered to win a fun prize <— prize TBD.


And, if you’re new to the triathlon sport, check out my awesome series for beginners:  So You Wanna Do a Triathlon.

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Our yard was dead and barren all winter, and then – all the sudden – it’s exploding with weeds.  Wish we had planted some tulip bulbs or something pretty.  But no – just weeds.


So I’ve been trying to clean up our front garden for a few days. The process is taking forever because I do it during Claire’s naptimes and only get like, 20 minutes at a time.  I barely have enough time to get dirty before I have to come in!  Huge mess.  Hopefully, it will be worth it though – I’d love to see some colorful flowers in there.


So in addition to a little weeding, yesterday was full of fun.


I got my workout of the way in the morning.  Brandi and I met for a swim and a bike ride.

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I’m committing to making most of my non-boot camp workouts a double (such as a swim/bike or a bike/run) because I really, really need to get ready for triathlon season.  My first is in May!  Eck.  It’ll be here before I know it…

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We did this 1500 yard workout, but I nixed one of the speed sets and the cool down because my arms were soooooo tired from boot camp.  As I said to Brandi, I kind of feel like I’m in an awkward place physically.  It’s like a plateau that I need to push through – I’m constantly tired/sore workouts but feel like I need to push through to get stronger and fitter so I’m NOT constantly tired/sore.  Does that make sense?

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We biked for 10 minutes after.  Later in the afternoon, I went back to the pool – but this time it was with Henry!


Ah, you know what’s changing my life?  Well, just my mornings, I guess. Getting really consistent about putting all my smoothie ingredients in the blender the night before.  It makes breakfast go even faster. 


We bought a reconditioned (and thus cheaper but it still comes with a mega warranty) Vitamix a few years ago, and I have to say, I love my Vitamix so much.  It is the ultimate blender.  I use it multiple times a day – and for a variety of different types of foods – and can’t imagine cooking without it.


A Claire Update


I wanted to give you guys a Claire update because I’m seeing some pretty cool stuff happen with my baby girl.  In the last few days, she’s started to LAUGH.  I mean – really, really LAUGH.  It’s so cute!  She thinks it’s super funny when you say “Moo” like a cow.  And man – she loves to crack up at Henry’s antics.  She looks at him with such adoration in her eyes… She also loves the Husband.  She sees him and just BEAMS.  It’s super sweet.


She’s so chunky, too.  Love her heft!  Her thigh rolls are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen; she’s soft and squishy.  I just want to squeeze her all the time. 


Her little baby personality is coming out more and more.  If I had one word to describe Claire, it would be “agreeable.” She’s always willing to go with the flow.  She smiles at everyone she interacts with and is just generally a jolly girl.  The only time she is not happy is when someone else tries to put her down at nighttime – she gets super upset until I come in and rock her.  This makes bedtime difficult, but I secretly like how much she wants me…


She’s getting more and more active, too.  Her head control is great, and I find myself carrying her on my hip more and more (as opposed to like a football).  She’s gone into the jumper at childcare a few times and loved it.  I loaned my friend Henry’s jumper (my mom friends and I swap baby gear constantly) but I’m going to get it back this week so she can rock the jumper out at home, too.


Here’s Henry in the Rainforest Jumperoo when he was a little older than Claire is now. Can’t wait to see her in it!


She’s also figured out the purpose of toys, and she’s loving Henry’s old favorites like Freddie the Firefly, Sophie, and the Winkel Rattle (which I call “the atom bomb” because it looks like an atom to me).


Now, I owe you a Henry update.  He’s doing so well; I’ll try to write a bit about his awesome toddler life soon (I love the stage he’s at!).


Have a good one!



in All Posts

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Happy Tuesday!  How are you doing?  I feel busy – but good.  It’s always hard to pull things together after a fun weekend, right?  Monday was rammed, but I’m hoping that my late night efforts put some breathing room in our schedule today.

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It’s so nice here!  I know some of you are still experiencing winter, but spring has sprung here in the South.  Thank goodness – this Miami girl had just reached her maximum intake of winter weather. 


And this weiner dog is pretty pumped, too.

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Speaking of the pups, I used the Furminator on James yesterday.  That’s how I know it’s really spring – when James starts shedding his winter coat all over the house.


This was Round 1 of furminating.  I usually do twice or three rounds before it’s all off.  And trust me – you MUST furminate outside.  This tool is absolutely essential if you have a dog that sheds and actually want a semi-tidy house.


And last… but not least… a delicious bowl of soup and a crunchy salad.


I somehow pulled myself together long enough to make Nicole’s Super Soup.  Now I have my lunches planned for, oh, three or four days?  Love this soup.


It smells so good when cooking, too!


Okay – one more random spring-related side note.  I am trying to expand my shoe repertoire lately, i.e. not wearing my gray Chucks all the time (not that Chucks aren’t worthy of being frequently worn…).  I got rid of almost all my shoes a few weeks ago because everything was outdated, worn out, uncomfortable, or I just wasn’t wearing it.  So I’m building my shoe collection from the ground up (which is pretty fun).  Anyway, I really want a pair of wedges for warm weather…  I like these shoes a lot but WAY outside of my price point.  Or maybe something with a little more platform in the front?  Any suggestions?  Please go shopping for me!  Heh.


Off to a swim/bike double workout.  Wahooooooooooooooooo!


Getting Back on Track

in All Posts


Oh my. Did I ever fall off the healthy bandwagon this weekend!  We visited friends and family, and let’s just say that I drank my fair share of Captain Morgan.  Hah!  I went four days without a workout, ate every delicious dessert presented to me, and generally had a blast.  But now it’s Monday – a new week – and I’m feeling a desire to get back to my normal (and much healthier) habits.  Also – I never want to drink Captain Morgan again…


… Okay, that’s a lie.  But I definitely don’t want to hang out with the Captain anytime soon!


Here are the 5 things that I like to do to get back to more balanced habits:


Go to bed earlier than normal and wake up to an awesome workout.

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I was in bed by 10:00, slept as soundly as I can with a baby snoozing in the same room, and tackled the gym ASAP this morning.  It was boot camp day!  This is my fourth week of boot camps (I go Monday, Wednesday and Fridays), and last Friday was the first time I’d missed a sesh.  I was super happy to  be back.   Yay for getting sweaty!

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I also noticed that I didn’t have to do as many modifications as I have in weeks’ past.  I think I’m getting stronger!


Drink a lot of water.


My lips are super dry, and I know I need to hydrate (freaking Captain Morgan…).  I filled up a huge pitcher with water and left it out on the counter – my goal is to drink it all.  I’m making progress.


Get veggies.  Lots of veggies.


Our fridge is completely empty (I normally shop on Sundays but didn’t have a chance) so as soon as I can, it’s to the store for healthy eats.  I want to fill up on PLANTS and PROTEIN today.  I’m going to make double portions of everything so we’re covered for tomorrow, too, since I didn’t get a chance to do any food prep this weekend.


Plan out your workouts for the week.


I’m SO pumped because on Saturday, I’m running the Publix Savannah Women’s Half and 5K.  I’m doing the 5K.  It’s not too late to register if you want to join!  Use code HTPSAV10 and get $10 off registration.  The swag for this race is gonna be sweeeeet.  Every runner gets this awesome gym bag from New Balance!


Stay Positive!

I checked in with the Get Fit Blog Friends Facebook group (join us!) to see what others do when they fall off the wagon, and I loved all the responses about STAYING FOCUSED and STAYING POSITIVE.  There’s no sense in beating yourself up over it – just move onwards and upwards.


I forgive myself and just start over!! Today was my day! I haven’t worked out in two weeks for a host of reasons. I was really starting to feel it. I awoke this morning, pressed play, and will take it one step at a time! – Shaun


You just gotta do it…no excuses! We’re all human and have our moments, but that’s no reason to just stop being healthy. You can’t guilt or blame, but just accept and move forward. – Haley


Remind myself that one healthy choice is all it takes to start. And that’s all I have to do; just start. I can’t change the weekend – it already happened – but I CAN make the next best choice! – Sara


I just decide ‘today’s the day’ and do the best I can to get back on track. I did it this morning- woke up and worked out. I am trying to drink lots of water and I am having a healthy breakfast. I have my fruit ready for my morning snack and my meals planned for the rest of the day. One day at a time! – Kim


One day, sometimes ONE MEAL at a time. I don’t beat myself up and I know that every healthy choice is a step in the right direction. – Diana


I try to think of healthy living as an overall body of work; I know that overall I’m always striving to be physically active, eat as many fruits and veggies as I can, and continuing to work on other aspects of my health, like my mental and spiritual well-being, so I’m usually pretty happy with where I am. That sounds all holier than thou, though, which is not me, and really, if I get off track I just start fresh with an awesome grocery shopping trip that replenishes the good stuff and usually write out a workout plan, ’cause I like checking things off a list. – Jen


If I feel I’ve been unhealthy lately I commit myself to a week of great workouts and I cut out dessert for a few nights. I always feel healthier if I don’t have dessert and instead have healthy snacks! – Laura


After a "bad" weekend, I make sure that I spend some time on Sunday meal-prepping. I also make sure I go for a run/jog/anything active as soon as possible. Getting back into a gym routine is the best way for me to get back on track. – Jenni

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Are you getting back on track today, too?

Healthy Tipping Point