Things I’m Loving Lately

in All Posts

I always like to read posts like this from other bloggers.  So I figured I’d throw my ring into the hat with a list of the books, movies, shows, products, and concepts that I’m adoring lately!


Favorite Book:


I just read “Above” by Isla Morley – it was so good!  It starts off a lot like “Room” (also a very good book) but then there is this CRAZY plot twist.  I don’t want to say anything else (and don’t read the back of the jacket or the reviews), and the second half of the book will totally take you by surprise! 


Favorite TV Show:

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It’s a tie between two shoes that are on the polar opposite end of the spectrum – The Walking Dead and Parenthood.  Isn’t The Walking Dead good this year? That’s saying something because the last two seasons have been really rough, and I only stuck with the series out of a strange sense of commitment.  Finally – it’s turned around and is so scary/creepy/interesting again.  I’m also loving the final season of Parenthood, but I’m also so sad that the series is almost over.  I’m hoping everything gets wrapped up with a neat bow!


Favorite Movie:


Edge of Tomorrow was very entertaining.  If you love adventure, action, and sci-fi, this is the perfect movie for you!  I actually stayed awake through the whole thing, which at 36 weeks of pregnancy is saying a whole lot.


Favorite Body Wash:


Ahhh, this stuff is great.  I never thought I’d have a “favorite” body wash – I usually just use Trader Joe’s stuff and think it’s alright.  But this wash by Jason is super moisturizing.  I get out of the shower and feel like I’ve rubbed in lotion already!


Favorite Snack:

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This gluten-free granola from Trader Joe’s is so flavorful and crunchy.  It’s awesome with vanilla Greek yogurt!


Favorite Recipe:


Henry and I had these Pumpkin Pie Popsicles when we stayed at Kath’s house – then I eagerly waited for her to blog the recipe on her blog.  We’ve made a batch since (butsans candy mix…the candy version is better, obviously).  I love giving these to Henry because they are actually healthy treats.  And they taste really good!


On a related note, my current favorite “Kid Trick” is to freeze green smoothies and serve them as popsicles (he won’t drink the whole container, but he sure will lick it!).  Henry loves having them as “dessert” and doesn’t know he’s basically eating almond milk, peanut butter, and spinach.  He’s going through a picky stage so I’ve got to sneak those veggies in however I can!


Favorite Tea:


Oh man.  So good.  I love this tea because it’s an actually tasty green tea (green tea is so tricky).  Plus, it tastes like dessert!


Favorite Photo:


How cute does James look here?


Favorite Motivation to Run:


Not that I’m doing any running lately.  BUT – if I were – Pile on the Miles would be my motivation!  Monica does this challenge every year (way, way back in the day, I even helped co-host it), and I think it’s super fun.  You can read about how the challenge works (and what prizes you can win) right here.


Favorite Website:


All the cute photo collages and little infographics that I post on the blog, I create on PicMonkey.  It’s such an easy photo editing tool – I use it for practically every blog post. It’s a great way to create customized holiday cards, too!  I have the Royal version (paid) and think it’s worth it for the wider range of options; the free version would work just fine for every now and then use!


Favorite Recent Accomplishment:


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I am almost done with Henry’s baby book! All I have to do is put the pictures into the book when they arrive on my doorstep – but that’s the super easy and fun part.  Just writing everything out, organizing the pictures, and selecting which photos to print was a HUGE undertaking.  I am so proud of myself for DOING IT.  I knew if I didn’t do it before Little One arrived, I would literally never, ever do Henry’s baby book.  My plan for Little One is to try to keep up with it more on a month-to-month basis.  We shall see if that actually happens!


What are you loving lately?



  • melissa l November 4, 2014, 8:29 am

    My favorite trick for a baby book is have a wall calendar out and write the information on there! Then you can just look back and take the notes from that! I am always forgetting to pull my daughter’s out, but when I do have a moment I can look back 🙂

    • momHTP November 5, 2014, 9:18 pm

      What a good idea!

  • Katie @ Peace Love & Oats November 4, 2014, 8:39 am

    I am totally in love with PicMonkey and have been for years – it’s such a great site!

  • Erica { } November 4, 2014, 9:15 am

    Candy Cane Lane is INCREDIBLE tea!

  • Hannah November 4, 2014, 10:30 am

    Good call catching up on the baby book before the new little one arrives!!
    Do you have a baby book that you love or recommend? Anyone??

  • Chelsea @ TableForOne November 4, 2014, 10:43 am

    I love Parenthood and my man loves Walking Dead so those shows are both a hit in our house! Also, that candy cane tea?! I think I need to go tea shopping for some seasonal flavors.

  • Raurie November 4, 2014, 10:47 am

    You mean, hat into the ring? 🙂

  • Carrie (This Fit Chick) November 4, 2014, 10:50 am

    oo I need a good photo editing site! I’ll check out picmonkey! Ive heard good things about Parenthood- maybe I should give it a shot!

  • Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine November 4, 2014, 11:56 am

    Yes! To the Walking Dead.
    And I just had that tea this morning! O if tasted like Christmas 😉

  • Ellen @ Wannabe Health Nut November 4, 2014, 2:24 pm

    I always love these posts. Do you think the popsicle-smoothie trick will work on husbands, too?? 😉 Right now I’m reading Eat Q. by Susan Albers, which is a great read for anyone who struggles with emotional/mindful eating. I need a fun book soon, so I may pick up Above – I loved the creepy-factor of The Room. Haha.

  • Emily November 4, 2014, 2:33 pm

    Do you mind sharing your green smoothie recipe you used for the frozen treats? I make smoothies all the time just wasn’t sure if you altered it at all before freezing? Thanks!

    • Caitlin November 4, 2014, 2:35 pm

      I just put in about a cup of almond milk, 1/2 cup frozen spinach, and a HUGE glob of peanut butter. That’s it. So basically the same as you would make any normal smoothie, just frozen.

  • Shannon November 4, 2014, 2:33 pm

    What baby book is that? I’m looking for one that I actually like (soooo much harder than I ever would have imagined!).

    • Caitlin November 4, 2014, 2:34 pm

      It’s from Hallmark – not sure of any more specifics than that. I bought it two yuears ago!!!

    • Monica November 6, 2014, 11:29 am

      Something I did (I also have a baby book, not filled out…) is to make a book on Picaboo. I would just type out all the info every month and put a bunch of pictures. Since I’m always on my computer for work, it was a lot easier to do it that way than to remember to go get the book and write stuff down. I plan on doing one for each year, but the second year (12-24 months) has been much harder to keep up with, so we’ll see!

  • Inez @ Pancake Saturday November 4, 2014, 3:06 pm

    That book looks right up my alley! I just finished reading Eat & Run by Scott Jurek and absolutely loved it. Now I’m onto a book about using yoga for stress relief. After this one, I’ll definitely be wanting some fiction.

  • Carrie S November 4, 2014, 3:26 pm

    Couldn’t get past your first sentence….I think you mean “hat into the ring”??

  • kristin @ W [H] A T C H November 4, 2014, 5:43 pm

    candy cane green tea — brilliant!

  • Christina @ The Beautiful Balance November 4, 2014, 10:30 pm

    Oh, that candy cane tea is everything! They also have a sweet nutcracker tea that you will love if you like the candy cane.

  • Keri @ Withlovefromcolorado November 4, 2014, 11:01 pm

    Your babies are too cute (James & Henry both!). Looking forward to trying the Popsicle trick with my little guy next summer. I miss peppermint tea–much tastier than mothers milk or red raspberry. Lately I’m loving Organic India’s Rose Tulsi tea, delicata squash, short runs & race dreams, and sleep when & if I can get it. Fun post!!

  • Jillian November 5, 2014, 8:17 am

    That granola looks great.

  • ann November 5, 2014, 1:39 pm

    Love the green smoothie popsicle idea, can you share a recipe or how you do it, I have never made either and am having trouble with picky non veggie testing toddler and preschooler. Thanks and good luck mama.

  • Emily November 6, 2014, 10:58 am

    Ok, so I am trusting you on the Green Tea! I am an iced tea fanatic, but have never acquired a taste for the hot stuff. Or green tea. So I picked up a box of the Candy Cane Lane at WF today (on special AND a .75 off coupon – score!) to give it a whirl.

    Do you add anything to that tea once brewed (such a novice over here)

    • Caitlin November 6, 2014, 12:06 pm

      Nope! It’s sweet 🙂 enjoy!

  • Monica November 6, 2014, 11:26 am

    Congrats on getting the baby book done! Mine is still sitting with a bunch of clipping and photos shoved in it, but hardly anything written out! She’s “only” 19 months old, so you give me hope! Lol. 🙂

    We don’t have cable, so we just finished last season’s Walking Dead and it only started getting interesting the last couple of episodes. The beginning was soooo boring. I have high hopes for, well, next year, since I keep hearing the current season is awesome!

  • Jennifer November 9, 2014, 9:15 pm

    I was wondering what brand are the popsicle holders you use? They look great for catching drips 😉

    • Caitlin November 10, 2014, 3:52 pm

      I don’t know the brand, sadly. I got it at Bed Bath and Beyond though!

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