I’m Fancy

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When I bought these ‘right’ and ‘left’ Nike dri-fit running socks right before I ran my first marathon (Disney back in 2010), I thought, “Because I never spring for expensive socks, I will lose righty or lefty in approximately two weeks. I just know it.”


But I have managed to keep the pair together for over two years.  This is especially significant because my other socks are a pack of cheap cotton athletic socks with a rainbow of stripes on the top (so a red pair, a blue pair, etc.).  I don’t wear the same colors at once because I consistently fail to find a matching pair.  But somehow, someway these two have remained as one.


I went on a run tonight.  Whoop whoop.  Looked at my calendar on my iPhone during a walking break and realized my race is in a week and a half.  I confess that I am slightly nervous.  I haven’t raced in so long, I haven’t done a triathlon in even longer, and – hell – Henry was born in June.  You know what I’m worried about the most?  Not finishing (I know I’ll finish – I’m just going to have fun with it!), I’m nervous that Henry will be a babbling crazy baby the night before the race, and I’ll be exhausted at the start.  Oh, and I’m scared to do the run leg of the race after not feeding Henry for at least an hour and a half.  File both those under ‘Momma Problems,’ please.

Yes.  This is what I thought about the entire three miles.  The joys of fancy socks and the logistics of boob nightmares.  Help.



  • KaraHadley August 14, 2012, 9:29 pm

    I totally understand your sock problem. I finally sprung for some socks (instead of wearing the ones my family gets and don’t want from race swag bags) and am so paranoid of losing them (they’re brightly colored) that I keep them in a delicates bag. As soon as I take them off they go into the bag, they get washed and dried in the bag, and then they get paired, folded, and placed in my sock drawer.
    So congrats on keeping both socks together.

    • Johanna B August 15, 2012, 4:17 pm

      Good method for keeping them safe and secure.

  • Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) August 14, 2012, 9:36 pm

    You will do great Caitlin! The biggest thing is to just have fun with it! Don’t worry about the small stuff (or the big in the case of the boobs)! I bought some nike compression socks a while back with the L and R on them. I love how they hug my feet in legs! It’s like the L and R know right where to grip my feet. Love them!

  • Nicole Dyan August 14, 2012, 9:36 pm

    I mostly run with cheap cotton socks from Target, but was gifted and bought two pairs of fancy running socks while training for my first marathon. I started having foot pain during my long runs, and put together that the fancy socks were actually causing my foot pain. I went back to the cheap socks and didn’t have any more problems!

  • Lindsay @ Fuel My Family August 14, 2012, 10:30 pm

    I ran a 5 K when my second baby was 8 weeks. I just made sure to pump to empty right before I left the house. Good luck!

  • Carin August 14, 2012, 10:30 pm

    Haha – boob logistics!

    I ran a half in Sydney, caught up with a mum running with a buggy WHO HAD STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RACE TO BREASTFEED – and she still beat me!

    I’ve been exhausted at the start of a race too (only 3 hours’ sleep… not recommended). Hey ho – as long as you remember to breathe during the swim and don’t fall asleep on the bike, you’ll be OK. Mucho cred for doing it so early post-partum!

    • Caitlin August 15, 2012, 10:31 am

      damn what a baller!

      • Jackie August 15, 2012, 12:25 pm

        I think you could factor in some serious intimidation points if you get a hands free pump to use while cycling!

  • Liz August 14, 2012, 11:06 pm

    My favorite ‘fancy’ socks are the Balega Hidden Comfort socks 🙂

  • Erin @ erinberries August 14, 2012, 11:13 pm

    Cool socks! I definitely need to get those. I always end up matching the wrong socks together. Or losing one here and there.

  • Caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy August 14, 2012, 11:18 pm

    you’re going to do great! and yay for matching socks:)

  • Abby August 14, 2012, 11:19 pm

    If it helps our friend who has a three year old and 1 year old last weekend ran a marathon and placed 4th!! HE said he and his wife had the worst night of sleep to date-due to their girls up every hour!! Grant it he doesn’t have the boob thing to worry about!! 🙂

    Good luck!

    • Caitlin August 15, 2012, 10:32 am

      Awesome 🙂

  • Michelle @ Fit Girl Blogs August 14, 2012, 11:47 pm

    It’s so exciting that you’re getting back into running post-baby! I’m sure you’re going to do fine in the race — and for the first time you’ll have the TWO most important men in your life cheering you on! 🙂

  • Marie-Santé August 15, 2012, 12:04 am

    Haha, my only matching socks pair are my running socks. I think it’s because they are so crazy expensive, I’m more careful. It’s funny how cheap I can be for my «usual» clothes, but spend 18$ for a single -good- pair of running sock.
    I never sleep well before a race (I’m like a 6 years old at Christmas Eve) and it never really affected me (adrenaline? excitement? endorphin?) but it’s not the same because I don’t have a child. Anyway, I hope you’ll be proud of yourself no matter what. It’s so inspiring to see you actually try and so soon (I don’t mean to be judgmental, I’m just very impress!)

  • Claire August 15, 2012, 2:18 am

    Re the boob thing – I’m sure no one would mind if you had to fit in a little BF at the bike to run transition if needed (assuming your boys are coming to cheer you on). In fact I think that would make you a total rockstar mother triathlete!

    On the sleep thing, I’ve heard that as long as you get some decent sleeps in the lead up to your race, the night before doesn’t really matter. Not sure how much that helps with an 8wk old though!

  • Lauren (athleat) August 15, 2012, 3:18 am

    Major props for signing up for races so soon! My son was born a week after Henry and I am still trying to get into a normal workout routine. I am also exclusively Breastfeeding and running has been tough to fit in! I am going to need my son or my pump with me in the car before the race to be sure i am all emptied out. Otherwise I would be running with my hands on my chest over the finish line. Not to mention that I need new sports bras like STAT.

    Question-how are you fitting in pumping with nursing? I am going back to work in Sept and have been trying to figure out how to get a good supply in the freezer going…in between all the feedings.

    • Caitlin August 15, 2012, 10:34 am

      I pump all daytime feedings and put whatever is leftover in the fridge!

  • Janine August 15, 2012, 5:57 am

    Another person with a sock problem! I am so fed up of buying good socks for running to find I only have one when they come out of the wash. I’ve never seen these before, I’ll have to invest in some.

  • Brittnie (A Joy Renewed) August 15, 2012, 6:19 am

    How is it that socks disappear like that? I don’t get it. Nothing else in the laundry has this problem. Geez !

    Can you believe that I have only been to IKEA once? I know. I was a tad overwhelmed but totally in awe of everything there. Looking for a storage ottoman to replace our current living room glass coffee table so I might just have to go back. 🙂

  • Kristen August 15, 2012, 6:29 am

    Chances are, you’ll arrive at the start feeling the most tired you’ve felt at the start of a race. But if you prepare yourself for that feeling (and hey – you’re training with that feeling too right?) it will just be there – it won’t be a surprise – and you’ll deal with it.

    I’ve been pretty lucky with socks lately. The dryer hasnt eatenone in awhile. I guess that means I’m due for a few lost ones.

  • Anne August 15, 2012, 7:28 am

    I can’t say I’ve ever gone as upscale as specific R/L socks, but running socks are WELL worth the investment. I’ll leave it at that, ya just gotta expereince the difference for yourself!

  • Molly @ RDexposed August 15, 2012, 8:31 am

    I love running socks! Worth the splurge!

  • Kelly August 15, 2012, 8:35 am

    I always bought cheap socks until one year my husband bought me one pair of fancy shamcy socks…sold…I am a sock snob now!

  • Brandi@SC Runner August 15, 2012, 8:38 am

    I’m the same way with socks! I keep tabs on my expensive socks though, I don’t want to lose those babies!

  • bonnie August 15, 2012, 9:19 am

    I bought these great running socks at the Expo for the Providence Rock n’ Roll 1/2 Marathon last year. They are awesome! It was $5.00 for a 3 pack and they are the best running socks I’ve ever had. They come in blue, pink and purple and have little white tread lines on the bottom so they don’t slip in your sneakers! I was soooo excited when I found them at Sports Authority! $10 for a 3 pack there… still a great deal! I love the colors and they are easy to find in the pile of laundry to be folded. Good luck in your race!! The adrenaline will get you moving and you’ll forget how tired you are!

  • Libby August 15, 2012, 9:40 am

    I have the same socks, and actually bought TWO new pairs last weekend. I love them. And, I will confess, I wear them for pretty much every workout during the week before I wash them. Is that bad? Re: boob issues, just bring LOTS of sports bras. And sleep in the guest room. Can’t wait to hear about your experience!

  • Amanda August 15, 2012, 10:05 am

    After buying my first pair of Smartwool socks, I haven’t looked back. Cheap cotton ones just don’t feel right anymore.

  • Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs August 15, 2012, 10:14 am

    I’m so impressed that you have been able to keep that pair of socks together for so long! I’m like you with the rainbow running socks that never match, so good on you! 🙂

    Good luck with your last little bit of training — you can only do what you can do, so enjoy it & you’ll be great for the race!

  • Corrie Anne August 15, 2012, 10:16 am

    Keeping those socks together is an accomplishment!!!!! Lots of new things to plan for races now that you’re a mom. You’ll have to write a racing guide for young moms sometime. I’m counting on you to teach me about all this stuff before I go through it. 🙂 Haha.

  • Kendra @ My Full-Thyme Life August 15, 2012, 10:22 am

    Oh, boob nightmares. I hope yours don’t become a reality! I’m sure with the right planning and a little bit of luck you will be just fine. Will you be able to feed and/or pump right before running? Will Kristien be available to be on duty the night before the race so you can rest up? I’m so excited for you and so incredibly impressed! I love your approach of just getting out there and having fun. You are right, you did just have Henry in June and to put pressure on yourself would not be wise at this point. Simply your state of mind and outlook can easily set you up for success even more than your physical capabilities. Can’t wait to hear how it goes! 🙂

  • Courtney August 15, 2012, 10:26 am

    Even if you have a sleepless night the night before, you’ll be great! This summer, I was doing my first sprint tri in salt water and I was a mess over the salt water swim. I swim confidently, but for whatever reason, it being salt water put me in a tizzy. Low and behold, my 4 year old had a RAGING fever the day and night before- and we were staying at a friend’s house on an old futon. I barely slept. But that adrenalin helped me get through the tri! You have SO MUCH to celebrate- and the fact you are doing this so close to Henry’s birth is amazing. Just have fun with it and think how amazingly special it will be to have Henry watching you in his first race! THAT is the best!

  • Jess August 15, 2012, 11:23 am

    Pump before the start of the race and you should be fine. Like others said, you can always feed him during a transition. Chances are you will be tired, but do you ever really sleep the night before a race?

    Just curious, why did you sign up for a race, especially a triathlon, just two months postpartum? It seems like a lot of pressure on your mentally and physically with getting used to the new mom, breastfeeding, lack of sleep thing.

    • Caitlin August 15, 2012, 11:32 am

      I wanted to do a race before the season is over! and mommy hood really isnt stressing me out 🙂 It’s really fun and I feel quite balanced with workouts. Henry is SOOO good that it’ easy.

  • Danielle August 15, 2012, 12:37 pm

    You are going to do amazing and WILL finish! That adrenaline will kick in and help keep you going. I have a race in about two weeks (Kauai Half, my 2nd) and i’ve been injured for almost half my training season – I run with Team in Training. I’ve only run once in the last two weeks and won’t be able to run but maybe one more time before the race. Worried? HECK YES! BUT I think we both will do great. Good luck!!

  • Jen August 15, 2012, 12:51 pm

    Love this post! You’ll do great and feel great at your tri! Nursing was my number one concern when I returned to running races ( a half and then a full) after my son was born. I ran a half when he was 5 months, which was fine. I nursed him right before we left for the start, but it was a small race and quick to the start and then off I was. I was able to get home quickly and nurse him again. My advice is just to try your best not to think about it and stay hydrated and relaxed during and right after your race. My anxiety kinda got the best of me that day and I felt pretty ill after the race ( a 2:07), and then I couldn’t really be of much use to my family, you know? Just ask for help. And ask in advance. 🙂 I did a full when my son was 6 months old and it worked out okay too. I just made sure to pump right before the start and kept hydrated during the race. Fed him right after I finished and had a huge bunch of food, protein shakes, water waiting for me at the hotel and just tried to keep the anxiety low. I’m not going to sugar coat it – those were tougher days for my family because let’s face it, we really have a lot going on when we are nursing, but I felt really good about getting to those finish lines and I know you will too! Good luck!

    • Caitlin August 15, 2012, 1:27 pm

      thanks for this!

  • Ellen @ Wannabe Health Nut August 15, 2012, 2:30 pm

    Wow, that is certainly a feat! My boyfriend keeps threatening to do the laundry because I ALWAYS without fail lose one (including his expensive Adidas socks) in the wash. Threatening is the operative word though—he hasn’t done one load yet since I moved in in May!

  • Sara August 15, 2012, 3:46 pm

    You got this!! both of your worries are things beyond your comtrol….just go out there and have fun with it!

  • Becca @ Roots & Reflections August 15, 2012, 4:35 pm

    Boob drama! Why doesn’t anyone tell us nursing will change everything! Although I wasn’t racing when I was nursing my girls I was still active and figuring out how and when to feed was a true balancing act. It always works out… you may finish with rock hard boobs to go with your rock hard abs and if anything leaks you’ll just look really sweaty! You’ll do great!

  • Hilary August 16, 2012, 3:19 am

    Oh my goodness
    “Yes. This is what I thought about the entire three miles. The joys of fancy socks and the logistics of boob nightmares. Help.”
    Made me laugh at loud at the office! You are hilarious!!!

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