I Will Again

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This baked oatmeal tastes just like a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks.  Mmm.


I like making baked oatmeal in the morning because I just mix all the ingredients together, pour into a ramekin, and put in the oven.  Then, I go about my business, showering and walking the dogs, and when I come back – it’s ready!


The recipe for Pumpkin Spice Latte Baked Oatmeal is on my breakfast recipes page.  🙂


Come back for lunch because I’ll be announcing the Breville raffle for the Livestrong Foundation!  The juicer retails at $179, but you can get a ticket for $5… and it all goes to charity! Wahoo!


Help For Injured Athletes


A sweet reader named Kathy sent me this email:  I always thought your knee injury story and how you ran after that really inspiring.  I was reading the local paper (Austin, TX) today at lunch and there was an article about a local man who was hit by a truck while running.  He broke his neck, back, pelvis, multiple ribs and other bones.  He felt defeated and thought he would never run again. 



Well, he overcame his injuries and went on to run a marathon!  The article is here if you want to check it out (it’s not long).  The reason why I wanted to tell you about him is because he started a website called IWillAgain.com.  It kind of reminds me of an Operation Beautiful for injured athletes! 


From the website:  "IWillAgain.com is a web community of support for athletes overcoming, accident, illness, or injury by providing a forum for athletes to share their story, their goals and progress, and to allow others to share in their revival through encouragement, advice, mentoring, and prayer."


Seems like a cool site for injured athletes – check it out!


What obstacles have you overcome to get where you are now?  It doesn’t have to be a physical injury!  I think it’s so powerful to look back and see what you’ve overcame and accomplished.



  • Kelly March 5, 2010, 8:22 am

    Wow I will definitely have to go check that out. I haven’t been able to run since last May. I have days where I get really frustrated about it and others when I see how many other things I have experienced because I haven’t been able to run: spinning, biking outside, weight training, and just yesterday I tried a class called urban rebounding- basically jumping on a trampoline!

  • Gabriela @ Une Vie Saine March 5, 2010, 8:24 am

    As someone who’s had a pretty bad knee injury, I love the idea of that site! I’ll have to check it out ASAP. It’s so disheartening to have to take a break from exercise, as well as deal with the repercussions for the rest of your life. What a great message! Happy Friday 🙂

  • jen trinque March 5, 2010, 8:24 am

    I haven’t had many physical problems to overcome, but I’ve definitely overcome many emotional challenges in my life: quitting a job that made me miserable even though on paper it looked great, ending a really serious relationship that basically left me alone in a town with no family and few friends, etc. All worth it though, because 1) my life is pretty great now and 2) I know I am capable of making the tough decisions and that when I have to again, I can follow my heart.

  • Jessica @ How Sweet March 5, 2010, 8:26 am

    Luckily, I have never had an injury other than a few pulled muscles. I feel very blessed!

  • Stacey March 5, 2010, 8:26 am

    Mmm..oats…though I’ve already had a bowl, yours are making me want another 🙂

    Last year I was injured while training for a half-marathon. I pulled groin muscles in BOTH of my legs and I couldn’t run for about 3 months.

    This year, I am back at it! I have a half-marathon in a little over 4 weeks 😀 Though I haven’t been “training” for it, I hope to just finish it without quitting. I feel a lot stronger than I did last year!

  • megan March 5, 2010, 8:28 am

    wow what an amazing story. I have tendonitis in my ankle/knee that keeps me from running more than 3-4 miles, but it seems like absolutely nothing compared to what other poeple go through. (plus I dont’ really like running so i don’t mind too much). this is such a great mindset, not just for athletes, but for everyone. we hit obstacles in every part of life – relationships, work, any goal that we set will have obstacles. it’s so important to rise above it, see the bigger picture, have a huge vision to get us past it. “I will again” – what a great message! I feel so inspired on this friday morning!

  • Estela @ Weekly Bite March 5, 2010, 8:30 am

    I’ve had some running injuries in the past, but luckily I’ve been able to overcome them with yoga and strength training.

  • Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg March 5, 2010, 8:31 am

    Yum!! That baked oatmeal looks great.

    I’ve never had to overcome an actual injury, but I have had to overcome a “mind” injury– I used to be so doubtful of my own abilities. I never thought I’d be able to run for longer than 3-4 miles, and I had just pretty much accepted that. When I decided to aim for longer distances, I pretty much thought I’d be a big failure…but once I overcame that fear, I realized that I was much stronger than I thought, and I ran my first half marathon last fall!

  • Nicole, RD March 5, 2010, 8:34 am

    I think my obstacle will always be time and having to make time for what’s important. Mornings are out for me and I work 50 hours a week, so it can be tough…but it’s worth it!

  • Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) March 5, 2010, 8:37 am

    Awesome post! 😀 I’m currently overcoming a knee and foot injury which is preventing me from running, and sometimes I feel like it’s really getting me down. BUT, I refuse to stop working towards eventually running again. My goals:

    1) spend time at the gym to stay in good running shape for when I *can* run again

    2) change my goals from half-marathon to being able to run 3-5 miles by the end of summer (it’s important to still have goals for me, even when that means changing them around!)

    Thanks so much for posting that website! 😀

  • Whitney @ Lettuce Love March 5, 2010, 8:43 am

    Thanks for posting this! I will definitely check out that website. I have been lucky (knock on wood) that I haven’t had any major injuries but I am always inspired by stories like this.

  • Joanne March 5, 2010, 8:45 am

    Geesh! I am so addicted to this site. Love it.
    I make my oats the same way – stick the ever changing mixture of oats PLUS on the stove, feed the dog, shower, etc. and Whalla! (is that how you spell whalla????)… they’re done.

    That seems like a good site. Hope I don’t have to go searching for it…so far, so good.

    Obstacles overcome: I used to be scared to death to race. Mainly because I eat so much fiber, it interfered with my runs. But in reading so many blogs and finding out I’m not alone out there…that hey! natures happens, I am doing more races and loving it. That is..loving it once the race is over 🙂

  • Freya @ Brit Chick Runs March 5, 2010, 8:47 am

    That looks like a great website, I’ll be sure to check it out! I’ve had to overcome a pretty major eating disorder to get where I am now, as well as a nasty runner’s injury on the way. It all takes time to recover from, but I’m SO much stronger for it, and I don’t regret anything from my past, cos it’s made me who I am today 😀
    Have a great day 🙂

  • Christie @ Honoring Health March 5, 2010, 8:48 am

    I’ve overcome a lot trauma in my life and am very proud of where I am today. I’ve worked hard and stayed true to myself and couldn’t be happier with the progress I have made.

  • Tracey @ I'm Not Superhuman March 5, 2010, 8:52 am

    I’m so happy to read about this man and the site he created. I’ve been dealing with two injured knees for years (Runner’s Knee x2 that won’t quit). I’ve lost all hope for ever running, but I do have other hopes: I will go to the grocery store for a full trip again. I will walk the mall again. I will stand for more than a few minutes without pain again!

    This is such a HUGE inspiration for those of us who are couch-bound thanks to pain. THANK YOU for passing the tip along!

  • Jenn @ Livewellfit March 5, 2010, 8:57 am

    Gosh I love reading stories like that, whether it be a physical or mental obstacle that someone worked pass.

    I hurt my back about 4 years ago. I was training for a marathon and on my last training run, out of the blue my back started hurting. And it didn’t stop hurting for over 6 months- when I finally got a proper diagnosis. I have a torn disc which unfortunately will never heal but I can still build strength. Long distance running is no longer in my future but I have found a MILLION other forms of exercise that I love. 🙂 As long as I keep my core strong and tight, I rarely to never have pain!

  • sarah March 5, 2010, 9:05 am

    I have overcome a bad attitude! Seriously, that is a hurdle that needs overcoming. For years I categorized myself as a snarky, pessimistic type, always content to sulk on the sidelines. It sounds hokey, but as I have learned to have more faith in myself and others, I’ve found a new appreciation for people and what we can achieve. Because, when you look at the majority of folks, we are pretty incredible. #offmysoapbox

    • Caitlin March 5, 2010, 9:09 am

      i heart your soapbox.

  • Allie (Live Laugh Eat) March 5, 2010, 9:06 am

    Ahhhh pumpkin spice lattes!!!!!!!!!!! You just woke up a crazy monster–I almost forgot about those babies. I’ll have to hold me over until next fall with your oatmeal creation 🙂

  • Lauren @ Eater not a runner March 5, 2010, 9:10 am

    What an inspiring story! I guess the main thing I had to overcome was self-doubt. I honestly didn’t think it was possible for me to run a mile without stopping. And now I have completed a half-marathon!

  • Madeline - Greens and Jeans March 5, 2010, 9:10 am

    I’ve had several major injuries (knee surgery, IT band release, torn muscles, torn disc in my back, AND somehow I am not only walking, but running half marathons! Every time I go for a run I am thankful that I can get out there.

  • Beth March 5, 2010, 9:15 am

    I’ve lost over 50 pounds and had to/am working on overcoming all the emotional baggage that comes with that. Throughout the process of getting to a healthy weight I’ve taken up running and it has really changed my life. I’ve done 6 races and have a 10 miler coming up next month. I sprained my ankle pretty bad but nothing major physically besides that during this process.

  • katherine March 5, 2010, 9:16 am

    Thanks so much for including this link! As someone who is currently fighting through an injury, I can definitely appreciate the value of community. I’m fortunate that I can still run (a bit, and a bit slower), and I can’t imagine overcoming such amazing obstacles. This is why I love the stories in Runner’s World. They always make me tear up! I read them to The Huz and he thinks I’m insane. Must be an athlete thing 😉

  • Laura@FindingAHealthyBalance....after a 100+ Pound weight loss!!! March 5, 2010, 9:18 am

    Mine isn’t “injury related” it is overcomming my internal & external demons as I call it in order to lose 100+ pounds! It took me 4+ years, with lots of ups & downs, but I finally did it last August! =) After doing so I find that anything is possible as at times I felt I would never succeed but I finally overcame all my obstacles and did it!

  • Kelly March 5, 2010, 9:20 am

    I will def be checking out that think, thanks for including it!

  • Sarah @ THE FOODIE DIARIES March 5, 2010, 9:21 am

    thaaaaank you for reminding me that I NEED to make that! love the idea of that site. i’ve had numerous running injuries and its always such an unpredictable emotional (and obviously physical) rollercoaster

  • Paige (Running Around Normal) March 5, 2010, 9:28 am

    Baked oats sound so delicious. And convenient!
    What a magnificent story. So inspiring 🙂

  • Laura @ Backstage Pass to Health & Happiness March 5, 2010, 9:29 am

    Thanks for sharing the link with us – what an inspiring story.
    I am blessed that I don have any physical limitations, but certainly have had emotional roadblocks over the past couple years.
    A big one for me was ditching my negative, “I’m stressed all of the time so I am going to turn it inward” attitude.I was working super long hours and though I love my job, it was harming my relationships and cutting off time interacting with people I care about. As soon as I realized that I didn’t NEED to be Superwoman all the time, I made it a priority to balance in more time with my boyfriend, friends and family. Next up: I need to make exercise a priority for myself, everyday.

  • Jessica @ The Process of Healing March 5, 2010, 9:29 am

    Thank you for that website!! That story is SUCH an inspiration to me. I have days where I feel like I’m NEVER going to recover from my injury and run again but if he can overcome his MULTIPLE injuries and run a freaking marathon, I can surely overcome a measly stress fracture. I will be checking that website out!

    I have, like others have said, also overcome a bad attitude. One day I woke up and decided enough was enough, my bad attitude was not making me happy and it was driving away my family and friends. So i changed my outlook on life, try to look on the positive side of things, and I am MUCH happier 😀

  • Michele March 5, 2010, 9:32 am

    We all have major obstacles to overcome… some seen by others, some remain inside and unseen. One “seen” obstacle I’m continuing to overcome every day… with every choice I make is concentrating on my health. Two years ago, I weighed so much that I could barely walk half a mile without feeling like I was gonna die. I joined a gym and did seven minutes on the elliptical… and was sore for a week. Although it was difficult to keep going because I was embarrassed because I couldn’t do as much as those around me, I did keep going. And soon, I started to notice progress not just in terms of weight loss but also in how I felt and in my cardio capacity. Now, I still struggle to make the best food choices, but at least when I overeat these days, it’s usually and overdose of Kashi, Stoneyfield, and PB. The biggest triumph is that the girl who couldn’t walk half a mile before is now getting ready to walk her first half marathon (Flying Pig in Cincinnati, Ohio) on May 2, 2010. Every long training walk these days is a personal distance record, and it’s the most exciting thing in the world!!!! We can overcome anything. It’s all about patience and not being afraid to try again when we don’t do as well as we wished.

  • Shayna @ Cuts and Curves March 5, 2010, 9:38 am

    I’ve been wanting to make baked oatmeal all week! Darn. Too bad I already ate, or else I would have loved to make this. Maybe I will tomorrow.

    That’s an incredible story! So inspiring. WOW

  • Rachel (suburban yogini) March 5, 2010, 9:41 am

    Everyone has an obstacle to overcome. It’s part of being human. As is the process of overcoming it!

    Mine are scoliosis and fibromyalgia. I laugh at them 😉

  • Carolyn March 5, 2010, 9:42 am

    I’ve been fighting knee, back and shoulder pain while training for the 8K in two weeks. Hopefully I don’t injure myself trying to make up for lost time. Today I set a PDR of 3.5 miles!

  • Heather (Heather's Dish) March 5, 2010, 10:16 am

    i had a nightmare relationship with a girl i used to be good friends with, and getting over the hurtful things that were said and done there is probably one of the biggest things i’ve been able to overcome. it definitely took a lot of tears, a lot of anger, a lot of faith, and a lot of love from my husband to do that!

  • Matt March 5, 2010, 10:31 am

    Wow that is an awesome story. I haven’t really overcome any real obstacles, but I have been through some tough times!

  • skinnyrunner March 5, 2010, 10:34 am

    ive had a physical injury, but mostly self doubt has been the thing to overcome. i think for women its really easy to understimate ourselves instead of going big, having big goals, and believing we can do it. ok, motivational speaker, slow down there….

  • Danielle (Coffee Run) March 5, 2010, 10:36 am

    That does seem like a cool website and his story is really inspiring. I feel like I’ve been too fortunate for not having any injuries/obsticles. I’m trying to prevent them the best I can!

  • Karissa @ CardioFoodie March 5, 2010, 10:39 am

    I am currently dealing with some tendon issues in my right leg. I am on Day 5 of rest and it is driving me crazy. The leg is feeling better, so I will continue to rest. I have a double-half marathon weekend at the end of March that I am waiting out.

  • Sarah @ See Sarah Eat March 5, 2010, 10:43 am

    I seriously need to make that oatmeal!

    I am fortunate that I have never had an injury that kept me from running. When I was in high school playing volleyball, I got a sprained ankle and knee and then pretty much quit playing my last year. I wish I’d read stuff like this then, perhaps I wouldn’t have felt as sorry for myself and realized what a gift being able to exercise is. Luckily I know that now 🙂

  • Shellybean March 5, 2010, 10:47 am

    This is such a tiny thing, but I have had 3 bad colds in the past 2 months and the last 2 were really horrible chest colds which aggravated my asthma so I’ve been coughing and wheezing and miserable and unable to run or work out very much at all. I was really bummed out last week (the first week I was well) because I could only run about 5K, which in my mind is so short! (I ran a half Marathon at the end of Nov.) I’m finally feeling better and after my run today, I’ll have gotten in 5 workouts this week (which was pretty normal for me pre-illness). So I’m really proud of myself for resuming my good habits and not letting myself get thrown off track. 🙂

  • Amber K @ sparkpeople March 5, 2010, 11:35 am

    Overcoming the emotional pain of my youth and taking the time to lose the weight is a daily struggle, but I am doing it!

    No major physical limitations, but my emotional ones can get to me if I let them. And I have decided I want to persevere!

  • meg March 5, 2010, 11:48 am

    I haven’t overcome any serious physical obstacles, but the worst obstacle I’ve had to overcome (and am still working on every day) happened just two months before I moved across the country to start a Ph.D. program. My now-husband’s brother (and one of my closest friends) went missing, and the pain and exhaustion from grief and the weeks ands months we spent searching for him (and sadly, ultimately finding his remains a year later) took a real toll on me emotionally. I never thought I could finish this program, and now, four years later, I’m weeks away from defending my dissertation. I haven’t given myself a lot of credit lately, but now that I sit here and type this, I’m pretty damn proud I didn’t give up.

    • Caitlin March 5, 2010, 12:04 pm

      im glad you realize how special you are! you deserve it.

  • Catherine March 5, 2010, 11:53 am

    I’ve been overcoming a knee injury left over from my first 1/2 marathon which spilled into my first full marathon a few months later. However, the real obstacle I’ve overcome was my unhealthy body image and relationship with food. It took me a while to be able to run just for the enjoyment and just to feel healthy instead of a way to combat what I had just eaten, but I’m happy to say that I’ve been victorious and in good health for a couple of years now. There is seriously no greater feeling for me than to be able to look at food without anxiety and truly love my body exactly as it is. I feel blessed to have overcome this and use it as my motivation during long runs. I just think that I overcame something so great and now I can get though these 16 miles or whatever it is because I am strong and healthy and capable.

  • whitney @ whitinspred March 5, 2010, 11:54 am

    I love that tablecloth, or placemat? Whatever it is…I luuurve it!

    • Caitlin March 5, 2010, 12:04 pm

      placemat from crate and barrel!

  • Jenny March 5, 2010, 12:00 pm

    Thank you SO MUCH for this. I talk about this on my blog, and I have now joined IWA. I have Postural Orthostatic tachycardia Syndrome, which basically means that my body does not properly regulate my blood pressure and heart rate. In short, I faint when I run.

    I used to be a hardcore runner. I had plans to train for a marathon. When it hit, I was bedridden. I could barely walk. I’m getting ready to start running again. I have to try. Running was the thing that kept me sane…that soothed my soul and made me happy. I’m going to start off this weekend doing circuits- 2 minutes walking and one running for about 45 minutes. I’m not sure how it’s going to go and I’m really nervous, but this is HUGE for me.

    One day, I WILL run a marathon.

  • Cassie @ A Very Busy Mind March 5, 2010, 12:07 pm

    I’ve overcome (almost completely) an eating disorder and a lack of appreciation for exercise to get to the new and improved me: I view food as nutrition and fuel (not to mention fun!) rather than the enemy, I eat real food as opposed to “diet food,” and fitness has truly become one of my passions.

    Your blog and others like it are major reasons I was able to do these things. 🙂

    • Caitlin March 5, 2010, 12:18 pm

      thank you 🙂 im glad you are in recovery

  • Jolene (www.everydayfoodie.ca) March 5, 2010, 12:07 pm

    That oatmeal sounds fantastic – that is one of my favourite starbucks drinks.

  • Bronwyn March 5, 2010, 12:20 pm

    I’ve never been injured or anything, but I definitely had to overcome a lot of mental barriers to get back to the physical strength I was once at (and am again). For a while I definitely believed I could “only be SO fit”. But even just this week I’ve been proving how far I can push myself. It feels great!

  • Jayce March 5, 2010, 12:23 pm

    I have overcome a knee injury similar to yours through rest and working on strengthening my leg and hip muscles. That site is awesome – I will have to show it to my husband later. My husband Matt is an amputee and has overcome a lot to be the active man he is today. He broke his ankle playing soccer as a kid, then dealt with various problems with it throughout childhood (4 years in a cast and 3 surgeries), adolescence (held back by his leg limitations), and adulthood (more unsuccessful and painful surgeries and eventually amputation). He has a prosthetic now and is very active – he ran a half marathon 2 years ago, continues to run today, and plays basketball regularly. He inspires me. 🙂

  • Rachel- No Preservatives Added March 5, 2010, 2:24 pm

    Wow, that baked oatmeal looks so good! Can you just bake it in the glass bowl?

    • Caitlin March 5, 2010, 2:26 pm


  • Bella @ Stilettos on the Streetcar March 5, 2010, 5:00 pm

    I’m currently overcoming an obstacle. I’m recovering from a serious concussion and I’ve been told I’ll be out of commission for at least a year. Currently I’m very restricted in terms of physical activity – 30 minutes of walking a day – and I have to be very careful about pushing myself too far.

    I actually started my blog as a form of recovery. That said, I’ve been a very bad blogger lately. I’ve made some tough decisions in the past few weeks and I haven’t been able to bring myself to post about them. As I type this, I realize I need to write a post and get this off my chest.

    Thank you. In responding to your post, I’m reminded of how theraputic writing can be.

  • kat March 5, 2010, 5:51 pm

    Thanks for posting about the site! It just goes to show how fast an idea can spread!

    I think my biggest obstacle is wanting to progress faster than I am so I get discouraged. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

  • Jes March 6, 2010, 12:18 pm

    I have been drooling over your baked oatmeal recipe for a while now (I’ve purposely left the blog post in my google reader just for it). Today I am going to go out and buy a ramekin just to try it!

  • Carlyn March 6, 2010, 3:15 pm

    I live in austin, texas and saw that very same article and thought about you and operation beautiful as well! Both quite inspiring (:

  • MJHager March 7, 2010, 5:38 pm

    Thanks for posting my article on your site – it created a lot interest in http://www.IWillAgain.com. Three more athletes have posted thier stories and many more visited to see what their fellow athletes are overcoming. I can tell from the emails that we receive that people are being helped, inspired by what they read! Thanks for helping get the word out. Now if all your readers could become a fan of the IWillAgain.com facebook page, and invite all thier friends to do likewise – no telling how many recovering athletes can be helped! Oh, and the baked oatmeal looks awesome ……..

Healthy Tipping Point