New WTM Record

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This morning, I hit a new weekly total mileage (WTM) record: 36.5 miles in 7 days!


In the 4 years or so that I’ve been running, I have rarely run over 30.0 miles a week – maybe only once or twice.  And I KNOW I’ve never broken 35.0 miles before!  :)  My body prefers to run a maximum of 20.0 miles or so and mix in other cross-training (like biking).  But marathon training makes me a DIFFERENT ANIMAL!


When I first posted my marathon training plan, a lot of people said it “wasn’t enough.”  But I knew my body and my goals well enough to be confident that my plan (which I based off other other 4-day plans) was more than satisfactory.  There is a delicate balance between doing enough and doing too much.  While some people are quite happy running 40 or 50 miles a week regularly, I do not have the energy or body to work out like that – I would definitely injure myself. 


In the last 18 weeks, I have run exactly 443.72 miles, which works out to about 74 total hours of running, an average of 4 hours and 10 minutes a WEEK!  Marathon training is SOOO time-intensive!


I had a 1/2 a bagel with cream cheese before my morning run:


And then I ran!  I did the first 5.0 miles alone, and I swung back to the house to pick up the Husband for another 2.0.  It was a good run – I managed to keep a decent pace despite the chilly wind.


However, I started to lose it the last mile.  I was thinking about how much mileage I’ve done this week, and it got to me.  I just felt TIRED and wanted to quit.  Instead, I thought: “Pain is temporary, quitting is forever,” and buckled down into a 7:30/mile sprint for the last 0.3 mile. 


  • Distance: 7.0 miles
  • Duration: 1:07:10
  • Mile 1: 9:43
  • Mile 2: 9:45
  • Mile 3: 9:33
  • Mile 4: 9:40
  • Mile 5: 9:11
  • Mile 6: 9:48
  • Mile 7: 9:27


At Mile 5.0, I had a 100-calorie pack of Luna Moons:


And when I finished, I made the Husband and I some REALLY delicious breakfast burritos.


Each burrito contained:


  • 2 eggs
  • Cheese
  • Salsa
  • Spinach
  • Mushrooms
  • Leftover roasted potatoes


I hardly ever opt for “savory” breakfasts, but this was SO good. Plus, it was covered in salsa, and you know how I feel about salsa!


I have a lot of work to get done today – better get cracking!


Have a lovely Sunday!



  • amanda @ fake ginger December 20, 2009, 1:08 pm

    Holy wow, that’s a lot of miles and hours! I know you’re super excited to be done with that marathon.

    Breakfast looks awesome. I’m not really one for savory breakfasts either but every once in awhile, it’s nice.

  • christie, honoring health December 20, 2009, 1:10 pm

    Congrats on your new record! You are going to rock that marathon!

    Happy Sunday!

  • Estela @ Weekly Bite December 20, 2009, 1:13 pm

    Yay for the new record!

    I never really eat a savory breakfast for “breakfast.” I like a savory breakfast for dinner 🙂

  • Chloe (Naturally Frugal) December 20, 2009, 1:16 pm

    That’s a ton of time and dedication, way to go! I’ve never logged hours when training for anything, specifically my tri’s, but I should so I know where my body is happy.
    Can’t wait to hear about the marathon – woop woop!

  • Meghan@traveleatlove December 20, 2009, 1:18 pm

    That is more weekly running mileage than I usually do for marathon training. My max is 3 runs a week with a really tough elliptical or biking workout. I find it makes me overall stronger to tackle the marathon. Congrats on accomplishing so much running! You made me want a brekkie burrito. Too bad we are snowed in and don’t have the ingredients!

  • Sarah December 20, 2009, 1:21 pm

    Wowwee, that’s a lot of miles – you go girl! It’s also a lot of time that you’ve invested in this. Good luck with the marathon – I’m sure you’re gonna rock it!
    I *love* savoury breakfasts. Most of my breakfasts are savoury, but my last meal of the day (I call it ‘tea’) is usually quite sweet. In fact, it’s more ‘normal’ breakfast food. Basically, I invert my first and last meals of the day. Works for me!

  • Karla December 20, 2009, 1:27 pm

    That’s a ton of miles! Congratulations on getting through all that! I don’t think I could (well I probably could if I tried for many years as you have!)

  • Shannon (The Daily Balance) December 20, 2009, 1:28 pm

    Craziness! Congrats, girl! 😉

  • Tay December 20, 2009, 1:42 pm

    You have a wonderful attitude and it’s SO important to listen to your body, which you know how to do! Everyone is built differently, and I have no idea how people can go double digit runs almost every day! When I went back to training, I noticed my peak was around 25 miles. Once I got up to 30 mpw I was dead tired all the time! No matter what, you’re very well prepared 🙂 And congrats on your new PR!

  • Maria (realfitmama) December 20, 2009, 1:44 pm

    I’m planning on running my first marathon in November of 2010. Haven’t decided on a half or a whole, but the training really kind of freaks me out.I’m not a great runner yet and with the freezing temperatures and the fact that if I don’t get to run at 6:00 in the morning I don’t get to run that day I’m getting more and more nervous. Your blog helps ease a a little of my trepidation!! THANKS…

  • ashleigh December 20, 2009, 1:51 pm

    74 hours of running? That is crazy! That must make you feel really accomplished and proud.

    You know your body and your training plan is working great for you. I know you will do great on your marathon. Can you even believe it? A few months ago you thought you might not be able to run anymore and now you are so close to a marathon, crazy! congrats to you and all your hard work so far!

  • Jenna December 20, 2009, 1:53 pm

    yummy burritos!

  • Katie December 20, 2009, 2:00 pm
  • Madeline @ GreensAndJeans December 20, 2009, 2:01 pm

    That is so amazing! Congratulations to you! This past half that I trained for was the first time that I did “lower” milage. I am very injury prone and I knew that if I wanted to make it to the starting line I would have to be kind to my body! Cross training is DEFINITELY where it is at, and guess what? I PR’d!

  • Danielle (Coffee Run) December 20, 2009, 2:10 pm

    Congrats on your record! Running is something you def get acclimated to. I like your mantra- I’ll have to store that one.

  • Cassie @ A Very Busy Mind December 20, 2009, 2:11 pm

    Congrats on the new WTM record! And good for you for knowing your body and deciding for yourself what is enough and what is too much. I was just talking about this idea yesterday. I think knowing when you’re pushing too hard is as difficult as pushing yourself in general is!

  • Danielle December 20, 2009, 2:12 pm

    Congrats on your new mileage record!

    It’s funny that you had breakfast burritos – we did too. Great minds think alike! Hope you are enjoying your Sunday.

  • Evan Thomas December 20, 2009, 2:26 pm

    Congrats on the record! It’s weird to see how things like that creep up and up so much that you don’t realize you’re running almost twice as much as not too long ago

  • Nicole, MS, RD, LD December 20, 2009, 3:07 pm

    Great job with marathon training. It is SOO time-intensive, yes! I wish I had time to train for something more than a 1/2 marathon right now, but I know I don’t. Someday soon!

    That breakfast burrito looks wonderful!

  • Wendy December 20, 2009, 3:09 pm

    Congrats on your WTM record! I’m in the same boat as you with mileage – too much and my body says no way!! My body seems happiest running 3 days/week, and I’ve easily trained for two half marys running no more than that! I always say I’m not built for running, but I love it too much to give it up!

  • Susan December 20, 2009, 3:19 pm

    Oooh!! Congrats on the new mileage record!! Not just for doing it – but for doing it injury free!!! I’m planning on doing a marathon summer 2011 (yes, I am planning that far ahead!!) and it’s nice to see someone do it running 4 times a week. I KNOW my body couldn’t handle any more than that, it likes cross training a lot more. Nice to see you’re proving it’s possible 🙂

  • Sarah (Running to Slow Things Down) December 20, 2009, 3:22 pm

    That’s a whole lot of mileage—CONGRATS! 😀 It’s awesome making new records, especially during marathon training. It’s making me so excited to begin my half-marathon training. 😀

    I’m a 20-miles a week type of girl too. It’s that perfect balance of what keeps me happy without running into injuries or burn-out.

  • Paige @ Running Around Normal December 20, 2009, 3:28 pm

    Wow! Holy mileage! Great job, Caitlin. Such an inspiration.
    Those breakfast burritos sure do look good! Good thinking putting the potatoes in there.

  • Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg December 20, 2009, 3:42 pm

    Great job on the weekly mileage record! That’s amazing…and A LOT of miles!

    That breakfast burrito looks delish. I love the combination of potatoes and eggs.

  • Joelle (The Pancake Girl) December 20, 2009, 3:46 pm

    Mmmmmmmm I love bfast wraps. Congrats on the great mileage girl, you got this!

  • Jolene ( December 20, 2009, 3:53 pm

    Breakfast looks delicious – I LOVE savoury breakfasts.

  • Erin December 20, 2009, 3:57 pm

    Dude, I love that you take your running (or any) goals at your own pace and do what’s best for yourself and your body. I love that I’ve finally figured out/stopped having anxiety over what I “should” be doing and just do what I want/feel. And congrats on the mileage – that is no joke!

    And 15 out of 100 things you want to do is better than none! Someone just posted that on my list too, and it made me feel better, ha!

  • Julie @savvyeats December 20, 2009, 4:15 pm

    That’s awesome! Way to listen to your body about how many miles you can handle.

  • Janna (Just Flourishing) December 20, 2009, 4:39 pm

    I’m nervous about upcoming training I have for a half marathon… but your training is really really inspiring. I know when it comes times I will look back on all your tips/runs for help! Thanks 🙂

    Those breakfast burritos look really good. I have never had a burrito for breakfast before, but I’m thinking I should try!

  • Holly M December 20, 2009, 4:43 pm

    My last marathon that I trained for, I was coming off of a broken foot injury and only could run 3 days a week and my max weekly mileage was 30 miles. That only happened twice outta the 16 weeks! And I still ran a 3:52. Not my best but it goes to show you don’t have to run 70 mile weeks to run a decent marathon!

  • Erin December 20, 2009, 4:43 pm

    That looks delicious — I never eat savory breakfasts but that might be something to try, or just make for lunch one day. 🙂

  • michelle December 20, 2009, 4:45 pm

    YUMMERS on the burritos! That’s a standby around these parts. 🙂 I did a 20 miler this morning which was AMAZING! I think the cooler weather helped me. I love S.FL when it gets in the 60’s (so rare). Have a good one!

  • Rosey Rebecca December 20, 2009, 4:51 pm

    Good job with your running!! You’re going to be awesome at the marathon!

  • skinnyrunner December 20, 2009, 5:03 pm

    congrats on hitting a new mileage goal!
    its funny bc im much more a savory breakfast eater… but a gooey cinnamon roll would be my undoing.

  • Sam (Merit to the Carrot) December 20, 2009, 5:30 pm

    CONGRATULATIONS! That’s so great, you are such an inspiration.

    So is that breakfast burrito… maybe I’ll go savory tomorrow instead of the usual sweet!

  • Stacey December 20, 2009, 5:39 pm

    Great job on all of your miles so far Caitlin! That’s awesome 😀 And that breakfast burrito looks delicious, you have just given me an idea for a different breakfast! (I’ve been in a breakfast rut for a while now, so thanks!!)

  • Deva (Voracious Vorilee) December 20, 2009, 6:13 pm

    Congrats on the WTM record – that is awesome!

    I agree on the savory for breakfast – I also prefer sweet when I can. However, when I make egg and cheese breakfast sammies, they almost always involve jam 🙂

  • MegaNerd December 20, 2009, 6:25 pm

    Yo Quiero breakfast burrito.

  • Melissa S. December 20, 2009, 6:29 pm

    i think you’re right about not overworking yourself when it comes to miles per week. the very first marathon training schedule i followed w/ a track club had me running up to 40 and at most 55 miles a week! no wonder got injured eh? Yeah…i’m happy you’re happy with what you’re doing and how you’re training!

  • Amy December 20, 2009, 6:48 pm

    Your training has sounded like plenty to me and it’s good to listen to your body. You’re going to do great!

  • Courtney December 20, 2009, 6:49 pm

    Yum! That breakfast is right up my alley! The only thing that would have been better than potatoes would be sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes and eggs are delish together!
    adventures in tri-ing

  • Matt December 20, 2009, 8:28 pm

    My weekly mileage record is 103 🙂

    • AM December 20, 2009, 8:56 pm


  • Magdeline December 20, 2009, 8:31 pm

    I agree that you know how much your body can handle for training. I can only handle 3-4 days of running and every time I’ve tried to do more I wound up injured! You are doing great. I love those Luna Moons by the way….that is what I eat on my long runs! (except they really get stuck in my teeth!).

  • AM December 20, 2009, 9:03 pm

    People were seriously telling you that your mileage isn’t high enough? I know everyone is entitled to an opinion, but geez, after your knee trouble, i wouldn’t be pushing it anymore for a first marathon!

    I don’t know how you do it — I could put up with (even well-intended!) criticism and suggestions for all of two days before I’d freak out and shut down the blog. In the blogworld, there’s so much of the: you eat too much, you don’t eat enough, you run too much, you don’t run enough, your boyfriend is ugly, you’re too skinny, you’ve put on pounds, your foods are too mushy (heh, kath’s troll), your foods are too expensive, your foods are too free, you’re eating too much junk, you’re too restrictive. Gah, i couldn’t deal! I have to hand it to you girls for putting yourselves out there despite the snark. I guess it’s worth it, having friends around the world who just adore you? Either way, I’m glad you blog right through it.

    And I fully admit that sometimes constructive, helpful comments are totally attacked by us blog loyalists when they shouldn’t be. But really, sometimes comments just seem so freaking mean or passive aggressive.

    • Caitlin December 20, 2009, 9:31 pm

      eh, it just comes with the territory. there are enough nice and thoughtful comments to override the few bad ones. 🙂

  • Karin December 21, 2009, 3:31 am

    What? You run too little? Oh yes of course. Sigh. You get so much done, you’re like some sort of superwoman 😉 It’s great that you ignore comments like these and just listen to your body. That’s all that matters :).
    Your breakfast burrito looks scrumptious!

Healthy Tipping Point