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Hey guys! 🙂 I’m running 17.0 miles this morning, so I’ll be back in… 3 hours or so!? Eck!


Lately, I’ve be receiving lots of e-mails and comments about injuries.  ‘Tis the season for injuries, I suppose! I earned a reputation for being an Injury Queen when I ran both of my knees into the ground (I have Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in both knees, which is why I ice them after every run). 


The key from bouncing back from an injury is 1) acceptance; 2) rest; 3) effective treatment and 4) a good attitude.  When I was injured, I took nearly 2 months off running, but I focused on biking and strength training and shaped my body in completely new ways.  


The time off allowed me to heal, and soon I learned to manage my knee condition in a way that allowed me to run pain-free!  Within a few months, I was back to racing, and it felt so good.


Here are some of my top posts on injuries:


Common Running Injuries and How to Prevent Them

The Story of My Knees and the Treatment Plan that Finally Worked

The First Knee Doctor Appointment (Left Hysterically Sobbing!)

The Second Knee Doctor Appointment (Left Smiling!)

Knee Sleeves vs. Athletic Tape

Recap of my Running Hiatus


If you’re injured, I wish you a speedy recovery!  Truthfully, injuries eventually happen to MOST people who run major mileage because it’s pretty hard on the body.  Injuries can also happen to anyone who works out – on a bike, swimming, at the gym! It happens.  It’s not the end of the world, but it is very emotionally challenging when you’re used to performing at high levels and suddenly, you are resting.


This summer, I struggled to run 2.0 miles after years of comfortably running 15K and Half Marathon distances.  I thought I might never race again.  And now I’m training for a Marathon!   Just like I came back, YOU WILL bounce back, too!



  • Jessica @ How Sweet It Is December 11, 2009, 7:25 am

    Your advice is so awesome! I think the best part is attitude – it is all how you look at a situation. That advice is great for many things!!

  • Susan December 11, 2009, 7:29 am

    Perfect suggestions!!! I think rest is really important. So many people prolong an injury by trying to work through it. What could be healed in two months by staying off it, could turn into a year-long injury because they refuse to relax!

    Have fun running 17 this morning!!!

  • maria December 11, 2009, 7:34 am

    I’m currently recovering from my foot injury and it can be tough. You have to know when its okay to push yourself and when your body is telling you to stop and slow down!

  • Estela @ Weekly Bite December 11, 2009, 7:44 am

    Thanks for the advice!!

  • Alex December 11, 2009, 7:50 am

    I hope you are running a very successful 17-miler right now!

    I went back and read the post about your second trip to the doctor re: your knees and was wondering if you still wear the orthotics that your doc recommended? Do you think they help? Also, did he try to recommend custom-made ones at all or just ones off the shelf like that? Thanks!

    • caitlin December 11, 2009, 7:53 am

      (clearly i have not left yet! GAH). He said customize ortho were the next step if I didn’t find relief with the off-shelf ones, which I did. I don’t think you should shell out big bucks for customized ones without trying the cheap ones first. And yes, I still wear them!

  • Jess December 11, 2009, 7:51 am

    Great post! Thanks heaps! I was diagnosed with PFPS a few years ago when I was suffering from knee pain associated with my karate training. It’s something I’ve mainly dealt with by using a knee brace when training, but now that I am beginning to work on my running I am noticing more consistent pain. So very timely post for me to realise that I need to be doing more to prevent injury. I also have some shoes with arch support in my sights so hopefully they will be a Christmas present!

    Can’t wait to read your long run recap – I always find them super motivating. 🙂

  • Runeatrepeat December 11, 2009, 7:54 am

    I think the first thing you should do when you have an injury is REST!!! Do not push it – that only makes it worse. I know resting is super hard for most athletes, but it’s necessary when you feel an injury coming on.

  • Matt December 11, 2009, 8:03 am

    Injuries suck!

    I am pretty lucky and I have been mostly injury free which is surprising for the amount of miles I run.

  • Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg December 11, 2009, 8:09 am

    You’re definitely an inspiration!

    Hope your 17-miler is a good one!

  • Nicole, MS, RD, LD December 11, 2009, 8:09 am

    Great advice! Good luck with 17!

  • Madeline @ GreensAndJeans December 11, 2009, 8:20 am

    I’m working through a back injury right now (boo), the most important thing is to remember that the sun will come out tomorrow, right? Have a great 17 miler!

  • Karla December 11, 2009, 8:34 am

    Thanks for the tips! Hope you have a great run!

  • Jolene ( December 11, 2009, 8:51 am

    Have a great run this morning!!

  • megan December 11, 2009, 8:54 am

    Great post on injuries. I seem to have a persistent ankle injury that keeps me from running long distances. I was mad for awhile and kept trying and making it worse. Now i just run shorter distances and walk and do the elliptical. turns out that works better for me!

  • Mel December 11, 2009, 9:29 am

    All great advice. I wish I had been smarter in the past with my injuries. Had I just taken a couple of days off right when the pain began rather than trying to push through, I would have probably been able to take so many fewer days off. Oh well, like you, I’ve had to learn the hard way. I hope your 17 miler is pain free!!

  • Diana @ frontyardfoodie December 11, 2009, 9:32 am

    You’re so inspirational. This is something I definitely don’t want to deal with but know that it’s a possibility. It’s neat to know you can grow in other ways when you’re not able to do the work out you want.

  • alli December 11, 2009, 9:50 am

    great advise! i’m on my running break right now from a stress fracture in my foot 🙁
    hope your run goes well!

  • Nancy December 11, 2009, 10:21 am

    I’ve injured my ankle about 14 months ago playing soccer. I kept playing and visiting the Chiropractor to adjust it. But finally just a few weeks ago I needed someone else to see it – it was incredibly painful when I “knocked it” with another player on the field. I went to a Sports Medicine clinic, and the good news is that it’s healing on its own. But the bad news – in order to make it heal 100% I needed to stop playing soccer immediately. I was so angry at first, but I’ve come to accept the fact that I want it completely healed, so I can play pain-free in the summer. I love soccer, I love running. But unfortunately I’m not even allowed to run on a treadmill at the moment. He said I could lightly jog. Which is okay I suppose – but now I recently joined the gym and I’ve been biking… I think I’m getting some butt muscles!!

  • Katy @ These Beautiful Feet December 11, 2009, 10:28 am

    Great post! I am starting half-marathon training soon so this was good to see, hopefully I don’t get injured! But I know to take it easy and to not force too much too fast. Thanks for this post! 🙂 Hope your 17-miler is going awesome!

  • Anne Marie@ New Weigh of Life December 11, 2009, 10:30 am

    Awesome tips!

  • Tammy December 11, 2009, 10:31 am

    Thank you SO MUCH, Caitlin…I needed to hear that…I am now going on 6 weeks of no running due to tendonitis in my foot after my last marathon. It’s rough being sidelined, and even more frustrating to have to bow out of my half-marathon and see all my buddies racing without me! I keep thinking…”Will I ever get back to where I was before?”…since I’ll be starting from scratch!

    • caitlin December 11, 2009, 11:07 am

      i would be lying to you if i said you will come back 100% at what you were. i definitely worked for months to build myself back up after 2 months off. but i approach it with a fun attitude – i thought, this is a new challenge! 🙂

  • lisa December 11, 2009, 10:40 am

    great post! Rest is definitely key to recovering from injuries and I think that can be the most difficult thing for a lot of us active people!
    Hope your long run went well! I ran almost all of my long runs by myself and found them to be quite therapeutic.

  • Evan Thomas December 11, 2009, 11:00 am

    Hope the 17’s going good and injury free!

  • Beth @ DiningAndDishing December 11, 2009, 11:03 am

    Best of luck with this morning’s run! INTENSE!!

  • Liz December 11, 2009, 11:21 am

    It’s not everyday you get to look inside your own legs, very cool Keep taking care of yourself, I’m not sure my body could handle all that running!

  • Jana December 11, 2009, 11:22 am

    injuries are definitely tough to deal with. i haven’t been hurt running yet, knock on wood, but my senior year of high school i hurt my thighs and could barely walk for weeks at a time. it killed my dreams of being a college cheerleader, but it’s okay now because i know everything happens for a reason and there’s another plan for me!

  • Stephanie December 11, 2009, 11:36 am

    Actually, from personal experience, you can bounce back from a running hiatus and be almost 100%. It just depends what you do during the time off. If you have to 100% rest, you won’t be 100% of course. But if you can substitute in effective cross-training you can come back at almost 100%. I had to take 2 months off in the height of marathon training and with the use of the Arc Trainer, which mimics running if done at the correct settings, I was able to jump back in pretty quickly and complete the marathon.

  • Carolyn December 11, 2009, 11:45 am

    I’ve been having knee pain lattely, so I’m thinking I’m gonna have to see the doc. It’s getting worse. 🙁 I also think I’m going to have to start investing in nicer shoes. Why, oh why are cole haan’s SO expensive!?

  • Erin @ Big Girl Eats December 11, 2009, 12:13 pm

    You look so cute in that picture, taping your knees! Ha. Great advice. Slow and steady may be frustrating, but it always wins AND saves your body from pain!

  • Susan B December 11, 2009, 1:49 pm

    Thank you for reposting your knee injury information. I used to run alot until my knee pain became out of control a few years ago. I knew that bad knees ran in my family and honestly was too scared to go to the doctor, so I just tried to take up new exercise methods like biking. I realized that my dream of running a marathon is still one that I want to pursue so I finally went to the doctor and got diagnosed with Patellafemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS), same as what you have. It’s really good to see that you are making it to a marathon with this condition- very motivating! 🙂 Thanks!

  • Tammy December 11, 2009, 3:03 pm

    I know it will take some time to get back into running at the level I was before my injury. I’m trying to be realistic about what to expect, but I think that keeping up with Spinning and weight training has helped me with maintaining cardio endurance and getting stronger! I think I got lazy with weight training when I was running, which (I think) led to some muscle imbalances and by skipping my pilates, my abs got weaker and I had more back pain. I’m not glad that I can’t run, but I see some benefit in having to place my focus elsewhere. Maybe now I will be a bit more well-rounded and hopefully less injury prone! That’s thinking positive!

  • Sarah @ See Sarah Eat December 11, 2009, 9:11 pm

    I could not agree more with your discussion of injuries. I’ve never had anything serious but I have had more mental “injuries” where I didn’t think I could run anymore but I have been able to get over them.

    A good attitude is especially important, I’d put that at the top of my list!

  • Becka @Studio222 Photography December 11, 2009, 10:23 pm

    Can you email me the doctor’s info? I’m local and I’ve been having some really painful cramping in my right leg and aching in my knee for the last few months and I hate western doctors so I’ve been putting off going but it’s getting worse. I’d love a doctor that actually listens and uses his brain! (my email is THANKS!

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