Coffee IV?

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Sometimes I wish I could hook myself up to a coffee IV and just have the caffeine drip, drip, drip into my veins all day long.


Obviously, I am tired! 🙂 I’m really looking forward to going to the gym after work because I know it will boost my energy level.  I always think it’s ironic when people claim they are too exhausted with life to start exercising, because it really does increase your overall feeling of wellness


I made a double batch of coffee (that second cup will be inhaled shortly) and a fun bowl of oatmeal to get me going!


My oatmeal contained:


  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 Sliced Banana
  • Toppings:  2 tbsp. coconut, 2 tbsp. granola, and a sprinkle of brown sugar


Work, Work


I thought you guys might be mildly interested to see my home office (I’m a technical writer).  Yes, it’s a real office — I don’t sit on the couch all day eating bon bons and playing with my laptop (but a girl can dream!).  🙂


On the left are the doggies’ beds.  They are really good "interns."   I’ve got sweet dual monitors, which was pretty much the most awesome thing my company ever did for me.   On my bulletin board is my very cute dachshund calendar (I also have a daily dachshund calendar on my desk).  Also on my bulletin board (although you can’t see it in this picture) are tons of photos of all my college girlfriends, thoughtful cards I’ve received from coworkers, and various work-related items.


This is pretty much the cleanest you will ever see my office.  I’m an organized yet messy worker…. I tend to just scatter documents around.  This habit always embarrassed me when I worked IN the office, because I didn’t want my messiness to give my bosses and coworkers the false impression I was a disorganized or sloppy worker…. so now that I work from office, it’s like I’m like a tornado sometimes. 🙂


Oh, and as you can see, I keep my supplements (ChondroCare and Calcium) on my desk. It’s the only way I can remember to take them 3 x a day. 


What’s your trick to remembering to take your medications or supplements?  I used to keep everything in the bathroom, but I would never remember it.  I have a friend who sets an alarm on her cell phone to remind her everyday to take her medicine on time. 



  • VeggieGirl October 28, 2008, 4:57 am

    Hope your energy comes back soon!!

    Cute office space!! 😀

    Taking my multivitamin is part of my morning routine, so I NEVER forget.


  • Kristin October 28, 2008, 4:58 am

    I have an alarm on my watch that goes off at 7:45 a.m. every morning- not only does it let me know to take my pill, but it also assures that I am up and going bright and early enough to get my day started off right! I can never sleep in, my day always ends up funky!

  • Ash October 28, 2008, 5:08 am

    Hey Caitlin – How did you transition to working at home? Was it something you asked the company about? If so, why? Just curious!

  • amy. October 28, 2008, 5:10 am

    oatmeal=beautiful. your office looks great, too. i think its so important to have an office area at home, even if you don’t work there like you do.

    i remember my vitamins and medication because its just a part of my nightly routine 😀

  • Carolina John October 28, 2008, 5:12 am

    working from home rocks, doesn’t it? I work from home as a software developer, and it seems all of us techie types figure things out first huh?

    I keep the vitamins right next to the oatmeal, so I will remember to take them while the oats cook.

    BTW, I posted that I finally broke 200 lbs last week. It was because i changed my normal breakfast to one of your oatmeal recipes. Thanks for that, if I haven’t thanked you yet. I’ve been trying to bust that 200 for about 5 weeks now so I was pretty excited.

  • Caitlin (see bride run) October 28, 2008, 5:14 am

    kristin – that’s a good idea!

    ash – when i moved from PA to FL, I just asked if I could stay with the company instead of quitting. Moving to FL wasn’t really up for discussion (Future Hus was going to grad school), but I really liked my job and knew I could do it from home…. so I just asked! And they said yes!

    John – OHMIGOD!!! AWESOME!! I’m so happy for you!

  • lighterportions October 28, 2008, 5:23 am

    I love coffee. I never used to drink it at all so it’s a slightly more recent addiction I guess but I’m so glad I got into it. Mmmm.

    And I agree, I have the MOST energy when I exercise. Such a good feeling.

    I just seem to remember to take my vitamins. I guess I’ve been doing it for SO long that it’s hard to forget now.

  • Balance, Joy and Delicias! October 28, 2008, 5:49 am

    yes~~~I could have coffee all day long, not because it boosts my energy level, if not because I love its flavor.

    To remember to take medicine, I put them in a visible place where I can see them everyday (for example, besides my oatmeal bowl).

    Have a nice day~

  • just me October 28, 2008, 6:11 am

    hope the energy comes back with your workout today!

    and love the office…i’m like that too…i’m an organized mess. LOL.

    as for my vitamins, i have a stash at work to help me remember…it sits in my face all day so i don’t forget!

  • Bridget October 28, 2008, 6:51 am

    Your home office looks productive yet homey. I really think I would get more work done if I could make my office space comfy and more personal, but instead I’m stuck with the beige, beige, beige 50-yr old stuff my company picked out.

    I used to eat a piece of chocolate every day after lunch, so I would keep my vitamins in the drawer next to the chocolate and I NEVER forgot them/the chocolate! Then I broke the chocolate habit and forgot my vitamins a lot. Now I just keep them right behind the kitchen sink and I usually remember to take them!

  • Meg October 28, 2008, 6:56 am

    Love your office space and your yummy oats!

  • Rose October 28, 2008, 6:57 am

    Thanks for the reminder that exercise will actually give me a boost – I have been off my routine for two weeks and have been noticing how “tired with life” I am – this is a great reminder!

    I love your office space – I am totally jealous of the two monitor spread. How does one get a job-from-home gig? I want one too!

  • Brooks October 28, 2008, 7:05 am

    Hi Caitlin – I’m a regular reader of your blog and see that you take a lot of supplements and that you and your husband are familiar with holistic medicine.

    I’m an avid exerciser and recently started training for a triathlon. Running has always been a problem for me due to a bunion surgery several years back. My foot has healed (for the most part) but for the past two years I’ve had low back pain w/ sciatica into one my legs (probably from sitting at work all day). It seems to be aggravated most by running.

    I try and stretch, but those muscles seem to stay so tight. Do either of you have any suggestions of any supplements I could take or things I could do to loosen up the muscles and ease the pain?

  • Simple and Divine October 28, 2008, 7:16 am

    Haha I love the sound of that — A COFFEE IV DRIP 😉 For me, bc I cannot STAND coffee (ewwww— Totally dehydrates me and it’s bitter! Hmm… descrete?), I’d kindly request for an English Breakfast IV drip 🙂 Hehe… BRAT.

  • Elina October 28, 2008, 7:24 am

    Haha, coffee iv 🙂

    I have an outlook reminder for my vitamin and pill during the day and a cell phone alarm for the night time pill.

  • Caitlin (see bride run) October 28, 2008, 7:25 am

    brooks – hi! thanks for reading. hmmm i dont know if there are any supplements to help with that (i’ll ask FH when i speak to him later), but massage works wonders on the sciata. if you have someone press into the center of your butt with their elbow, it really helps.

    the ‘marathon stick’ might work for that, too.

    (no spaces)

    i was having a similar problem a few weeks ago and it really helps to push down on the nerve HARD for 5 minutes or so every night.


  • Laura October 28, 2008, 7:27 am

    I used to set an alarm on my cell phone to remind me to take my pills. After several years, it’s just become habit. I rarely forget to take them now.

  • Neesha and Dustin October 28, 2008, 7:29 am

    I’m new to your blog, Caitlin, but you’ve helped me consider the importance of eating consistently through the day. I’ve always been terribly inconsistent with my eating which is awful. (Almost never have breakfast…etc.)

    Anyhow, for me, I take my pills every night with my fi which helps me remember to do it. If I don’t remember, he does. And always right before bed.

    Love your blog! Especially the food bits.

  • Caitlin (see bride run) October 28, 2008, 7:37 am

    Neesha & Dustin: Thanks for reading! Yes, being consistent with your food intake is key to maintaining your weight and feeling good in general! Your body really does need a constant supply of fuel to keep it chugging along. I'm so happy to hear you're learning more about what works best for you!

  • Justine October 28, 2008, 7:38 am

    If I worked at home my office would constantly be a mess! And I’m not sure how productive I would be 😉

    I always take my multivitamin after my breakfast, so it’s just sort of routine now. Although there are the occasional days that I forget…whoops!

  • Girl on Top October 28, 2008, 8:09 am

    I wish I can work from home 🙂 That is my goal at this point and I haven’t started really working yet 🙂

    I try to remember to take my vitamins but I always forget. If I remember, I remember, if not, I’ll take it tomorrow.

  • Lauren October 28, 2008, 8:10 am

    Aww what a cute office!

    I keep all my vitamins in a pink tote bag and yep, they all come with me to my office and right after breakfast I take them. It’s the easiest way to remember. Kinda like visa, don’t leave home without 🙂

  • magpie October 28, 2008, 8:55 am

    Your office is so cute! To remember to take my pill I used to have an alarm set on my phone… but now I got a new phone and I still haven’t set the daily alarm. I should do that 😉

  • tfh October 28, 2008, 10:01 am

    Ha! I have supplements here at my desk, but I would have forgotten to take them had it not been for this blog post.

  • Halie October 28, 2008, 10:25 am

    I wish I could work from home! But I am such a procrastinator when it comes to work that I would be the one “working” from the couch with a laptop with the TV on for “background noise.” So office life is better for me! I do bookkeeping for marketing/graphic design company I work for, and I’m so jealous of our graphic designers who work from home – my favorite one lives in Hawaii and I’m here in Oregon!

    But I keep my multivitamin in my desk drawer at the office! Works for me during the week, but it’s not so helpful during the weekend!

  • Toni Jo October 28, 2008, 11:08 am

    I need a method to remember. I certainly don’t have one of my own!! I take a multivitamin maybe once a week? Oops

  • Sharney October 28, 2008, 4:25 pm

    Hi Caitlin,
    I love your home office! It looks so cozy! And how heavenly to have your pooches right there beside you!

    Whenever I need to take medication, I leave it on the kitchen counter by the coffee maker. That way I always see it (I’m in the kitchen A LOT!!!) and remember to take it on schedule.

    Good luck at the gym today! I hope you feel super energized afterwards!!

  • HangryPants October 28, 2008, 6:22 pm

    Do you wear work clothes in your home office?

  • Caitlin (see bride run) October 28, 2008, 6:25 pm

    no but i wear real clothes not PJs. 🙂

  • DanceSkater October 29, 2008, 5:14 pm

    Hi! I’ve never posted before, but I really love your blog! And… just had to add that my name is also Caitlin, and I have a dachshund (long haired mini) who I love tremendously. What great work companions you have!

  • Heather May 13, 2010, 2:03 pm

    i too believe in an organized mess.
    My desk is always filled with stacks and groupings of papers as I work – I am sure people think I’m a SLOB.

    But of course – i always know RIGHT where everything is.

Healthy Tipping Point