Look, we were a good Bridezilla and Groomzilla last night:

We finalized the guest list and started to stuff envelopes! Everytime we do anything for the wedding, we both feel so accomplished. Only 4 1/2 months to go, but it feels like it will be here TOMORROW! (I call Future Husband Groomzilla because he definitely likes to have his say in the wedding planning, but I call myself Bridezilla because I think it’s a funny nickname…. hey, if you can’t laugh at yourself, what’s the point?)😀
Last night, FH’s brother in law Nick came over. He’s thinking about running a 5k, so we went on a 2.5 mile walk/run. It took us about 25 minutes, but it started to downpour in the middle of the run! It was actually really funny, and I think it helped me to move a little after my long run yesterday morning. Two-a-days might be good for me!


I made little egg bagels with mini bagels, 1 scrambled egg, and 2 pieces of turkey bacon. On the side, I had a nice bowl of banana + honey. Delicious! One of these bagels would probably make a great pre-run snack.

I had cheddar cheese on one bagel, and Colby pepperjack on the other for a little variety. I think I liked the spice of the pepperjack the most! 😀

Well, odds are that it will be another busy Monday at work, so I better get crackin’! Have a wonderful day, and I’ll see you for a PM workout.



Healthy Tipping Point