big eyes, little stomach

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I woke up STARVING! I could barely get to the kitchen fast enough! But, by the time I had plated (and photographed) my food, I was feeling less famished and, as a result, didn’t eat everything I had dished out. Just goes to show that sometimes if you stop to breathe, your brain and you stomach actually have an opportunity to chat and you don’t needlessly pig out.

I made 4 Fruit Explosion WW Pancakes, but I only ate 2 and saved the rest for Future Husband.

I call them Fruit Explosion WW Pancakes because there’s strawberries and blueberries in them, and when you bite into it, the blueberries bust open. I just love the taste of hot blueberry juice!

I also tried something new: I mixed protein powder into pancake mix. I used Muscle Milk Cookies and Cream… it was quite good! This would make a great pre-run snack, me thinks! 🙂 On the side, I had a little real maple syrup.

I also had a banana with some PB….

Today is finally my off day, and I’ve got loads of chores to do. But tomorrow, I’ve got a NICE, LONG run planned for the morning, and I may try this whole weight lifting thing again. 🙂

There’s a great section in this month’s Oprah magazine about motivation, and I thought I’d share this interesting quote with you:

“You have two halves of your brain: The left is saying”I need to get my work done”; and the right, “I want to be in the moment and play.” Motivation is about finding the balance. My right brain, for example, helps me pay attention. When I want ice cream–my weakness–I’ll pause and ask why. Then I get a visual of wanting to go to sleep, which is what happens when I eat sugar. Is that what I want? It’s not–which allows me to move past the craving. To get into your right brain, slump in your chair, breathe, and allow your mind to go foggy. Just let yourself melt into the beauty of this moment.” ~Jill Bolte Taylor, PhD, Harvard Brain Bank spokesperson and author of “My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey,” about going through a stroke and rebuilding her brain.


Healthy Tipping Point