banana ricotta creme brulee

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Oh my! The power went out for several hours. We had no electricity–no AC, no TV, and no refrigerator! Eck! We pulled out everything we needed for dinner and a few beers–then we slammed that baby shut to protect all the food!

We soon realized the power wasn’t coming on for a while. Since the possibility of continuing to work or running outside was non-existent, we cracked open a Harvest Moon. Delicious!

I prepped dinner while the power was out and threw everything in the oven the minute we got our lights back! For dinner, we had cous cous, broc, and baked chicken with a plum and apricot chutney. It was a little too sweet for my taste! I’d share the recipe, but it’s not perfected. 🙁

But, I managed to get another serving of fruit in with dinner, which is always nice! Usually it’s a bunch of veggies…

Dessert – Banana Ricotta Creme Brulee

Thursday I’m being featured on Mizfit’s blog as a guest chef! As you may have noticed, part of my whole “food philosophy” is that all any food can be transformed into a healthy alternative. Creme brulee is my absolute, number 1 favorite dessert, ever. If I’m at a nice restaurant and see this on the menu, I must get it!

This healthy alternative contains (for one serving) 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese, some skim milk, a little honey, brown sugar, and some fresh fruit. Plus, this dessert has a whopping 7 grams of protein! It tastes very close to the real thing, and even Future Husband and his two friends liked it.

I had one serving (half of the creme brulee dish). Check out Mizfit’s on Thursday for the recipe!

Do you guys have any similar healthy dessert recipes to try?

Well, the storm seems to be getting a little worse, but hopefully I can go for a run tomorrow! See you for breakfast.



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