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What do working Americans do all day, anyway?


(Infographic Source and full article)


Well, today isn’t a workday for me, but so far, I have…


Slept for 5 hours in a hotel, waking up every two hours to check on the imaginary baby sleeping in the imaginary bassinet next to me.


Spent 20 minutes ‘grooming.,’ AKA taking a shower and getting dressed.


Commuted to and from airports for a total of an hour and a half.


Spent a total of 35 minutes pumping food for Henry and washing bottles.


Spent 45 minutes about 30,000 feet above the Earth.


Twittered for an ungodly amount of time.


Spent 3 minutes writing Operation Beautiful notes.


Cried tears of joy once.


Cuddled for over an hour.


Took a nap.


Counted my blessings.


How have you spent the day?



  • Claire @ Live and Love to Eat September 7, 2012, 11:56 am

    Looks like Henry is ready for nap time, too! Think exercise falls under “leisure”?

  • Sarena (The Non Dairy Queen) September 7, 2012, 11:57 am

    Dang! You’ve had one full day so far! I can’t say my day has been that full of productivity, but I’ve worked out, gotten the kids to school, groomed, and worked…not too bad I guess. Enjoy the rest of your day Caitlin!

  • Kendra @ My Full-Thyme Life September 7, 2012, 12:11 pm

    Home is the most wonderful place in the whole world to a new mama! 🙂 So glad your trip went well, you survived, and now Henry is back in your arms!

    My day?? Let’s see… running on very little sleep as our toddler was up every two hours with a stomach ache and a severe diaper rash. An impromptu early morning bath to soak his sore baby buns, and awful daycare drop off that demonstrated my 17 month old is clearly the mature one in the relationship as his mama teared up to leave him with a chapped hiney and upset tummy. 🙁 Today is one of those days where it is hard being a working mom when all you want to do is comfort your baby and be by his side… At least it is Friday and I am hoping it goes by fast!

  • Ellen @ Wannabe Health Nut September 7, 2012, 12:18 pm

    Henry is just too cute! The “leisure” circle in that infographic must include Facebook and Twitter, although I’m surprised social media didn’t have a category on its own. ha!

    My day has looked a little something like this: Make bf smoothie for breakfast, run 3 miles, make MY breakfast, get ready for work and check emails/FB/Twitter. Now I’m at work contemplating lunch and reading my favorite blogs. 🙂

  • Katie @ Talk Less, Say More September 7, 2012, 12:19 pm

    Well look at that little face! 🙂

    So far all I’ve done is blogged, got really frustrated with HTML code not working, showered and tried to find a job…and wished I could just write for the rest of my life.

  • Maren September 7, 2012, 12:22 pm

    Your baby is so freaking cute. The end. Have a great weekend!

  • Jennifer September 7, 2012, 12:28 pm

    Were those tears of joy for Kath?? 🙂

  • Ashley @ My Food 'N' Fitness Diaries September 7, 2012, 12:50 pm

    Henry is getting cuter and cuter by the day!

  • Brigid September 7, 2012, 12:55 pm

    I wish I spent more time eating than cooking. I always feel like I spend hours preparing food and then five minutes eating it.

  • Marissa September 7, 2012, 12:56 pm

    What a busy day! I find it interesting that “Exercise” doesn’t even fall on that graphic unless it counts as “Leisure” (unlikely) or “Other…”

  • Annette@FitnessPerks September 7, 2012, 1:26 pm

    Awwww cuddle time! Love it.

    My day: slept for 8.5 hours, worked, taught a Zumba class, showered, now back at work! (Eating & grooming in between work time<–I work from home). Awesome.

  • Laura @ She Eats Well September 7, 2012, 1:29 pm

    I agree with the other commenters. Henry is ridiculously cute and wide-eyed. Love it. I started my day with an hour of yoga, it was so nice.

  • Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat September 7, 2012, 1:44 pm

    Wow, loved that infographic Caitlin! I hope your flight went well. So far, my day has involved 2.5 hours of workouts (cross training, weights, and yoga), about 1 hour of eating, 1 hour of blog reading/writing, 1 hour of grocery shopping, and about 30 mins chatting with my roommate. If I wasn’t on holiday, a considerably large amount of time would be spent sitting at work!

  • Rebecca @ Blueberry Smiles September 7, 2012, 1:51 pm

    I calculated that I spend 40 hours/week COMMUTING! (1 hour each way, every day). It makes me so dperessed just thinking about it. Probably need to move closer to work (though I’m not sure this job is worth moving for). Anyways, rant over. 🙂

    Glad you got in some quality cuddle time!!!

    • Ruchicken September 7, 2012, 9:46 pm

      2 hours per day. Is 10 or 14? Hope that is less depressing

  • Ashley September 7, 2012, 2:00 pm

    Haha, you are too funny – “waking up every two hours to check on the imaginary baby sleeping in the imaginary bassinet next to me.” Ha!

  • Katie @ Peace Love & Oats September 7, 2012, 2:44 pm

    That looks pretty accurate, although I was surprised how little time was used caring for children!

  • Katie September 7, 2012, 4:50 pm

    I recently made a career switch and am so happy to say I actually am at 9 hours for working and commuting! I used to be at any where from 10-13 for a “normal” day. This infopic or infograph…whatever there called is great! Where do you find all the ones you use?

  • Sam @ Better With Sprinkles September 7, 2012, 7:12 pm

    Fortunately, i’m a student right near my school so my commute time is about 10 minutes. Makes my life a bit easier. 🙂

  • Allie@LiveLaughEat September 7, 2012, 8:27 pm

    I clicked through to the full article and being on the computer/internet was 8 min. Um, more like 8 hours ha!

  • meredith September 7, 2012, 9:57 pm

    Hi Caitlin – like you, I have an oversupply of breast milk and I wondered if you have considered donating. I’m in the process right now. The milk bank I’m donating to is at a local hospital and I promised a minimum of 200 ounces. They provide the storage bags and bottles as well as the overnight shipping. The milk is used by sick and premature babies and there is a tremendous need for it. Something to think about! Have a great weekend.

  • Sarah B September 7, 2012, 10:11 pm

    Ooh that infographic is quite thought provoking. Perhaps an audit of my day might be helpful 🙂

  • Kayla September 8, 2012, 7:11 am

    It’s pretty sad that we spend only 5 minutes a day talking to others on the phone. I wonder if that can be extended to “5 minutes a day being social/talking to other?” Because that wouldn’t surprise me since our generation is becoming more and more solitary with social media and countless other ways to entertain ourselves. i’m totally guilty of this!

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