The Traveling Athlete

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Good morning!  :)  I had an invigorating run this morning!  It was very cool, and my thighs felt like frozen chicken breasts the entire time (now, it that doesn’t paint a visual for you, I don’t know what will).


I normally prefer to run in the evening, but I have a full day planned so I checked my run off my to-do list ASAP.  I did 4.0 miles in 38 minutes.  Wahoo!


Before I ran, I had PB toast with coffee:


I can never run on an empty stomach; I wake up hungry!


And post-run, I made a lovely bowl of pumpkin oatmeal:


I love this dish, even if it is a little chipped.  It’s one of the first bowls I bought when I started the blog.


My oatmeal contained:


  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/2 cup rice milk
  • 1/2 sliced banana
  • 1/4 cup canned pumpkin, stirred in at the end
  • Squirt of agave nectar
  • Toppings: flax, brown sugar, coconut




The Traveling Athlete


We leave for our London trip in just TWO DAYS.  I am so excited!  This trip is a little unique in that I am running my first marathon only SIX DAYS after we return to the USA.


Our last big vacation was our honeymoon.  We went to Napa Valley and San Francisco for 10 days (Honeymoon Recap Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V).  My honeymoon was an eating and drinking extravaganza


I made a real effort to keep up with my running routine on my honeymoon and managed to run 5 times for a total of 20.0 miles.  I was very proud of myself for staying active while traveling!


However, on the last day of our trip, I tried to put on my favorite pair of dress pants and could not buckle them!  The Husband experienced something similar with a pair of jeans.  After we returned home, I waited two days and then I weighed myself – I was four pounds heavier than my happy weight range, which meant I ate an extra 1,555 calories a day (trust me, this was entirely feasible).


I don’t normally discuss weight on the blog (because numbers are pointless, and I don’t personally focus on my weight), but I did write about gaining real weight on my honeymoon and how I planned to lose it – I went on the Dietless Diet.  The Dietless Diet is basically how I eat every day – normal portions and (mostly) real, homemade food.  I was interested to see if I could get back down to my happy weight without really trying.


Slowly but surely, the honeymoon weight came off.  It took about 1.5 months to lose the weight I had gained.


For our London trip, I’m concerned about repeating the same process.  If it was any other vacation, I would approach it like I always have – eat and drink what I want and enjoy myself, knowing it will all even out in the end.  However, I don’t want to put my body through a short, rapid weight gain right before the biggest race of my life.  I want to be as strong and healthy as possible for the marathon.


I know from my honeymoon experience that simply exercising on a 10-day long vacation is not enough – I need to pay at least some attention to what I’m eating and drinking.   Luckily, London is the most vegetarian-friendly city in the world, and I have no doubt it will be easy to find healthy, satisfying meals.


What’s my plan for this vacation?


  • Keep up with daily food blogging.  Normally, I just blog special meals for vacations, but I believe this will help keep me focused and responsible.
  • Stick with my running plan.  I will be running 5 times while in Europe, and I made sure to get hotels with gyms.
  • Make one meal a “special meal” each day.  The problem with my honeymoon is that every single meal was an event.  I had a huge breakfast, followed by a huge lunch, followed by an even bigger dinner.  I’m going to strive to eat “normally” for two out of three meals a day.
  • Watch my alcohol intake!!  This is the BIG one.  You all know I like my beers, and the Husband and I tend to drink a lot on vacation. 
  • Only eat special desserts.  This is another BIG one.  The Husband and I tend to get dessert every time we eat out on vacation, but I’m going to make an effort to either split with him or only order dessert if I see something unique on the menu.
  • Walk everywhere!  This shouldn’t be hard in Europe!


It’s going to be an interesting experiment to see how healthy I can be on vacation, because normally I don’t even really try! :)  I’m all about balance, and vacations are normally for indulging.  But with the marathon just six days after London, I need to pay attention to my eating, drinking, and exercising, just as I would be doing if I were at home.


What’s your philosophy for living a healthy lifestyle on vacation?  What was the best “foodie” location you’ve visited?  Has anyone ever gone to a fitness resort for vacation?  Some of them look SO neat!



  • MommyRD December 22, 2009, 9:09 am

    Usually I am fairly active on vacation – I feel good about all the “extras” when I keep some form of exercise (walking the beach anyone?)

    The foodiest vacation I have been on …hmmm…either Napa or New Orleans.

    Have fun and don’t worry to much, you’ll be fine!

  • Neely December 22, 2009, 9:13 am

    My vacations are usually just that… I don’t do much formal exercise but I love vacations where we take our bikes and ride everywhere. I usually just plan to lose whatever I put on after coming home. But I can understand the timing of yours coming right before your race.

    Last month it was awesome to hear one of the super-fit spin instructors come back from a week long cruise and say “I didn’t work out and had a cookie every day.” Lol. I love vacations.

    I would like to go on a spa-liek vacation sometime with workouts and treatments and stuff though. Maybe just not with my man (we love food way, way too much).

  • Madeline @ GreensAndJeans December 22, 2009, 9:18 am

    I usually pick places where I can be naturally active on vacation. I’ve gone on bike trips, hiking trips, kayaking trips… I love being outside so this is usually a no brainer! The hardest part for me is the food. I love to try new things, but usually by the end of the trip I’m ready to get back to my normal eating routine!

  • megan December 22, 2009, 9:18 am

    I really like your approach. I try to do something similar. when we go on vacation we’re pretty low key, so it’s pretty easy to eat a healthy breakfast and lunch. I save up for dinner 🙂 and try to just have one dessert a day. but on vacation I don’t worry about all the little things, like extra handfuls of m&m’s, or less exercise. I just try not to gain 10 lbs 🙂

  • Mel @ She Runs Brooklyn December 22, 2009, 9:20 am

    Your approach is very similar to what I do. The hardest part for me is DEFINITELY the alcohol. My girlfriends and I can easily go through 3 bottles of wine at dinner, and then hit the bar. YIKES!

  • Viviane December 22, 2009, 9:21 am

    When on vacation, I usually follow the “one special meal” per day philosophy. I have regular breakfast and lunch and then indulge more at dinner.

    Whenever I arrive on location, I also try to find a place near my hotel where I can buy fresh fruit and vegetable, which I eat as a pre-dinner snack along with bars and nuts brought from home. This prevents me from getting too hungry and order everything on the menu!

    My best foodie vacation so far is definitely Tuscany, Italy. But strangely enough, I always loose a couple pounds while there without even trying! And this means croissant, gelato and vino every day! It’s probably all the walking, quality of the food and smaller portions?

    Enjoy your vacation!

  • Meg C. December 22, 2009, 9:22 am

    wow, those are great goals! I always overeat at the holidays and when I travel so I can imagine how doing both at once would be difficult. good luck!

    ps wouldn’t your cold thighs during your run feel more like chicken…thighs? hahaha

  • Jessica @ How Sweet It Is December 22, 2009, 9:24 am

    I just eat as I normally would – maybe some ice cream here or there? And I always exercise. Drinking is the tought part, but I do plenty of that here, too!

  • Morgan @ Life After Bagels December 22, 2009, 9:28 am

    Caitlin – we’ll be here rooting you on . . . just make sure you post some cool touristy pics of London.

  • Estela @ Weekly Bite December 22, 2009, 9:30 am

    I eat pretty normally on vacation. With the occasional treat.

    I can’t wait to read you posts during your trip!

  • Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers December 22, 2009, 9:30 am

    you seem to have a great mindset going into your vacation. planning will definitely help you stay in line and a marathon waiting for you back home is pretty good motivation!

    For me, I indulge on vacations. I usually eat mini-meals throughout the day and on vacations i enjoy three BIG meals (plus dessert) a day. I really enjoy active vacations where I can get out and explore.

  • Melissa December 22, 2009, 9:31 am

    I’m like you..moderation is the best thing. Since I eat really healthy most days, I can splurge a little on vacation (but never that much).
    My favorite place EVER I have eaten is Hawaii. My parents took my brother and I when I was 18 years old. We spent a few days on the big island (Kona) and then a few days on Kuauii (not spelled right??). Every single restaurant we went to was better than the last. EVERY meal was absolutely wonderful. I think that was one of my favorite parts of going there, among many other things.

  • Lauren L. December 22, 2009, 9:35 am

    Great post! You are really setting yourself up for success on your trip, which will be all-around awesome. After my past couple vacations I have always come home with that post-vacation indulgent bloat, but I hope to live it up more healthily next time!

  • Diana @ frontyardfoodie December 22, 2009, 9:35 am

    You can do this! You’ve got so much motivation and drive. Just don’t over eat and take things and a steady pace.

    Have an AMAZING vacation.

  • MelissaNibbles December 22, 2009, 9:35 am

    I try to view vacations as the chance to get away to see & experience a new city. While this can sometimes include new dishes (depending on the location), I don’t view vacations as an excuse to eat all day long. I’d rather do fun and interesting things, not eat. Obviously I want to try new foods and I do, I just eat normally the rest of my meals.

  • Erin December 22, 2009, 9:36 am

    When I’m lucky enough to have my parents foot the bill for vacation, we like to rent houses or apartments that have kitchens, find the grocery store, and make most of our meals instead of going out. It’s a fabulous way to stay healthy while traveling!

  • Katie December 22, 2009, 9:39 am

    “my thighs felt like frozen chicken breasts the entire time”

    lol, I love it! Perfect description of running in the cold weather. My philosophy for living a healthy lifestyle on vacation is to allow indulgences for special, unique things and to make sure I get exercise in. For instance, I love having wine and appetizers with dinner on vacation, so I look forward to that all day and keep breakfast and lunch healthy and light. For our upcoming honeymoon to Kauai, we have tons of active activities planned, like scuba diving, hiking and running. I can’t wait!

    btw love your Napa recaps! My mom lives in Northern Cali and I still haven’t made it there yet- it’s on my life list!

  • Amanda December 22, 2009, 9:40 am

    Love your approach!! While you’re over there trying to be healthy/enjoy yourself on vacation, we will all be doing the same with the holidays – you’re not alone 🙂 I just try to choose unique dishes that are worth the splurge – aka leave the chips and salsa, try grandma’s pie.

  • Kath December 22, 2009, 9:44 am

    My summer vacation weight is finally feeling gone. I also went on a dietless diet 🙂 Your vacation guidelines are similar to mine – one big meal a day, keep up the exercise and keep alcohol to worth it beverages. I’m about to embark on 9 days away from home and am going to challenge myself to be super healthy!

  • Jocelyn December 22, 2009, 9:47 am

    I know family members who have come back from england a month later and 20 pounds heavier! Some food choices there are so rich and fatty…I would most likely gain weight even though I would try to work out daily! I dunno…it seems like you are grounded enough to keep everything in check 🙂

  • Britt - Runnerbelle December 22, 2009, 9:48 am

    Great approach! It is hard going on vacation right before a marathon. I usually plan mine after for that reason. 😉

    At least you are in taper mode, but that also means you have gotten used to eating a bit more as you have been burning that much more. It can be hard as your body is used to that extra exercise, but I’m sure you will do great with all the workouts & walking you have planned! Plus an extra pound or two is not the end of the world, just view it as more fuel for the marathon. 😉

  • Evan Thomas December 22, 2009, 9:49 am

    I went to Italy once–obviously foodie heaven. We also did a lot of walking, though. One day, the person who wore the pedometer said we walked 10 miles I think, so it was easy to counterbalance the amazing food.
    On the other hand, I went to costa rica once for a community service project. They hardly fed us(just white rice and black beans) and we had to hike 10 miles through the rain forest just to get to the village. We all lost some good weight that trip.

  • Diana (Mymarblerye) December 22, 2009, 9:54 am

    last year when I went to san fran I gained 3lbs as well. Doesn’t sound like much but i’m 5′ and have a small frame (i posted these pics on my blog the other day). anyways, my trick now is to eat literally 3 bites of something and throw it away. BTW i read your twitter about you medical bill! SCAN IT and call! My insurance tried to charge me 800 bux on a dr’s visit cause the dr charged me as hypertensive patient! CHECK THAT SH*T!

  • katherine December 22, 2009, 9:56 am

    Except for our honeymoon, I usually stay pretty active on vacation. When we go to Floriday each year after Christmas, I like to run with my cousins, or work out in my grandparents’ club gym. I also try to make ONE meal a day the special meal, just like you’re planning to do. If I have a normal breakfast and basic lunch, then I’m ready for the big family dinner. I also find that good decisions lead to more good decisions. If I have eaten well all day, I’m less inclined to go bananas at dinner!

    The good news is that even if you come back to the US up a pound or two, you’ve already got a great mindset for losing the weight, and the one or two pounds won’t make a difference come racetime anyway! 🙂

  • Matt December 22, 2009, 9:57 am

    When I am on vacation, I just try to eat like I normally would. If we go out to eat, I will eat what I want, but I don’t use vacations as a reason to pig out.

  • Lindsay @ lindsayruns December 22, 2009, 9:59 am

    Good luck! The alcohol is my problem on vacations too.

  • Shannon (The Daily Balance) December 22, 2009, 10:01 am

    you are such a rockstar with your runs lately! so impressed 😉

  • Teacherwoman December 22, 2009, 10:03 am

    It can be so easy to eat more than one usually does while on vacation due to good restaurants and larger than life portion sizes… but, I just try to treat myself every once and a while and listen to my tummy!

  • Rachel December 22, 2009, 10:09 am

    I had the exact same experience on my honeymoon in October! Vacations are difficult because I definitely have the “when will I get to do this again?” mentality. I’m going to Florida on Christmas day & I have a personal challenge to myself to NOT gain weight for the 4 days I’ll be away from home. It’ll be hard, because we’ll be eating out a lot, but I’m going to do it! Good luck to you 🙂

  • kilax December 22, 2009, 10:14 am

    That sounds like a great plan! I bet you will do really well, Caitlin. Just be mindful of it!

    I am still working on eating and vacation. I have gotten better about it, but I usually over indulge, by WAY too much.

    I lived in Rome for 7 months. I definitely miss the food there!

  • Janna (Just Flourishing) December 22, 2009, 10:21 am

    Good plans.

    My healthy travel philosophy – Eating when you’re hungry not just because there’s food in front of you, eating wholesome foods and being active whenever you can!

    The best “foodie” location… hm.. I guess where I am right now, New York. It’s an amazing place to discover great food.

    I’ve never been to a fitness resort.. but that would be so cool!

  • Carolina John December 22, 2009, 10:21 am

    Be safe and have a fun trip caitlin!

  • Lizzie December 22, 2009, 10:28 am

    I’m still trying to figure out how to stay responsible on vacation. I tend to eat like there’s no tomorrow when I’m away.
    My favorite foodie location has to be Portland, Oregon, where I go to school. There are so many great places to eat and so many awesome food carts and really diverse kinds of food. It’s a food lover’s dream. And even better, it’s way cheaper than eating out in New York, where I’m from.
    Have fun in London, Caitlin! I’ve been there so many times and I just love it!

  • Lindsey @ Eat, Read, Run December 22, 2009, 10:28 am

    I did pretty well on my honeymoon for the first 5 days, but the last 5 days were pure indulgence. I gained about 2 pounds on my honeymoon and was shocked it wasn’t more. We always ate a pretty decent sized breakfast, but then lunch was usually quick and light as we were sightseeing and moving around a lot. I think that helped. Dinners were big, but the light lunch was key.

    I think it’s a smart idea to approach this trip with some restraint. You don’t want to be carrying extra poundage for your marathon when your body is used to carrying less. Goodluck – I’m sure you will be fine!

  • Beth @ DiningAndDishing December 22, 2009, 10:29 am

    I can totally relate to this post!! After college grad my friend and I toured Europe for 3 1/2 months and I gained 10 lbs! I was so disappointed in myself because rather than enjoying good food in moderation I went wayyyy overboard. I vow to never do that again! I haven’t travelled for as long since but when I do go away I focus on feeling my best by watching what I eat so that I actually enjoy treats when I have them!

  • Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg December 22, 2009, 10:32 am

    That’s interesting that London is the most vegetarian-friendly city…it makes sense, with all the ethnic food available, but I guess when I think London, I just think fish and chips, and big meat cuts 🙂

    I love your dietless diet plan. What a great way to approach gaining a few pounds.

  • Jo December 22, 2009, 10:37 am

    hey – London is a great place for running. I don’t know where you are staying but the parks are great (esp Hyde Park). I used to run along the Thames as well. Also if you are stuck then lots of gyms do guests passes – Gymbox definitely does (but its expensive). Plus I used to walk EVERYWHERE in London and its the best way to see everything. But hope you get here ok – I’m currently worrying about getting flights tomorrow, the weather is appalling here.

  • Nicole December 22, 2009, 10:50 am

    Living in Europe makes it very difficult for me to eat healthy! I have a beer delivery guy! Everything in moderation helps, plus all the walking. Everyone walks over here! I really think that as long as you eat because you are hungry and not “because you are on vacation” you will be fine! We just got back from a cruise to Africa, Spain, and Italy where we actually lost weight (the food was kinda bad on the ship). Instead of taking a taxi in every port we visited, we walked. Some days we walked 6-7 miles a day.

    Good luck!

  • Jolene ( December 22, 2009, 10:51 am

    On Vacation I usually go all out – but I am not a big binger or dessert eater anyway, so I don’t usually go overboard. Just a few extra calories each day – then I eat normally when I get home.

  • Tracie @hollafoodzone December 22, 2009, 10:57 am

    In my opinion, you’ve already survived the ultimate foodie destinations and luckily came away with only a 4 pound gain – SF and Napa! I’ve been to lots of what I would call pretty awesome food trips and even cruises, but those 2 spots top!

  • Mica December 22, 2009, 10:58 am

    I think aiming for “healthy living” while on vacation is a good goal, especially since with the way most trips are scheduled, it would be impossible to go overboard. Just trying is better than nothing!

    Plus, running and walking are two really good ways to see a new place…though I wasn’t treated very well in Paris in my running shorts.

  • Carolyn December 22, 2009, 11:01 am

    I gained weight for sure my last two vacations. I need to be better both this week when we’re visiting family and next week when we go to my brother’s wedding.

  • Heather @ The Joyful Kitchen December 22, 2009, 11:03 am

    You can do it! I know that vacations and short trips are definitely the times that I get really sidetracked and eat stuff that’s not good for me. I’m going to keep up the blogging on our vacation to see my family, work out with my sister, and I think it’ll all even out.

    Hope you have the absolute best time in London!

  • skinnyrunner December 22, 2009, 11:09 am

    i love how open and honest you are in this post about weight gain!
    i wanted to go on a fitness cruise, but they were pretty pricey!

  • Kelly December 22, 2009, 11:14 am

    I think the hardest for me on vacation is just the eating out aspect- no matter what eating out it’s harder to be healthy. I’m interested to see how you do in London. I found the pub food to be difficult, but hopefully looking for vegetarian meals will help you to be healthy 🙂

  • Jamie December 22, 2009, 11:29 am

    Hey Caitlin,
    I actually do pretty well on vacations because I am so busy. I think that you will be surprised how easy it is in London because you will be walking everywhere which really makes a huge difference. I try to remember that I will look back more fondly on the vacation if I stay healthy and feel good during it. Some of my favorite vacations are the ones when I felt really healthy- getting lots of activity and eating fresh, light food. That makes me feel best and helps me enjoy the vacation even more. Have fun!!!!

  • Allie December 22, 2009, 11:41 am

    your approach sounds really great. honestly i think you will be fine. i went to london two summers ago and lost weight without thinking about what i was eating just becuase i did so much walking. have a blast!!

  • Shelly December 22, 2009, 12:05 pm

    I’m actually going to Switzerland for 12 days tomorrow and I’m nervous about my vacation weight gain as well. It’s my 3rd tri there and each time I’ve gained 5 lbs. despite lots of skiing. 5 lbs. isn’t usually a big deal to me, but last year I came home with 10 lbs. to lose b/c I’d kind of fallen off the healthy food wagon and gained 5 additional lbs. that fall. It took 3.5 months and a trip to the nutritionist, but I lost the weight (and in the process gained a love of running, healthy food, and fitness blogs). (I realize that 10 lbs. isn’t a big deal in the big scheme of things, but it really made me miserable and I *hated* dieting- that’s why I went to the nutritionist, which helped a bunch with helping me eat stuff that was tasty and filling so I didn’t feel deprived.)
    I haven’t gained any weight above my ideal weight this fall, but I guess I’m just nervous about gaining vacation weight b/c I remember how lousy I felt last January when I got home and my clothes were all to tight! I started avoiding social events b/c I didn’t want to wear my clothes, which is what I consider to be a pretty low point.
    I keep trying to remind myself that I’m not at the same place I was last year and that even the 10 lbs. benefited me because my weight loss process turned into a very healthy lifestyle. I’m just nervous!
    I am definitely going to try to be careful about ordering desserts or too much booze, but I think even then it’s hard not to gain weight. Mountain food is hearty!

    • Miriam December 22, 2009, 1:14 pm

      Most people, almost certainly, are relating to what you just describe as your “PAST travel experiences weight gain”. In fact, a great majority of people, while on vacation, believe that they can take vacation from their healthy habits as well… and all end up playing yoyo with their weight and body. But you are not playing this game anymore!! You should be proud you have developed healthy habits and maintained a constant weight through the past year. If you keep all the benefits that this has bring to you in mind, you’ll be successful without even trying! Now enjoy your vacations!! 🙂

  • Wendy December 22, 2009, 12:15 pm

    I don’t really have a vacation philosophy, because, well, I never really go on vacations. 🙁 But your plan seems to be solid and very common-sensical. 🙂

  • Amandamoo December 22, 2009, 12:29 pm

    I’m glad you liked the article from PETA that I sent you!! I read it and had to get it to you right away last week! Have a safe vacation!!

  • Miriam December 22, 2009, 12:45 pm

    I never exercice while in vacation but I’m trying to be as active as I could be and I am careful on what I eat and drink. And at the end I never gain weight, I even end up loosing 1 or 2 pounds.

  • Paige (Running Around Normal) December 22, 2009, 12:55 pm

    This is a wonderful approach, Caitlin. Sounds like you’re still going to thoroughly enjoy yourself, without over doing it. Another thing maybe to think about is to go ahead and eat what you want (don’t want to miss out!) but don’t stuff your self. I know at least for me, this is a big thing to remember while on vacation 🙂

  • Madeleine December 22, 2009, 12:59 pm

    Weirdly enough, i’m actually quite excited that you’re going to be in my country for christmas! Theres so many food bloggers out there in America, it feels so cool to have one reporting from good ol’ Blighty!
    I think your attitude to this holiday is brilliant, and very responsible considering your upcoming race, however, don’t be too strict with yourself. I know from bitter experience that cutting back at Christmas results in disappointment, and even if you were at home, chances are you’d be indulging just as much! London is fab, and Londoners walk a LOT – its just so accessible. Will you be in the centre of the city? If so, the tube stations are surprisingly close to each other, and its often worth getting off a stop early then walking to your destination if you want to keep a bit more active.
    I think the ‘special’ meal idea is really good. Whenever i’m faced with indulging, I tend to decide if the food is ‘worth it’, based on whether or not i’ll eat it again, and if I could make it myself! Store-bought mince pies and baked goodies have nothing on home-made ones, for sure. 🙂

    Anyway, have a fab holiday, and bon voyage! 🙂

  • Penny December 22, 2009, 1:32 pm

    You said that London is the most vegetariran city in the world and I found that interesting because I have been experimenting with vegetarianism and I have found that (in my area) it is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to find vegetarian choices when eating out.
    Anyhoo, no point to that really. Just thought I’d mention the fact that vegetarians are not really catered to. At all.
    Have fun!!! 🙂

  • Katie - Life Discombobulated December 22, 2009, 1:38 pm

    In my limited experience, I’ve heard that part of the tapering process is storing energy (aka putting on A LITTLE weight) that helps on race day. That sounds like good news for the trip to me! : ) I agree that a big shock to the bod is probably not the best pre-race strategy, but comforting to think that a little extra here and there might actually HELP rather than hurt! Have FUN in London!!!!

  • rungirlrunn December 22, 2009, 2:01 pm

    Your plan sounds great 🙂 I would LOVE to go to a fitness resort!!

  • Ali @ Food, Fitness, Fashion December 22, 2009, 2:11 pm

    Your plan looks good! Alcohol is my big problem when on vacation. I am usually mindful of what I am eating even on vacation because I really dislike feeling sick from fullness or from fatty or fried foods. I am sure you will do fine! Enjoy your trip!

  • Cassie @ A Very Busy Mind December 22, 2009, 2:44 pm

    Love the “Dietless Diet” concept. I wish more people (outside the food blog community) understood that diets don’t work.

  • Lisa (bakebikeblog) December 22, 2009, 3:43 pm

    What a timely post! I am going to Japan after Christmas and want to avoid the effects of holiday indulgences. I have a race the day after I get back – so I am hoping that will be motivating to stay fit during the trip. oooh and we are going skiing for 4 days – so I am sure that will be a good workout!

  • Julie @savvyeats December 22, 2009, 3:43 pm

    I’m way excited about our honeymoon. We’re going to Italy and the company we’re touring with has a bunch of winery, etc visits planned. BUT since we’ll be biking 25-55 miles a day the entire time, I’m not anticipating any weight gain!

  • Amber from Girl with the Red Hair December 22, 2009, 4:00 pm

    I love your philosophy! I think you’ll do great. I’m on vacation right now too and I’ve tried to work out at least 3-4 times a week still and eat as healthy as possible. I’ve definitely indulged in a few more Christmas cookies than necessary, though!

  • Kelly December 22, 2009, 4:22 pm

    I think you will be fine. I went to Paris for 10 days and didn’t gain anything. I attribute it to the fact that we walked EVERYWHERE and then typically our destination was a museum where you do more walking. I was literally on my feet for the entire day! For food we just hit up street vendors like crazy and basically ate fresh fruit and cheese the whole time! You will have a blast!

  • Orla December 22, 2009, 4:37 pm

    Hey Caitlin,

    since you’re planning on running a lot, I just wanted to remind you that it is COLD in this neck of the woods at the moment. Personally I wouldn’t be doing any early morning runs in less than a good thick pair of running tights, but maybe you don’t have cold weather clothes since you live in Florida?

    Don’t get me wrong, you don’t need to bundle up as if it’s snowing, but it’s going to be VERY cold for you since you’re not used to it 🙂 You should bring your warmest workout gear, or schedule your runs for the afternoons 🙂

    • emily December 22, 2009, 5:27 pm

      agreed! It is pretty cold here, and without a proper pair of running tights (or what have you), running outside can be extremely uncomfortable–especially if you’re not used to it. Just try your best to bundle up and you should be fine! But watch for ice if it snowed where you’re staying! 🙂

      • caitlin December 22, 2009, 5:36 pm

        i am going to run on the treadmill at the gym, me thinks!!

  • Joelle (The Pancake Girl) December 22, 2009, 5:32 pm

    i say everything in moderation regardless, but enjoying an extra cookie on vacay isn’t bad at all! 🙂

  • Amanda December 22, 2009, 6:02 pm

    Sounds like you have a good plan in place for your vacation. Have fun and enjoy it!

  • maria December 22, 2009, 7:40 pm

    Love this post. I gained 6 pounds on my honeymoon this summer. It didn’t take too long to lose those because I think a lot of it was sodium, but I wish I had utilized some of the tips you have given here. At the end of the day, though, I realized this was a ONCE in a lifetime trip for me and do not regret it at all!

  • Jenna December 22, 2009, 8:06 pm

    those are some great goals caitlin! can’t wait to hear all about it!

  • Whitney December 22, 2009, 8:16 pm

    I think you will find that you may LOSE weight while in Europe. Aside from your planned running, I went to Euro for a month in the “middle” of my weight loss and didn’t run once. Instead, I embraced their culture & development was very pedestrian friendly. Coupled that with delicious, healthy, fresh food, I think you will be fine. Also, it seems like a wine tasting honeymoon sort of begs for weight gain.
    But seriously, I think you will be fine.

  • Lindsay December 22, 2009, 8:32 pm

    I hope you have an amazing time in London! I lived there for a few months and had to scale back my work outs and ended up drinking a little more than I usually do (those Brits sure do love beer!) but I actually ended up losing weight. I’d say I shrunk about a size from an already petite figure. You do SO much walking there and, as you said, there are a surprising amount of vegetarian/healthy options.

    Have a blast! Be sure to visit Borough Market 😉

  • Lily @ Lily's Health Pad December 22, 2009, 9:46 pm

    Have a blast in London!

    When I am on a trip, I always indulge, but at the same time, I try to pay attention to my belly. I hate the feeling of being overly stuffed. To me, no food is worth that feeling, so I am usually able to stop eating when I’m nearing the breaking point.

  • Lisa December 22, 2009, 10:03 pm

    I think your plan for working out on vacation is great! Definitely sounds like you have thought about it a lot and it’s sensible enough that you can still enjoy your time but also make sure you’re feeling good and ready for the marathon when you get back!

    Have fun!

  • Kareen December 22, 2009, 10:18 pm

    My Husband and I are driving down to Florida from Montreal (Quebec, Canada)! I am very worried about gaining weight while on the road. We have good meal plans; going to the grocery store and picking up fruits, veggies, hummus and crackers instead of going to a restaurant every single meal. I too will continue to blog about my eats everyday.
    What worries me the most is exercising. I am a group workout instructor (I teach Step Aerobics) and I haven’t stopped for a vacation in FIVE years! I don’t usually train on my own; it has to be an organized even (my class, some other instructor’s class, yoga…) This might actually be a good time to reconcile myself with the elliptical…
    Enjoy your trip in London and I am looking forward to reading all about it.
    Thanks for the great advice.
    Happy Holidays!

  • Christy December 22, 2009, 11:08 pm

    Fitness resort?! I didn’t even know that existed haha! My best advice is listen to your body, it’s the best tool to tell you when your hungry/full!

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