I did not feel like cooking this morning!  And my policy is when in doubt, make granola and yogurt.


A sliced banana, flax, Stonyfield yogurt, and two tablespoons of flax.  Yum!


I didn’t get to do yoga this morning because I have some work to get done (something amazing and awesome is going down in my house tomorrow related to Operation Beautiful…. I cannot say what it is yet!).  I did have time to make a video about how to make French Press coffee, which I will share at lunch!


Amazing Grass Responses


Remember a few days ago when we discussed possible allergic responses to Amazing Grass?

Todd Habermehl, the Co-Founder of Amazing Grass, took the time to answer to some of the questions you raised in the comments section.  Here’s what he said:


I wanted to comment on the stomach pains and other concerns about gluten in Amazing Grass products. 


Regarding the gluten question: There is no gluten in our products. People who are typically allergic to wheat or barley usually find it to be the gluten in the grain itself. Our products contain no grain and are harvested prior to any gluten being formed in the plant. We have lots of customers who have gluten intolerances including celiac disease who consume our products daily. Our products are 3rd party using an R-Biopharm RIDASCREEN Fast Gliadin at 10 parts per million and they are all confirmed BLD. How many people did I just bore to sleep with that? 


Now for the stomach concerns: we have seen very little in our products disturbing the digestive system, but the individuals who have had issues usually stems from our prebiotics from chicory root (ingredient in the superfoods). Prebiotics should increase the number and/or activity of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria (beneficial bacteria). The importance of the bifidobacteria and the lactic acid bacteria is that these groups of bacteria have several beneficial effects on the host, especially in terms of improving digestion (including enhancing mineral absorption) and the effectiveness and intrinsic strength of the immune system. This process in your stomach is the very essence of a healthy digestive tract (this is why yogurt companies promote it so much), however a few may experience discomfort from this exciting bacteria feeding frenzy! Wow, you must think we are total biology geeks now! But it is a miracle what foods can offer our body and how it can heal them.


Basically, if you have been scared to try Amazing Grass because you have a gluten allergy, you are fine.  Todd suggested I try the Amazing Grass Wheat Grass again because this does not have the chicory root in it.  I actually have a tub of the Wheat Grass and I don’t think I have the same reaction to it as I do for the regular AG.  I’ll give it another shot because I do really like the Amazing Grass concept.


Have a wonderful day!



  • Shannon September 3, 2009, 4:37 am

    I think it says a lot about the company that they took the time to answer your questions. Good customer service is harder to find than it should be. I would love to give Amazing Grass a try, but when I have found it at Whole Foods, it is just not in the budget. 🙁

    As an aside…I love your go-to breakfast. Mmmmm!

  • k September 3, 2009, 4:39 am

    Good luck! I can't wait to hear about the camera crew! (and i have a few notes to send you that I just haven't had time to load and send…how pathetic is that, i've been so busy I can't load my pictures???)

    Anyway, I hope everything goes GREAT tomorrow

  • Carolina John September 3, 2009, 4:40 am

    I've heard some wild things about amazing grass. wild stuff. seems like at least a responsible company though. t hat's good.

  • Julie September 3, 2009, 4:46 am

    I want to know whats going down tomorrow!!! All I can think of is Oprah. You going to be shooting a segment for Oprah. I'm convinced.

  • Lizzy September 3, 2009, 5:00 am

    O how i love surprises!!!! Can't wait to find out what it is! Have a good day girl! 🙂

  • Marisa (Trim The Fat) September 3, 2009, 5:02 am

    Nice of Amazing Grass to address your concerns!

    Awesome breakfast=)

    Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! Whatever it is…hmm..camera crews…good luck!!!

  • Mrs. LC September 3, 2009, 5:09 am

    oh so excited, I can't wait to find out the big secret. 🙂

  • RhodeyGirl September 3, 2009, 5:28 am

    It is so amazing how so many companies are becoming personal again with the development of blogs. Think about how many opportunities and companies have shared more information than average just because of blogs. It is amazing.

  • RhodeyGirl September 3, 2009, 5:29 am

    …or just good marketing/customer service haha

  • Meg September 3, 2009, 5:36 am

    I love Amazing Grass! Your breakfast may be simple but it looks just as delicious as a prepared breakfast!

    What kind of granola do you use?


    p.s. can't wait to hear more about the OB project!!

  • Caitlin at Healthy Tipping Point September 3, 2009, 5:38 am

    RhodyGirl – I agree (with statement 1) LOL

    Meg – It's Quaker Simply Natural or soemthing like that. I buy in bulk from Costco.

  • RunToFinish September 3, 2009, 5:39 am

    my issue has always been the taste, not so much the effect on my body. I feel like have to hide it to eat it

  • Leianna September 3, 2009, 5:41 am

    I love Amazing Grass products to, so that would suck if you were allergic!
    I love your simple, no cook breakfast.

  • Shannon (The Daily Balance) September 3, 2009, 5:41 am

    It's always so refreshing when companies care enough to personally respond to certain issues/areas of concern.

    breakfast looks delish! Siliar to what I'm having for lunch today! 😉

  • skinnyrunner September 3, 2009, 5:43 am

    talk about great customer service! sounds like a good product, i think im going to have to try it.

  • Kristin @ Iowa Girl Eats September 3, 2009, 5:48 am

    Oooo that's why I can't eat Fiber One bars – they have chicory root in them too and hurt my stomach something fierce!

  • brandi September 3, 2009, 5:48 am

    thanks for posting his response, that's good to know.

    I love French Press coffee 🙂 it's the best and the highlight of our weekend mornings.

  • megan September 3, 2009, 5:50 am

    what kind of granola do you eat? It always looks so good!

  • Stephanie September 3, 2009, 5:53 am

    Hey! I use the Amazing Grass wheatgrass every morning, but in the tablet form (vs. powder) — pop 5 of these suckers with your morning coffee and you are good to go!! Highly recommend them 🙂

  • One Year No Diets! September 3, 2009, 5:54 am

    Can't wait to hear about the operation beautiful news!

  • seesaraheat September 3, 2009, 5:56 am

    How great that he took the time to address your concerns. I hope you have better luck with the wheat grass.

    Can't wait to see what the Operation beautiful event is all about. And I'm dying to see that video, I want to get a french press but I'm so intimidated! 😉

  • Erin September 3, 2009, 5:57 am

    I'll be interested to see your French press video — my mom has one but I'm always intimidated to use it…

  • Sarah (Running To Slow Things Down) September 3, 2009, 6:00 am

    Mmm…your breakfast looks great! 🙂

    That was super nice of Amazing Grass to respond to the comments. 🙂

  • Marlow September 3, 2009, 6:11 am

    I love Amazing Grass and I've been gluten free for a little over a year. I haven't experienced any tummy issues!

  • Jolene - EverydayFoodie September 3, 2009, 6:20 am

    That is awesome he took the time to answer those questions … I love amazing grass!

  • Jenna September 3, 2009, 6:26 am

    can't wait to see the video!


  • Britt September 3, 2009, 6:54 am

    Thanks for sharing his response, definitely says a lot about the company that they responded so thoughtfully!

    Great breakfast, yum!

  • Dawn HealthySDLiving September 3, 2009, 7:54 am

    That's really good to know about Amazing Grass, thanks!
    Can't wait to find out what all of the excitement is about tomorrow! 🙂

  • Megan @ Megzz Wins At Life September 3, 2009, 8:33 am

    Caitlin… When can we find out??? I want to know soo bad!!!!

  • foodcents September 3, 2009, 8:36 am

    Like many have mentioned, it is great that Amazing Grass took the time to respond to concerns. I am curious if the other tub you spoke of, will not give you the same reaction.

    I know from personal experience, if something upsets your stomache, it just isn't worth the uncomfortable sensation that ensues.

  • Kim September 3, 2009, 9:41 am

    Thanks for posting the AG response, especially the gluten-free part.

    I hope to try it soon!!

    BTW, how nice of your Mom to send you such a nice gift! 🙂

  • Liza September 3, 2009, 10:32 am

    I think you should name your garmin Rickie Ricardo if its a boy and Beyonce Knowles if its a girl

  • Jackie September 3, 2009, 12:02 pm

    I think a great name for your Garmin would be Kathrine Switzer (Switzer) or maybe miss Switz) She was the first woman to run the Boston Marathon back in 1967. When officials found out she was a woman during the race they tried to tackle her down (she out ran them). She is definitely a symbol for woman who take running seriously. Good luck with your name search!

  • Low September 3, 2009, 1:22 pm

    I hope the Wheat Grass is easier on your stomach. I like the concept too, but the taste still throws me a little, well that and the PRICE.

  • Jenny September 3, 2009, 2:48 pm

    yogurt & granola = ultimate easy peazy breakie.

  • Sam September 4, 2009, 2:40 am

    That's great that they answered your questions. I contacted them on 3 separate occasions and never got a response. Then again I'm not a popular blogger to the masses! 🙂 Hopefully the Wheat Grass version will stay ok for your tummy.

    • AmandaonMaui January 25, 2013, 9:07 pm

      Same here. I had a hard time getting them to respond. Even then, all I got was a generic “Our products are gluten free” statement.

Healthy Tipping Point