I’m in Tennessee!  And so happy to be here! 


Here are my travel eats (I had a 3.5 hour layover in Atlanta!):


I got a veggie sammie at a bakery, which pretty blah.  It had cucumber, onions, tomatoes, cheese, and dill mayo on sourdough bread.  Plus Baked Lays.  Definitely NOT the healthiest of meals.


I compensated by some Chocolate Amazing Grass while I waited for my flight to board.  The man next to me nearly gagged when he watched me drink this!  I wanted to tell him it tastes better than it looks…

I also started to read my new book while I waited.  I’m finally starting The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan. I loved In Defense of Food, so I’m hoping this is just as good and educational.


I was SOOOO happy to see my mommy when my flight landed.  I saw her briefly this spring, but the last time we spent any time together was my wedding in January.


What do Caitlin and Mom love to do the most?  SHOP!


We literally drove from the airport directly to the mall!  LOL



Still trying to find a cocktail dress for the Healthy Living Summit!  The black and white one was my favorite, but it was a size too big.  Tomorrow is another shopping day!


I snacked on this bar while we shopped — it was pretty good:


And I posted this Operation Beautiful note:


Off to help my mom with dinner!  I’ll be back with some of her famous vegetarian lasagna and dessert near the fire pit!  Can’t wait.



  • Mrs. LC August 8, 2009, 2:38 pm

    I'm so glad you're having fun with your mommy! You deserve a vacation more than anyone else I know, so live it up. 😉

  • Chloe (Naturally Frugal) August 8, 2009, 2:38 pm

    You look gorgeous in that black and white dress, I love it!

    Have a great vacation, you definitely deserve it.

  • Mandy August 8, 2009, 2:43 pm

    shopping right from the airport?? That's my kinda vacation!!! 🙂

    Have a great time with your mom!! I know you're a bit far out but if you do happen to head to the nashville area, let me know!

  • Peanut Butter Swirl August 8, 2009, 2:45 pm

    glad you made it safe & sound.
    you look so pretty in the blue dress 🙂

  • seesaraheat August 8, 2009, 2:49 pm

    Yay, quality mother daughter time!

    I love that quote…I pretty much want to post it to my best friend's forehead…she is always so negative and it is really affecting her and I don't know if she realizes it.

    Have a great time in TN!

  • megan August 8, 2009, 2:50 pm

    Oh yes I like the black and white dress too 🙂 maybe you could get it altered!
    Have fun tonight! Veggie lasagna sounds divine…especially when it's your mom's homemade 🙂

  • inmytummy August 8, 2009, 3:01 pm

    The ATL airport definitely has slim pickings when it comes to eats. There is some of those tart frozen yogurt (like Pinkberry, but not) in one of the terminals if you have a layover on your way back.

    My mom and I have been known to do the shopping straight from the airport thing too.

  • Sheri August 8, 2009, 3:07 pm

    You look great in the black and white dress!

    Have a totally wonderful vacation.

  • Amanda (Panda) August 8, 2009, 3:30 pm

    LOVE the black and white, so striking, but I also love the teal color of the other one too! Mother daughter shopping is one of my favorite things to do ever!!

  • roseyrebecca August 8, 2009, 3:58 pm

    Glad you had a good flight. When I went to visit my family in LA, I got off the plane and went straight to Venice Beach from the airport.

    I love the blue dress on you!

  • Erica August 8, 2009, 4:04 pm

    ah! That black and white dress is SO cute! Glad you had fun shopping with your mama. Can't wait to see the pics of the vegetarian lasagna

  • Christina August 8, 2009, 4:17 pm

    I love how you guys went straight to shopping – sounds like something me and my mom would do!

  • Erin August 8, 2009, 4:39 pm

    I love Michael Pollan. You might like this article he wrote for the New York Times last weekend about Julia Child and how cooking is dying out in America. VERY interesting.


  • Whitney@whitsgettingfit August 8, 2009, 4:48 pm

    Love, love that black and white dress. So classy, so sassy. And I just said that cause it rhymed, but it is classy.

    See you in Boston!!!!

  • Angie (Losing It and Loving It) August 8, 2009, 5:24 pm

    So glad to hear you made it safe and sound and are having a good time with your mom. I love shopping with my mom too!

    Love the black and white dress, too bad it's a size too big.

  • Dani Brook August 8, 2009, 5:51 pm

    You picked a great time to shop in Tennessee "Tax Free Weekend"!! Hope you enjoy your visit with your mom !

  • thedallasceliac August 8, 2009, 6:07 pm

    Love the black and white dress!!!

  • Kristina August 8, 2009, 6:17 pm

    Thanks to your post a while back about In Defense of Food, I am now finishing The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense will be next (I decided to go in sequential order because I'm a dork like that!). Have a good trip! 🙂

  • livinglifefully August 8, 2009, 6:29 pm

    I love the black and white dress..it suits you. I can't believe how much airport food costs and how tasteless it is. Blah. Good on your for brining your own goodies 🙂

    sidenote: The US is having tax free weekends..interesting. Have fun with your mom!

    Live.Life.Fully ~M

  • Pam (Highway to Health) August 8, 2009, 6:34 pm

    I love the black and white dress!!

    That is one of my favorite OB notes. Very inspiring.

    Have fun with your mom!

  • Priyanka loves food August 8, 2009, 7:17 pm

    Oh no this is not fair! I see you have come to Knoxville airport. I am away on vacation, otherwise I would have definitely some to meet you at the airport if meeting up was not feasible!:(

  • lilybeans August 10, 2009, 6:26 am

    I hope you enjoy the book! Such an eye opener. We should start a little Pollan book club in the blog world!

Healthy Tipping Point