Happy Monday!  That’s right, "happy."  I’m trying to put a positive spin on another long work week for the sake of my general sanity. 🙂


I tried my hand at waffles again this morning.


This time around, I used less batter, added more milk, cooked them for a shorter amount of time, and smothered them in maple syrup as opposed to dipping.  I’ve decided waffles are not conducive to dipping.


I topped the waffles off with sliced banana and blueberries.  Fruit also greatly improves waffles — helps them stay moist and yummy.


What Makes Someone ‘a Runner’?


This other day, Heather at Hangry Pants asked me, "What makes someone ‘a runner’?" GOOD QUESTION! I think what makes people feel like a ‘runner’ is different for everyone.  Plus, I STILL have moments when I feel like,  "Oh man, I am such a hardcore RUNNER!" 🙂


  • I felt like a runner when I ran my first race (a 10k).
  • I felt like a runner the first time I ran with a friend (which was my very first run!!).
  • I felt like a runner after printing out my first training schedule.
  • I felt like a runner when I could run a mile without stopping.
  • I felt like a runner when I had to buy knee sleeves.
  • I felt like a runner after I bought my first running ‘gear’ (a Heart Rate Monitor).
  • I feel like a runner when people ask me if I had a hobby, and I reply, "Running!"
  • I feel like a runner when I run in the rain.
  • I feel like I runner when I run with a hangover.
  • I feel like a runner when I do speedwork at the gym.
  • I feel like a runner when I buy Runner’s World instead of Cosmopolitan.


When did you truly feel like a runner/a yogi/a swimmer/a bicyclist/ or a master at whatever your sport of choice is?



  • VeggieGirl January 26, 2009, 5:39 am

    Mmm, waffles!!

    ***Love your question, since I addressed it in my current video post – I truly believe that YOU were made to run, since you’re so amazing at it; and I believe that I was made to do yoga.

  • Mica January 26, 2009, 6:09 am

    Those waffles look awesome. I like them best when they’re spongy and delicious!

    I still don’t feel like I’m a runner–just someone who runs on the side. Since my friends all ran track and XC in high school (and some in college), I feel woefully in adequate when it comes to my training. (25 vs their 125 miles a week) Maybe once I do the half, I’ll feel more runner-ish!

  • Erin January 26, 2009, 6:12 am

    Ohh those look good. I think thats a great question and a hard one! I am a “runner” but since I haven’t been doing it long sometimes I don’t feel entitled to call myself that. I know, totally stupid. BUT, I felt like a runner after I could run a mile without walking, and I feel like a runner at the gym because those people never had any idea how horrible at it I used to be! They just see me run a lot and assume I have always done that.

  • just me January 26, 2009, 6:15 am

    oh man, i feel like a runner all the time! i think it’s especially when i’m out on the street and people give me kinda funny looks like i’m crazy; but then i say in my head, “i’m a runner and i love it!” But also when i run races, get new running clothes, buy the running mags, eat crazy running meals and always have my running shoes on! hehehe!

  • jane January 26, 2009, 6:15 am

    I agree, I feel like a true runner when I go running in the rain or snow or otherwise inclement weather! Like this morning, when I’m about to brave the snow and frigid temperatures!

    Sometimes, when I take too many days off I feel like I’m not a runner anymore, but then I remind myself that anyone who runs and enjoys it- whatever distance, whatever weekly milage, whaever they are or aren’t training for- is a runner at heart!

  • HangryPants January 26, 2009, 6:19 am

    Thanks for your thoughts on the runner subject.

    I felt like a runner when I ran the 5K, but other than that I am not sure I feel like I can say I am a runner because I always run on the treadmill.

    I feel like a yogi every time I practice and because I love that feeling, I try to practice as much as possible.

  • Steph January 26, 2009, 6:34 am

    I love the last one!

  • Sarah W. January 26, 2009, 6:42 am

    I don’t feel like a runner, YET, even despite the fact that I hit a PR this weekend and ran 6miles – my further ever in my LIFE. It probably wont be until i’m doing “long runs” more often like doing a few 5mile runs during the week and a longer run on the weekend or something.

    mmm waffles!

  • Rose January 26, 2009, 7:11 am

    Great question!

    I don’t feel like a runner anymore – mainly because I’m not on a serious training schedule for any particular race. I think when I was at my “prime” and hitting my goals through a running schedule – I totally felt like a runner.

    Now I feel like an exercise enthusiast who likes to mix it up with some jogging 🙂

  • Amanda January 26, 2009, 7:20 am

    What a good question!!

    I felt like a runner when:
    -I started getting up before work to run (in my reflective vest)
    -I was training for a half-marathon and kept track of my milage
    -I got a subscription to Runner’s World
    -The guy at the gym told me I looked like a runner 🙂

  • Carolina John January 26, 2009, 7:22 am

    I didn’t feel like a real triathlete until after i finished my first tri last year. doing all of the training, enjoying all 3 sports, is great fun. But after the first tri you become completely addicted. absolutely hooked. And once i figured out how many tri’s i was going to run this year (including my first half iron) i knew i was going to start calling myself a triathlete.

  • brandi January 26, 2009, 7:25 am

    Yummy breakfast!

    I felt like a runner:
    – when I could run 15 minutes without stopping.

    – when I run even if it’s cold

    – when I run in the rain

    – when I pack running clothes for weekend trips to visit family

    – when I finished my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd 5K

    – when I know people think we’re crazy for running outside in our winter gear with crazy neon colors, gloves, headbands/hats, and with tears running down my face (my eyes water when it’s cold and/or windy)

    Good question!

  • jenngirl January 26, 2009, 7:40 am

    I feel like a “runner” or overall exercise enthusiast, when I get that healthy “craving” to either run on the treadmill or sweat it out in spin. When I can’t wait to hit that sense of escape on a good workout 🙂

  • fitforfree January 26, 2009, 7:52 am

    that’s a great question! I feel like a runner/yogi when it’s something I DO, not something I talk about 🙂 I find myself talking about running the most when I’m not running/out of shape . . . funny, but I guess it becomes less of an “identity” thing for me if I’m DOING it all the time, not thinking about doing it!

  • Meg January 26, 2009, 7:53 am

    Ok…I am going to sound so cheesy here, but I truly feel like I am dancer when I feel it with my heart and soul and when I feel like I am in another world when I am dancing!

  • talesofexpansion January 26, 2009, 8:30 am

    you’re getting better and better with the waffles!! (though they’ll always taste amazing regardless of shape, haha.)

    I run often but still don’t feel comfortable calling myself a runner. or an anything-er really when it comes to exercise. could be leftover from my inactive childhood? maybe i am a healthy lifestyler?

  • K January 26, 2009, 8:40 am

    Fabulous waffles! Love that plate too 🙂

    I can’t answer the question without giving away too much but I will say it happened after a very successful event!

  • Zesty Cook January 26, 2009, 9:36 am

    Great looking waffles Caitlin! I love them


  • BOBBI McCORMICK January 26, 2009, 10:20 am

    well I am not sure what makes someone a runner, but I know that if their running there a runner, but if there RACING there a TRUE runner..lol..jk I ll have to think about this one!

  • Ryan January 26, 2009, 10:47 am

    Funny you pose this question because I just finished reading the editor’s note of Women’s Running which discussed the same thing! I felt like a runner when I completed my first race this weekend!!!

  • Tyler January 26, 2009, 10:48 am

    I started feeling like a runner when I would go on runs because I just felt like running! Not because a coach told me to.

  • Lara January 26, 2009, 12:24 pm

    I felt like a runner when I started running for the joy of it. I was 14!

    Before that, I had to run every day I didn’t have soccer practice and I HATED it. Then one day, it just clicked.

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