Whoa, Whoa!

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Today has been crazy!  Gotta make this snappy. Work is nutso!  In fact, I’m suffering from a work-related injury (the only kind that writers get!):


My scrolling finger is throbbing!! Too much scrolling action.


Mid-Morning Snack…. an apricot Clif Bar.


A slightly more caloric bar than what I’m used to (230 calories), this was SO delicious and apricoty.  They flavor was strong but delightful.


Lunch was a simple chicken deli meat wrap with Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese (#1!).


The wrap also included Dijon mustard and spinach. Yum!


Two pickles with the appropriate carrot barrier to prevent pickle juice seepage:


All together:


My mid-afternoon snack was Grape Nuts + yogurt (you guessed it!).  I don’t think I’m doing a very good job on cutting down on the granola/cereal + yogurt… I can’t help it, this stuff like like crack!  But at least I’m portion-controlling.


Adios! See you for a fun nighttime run!  I will try to answer your AM questions tonight.



  • Julie November 19, 2008, 12:36 pm

    You must be scrolling pretty hard there lady!

    What kind of yogurt do you eat?

  • Lacey Nicole November 19, 2008, 12:41 pm

    ooooooooh i ALMOST got the apricot last store trip and now i’m really wishing i did!!!! i’ll get that next time, so glad to hear it is very apricot-y. i got side-tempted by the seasonal pumpkin spiced pie and iced gingerbread… and you know what they were only OKAY… kind of sugary-sweet and not clearly tasting…. hmm… APRICOT IT IS! hehe.

  • Caitlin (see bride run) November 19, 2008, 12:41 pm

    julie – plain NF dannon all natural… i dont like flavored yogurt at all! :0

  • I am Angie Pooh November 19, 2008, 12:43 pm

    I love your snack Caitlin (the yogurt + grape nuts). I’ve never tried that cereal. I may have to get some 🙂

  • Sharney November 19, 2008, 12:53 pm

    Hi Caitlin,
    Sorry about your finger 🙁
    It sucks having the wear a band aid on the tip of your finger and trying to type. It's near impossible!

    Your lunch looks tasty. I love the chicken/turkey with cheese. So good! Might I add you do an awesome job wrapping your wraps?!?!! Call me a moron, but mine never look as neat & pretty as yours!

    I don't blame you for not being able to give up the yogurt/granola snack. It is so delicious! It's healthy so as long as you don't eat an entire tub & top with the whole container of granola, you can feel really good about eating it!

    Have fun running tonight! I, too will be running, but my run will be on the treadmill. It's just too cold & dark here to run in the evenings. I guess I better get used to it because there's a looooooong winter ahead 🙁

  • Caitlin (see bride run) November 19, 2008, 12:55 pm

    sharon – sooo many people have asked me about my wrapping technique that i will make a picture by picture lesson and post it tomorrow 🙂 i have a mexican bar i used to work at to thank 🙂

  • VeggieGirl November 19, 2008, 12:57 pm

    YIKES!! Careful, girl!!

    Good luck with the rest of the craziness!!

  • Sharney November 19, 2008, 12:58 pm

    Cool- thanks! Maybe I will finally learn how to make a presentable looking wrap 🙂

  • Halie November 19, 2008, 1:18 pm

    Desk job related injuries are the worst! I hate paper cuts the most!


    I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly!

  • ksgoodeats November 19, 2008, 1:21 pm

    You are making me jealous with the sharp cheddar! Be careful with your scrolling injury 😉

  • Meg November 19, 2008, 2:21 pm

    Hope your finger gets better! Love all the eats!

  • Meghann November 19, 2008, 2:29 pm

    Ouch poor finger

    I decided to register for the Elf 5k. Its the week after my Half so I don’t want to do anything too challenging and I REALLY want to set a new 5k PR considering my last one was 33 minutes. :/
    I’m going to rock it. I think my goal is going to be 24 minutes. What do you think? can I shave a full 9 minutes off of my 5k time? 🙂

  • Amisha November 19, 2008, 2:42 pm

    Doesnt the grapenuts cereal hurt your teeth and mouth to eat? I haven’t eaten it in many years, but I found it painful. I even tried to microwave it with some milk and even then it was beyond crunchy. It’s like eating tiny little rocks!

  • Oh She Glows November 19, 2008, 3:10 pm

    Oh ok now, you are making me crave WRAPS this week like nothing else!!!!!! 🙂

    All I can say is those look so delicious. I was going to blog about my spagetti squash spagetti tonight, but now I just want a wrap!! haha

  • Runeatrepeat November 19, 2008, 3:52 pm

    Yogurt and granola is the best snack ever! You’re lucky to not like flavored yogurt, I love it.

  • HangryPants November 19, 2008, 4:08 pm

    Oh no! Sorry about the injury.

    Have you tried grape nuts warm with milk. It’s even better, well if you like it when the grape nuts get soft, which I do. 😀

  • Mica November 19, 2008, 5:12 pm

    Sorry about your injury!

    I hope it didn’t prevent you from enjoying your delicious (-looking and I’m sure, -tasting) lunch wrap! Mmm!

  • seeleelive (for the love of peanut butter) November 19, 2008, 5:30 pm

    Hey, yogurt + cereal is your fav. snack–of course you can eat it every day!! <3

    Sorry about the finga…..take care!

  • greendogwine November 20, 2008, 6:53 am

    that wrap looks fantastic! sorry a bout your “work related” injury – hope it feels better! 🙂

Healthy Tipping Point