balanced breaks

This post is sponsored by Sargento Foods.


I didn’t want to miss out on recapping some fun we had a few weekends back. Better late than never, right? I was in desperate need for a BREAK from the daily grind.  Work had been crazy.  So I put away my To Do list, powered down the computer, and filled a whole weekend with nothing but FUN.  It was so wonderful.


Things started off right with a little race spectating on Saturday morning…

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Training buddy Brandi did her first half marathon that weekend, and the race course was just a few miles from my house.  So I packed Henry into the car after an early breakfast, and we drove out to see her and her husband run.  It was nice to take a break from racing and be a spectator instead.

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Unfortunately, Henry thought that he was running a race and was super disappointed to realize that he was not, in fact, participating.  He did really like giving out High Fives and cheering, and I let him run down the sidewalk next to the runners for a while.  I’m still on the lookout for other kid-friendly races (he really enjoyed doing a 5K a few weekends back) – I really do think he’ll grow up to be a runner.

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I’ve been noshing on this new product from Sargento for a few weeks. I love it!  We have a serious granola bar “problem” in our house, and these Balanced Breaks snacks are a delicious and wholesome alternative for grab-and-go snacking. Sometimes, you just want something different, ya know?


Balanced Breaks snacks combine natural cheese with crunchy roasted nuts and sweet dried fruit – the perfect balance of taste and nutrition.  My favorite combos are the Natural Sharp Cheddar Cheese with sea-salted cashews and cherry juice-infused cranberries, and the Natural Pepper Jack Cheese with honey roasted peanuts and raisins. 


These individual-sized snack trays contain less than 200 calories and 7 grams of protein – a very satisfying snack.


I’ve been snacking on these on the run – I just toss one in my purse so I can eat right on-the-go. I’ve been keeping the little containers, too, because they are perfect for keeping toddler food separate!  Cute, huh? 


Balanced Breaks snacks come 3 in a pack for only $3.69 and can be found in your grocer’s dairy aisle. In addition to the other flavors I mentioned above, Balanced Breaks snacks flavor combos include Natural White Cheddar Cheese with sea-salted almonds and dried cranberries, and Natural Sharp White Cheddar Cheese with sea-salted cashews and golden raisin medley.


Other recent “breaks”?  I did a little shopping… I’m redecorating our master bedroom. Well, technically it’s not our master, but we moved upstairs into the guest room when Henry started to escape his crib.  It’s a pretty drab space, and I’m over it.  It’s exciting to dress it up!  It will be a really nice retreat when we’re all done with the design…


And, as always, I’m trying hard to find the time to read Book a Week.  I’m starting to struggle with my New Year’s Resolution.  As mentioned, things have been really hectic lately and it’s been a challenge to find downtime to read.  I have a big pile of books on my nightstand to read.  Here’s what’s on deck (told you that I’m behind BIG TIME!).


A Mom’s Practical Guide to Baby Led Weaning (by blogger A Healthy Slice of Life)

It Starts With Food

City of Bones


What’s your favorite way to take a break?


This post is brought to you by Sargento Foods.  Thanks, as always, for reading sponsored content.



  • Melissa May 21, 2015, 8:24 am

    I’ve noticed the new Sargento Balanced Breaks, but haven’t tried them yet. They look great and as though they would provide a quick snack that is both healthy and would taste great. My favorite way to take a break is with coffee, a great TV show, or a magazine!

  • Amanda May 21, 2015, 8:59 am

    I can’t wait to read It Starts With Food!

  • Mikella May 21, 2015, 9:04 am

    I LOVE the whole30 program and it really helped me think about making better food choices and the way those choices make my body feel. HOWEVER…It Starts With Food is truly one of the most boring books I’ve ever tried to read. That’s just my opinion. I even normally like science-y books. For some reason, I just couldn’t get through that one and just read their website instead.

    Anyways, this is not to be discouraging just cautionary. 🙂

    • Caitlin May 21, 2015, 9:10 am

      Hahah maybe this is why I’m having trouble…

  • kristin | W [H] A T C H May 21, 2015, 9:16 am

    i saw a coworker with one of these snack packs at the office and was really intrigued. also, they would be great with a glass of wine — no hassle of putting together a cheese plate!

  • Beks May 21, 2015, 9:39 am

    I like to break by binging Netflix, but it’s not the healthiest of things to do. This weekend, we’re going camping, where there’s no electricity, so I need to make sure my tablet is all charged up and full of books. I intend to read a LOT this weekend. I’m so excited. 😀

  • Laura May 21, 2015, 9:57 am

    Hi Caitlin!

    Loyal reader here. I discovered your blog a few years ago when I googled the term “spotting” and found your article on Babble, “3 things I wish I knew at 5 weeks pregnancy.” It feels like a special connection that I stumbled across your blog while in a vulnerable place, and I have since found tremendous support in your blog — on everything ranging from sleep training to pumping to book recommendations.

    So it’s from a place of love and constructive feedback that I say: the blog has become pretty imbalanced lately in terms of sponsored content. I’m not against monetizing your blog – good for you, seriously! – but it needs to be done in a measured, careful way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. I’m really missing the kind of posts that drew me in and made me follow your blog to begin with. Just my two cents!

    • Caitlin May 21, 2015, 11:36 am

      Thanks for reading 🙂 I try to keep sponsored stuff fun but YES there has been a slew of it lately! I haven’t done a good job of spacing it out. :-/ but there will be a break next week 🙂

  • Erin @ Her Heartland Soul May 21, 2015, 10:20 am

    Aww I love that he wanted to race too! And have fun decorating!

  • Reenie May 21, 2015, 10:30 am

    So cute…. Henry giving high fives to the runners. 🙂

    I’ll have to try those snacks ~ they look good.

  • Jennifer May 21, 2015, 10:38 am

    Sorryif you addressed this previously. Are you not eliminating dairy while breastfeeding Claire? Did she not show the same allergy as Henry? Curious how your experience has been.

    • Caitlin May 21, 2015, 11:35 am

      Nope! She didn’t have the same symptoms so I never had to. Thank goodness because I love the cheeeeese.

  • Jenn@Mark My Miles! May 21, 2015, 10:56 am

    My favorite way to take a break is with a piping cup of hot coffee and a piece of chocolate!

  • Amanda May 21, 2015, 1:00 pm

    I’m really curious about the Balanced Breaks. I forgot about them the last time you brought them up in a blog post but I’m going to make a note for myself this time.

    I’ve had It Starts with Food for so long. I really need to start reading it and making notes. I absolutely love City of Bones!

  • Ashley N. May 21, 2015, 2:32 pm

    Yum! I have tried one flavor of the Sargento Balanced Breaks and it was pretty good. I went back to buy more and the store was all out! I did notice on some of the other Sargento cheese packs, they have a $0.50 off coupon for the Balanced Breaks.

  • Saz May 21, 2015, 2:41 pm

    Love the painting! Where did you get it?

    • Caitlin May 21, 2015, 2:43 pm

      Home goods!

  • Stephanie @ Whole Health Dork May 21, 2015, 2:58 pm

    I love those snack packs! I’m always looking for gluten-free protein-filled snacks and these are great! Love the combo of cheese, almond, and cranberries!
    As unhealthy and American as it sounds, one of my favorite ways to take a break is to watch TV. A really good show or movie can transform you off to another place, make you contemplate all kinds of new ideas, and entertain you, just like a good book. I like that I can do it with my husband, though, compared to reading, which is a solo activity.

  • Aja May 21, 2015, 6:19 pm

    I’m gonna have to try those balanced break things because we eat way too many granola bars in my house. Henry is so cute! I can’t believe how big he’s getting!

  • Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood May 21, 2015, 8:01 pm

    These look like such a smart snack! I need to keep an eye out for them. Also, I though that cup picture was beer pong at first.. Ahh the college days

Healthy Tipping Point