Run & Brunch

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THANK goodness for running dates, or I may have never woken up for a run today!  Luckily, Meghann and I had already arranged to meet up today and bang out 8.0 miles in preparation for our upcoming 15K race.


We met at Wekiva Trail, which is almost 100% shaded for the first few miles (a running necessity in Florida!). Running with Meghann is so much fun because we just end up gabbing the entire distance.  Although it slowed down our pace slightly, it was worth it for the entertainment!


Here are our statistics:


  • Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes (8.0 miles, including a 0.4 mile cool-down)
  • Average Heart Rate: 165 bpm
  • Maximum Heart Rate: 187 bpm
  • Calories Burned: 765


I was only mildly sore from yesterday’s 10.0 miler.  My right heel feels a little wonky, but my leg feels better than it did last night.


Pre-Run Snack


I inhaled a banana + PB "taco" in a WW pita.  I actually ate this in the car on the way to meet Meghann.  It was pretty delicious, but with every bite, the banana slipped out the end! 🙂 Not good car food!


Post-Run Brunch


By the time we showered and drove to breakfast (Meghann’s dad came, too!), I was STARVING.  We decided to go to First Watch, which Meghann heard was a great b-fast place from Gina.  Gotta love food blog recommendations!


There was a 20 minute wait, so we stopped into Starbucks


I was planning on just having a Skinny Latte, but then… I stopped FREE SAMPLES of coffee crumble! My FAVORITE.  Starbucks has definitely got this recipe down.


The coffee crumble held me over perfectly, and by the time we got seated at First Watch, I didn’t even feel famished.  First Watch has TONS of healthy food options, and I decided on the Floridian French Toast (made with egg whites and topped with wheat germ, bananas, and strawberries).  It came with a hot fruit topping, but I just used maple syrup.


I tend to overeat at restaurants, so I had two pieces of French Toast and then put my fork down.  I gave myself a few minutes to decide if I really wanted/needed to eat the third piece.  I decided that I really needed the extra fuel and dug it! I prefer to make conscious food decisions instead of just mindless stuffing my face… that way, even if I DO decide to continue eating, I can do it without guilt.


Anyone else have any good tricks to prevent overeating at restaurants? Sometimes I split my food in half and doggie bag it before starting to eat. 


I hope everyone has a nice, relaxing Sunday! Our plans include registering at Pottery Barn (yay) and going to Whole Foods.  Hope we don’t spend too much cash!



Healthy Tipping Point